CC RESOLUTION 1509r 17978 1 WHEREAS# the ealarlem or compensation of the members of the City Castancil of the City of 81 Sogundo, California, are fixad by the electors of said City at the am of Fifty Do ra (450,%00) per mmth,, dacha and may not be changed a=e pt by vote of the elotong and WHMASp the salary of the City Clercv as muchip is fiz d at Two Hundred Fifty SSo re (0250,00) per mont ag and the 1 of the City Treasurer, a s sucho is fixed at Vas am of Two Hired Fifty S3aallaa ($"0.00) per mouth undor and pursuant to the pry Vialons of Ordinance So* 4% of said Clty, and gay not be changed except by ordiftnawadopted by the City Council and as provided by lawg and MRSASO the City Council at the City of 91 Segundo, ' California, now desire# to fim and dateraine the salarles or com- pensationa of the various her offioerm,, heads of departmutem and of the various 6aployeem of said City,, aV1 as hereinafter spat forth and to be effective om and 'after they Est day of July„ 1955; NOWs THMPORE0 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THF. CITY OF EL SB- OUND01, CALVtRNrA® DGF's RZPARY R&SOLVEo DECLARKs DE NS AND ORDER AS FOLMNS 8 791479 r A a - RATES AND SCiB;DtIIES SECTION 1. !"17CBD SBRIESs That subJeet to he other provisions, of this rssoluetion, each of the Incumbents og the ft1- lowing offices or positions in the service of the City of El Sa- gundo shall be entitled to receive for his or her car:rces, in his or her office or position, the respective rate or raters of =,,An- satton hereinafter met forth for his ar. her respective office or position, to wits (A). CITY ATTORNEY 36 .00 per coathg and in addition thereto, he *hall raceive'auch reasonable additional fees or eomponantion an Us City Council may allow for suits, appear- ances or proceedings before any Coact, Boards Tribunal, Officer our Commission in, or before which he has been directed by the City Council to act or appear, and also when allowed by the Council, extra compensation for bond issues of all kinds and for any service which the Council may deem extraordinary. (B) CITY CLERK, as such (Sla:tive - Fined) - $250.00 par o=tal (C) CITY PROSECUTOR $200.00 per Monthl (D) CITY TREASURER, as such (Elective - Fixed) $250.00 -Lar Motth; (E) RELIEF P9b OPERATOR (part LSmm3 $90 *00 par Z-2arttng SECTION a. BASIC ?M-STEP SALAD 9:MD E. MM-at orcapt as hereinafter specifically provided and subject to the other pro- visions of this rssolution, each saployse In the service of said City (other than those whose compensation In herainabova provided for in Section 1 of this resolution) shell be entitled to receive aryl there shall be paid to him or her, for his or h$r services in his or her position the applicable respective rate or rates of cos - psnsation shorn in the following basic five. -stop salary schedule Prescribed for the class in which his or her poeltion is allocated, to wits - 2 - � j-, t -3a - 3 - CI1T OF 8L SaMM -, BASK FIVF.BW SALARY SCHEDMZ sebodule stop $ stop $D p Stop N=bW . A � �� . C � " 3 0 215 241 272 1 259 272 286 2 272 286 301 3 286 301 317 4 286 301 317 333 5 286 301 317 333 350 6 301 317 333 350 367 7 317 333 350 367 385 8 333 350 367 385 404 9 350 367 385 404 424-4 10 367 385 404 424 446 11 385 404 424 446 468 12 404 424 446 468 491 13 424 446 10 491 515 14 446 PAS 491 515 541 15 468 491 515 511 568 16 491 5-5 541 568 596 17 515 %1 568 596 626 28 541 568 596 626 657 19 568 596 626 657 688 28 596 626 657 688 72G 21 626 657 688 728 750 3 Of the five steps set forth in the foregoing schedule, Step A represents six =nths' se:-:ice in the classification of the employee; Steps E, C, D and E each represent one year's Bar- vice in such classification; provided, however: (A) That the _ first advancement of a new employee shall be made at the beginning of the pay period nest ensuing after the completion of his or her - 3 - first six months of. service and thereafter advancement for such expleyee shall be for service in the classification in accordance tcith the atop periods as hereinabove centemplateda and (8) Each employes of the City whose compensation is determined uncor to *BASIC F1VZooSUP SALARY SCSEDMEiP at the ti= this resolution be- comet effective shall retain his or her respective status an de- termined by said schedule and be entitled to advaneement (if any) as therein sot forth, and such advancement to be effective at the beginning of the first pay period folloving.that in which the anniversary of such employests service with the City occurred, and thereafter advancement for such employee shall be for aerriee in the classification in accordance with the step _eriods as herein - above contemplated. It is provided further= (A) Thet in those, cases_tcacre no amount is stated in tae foregoing schedule under arty particu- lar stop, that In such owes the period of service in the first stop shown where an amount appears shall be for the period of six months and the remaining stopo shall be for the period of one year each= (B) That in those Snatances where an officer or em. ployee is commencing his +irst service to tit© 01t7, the City Coun- cil reserves the right to determine bath the elssasfication and the step of any such officer ar employee and the first stop so assigned shall carry a period of six r.=tha• service and any re- maining steps appurtenant to such schedule number shall be for the period of one year; (C) That the City Camail reserves the right at any time and in its sole dimcrotiont, to change the bchedele mudber assigned to any officer or employee and to determine the particular stop in .any schedule number which is to be thsrsaf er assigned to -9' any such officer or employee. -1- 7932 Temporary employees for whom no classification or schedule number is provided or whose compensation is not otherwise fixed in ' this resolution shall receive such compensation as the City Council shall designate in the resolution or order of appointment for such respective temporary employees. SECTION 3• SCHEDULE OF CLASSES BY SERIFS: That the fol- lowing respective schedule numbers are hereby respectively allocated and assigned to the following respective offices, positions, or em- ployments in the service of said City, hereinafter set forth oppo- site such respective schedule numbers, to wit: SCHEDULE OF CLASSES BY SERIES (A) ADMINISTRATIVE SERIES: Subdivision Schedule Number Classification Number 1. City Administrative Officer 21 2. Director of Public Works (who shall be a registered Civil Engineer) 20 (Said Director of Public Works shall have immediate supervision over Public Works Engineering, Water, Sewer and Drafting Departments, and shall act as Street Superintendent. Be shall there- fore, as such Director of Public Works, be ex officio the City Engineer, Water Superintendent, Superintendent of Sewers, and Street Superintendent of said City during his incumbency as such Director of Public Works.) 3• City Engineer (see 92° above) 4. Sewer Superintendent (see *2" above) 5. Street Superintendent (see 02^ above) 6. Water Superintendent (see R2° above) 7. Director of Parks and Recreation 15 (B) OFFICE SERIES: (Accounting, Clerical and Stenographic) 16 Accountant and Chief Deputy City Clerk 12 2. Account Clerk I 4 3. Account Clerk II 5 4. Account Clerk III 6 50 Deputy City Clerk 6 6. Deputy City Treasurer, $1.75 per hoar 7. Assistant Pur chasing Agent 0 B. FBI Operator - Typist Clerk 3 -5- - 6 - s�s3 W 5 3 9 12 8 4 12 6 6 5 3 11 9 12 3 5 3 5 8 12 7 5 4 8 8 12 5 12 5 6 9 15 14 0 8 15 9. Stenographer Clerk I 10. Stenographer Clerk II 11. Typist Clerk s•. (C) CnT OPERATION SERIES: 1. Assistant Building Inspector 2. Assistant Civil Engineer 3, Auto Mechanic 4. Auto Mechanic Helper 5. Building Inspector 6. Building Maintenance Superintendent 70 Carpenter- Painter 8. Custodian and Building Maintenance Plan 9. Custodian. 10. Junior Civil Engineer 11. Draftaman 12. Garage Supervisor 13. Laborer 14. Motor Equipment Operator 15. Park Caretaker I 16. Park Caretaker II 17. Park Maintenance Leadman 18. Sanitation Service Supervisor 19. Sanitation System Leadman 20. Sanitation Plant Operator 21. Skilled Laborer 22. Street Inspector 23• Street Maintenance Leadman 24• Assistant Street Superintendent 25. Water Plant Operator 26. Water Service Supervisor 27. Water Serviceman I 28. Water Serviceman 12 29. Water Serviceman III (D) SAFETY SERVICES SERIES: (Police and Fire Departments) 1. Chief of Police 2. Assistant Chief of Police 3• Police Captain 4, Police Sergeant 5. Policeman 6. Police Matron, $1.75 per hour 7. Fire Chief - 6 - s�s3 W 5 3 9 12 8 4 12 6 6 5 3 11 9 12 3 5 3 5 8 12 7 5 4 8 8 12 5 12 5 6 9 15 14 0 8 15 $. Fire Captain 12 9, Fire Mareball 11 -_� 10. Fire Engineer ioi J 11. Fireran $ 12. Firemen, Call Mez, `315.00 per .^:u *:r: vided, however, wMt Ln c£dcr G.: ' �i e - titled to reacive such call men sha- 11 hav a-. °..ends' az - cn J Cc Od '.ed or called ,.r z' c-- vice acsignmera *. -Ln ar'.'-_ WcT have raspanded to a-. : �� �t �; _ :a .:c•. t:lal a ) --m : for urhicil been ri.1de, c:t^.urring - iurir:_ 31:C« ._}. :lhich Chief s: Yis Opi: i Or ar3 d2L' lce : k.� •e.t asF3. -Ign ent yr ct:lAll alarm, 3:':". i • -l_ ticu!a_• drill, :.Frciss 4aV ;'"�.. °z' cls.::. so eye-used shall be Credit3C a_ ._:1':iA" Chic.. attonnvc fcr the :L T—ozez O'er dntC- _=r--rr coerer..ration hereunda.. (D) PLANNING SEER-LES: 1. Fembers Planmim& Com iesioil, ;1C?.:t+ Sm! per ma ting e'to .dad, not to e:x::aa tz._ E.e mesfi.ir"s e- ^;1end_Ir WcrtL. (E) REC_mai?CN SLri.1t c - 1 n1 ., t Trr ^..T� , s .? The ',rrvlsFr�...�.'J,\ Ll.:ii4a 1., fi� 9L'C:ip a:.r:..1 �� Ts..G_ service and Shall £ece-,v;i CoZMASe :imi tatref cr wn 711C s- ist 6 Mos. 7th .hrm ;_h 1:-.1! of Service, Laos. of 8erri.cs-, 2.cs. of Ser:rice; Rate rer Bin. Eats oar 'fa. Rates r "•'�< a He shall rerder fu!:. -tam ae_ I::arir._ Cqe moot.-:, Of July and August of each a`, ;.he salary zr .^.smrs(1za� `Z.._ here'• aab cmre set fortis; anc, + He shall render p_- '` -tLme :er•, ce durintg aa.ci_ re- Mai-Ling month of each calzndar yzar (ot* r thar_ the ^v, -�.� f duly and August; at one -half tale sal— f c:r com_r.•ans = :icr. 14� inabove set forth. 2. PLAYGROMD: (a� Fsioh sc ccl -„ resnd c..t:. ..rt ..2$ u...._. -. ?"e ..1'E tre :'s '.2.'u of r5 r :?oi:c2• 3aC31, fcr each (b) J.•s::.or Cc�ieg st�ceri:� acPlo-esi grcusd act'-­..Fist :.:asll recei:-A the au ,f .51.25 =er uou- fC-" e;ac': amr of 361-- iC3. V ?C1 ':xnr: and ,s•... urecdlCs . s-,Lm l - j a.ea yz!: s h:..L a1^ :.•. ^r..:s. ���• 'aot.-.Adiaa r 5 f n 1 R7 n 1%r sach 3ila i eycz i , -c wh_ le, Ru2 dri -isrs stall rso :ei -v,_ `iht? 8,mm of 11.90 .. 7 - 7985 a:+ D (f) Plunge Siuperviso.-r f Teaching Cireda vial resP-n.. s;bilit7 of the .1-ange and progrce=) :hall the sum ;f I .c^O per hour for each hC:lr gf' ::QVT173. (g) FUnge D._rec ^.tor Sha17 : ^3 d:8r aer`.'iae 2.n'« :::la.:.:.. r:ce_:e cor-r- snsa`-•aor, the for c3 i9ilL'i{ «: lgtII and su]-b- iat 6 yr u. ? gth $eCCI zn- i`C:1. of Service, Dios. of Service, of cez'vic'?, Rate per Mo. Rate �r Ito. ?a`..e Oe �O le'350.00 i+'r'30.QJ y7w2Je!� He s'hal:_ -rider `_all tiros 3e. -vice :;:lt tc. _:;ce_:Y 2 of the sa=ner ra:Catisn mor +t 13 cf a :ic -a the salary or com pen,:,a ticL• 3 -z el*n9 oO , fF. set f c. and He ahall render ?art --!=s zerv.de GL' ^i :: "::c, b each 1 rCiIIl3i:liri • r,1Ga:h of . Cas2nC�w' rcf.�" snG� ::;c.11 c compensated therefor on a nro rat-- baciw t o rates hereina.'oove spacified ?or the ' %-ime «aie'n t_ actually servez {n such c X -city. ' +. GTM ASru- f: it ,sigh Scl-cal 9 +1:1c.1s i:•! (b) (c) (d) V� as 2i.14+= � 'G-G4 Mi JLV sum ./:. 1 ��i i. ho; £3r each ho' r of sgs^ice. 3E'Jh; Ticset se'. = -ra shall raca_vE t a cl= cf ;tiw +r.G Y;ar hour each, :cr raca hour of ser:ica. Sa+sketba:l rsfaresc chall' :%scei-re the aum -sf :2.00 each par . •Te h Crock »tial - re- CjrL'�nd3�.:L1 upar'!'�8°:;.' ac i«a apon3 Yl .it j of the .n -m7as furl and Program) ita rr:c9_ •_ ve the ;, of ,12.04 Per hcur. r ts; Graf':, I:- xtr+_ctora When servi -ng an a mcathlr Daai , a:,all %.ceive tw3 3-aa of ;210.00 '3r mcnt (?.OL _ J %mot. .._.. .... ... .. 4♦ - 3 - (g) Secretalq shall receive the sine cf $1.25 PC!- hour for each hGUr of service randersd .°.3 zzc_.. (h) General Supervisor (Teaching Gradsr_tial : shall receive the aum of 02.00 --O-r 7.10ix for e: ch hour of service. (i) Softball UmPi; a zhxI receiv ; the c +.t=_' of per hour for each ho- -,r o_ 3. °LUNGE: (a) Attendants employed in p_uage ac4_'. t�E3s receive the sum of 750 per fiosr each, for Bach hour of service. (b) Dress room attendants snali receive the s-cm of $1.0 per hour each, Co.- each hou- of (c) Junior Life Guards shall receive the sur Of per hour each, for each :lour of ser•;?ce. (d) Senior L'Ue Jaards s, ' 1 raceiJe the six of ;.sr hour each, f r each uo..?" of service. (e) Machine Uasrators S'W14. nsce-. -Tv tae a-U-M of ','.r-: 'Jar hcur kchi, for szc= hcur of service. a:+ D (f) Plunge Siuperviso.-r f Teaching Cireda vial resP-n.. s;bilit7 of the .1-ange and progrce=) :hall the sum ;f I .c^O per hour for each hC:lr gf' ::QVT173. (g) FUnge D._rec ^.tor Sha17 : ^3 d:8r aer`.'iae 2.n'« :::la.:.:.. r:ce_:e cor-r- snsa`-•aor, the for c3 i9ilL'i{ «: lgtII and su]-b- iat 6 yr u. ? gth $eCCI zn- i`C:1. of Service, Dios. of Service, of cez'vic'?, Rate per Mo. Rate �r Ito. ?a`..e Oe �O le'350.00 i+'r'30.QJ y7w2Je!� He s'hal:_ -rider `_all tiros 3e. -vice :;:lt tc. _:;ce_:Y 2 of the sa=ner ra:Catisn mor +t 13 cf a :ic -a the salary or com pen,:,a ticL• 3 -z el*n9 oO , fF. set f c. and He ahall render ?art --!=s zerv.de GL' ^i :: "::c, b each 1 rCiIIl3i:liri • r,1Ga:h of . Cas2nC�w' rcf.�" snG� ::;c.11 c compensated therefor on a nro rat-- baciw t o rates hereina.'oove spacified ?or the ' %-ime «aie'n t_ actually servez {n such c X -city. ' +. GTM ASru- f: it ,sigh Scl-cal 9 +1:1c.1s i:•! (b) (c) (d) V� as 2i.14+= � 'G-G4 Mi JLV sum ./:. 1 ��i i. ho; £3r each ho' r of sgs^ice. 3E'Jh; Ticset se'. = -ra shall raca_vE t a cl= cf ;tiw +r.G Y;ar hour each, :cr raca hour of ser:ica. Sa+sketba:l rsfaresc chall' :%scei-re the aum -sf :2.00 each par . •Te h Crock »tial - re- CjrL'�nd3�.:L1 upar'!'�8°:;.' ac i«a apon3 Yl .it j of the .n -m7as furl and Program) ita rr:c9_ •_ ve the ;, of ,12.04 Per hcur. r ts; Graf':, I:- xtr+_ctora When servi -ng an a mcathlr Daai , a:,all %.ceive tw3 3-aa of ;210.00 '3r mcnt (?.OL _ J %mot. .._.. .... ... .. 4♦ - 3 - (c) I school students employed in the Crate Department shall receive the sum of 75¢ per hour each, for each hour of ' service. (d) Equipment attendants shall receive the •- sum of $1.00 per hour each, for each hour of service. (e) Craft Leaders shall receive the am of $1.25 per hour each, for each hour of service. P A R T I I GENERAL, AND i9ISCELLLMOUS PROVISIONS SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS: (a) "City Service" or "Service of the City" means service in any position or employment in any department, bureau, office or position of the City that is subject to control and regulation, either general or specific, by the City Council. (b) "Compensation" means the salary, wage, allowance and all other forms of valuable consideration earned by, or paid to, any employee by reason of service rendered the City in any position, but does not include any allowance for expenses au- thorized and included as incidents to such service or employ- Mont. (c) "Council" or "City Council" means the City Coun- cil of the City of El Segundo. neuter. (d) "Shall" is mandatory, and "map" is permissive. (e) The masculine gender includes the feminine and (f) The single number includes the plural, and the plural the singular. (g) The present tense includes the present and fu- ture tenses; and the future the present. N -- -9- i336 nwrid.-t-Z aw It 4LE 'Lay ise withlL V"� 7: c,f sorvice thtrerf .;z, ;.Iha---1 ta-zre the r5 R�nd hu, -��;nuz 2r 4 :Iry "l-h :lo a I Z,�facu-[ 1 --7:� v i - '40 st=a .... ... I., rnru� i�.. az.i celsv ;t su,C-z05,-,T- " j.0 . -Its: —; ;3 id sm C. lcafcz— �:ux 2-'*.Ztl D- and coqmnsation f or z ervi�- e -- van, L7 ii� frem the 16th to -.ty, last �.ay t-f eiz- sivs)., shall be. paid cm ::r cbz ins mcm '4P - ca=. I! ;En V-La i Jlzci -%il- t7 (;hc t:LM3 e.Wirg V. -.USi 7,;Sr Up to •uch 4 a Iz en-r -.26f, V she VC, czsfwin; Icyn pa-A loll- I 38 Al. 411LI:�l year 3 - r 5 l t�%e 16 dar3, and lx morth al.t. lavr:Ing �O I 38 year 3 - r 5 l t�%e 16 dar3, and lx morth al.t. lavr:Ing �O I 38 OR n al .7,k. !7:L Cu�:.Vl Z. -'71 OR G4W Y4 iSIM«.inw•a3f'yii.,.: .3.,w �`wiiz. P: rV'N, *t� &Y� :fi .�J�.� •w, Rl�l+txWw`YY• •v'.%:it: .&w Y!r Ci v • 30 sue+:%'ir emirs ".'.'RYp1r 'fir. .a: .. 4 i 5'• .0 }1 1. . . Yi {. t� w'.i W "G ;A `�!rlwii +, 7 -: ww'sf.� � «�� �fiU+:i+ .i•<'.� 'b:`.. i '.t Vttii.9' C.iJ y� �wKni"•i�i lwr K �J+iFw.z �iYyiy��' `��#•���y'� �fitWF+� %a x,�. JMVr T#�w :..�y_� .'Y,'J Si,..✓1ri -J' .,wy�.�ae� i.'�./t ����y?,,��y":Y �j(��� p�y�.n�9F yy��ff++`�`e.4 s. a1_ Ri: I 6f t1w..3 rr.:.a. J)'� In all 'usaa 1 .0 merm a ctle U- z Such nu and ztal.l zw-S-, z-Tmp2raril-,•. LkIZ. Such lo'.43'r-mer ficaticn, are W::�':.:..;- 31.8. 4�13��'9B ... .S'.::_'i:f �:_ .:.7 �!�' .^t�,_:... .,.t... _ , ho 1 .0 merm a ctle U- z Such nu and ztal.l zw-S-, z-Tmp2raril-,•. LkIZ. Such lo'.43'r-mer 7332 o .ceoas the z aro of bysaid. R �^��VQ Y.• ^t -V h ;•�Ji•Y _�..TT. V,••�LL�I. ..Y }J•.�.LL 1- +•o time of wach � 2.- :!F •y ai y._ �A�4Ji���0.4.:^i .l r'�iti��:rL: ho nf. Sii •b— r -rzie Jr ?- .°i::Z�•�.�:R• :':i L:.•:."'.... .'.i3 . - -''' .�r� E S•f�:lwi M�-iJ 15V �. . �%r...� t L.... �.. :1�: I:,t:J_�. •• «,'Tr�1•:.tid �Ci� �'A '.. IC: V •�l w[ti p'i7.• 3w r i'.itj �,l�lyy rrW 1 j4L�� V�11'v.i JC.t((I i./ ry� 4�•�. JZY'�1 �':il.� ra. .':il• •,, -Jti ..,_rr V.^r•�:• r ... ..1�'I ,,. _r ..:��.. i�U �.C;I,1:•+:'L('rt�r- - ;f`_L�1'•.1ui:.'- ,:i:.w .'��� �'3 _'I:.,_ i:'._...�_ - ' -17^ ..�.:L`i £� • re> j:;f,.:.i r r ";'s' 'iL . �::Y'.:.... : �:.: !: `� e..... ..._ ......... . i4' i er. n: -r 'wwa , �,�.'1: j.i. .�i£ �•K�:��..�. � �.'�J_ ,_. "a:V �''�.••'�rn,...... �:Tl•: . .i - t �7 .u44,_ r �IYtC. .U:�4.1 ...� _i �.�N nJ.,ti •'iCi.•K ���' i may_ •a r�}��• lei ra . / r v:� /3.l r..il .. LwL �...._ Ji 3. •. •��i{/Y i/i•LI �' �fi.i ... (:L3) Garage Supervi'or 3:t) 8iti; r 2, Flu Bing a d.::ls ^tr+ cad ys TaszeC cr,f a8 suah ( 1j) i im dzt- v%t'iv3 =11-ntr as all ox such oz %''_ce:s znd heads of uaparr.mmrts are requ::md, ?or the salariss,, oompensaticn.. Mo- nuneratroas, fees or pay, hsrei abova f1mad or Indicatad '.r this r-3solution, fix^ their razpsc'cira cis 8m�,` , .Ca:iif _ as may be -,ize j..ar -m .tte3 �y 3aw) prtner..y acd efi'_oisrt.17 c=dv-ct �md 5Y!pert"f.3a the :Sus'_ ^rss Pnd S:L"Airs of zitwir re- •:evon-i• 1:. ? Ci 4:—ni us said l'+ib f: hf. t4o^d sabodiile(i ca prumuJ -pz4od and nsmabLisned _Iran tuns :.c t:s¢ "m r..a * ;.hl.'zf rte.; Pa' ice of mid witC, 25 all 2:4 e.._i ::ia:alur:'.��. � � 5.•� »�:. d°...�..u=t s.1.JJwll '-,a sx ibjF's:. c :al:. .•!'cr 131- ; ad e:l?. t:to-jsa :i4?': i::al.sa N zarmber ul til6 :r °.? ': aigt`+t ho+rra° Stlrv_xc-j in :: r '=1) dzj w. mom that arty (40) per .jai:, sue mm'ac::r shall ba cm- titsad ;o reer:.*rr;, c the.. -O n :x ai: to "im or har a add:k t.Ajnf j, :.0 psi «3Flt :3wt :'O? 8 ?sCll at his or ter zmw5�r r: V-- cZ pay, ..2iwss (�) a °..Ct mu ✓_a.. � E izm •.:..lea. of ?cIic@ . r chs J +t ?t3�Et 3 al: iJ : a -cs of awd Cl—ti, or J, 3L'^.', «: $ ter - Aix, L" _ 01:Lze, ^w:I or''3. -,Ar -2 3e:.'-md. La n w,. a :'9,g° lex over- <.'':,8 9-h-:Z -33tC bilebal for such ceptslzs by the Chibf of Police; or (3) Such over -tize is nacessas;► to smabia Bach member to cosplete any investigation or re. Port, or conclud4 any other atriciai which ordginated during the reguisr�y ach®d;udd shift of such member i=ediately Frior to t:ae serving of such over -time. SECTION S. (A) That in addition to the salaries, wages, comoeasations and b2nafits cthervicm provided ::or in this reeolutiono each regular aff ics" c axployse cf ;he City of El Segundo, as a part o< :%is or hvr s$rvi ces rondo.: sci or to be rendered, shall be entitled tic r:eceivs, a::d theme ahaLl be Fmid to bim cr her during periods of Aysical disa3i_itp by r9ason of illrsss cr aicknese, or irjury or rsjurioa yc- currIng or srisI=& white hu as ans is an officer cr smpioye of said City, and nhieh accessitatas absence fr= du 7, a im s is accourdance with the fr.'" .Teupg sahe uis of d s&t j:.at.jr psw meats, to snit: 2.* EBTt:..E O',+ !`JSABI:.iTi PArArr;IjTd V'r T: in cases '.mars suca sL3tsi2.i "y In HGT ,- =- ,peUsxbI4 under the provisianr c:.° %he torssaa►r.3:s C.cmpOa tic :c :a:s14 the State of California, sack such officer &zd. c=AF Wee sya:l be entitled to one day's absence a:,d p97 for Each month of actual service (Italus V4 of Wriods Of 'bons fide disability absences) is the emglcvmszt of "id City, not to axc ad a maxisttm: of 132 days. Each dap of di3a_biiity :.save actaaLg takxM by any such officer or emple es aball ba doductod from h!z acciroculsted credit. aI cases wbera the provisions of the tAwXi.anas Ccm emsat t: LaUM L -,N:i �.alilornia, each such fl'= er and. l'ut er ththoas i• O whom the Drovi_ict :s i.f : .he .'r..ncr .cc„ ..F .1 Stz4e of C4iiC.ii.n1& (1iiP17 a'.id tiTG i8cb.'iri :J'ynC% iY aball be entitIled to is) n- w Cull pr��✓��wwratta sum c* n1 _cam +-tbe��'jci'sacyyYr regular sal.iw•f }�./•..` `✓iY�l .fir'• iisri .'IL1i�V 'C• ccsriod f c. :i: o% :`fOP3�$L i 9 ^3�3: �.3t: _`IY r7Ct:' emou`z•-. agwi ?;a L'he diftera,ea - satwaar . : -e - sgu.ar ilf.I=�.hly o- C'.��'��sati= os ssacF orilcs.- or RL"- plcy13 - ji_ Lz, sr.9.d Ci y and the amaze nt o:' e-,!: carw- pera = : :. :: _*tJcw -* d c7 an;' su-h z=-2 1,mss r.:::a- aa':t Vcr! .3 'Z.,xws %jaclwil-a of ^vdaca., ot':T` "iaal ilea °�it6�.�tatiu: a :�p�...�IC�•- c: '" 1tRffiiS ^•: ^` 't:; t :' :: lci« i'." a ielL'ermiLvd ' niz :3ov%+ ricsc f: 311t.'i1 - ff -- "Cqr a.' 4=pL*;y—. to iiii :`•: CG rZted i: iw 3zme lkazne- and hub j-ct to C-C'mi• Chat4?;3C, ;`.`_'ndl.E as dortb.. jc 721he Zi `tim. --3rim. r1Bg:- °.L`a::: �vl3S•'.3 :aC.'. 1 dcr z-a= rei. "I.irei this employe% .^a",--cii -ned --c sL.Imk,; to 3c^.2..i 011ar.S 3' :'idenct z;atrir. =actc. y to such C :tar :: st -owizZ time ato:llt oW :tiicari�e•5' � rasa- - aa;-.e ;: ,- ,a•�nta n- :��. :�:� �;• suc`� estg3atiro4 1ex :.J:?siva :� �Wai.•� 7lurgicat? ^D :iD.l `.='t is �. �a'I, xL�:.; oJ1M5� ar 3=l:- ;.,r v :iY3 QW -. . .. itait-he � �su :1l :.pci_.t, s ��. v n z�i; as it may be '.zmpassibls at the tlrs the amgular payrcl:z a:s. pro. -, seara;d to the :ata:.czl fecr � .p^�vsJt :.v cstum an various asount whit; tar heraa^'ter tosi:tzm sayable under the pror;_sizns of this Section q to vsrimis ijxp:uvs.,z '_�� a ; mac i_ -_:_; and causes, such,, for - sx=Apl., 3s twv the fixing of coa:°n3atim. zr- ?120 _ :ir C&S05 j the failurs or the siII.niC) ": i :) '.2 t- 0C -wi ,3. zlloe_SMC .. ceive his norkman ::- dw!': , 8t. �:, �.._+ such ca ses ne City Z:Z&1 . S_- = Jlidor -0 ( :iL��j +� {'� YV iYIA:� L.. than employes tha yeymnte gre "::dad :o • :r t _ - t31 such time a2 3vxh. ma,t ems c.3: ;t• rv)-crly City V isrly may t._ I %l ., \ai,.... iii lama W icli ma..r arizo :°.r 7.%? " i •-�: -. :x:.:23 ;T�3...._ i .^.3. y I- mroo .f� end `.h3 L��':i uC•.ir:�.��. J."a::; lip �r `.`. tL.H ii1J�12u �;�.' .. �:. j.'�.�ytl )•_ such rr?blema =r. .., �1 +J.'Y7 ^" , cn•.p a`•, i ...'1 ...,�. .. J 1...�.�.a�a ments 3 d criers A_ ,at: 't= op �'; -Sr .�_" :.c (y } Lar] 7r:i �; �s �^ �t.�:_'" .��X�..Cc'tn �: �,�y..._,. •.. r: .. ��..� ..:. v..- . .r or rragu: ampllO;fES" •.1' "re.1—ala:, resolir:.:!.or. shall Z:.a ^_F�"iYia yC' cL�:° :y: mow::. 2J ". ..!•.. ployese wh,_- 3." r p. u:' axr . • i ? _jri`^ : 21 v:: _ :1: 1 T "� t:: a City . The imr'a �:e ula ,he Ma:tmg o �.i� eSt0;rSinat -.%Ai :- 1141.: .:•+i naa.. t+ 3 e l i0yee "s than. C ,_vt -s _.t :,oath y e?:, et. J:. of such dotermi:,atim- (D) The Zou.."cil :%sarres the rid:__, to t,, ea;+rcised in ite discrsti . a. and _ *.'rcm _:'.:� *•• time {atgthe /s��xpun_Tse IC.f*f &'::.''. "I L',, rr't.pL'I �'Etpan 3L'.'C':;i ;1r,:•_r,.;¢; V V ap Vma before :L i GL..y J.'r �.i�.��� � ✓iL� siciaaa i 4: W7•�'.. i by ja- i9ztfl(i acid 1:i•^.'i:L+i_1 and v ":.�::.�.' :C.' Fi �c'A,_._:;'_ :� 7s!'• .C;:.;. examinations with rsspaat to 1:5 Jr _'le: Injury or/�i�njur:/s�se or//lisa''wwbilltry. The falllrxe zr x.9fusal j Of a•.v 81.1C.J BL7plCL"69 t` $�Y .•I %�.J.il•mr3 r:J herssIll My _ -"�3 mich exasi:,atiayat, may$ is tha iisc_ "stion of said C suacli� :c. ^fe z aa-,r further rights to Dcalva. disabili'.y t)aneP3te or - =.Pen- ._.... Tho xrittan y cp:y W any > _'.r to said Council may be ax=irt,d by _a_ki City Clark and City lttormay of wLi° wise ba confidential; pm- id►i:i' *'trevavt t"Ur. _ M S=*.= v_ Introduced in evade. ce in rimy action, c- 'rocaac:si! = _ to the subject of 31Ckaess, {_ la_as, i= "Ur, or ;. iSab .:3{. ? the patient or per3oa reJl °Q.`arez,. te, 8:1/«'• such or surgeon msy give to vimany 3 lbiact Ci examination and tha paysi• -al cond.4tior: o:: the emplo:•se referred tom anO each employ$: of Said acz:spt:L:a imt-- ov. went with said "it -e • by accept-L-4!- ssucln oapic.., - nt ..=:u .. au+z ing service ti:trsul+isr, dcx�c .: f1.?rf :� ;vum<iLics'ly c: ing:ly so agree. 3c.CTIvIY S11ut:.:.Z.:.._ Je .v:__ ^.�- �,'J'.�..��?�' �:`.'iw.L�.' -:—.. JS ... � .. lice =6 Fire 1}9r..• _:tment3 ail z; sw u "2i+;f•4. rt: ?aGLbl.Lca as provided by lwno ':8-'-h ... : 3i =z, psCyed in the serrict: ';)f .d = Sul4ect ;:c tat.40"M itersinafter ma'v i::;;.*, ?i , L'.: •$mJ -%S -847a a ?lat:E'tior Cf ter. X1.0 wor'ar- •%—p, '.Qi h fa.LI 3::,1=1"; 't r aach y 6$:• Os 3er'tice to sa:.1 i ;'e .ts '� O`Y: add s o;j: •n thee. in the Cass oi• zz? . ._P loyet* .%c i . said Citj far f4 —ftAsn iSj, y!- Z %i 0?" '_• eTt a :l`: ?it . t'ii:?L:._ or leave of absence wi n't r,& be increased, so as to prw• ld-,2a (a -! In the G:aac or one ca ... o;' fitt�tbJ 4:. vet:'.,._ r•- .�;;,sa. ib; i:: the e;aec ou ::ire Tim Orma ^:.ms a ti.%-, ad s� .no -. •.rkir-g periods, Mild (a) L- the cja3-3 2:' Sll o' "—W.:.' ? .." C I'C. i a ant aa» ;:loyaes o_° t.ua futeen 4,15) uorkin;; days. Oyear CS 562"ic3n Wilm -1.41 tae ::e-t " Z - mean the period of cae ;aar frsm za;' date dnr -.ne ,&i._ tM the officer or employee shall have been regularly employed. All vacations shall be taken at such times ps are agreeable to the head of the department, or to the City Council. Whenever the City Council deems it proper and advisable so to dos it may grant pay in lieu of vacation to any employee entitled to a vacation. Earned vacations shall not be accumulated for a longer period than for two years' service. SECTION 7. That the City Council of said City shall have the right and power, and does hereby reserve the right and power, at any time and as provided by law, to amend this resolution and to change; alter and adjust the salaries, wages or compensations of each and all of the officers, servants, agents and employees of the said City, excepting only the ecm- psnsation of the members of said Council, and each and all of the said officers shall serve during the pleasure of said Coun- cil or as may be otherwise provided by law. SECTION S. APPLICATION OF FIFE -STEP PLAN< Sub;ect to the provisions contained in this resolution, the five -ste.) salary schedule set out in this resolution shall be applicable to all positions in the city service, except those positions herein where the rate of compensation is provided for on basis other than the five -step salary schedule plan. SECTION 9. ADVANCEMENT FROM ONE STE? TO ANOTHER: (A) Advancement from one schedule step to another shall be automatic unless a'specific entry of unsatisfactory service appears on the service record for the officer or em- ployee affected, for the service period immediately preceding his anniversary date. If such specific entry of unsatisfactory service during said period does occur„ then and in that event no advancement in step shall b-a made, and such officer or em- ployes shall continue to remain on the service step occupied by him during the wricd to which such entry of unsatisfactory ly the _ %ty Ccy:.nC« `37 Specific - e:. of utica. - 21 - 7999 (B) In the event such entry or unsatisfactory service appears the officer or employee affected thereby, upon written Council. Upon such review and hearing the Council may advance or refuse to advance the affected officer or employee, ar_d its determination after such.review and hearing shall be final and conclusive. Any request for review of any such entry must be filed with the City Clerk within fifteen days after the officer or employee affected has received knowledge or notice of the fact that such entry has been made, otherwise the City Council may refuse to consider the same. SECTION 10. REPEALS; Resolution No. 14729 entitled: °A RESOLUTION OF TH3 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFOWIIA, FIXING THE COMPEN- SATION OF THE VAMOUS OFFICERS AND STEADS OF DEPARTMMS OF SAID CITY, AND OF THE VARIOUS EMPLOYEES THEREOF; AND REPEALING ALL RESOLU- TIONS AND PARTS OF RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH, INCLUD21ri RESOLUTION NO. 135$ OF SAID CITY, AND ALL RESOLUTIONS A=DATCRY OF OR SUPPLKNENTAXY TO SAID FXSOLUTION NO. 1,35$• ^, passed and adopted on the 15th day of December, 1454, and all resolutions amending said Resolution. Na. 1472, and all resolutions and orders of the City Council of the City of 91 Segundo, Cali- fornia, heretofore passed, adopted, given or made, with reference to the, or any of the, matters, subjects or things, hereinabove set forth or referred to, are hereby repealed insofar as the same conflict with the provisions hereof. SECTION 11. In all. cases where any officer or employee renders service to said City in more than one department, and the City Council has not designated the amount or percentage of the compensation of such officer or employee to be charged against any particular department or departments, the City Clerk may, for accounting purposes, determine and charge accordingly the amount or percentage of the compensation -or salary of any such of- ficer or employee which is to be charged to each of the respective -22- application therefor to the City Council, shall have the right to a review of said entry and to a hearing thereon by the City Council. Upon such review and hearing the Council may advance or refuse to advance the affected officer or employee, ar_d its determination after such.review and hearing shall be final and conclusive. Any request for review of any such entry must be filed with the City Clerk within fifteen days after the officer or employee affected has received knowledge or notice of the fact that such entry has been made, otherwise the City Council may refuse to consider the same. SECTION 10. REPEALS; Resolution No. 14729 entitled: °A RESOLUTION OF TH3 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFOWIIA, FIXING THE COMPEN- SATION OF THE VAMOUS OFFICERS AND STEADS OF DEPARTMMS OF SAID CITY, AND OF THE VARIOUS EMPLOYEES THEREOF; AND REPEALING ALL RESOLU- TIONS AND PARTS OF RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH, INCLUD21ri RESOLUTION NO. 135$ OF SAID CITY, AND ALL RESOLUTIONS A=DATCRY OF OR SUPPLKNENTAXY TO SAID FXSOLUTION NO. 1,35$• ^, passed and adopted on the 15th day of December, 1454, and all resolutions amending said Resolution. Na. 1472, and all resolutions and orders of the City Council of the City of 91 Segundo, Cali- fornia, heretofore passed, adopted, given or made, with reference to the, or any of the, matters, subjects or things, hereinabove set forth or referred to, are hereby repealed insofar as the same conflict with the provisions hereof. SECTION 11. In all. cases where any officer or employee renders service to said City in more than one department, and the City Council has not designated the amount or percentage of the compensation of such officer or employee to be charged against any particular department or departments, the City Clerk may, for accounting purposes, determine and charge accordingly the amount or percentage of the compensation -or salary of any such of- ficer or employee which is to be charged to each of the respective -22- departments in which such service was rendered. So far as rea- sonably practicable, such charges when made against the various departments shall be substantially in proportion to the service rendered such respective departments. SECTION 12. EFFECTIVE DATE: That this resolution shall take effect and be in full force and virtue on and after the let day of July, 1955. SECTION 13. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall enter the same in the book of original resolutions of said City; and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. Passed, approved and adopted this 8th day of June, 1955• ATTEST: 0ty ar�i k (SEAL) -23- i Maydt of ae ty o -- E1 Segundo, Calif STATE OF CALIFOMA, COUN^Y OF LOS ANCELES, CI7T OF EL SEGUNDO. j sse 1 , Nl eva 14. Elsery v'1� -lrr :_ of t•:ia 'i— C_' ar'..: r't gandc, do harob' C ^:2 E tliiat ` lu hacl.? ;' Li =? C. ISEfUoC'_ ^8 Of the Citv vOL' _CL.. O ., ,e said vity is xit•?; ..iat the foregoing res Chita cn, .sing ReEolumicn No. -X59 2—p Was passer and adop-wed ty t:.° v :2i:: _'_'t•7 io1 nil, apP.oved and a ga cc? by the of said i :ac -, ,a2 atteated by th :: CiL? Cle::i of said %it, , 1 at ii S i GtL.3T m3E'virg the .;.i1 Cc= r cil held on tae _„B h ds; of Jww_ 19 ��; and ;h:c the wme mas sc p2rms -,._2d v.d--Pr3t Lu ti1E7 °o? :ob-L A fl, 8 Zovnzi11T :an NOW: vcr c_i a None: @J /.iTYUBS 3,y hand a:iCi -te if- .7i•^._.� :. rich? :iS 8 .:.d l:tV this 8th a- : os' Jimea� i SZ i.1 Vail