CC RESOLUTION 1481dus.iti RESOLUTION NO. 1481. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI'T'Y OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, CONCURRING IN THE FINDINGS AND DETERPIINATIONS OF THE CITY PLAN- NING CO1vIlvIISSIOA IN IT'S RESOLUTION NCO. 202, A M DE-,NYING THE APPEAL OF JOHN E. GENTRY FOR A ZONE VARIANCE. WHEREAS, an application for a zone variance was heretc- fore filed by John E. Gentry with the Planning Commission of the City of El Segundo, California, and said application was there- upon and thereafter duly, regularly and lawfully processed and heard by said City Plannin; Commission, all as contemplated in and. under the provisions of Ordinance No. 434 of said City; and WHEREAS, after such processinT and hearin;; said Commis- sion did duly and regularly at a meeting of said Commission held on the 29th day of November, 1954, adopt the following resolution, to wit: "RESOLUTI, A RESOLUTION OF TIME PQISSION OF THE CI`T'Y CALIFORNIA, DE14YI7dG FOR LOTS 17 AND 18, GE \ITRY JN NO. 202 CITY PLANNING 0014 - OF EL SEGUNDO, REQUEST FOR VARIANCE BLOCK 72, BY JOHN E. WHEREAS, in the matter of the application of John E. Gentry, 500 Eucalyptus Drive, E1 Segundo, California, for a variance to move a second dwellin;; on the rear of Lots 17 and 1�, Block 72, a public hearing was held on 1�ovem- her 29, 1954, and WHEREAS, testimony and subsequent study brow -;ht out the following facts: 1. The property in question is a cor_ier lot, zoned R -1, and has a 50 foot f-ronG'r_�e composed orirrinall;y of two 25 foot froiina4Te lots. 2. The property has a one- farn_i_ly dviellinaz on the front of the lot and a detached garage in the rear, simi- lar to ad;iacent development on the sarae side of the street to the north. - 1 - and rr3. A precedent was established by Resolution No. 12�" of the Planni.nP Commission and concurred with by the City Council concernin;r Lots 19 and 20 at the northwest corner of Eucalyptus Drive and Pine Ave., in which the request to rearran e the location of two proposed dwell - ins on a corner parcel of property zoned R -1 and com- posed of two loins of record cUcl,_iavo a 25 foot frontal -e, was ^:ranted. The basis of this resolution was the fact that Zoning Ordinance 306, then in effect, provided that a dwellia ^- could be constructed on a substandard lot of record at 1;he time that Ordinance 306 becarne law. Therefore, `ego ,,d­ sirable direl i inns could have c;ee' placed on the Q ;'c(, -, colilbi.nF,d. 'ronta,c. The OrOpOSaI G_' tl'le rear -an -e the proposed nTelli.n *s so as to iron'., on two streets was more desirable to the applica-;„ and ';he City. 4. 'o prec - don't, r-s hecn established by the Con'is- sion or Council to allow two dwelling's to be construct =:d on a corner lot 7e;led. � -1, eXCept under, Same CirCUY�lSta 1C2O. 1" the cas.^ i.l qucsGlon, l ire, appllca -n , constr'a.ct;ed a sir- I e ami ly dwellin- straddlin ; tine di'✓idinlp line. 01, the two 25 foot lots. The property was developed and i,reated as a sin -;le 50 foot lot, as were '-he adjoinin,, pairs of 25 foot frontage lots to the north. Ordina ce ! +14 states in Sec',ion 1502, t'rnat when a common bound.,a r, separatin , two continuous lots is covered by a buildin, such lots shall constitute a single buildin,c site. %. There is no provision in the ordinance that per - mits preferential treatment of corner lots over interior lots of the same zone classification. THEREFORE, HE IT RESOLVED, that in view of above facts and circumstances, the Commission recommends that the ap- plication in question be denied, and FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the City Council for its information. 19 , Passed, approved and adopted this 29th day of [dovemher, /sf George E. Binder Secretary of tl)e City Plannin_„ Commission o'' the City cP E3. 81r - undo, Californnia fs/ L. A. Allen Chairman cU the City Plan - nin Commission of the City of El Semundo, California n. 9 WHEREAS, thereafter and within the time permitted under the provisions of said Ordinance 'aio. 434, an appeal in writing_ - 2 - from the decision and acti.orl o said City Planning- Co,umissian as made in its said Resolution iVo. 202 Was Duly ar(% rec'ul3rl' fil: ro with 'she City Cou,lcil of said City; and 4" HEREAS, said City Council did thereafter duly, re;,i - l.a.rl.7 a.rd law- �ull_ ?T pro.c -ss a''.d hcar "ic mattO.r Oi_' sal-1 a plica- tion, ter', lclion of Sa Ld. vi -SIT Pla>>n Lt1„ Commission in denyln: -r the applica i-o "'1 for Zone variaTlce, and t Te said appeal from Said de- C1sa Ol'. and aCtlOrl Of Said Con1ljTission as expressed iri s.`,id Resolu- tion Ivo. 202 of said Co mission, hereinabove set forth; WHEREAS, said City Council has now reached its decision in '-'he said r;a J,,,r; d0 ' ERE70E T'I CIT' CO'T, , CIL OF T1111 CI''" GI EL ' SE- ClJOCAL POR IA, DOES i s2 3sFSOLVE, D '_iv,L E A' M ORDER S D, -110110''13 SECTIO'? 1. Said City Council does hereby Pine and de- tcrirline that eac }l and all o!° the :facts recited in the preaml)le or' this resolutio-_ are true. SECIIO i 2. That. said Council does lere'by (I rr.a ''Poe samr9 1'inC 1_nR:S a!id Cie .. Ii rabi Ons w1Ln. r(.ference ::o t''1 P, apclic a 7. oo o sa_ii applican'. as ,sere rlad-. by _-ho City P1_nnin; Co_m,ission of said Ci y a. -d _.s in _i..ts Resol.aticn Ao. 202, hcrel- labove s'.G foru") 17i . ii ^, pre.:Irl'ole o I !is resoli.;%.ior; (2) sustain '',he f i 1ti r __s, determinal io -s a id -action of said City Pla.`rli,­ Conmi s- o1 �Ij1 r Ir r%C rei�ee co said applicat.i.ou, arid (3) in view o. 1e for. ;'oin" recitals, indiri _ -s aTTd e c_minaticPls, deny file said application o said applicant ar_d deny the said appeal of said auulican.t. SECi'IO:Af 3, slat the City Cleric is hereby authorized a ins',ructed to forward a copy of this resolution to the City Planning Commission and a like copy to the applicant for their files and informa'Lion in tro premises. - 3 - -vr- SEC IO:i 4. 4,',,at -,,!-.e City Clerk s' all cert i °y to the passage ail adop�lior t;7 s resolution; sra11 enter the same in tl book of c- --inal resolutions of said City; and shall mace a ' = r11J.te of the oassa?;,e and 'adoption thereof in the records o" proceedlnj's of th3 City Council o' said City, in the rninutes of t;,_e _:ieetin= at w'iich .-he same is passed and adopted. Passe(i, approved and adopted t;'1is 124,;1:1 day of January, 1955• i / `, ^ J /� C.�.�"-(_.' � ayor o. t ze City o1' El eZrundo, Cali-, or-111a. ATTEST: City Glerk (SEAL) STATE OF CALIFORCdIA, ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, ) SS. CITY OF EL SEGU:dDO. ) I, Neva Ti. Else-, City C1erh of the City of E1 See;>mdo, California, do Hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the fo.re,,e;oirie, resolution, 'oei.n7 Resolution 11,10. 1481 , was passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the 1,layor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City all at a re „ular meeting_ of the said Council held on the 12th day of Jarnu- ary, 1955, and 'that the same was so passed and adopted by the followin* vote: AYES: Councilmen Baker Frederick Gordon Swanson and Mayor NOES: Councilmen None; ABSENT: Councilmen None. WIT4JESS my hand and the official seal of said City this 12th day of January, 1955. City ClerJ: of the City (SEAL) El Secundo, California. 4 -