CC RESOLUTION 1472ry RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THQQTY COUML OF TOF CIT7 OF EL aEGUNrOo CKIMN0, FISIXG THE OOMPENSATIUN 0? THE VARIOUS OFFICERS AND HEADS OF DWRTMENTS OF OAID CITY, AND OF THE VARIOUS EMPL07EES THEREOF; AID REPBALINU ALL X1,rSOJJ9'IOM AND PARTS Of RE- SOLUTIONS IN COME ICT THREE40HI iNCLULING, RESOLUTION NO. 1158 OF SAID CITY9 A AIL RES00TICNS AMENDATORY OP OR 3V?P1SAZNTA1R tr TO SAID RESCIUTIOM MO 194, WHEREA89 the Marian or comPsnantion C? C. mambeza of tho City (do-ancil of the City of E SeEw.Ao, California, a0a fined by the electors of saii City at ohe eum of Qfty DollaTo ?150M) per month, i�mll ,aay an : e changed except by VCte of the electors; and WHEREAS, the ealary of the City Clerk, an auQho YE,) fined at Two Rwd3.­;�,d Fifty hollars 42,'�0,00'0 ppnr �'.acnth, and. the anlary of the City T•ea*urar, an svQ2 Q fiisj at the 6?:z at Two Hundred Fifty Dollara Q250.00) per moath inder and pursawnt to tho provisicna of OrKnance M 404 of a•id Tity, ard way not, be eluAngsd except by ordinunce adoptv! by no Qqf- Ccunzi! and au providni by 1=3 ancd WMEAS, the C07 Council of the My of E! Begundu, 00forniat naw dotn'_rez to fix and dutozzins Kv saiaries M., ccapsLeations of the various other offloora, head* of depart- mcats, and of the rarioua wiTloyees of aaid Cjty, all as Kra- irafter set forth and to be effective on and attar the Krz day v! Decomberp 1954; NOW, THEREFOKv TEE CITY i,'0UPTC_rL OF TNY CITY OF K SEGUNDO, CA11YORNIA, DOES HEREBY atSOLVE,,, AhD ORDER AS FOLLOWS: d MM" r1 ue) 14E S 320TION 1, FIXED ADMINUT RA{ IVS W&W That subject to Ve nher Pp3viaionr of thia reao- or lut ion, each of the incuslemn w,,' thr; A POISATS Vo the Servica of the 0ity of El SegunA shall be antntled to receive for his Cr bar onrviess, la hQ ar hea-,' fije, Mr position, the reapective ygta or ratas rf aomptn- jetfal hereinafter set farth for his or her respe"Hya office ar position, te wit'', (1) ADMISTRUIVS Orion ------ 165000 per manth for first six monoW service, th✓rsafter $70000 per moath; CITY ATTORNEY -------- ---------- 11035LOU Wr month, and in addition thereto, he At: I raysive suckh wasonable additional fs•a or carnenwation as tM, City Council mny AW Ar auiw, api varancos P i, 17"`oces67.3. More any QUM, 1GIS, Adbunal, officep or Wrission in, or befow V1114 he hvci been directod by the sit; conAah! w act Lr ap, pear, and alev w1an 0301M by ohs le wo"l, wzk""t for hood Houtz U! al YAM and ya- Sny service WhAwl ohs GOOM! may MW szorw*40, nVIT" !I i SITY '�wh islecy Sw Fixed) -W is 09 per rwnny' cyll-'f jsso SO ner annna far Ksac 20". Muntha" Sewlen ..tl ." u,, A on worth- CIA VREINURER, at 1,14 1MUSe-Med, 625001 OF wun wags (to to Wou') 13) BT13ET SWERSYSTOBIT Aeu f5f abcvva TATSR SUMIRTMENT Wee W shave) Olson SUPERIUMOM nhave'', 42LINY 151 GARAW ;par, Uime• —10.0C par santn- Ed I [a m I me tJ ht tt'an �6;11C)JV (I W Vi t" Via tc r tla'kk�' iii x" arN!"; b�l Wol g' 1s' C.", a a VJ. Ion -0 , lelvy' 'ex) a. !A'a-L "r., 3- 7 2 A 4WD 491 5 me 1? 541 568 596 425 651: 2Q 550 575 600 65�J 21 596 625 656 690 72:: Of the five scope snt forth in the frrogaing schedule, 1777 Stop A rapreaqnt�s a.Lx mely-thef *ex.VJ'c3- -in the c:.a self! cation af ,,;9 , 1 IR 11 lop the er logee; SUPS Gs 0 1) cx:d. IR "'Ch represent ohs yearvs vov- vics in awS Assaificition; provided, however; V ThAn W fir,�:3t adNqxzicement of a new ewplcyee shall be mAu at the begin- ning of the pay period ncxt %',uLsuing after the nompletion of n0i, or ion first sin montV of aervice ani theveafter Avancement f',ov huch employee shall be for service in the clLsoification Pt accordance with the atop periods as hareinabovo conteallated; and- 01 Each employee of the city whose compensation is detarmiled under the "BASIO FIVEMEP SAIAWY SCHADUE" at ths time this %"leoll 1.0n. Ixx ml _�anes effective sball retain his or h respectUn 3natus as by cald ochedula and be ettitled to ad-, 7annsntAt (if any) a therein set forth, and zYch hdvancameM to in nNective at the beginniag of the first pay period MY- in "hiss the anniversary of such evIloyee"s servW.. Idth An City orculred''IM thereafter advance"Ont Ar 5UGA on- plojec. Wall be for service in the Vaseificatfar in accordanm,' w0h tho stop pericds as harainabove sontemplat wed . K In pravided Pi,4-ther: (Al That in those wasee qtwrA qo �-jnolvi,'J-, in Azted In the foregoing nohedule vAer any partLvu- Kr step, than A 3unh caseb the period of service in the Arm-, ai'ap Z'h'x';BI Vrhorr, a'n zurount appears shall be for the period ol rP,, mnathz urd the remaining Weps shall be for th* paviod of o=� Faas whs, c :D That in those instancea Nere an AM= or em- Ployee is cowmvyning his first service to the City„ the City Gonteil reservee the right to devervine both %ha classification aW the atep of an7 such off0ar or employee an& Wn first slop 3n sealarod shall csr, a perW of ,ix montho" se.n?Ace and rsteps ppuxsPn4rt to siob sthadWe nuibRr snalk Ve Ar the PeNce of one yevr; '7 , M r,� fal.w., q "YoPt IOW FT. Schodw. awaver, are WwT r VIA= W ano IssignS W NE KUMVIly 'Ma YSSMve Wlwen, Pa.. valoqr, nr employmenve to Lho zervics of aaM OW, Aeronew.r son Enrol OPPOVIN avow remyeallya achsdalc .Unbsl,, tv wit! TA SPICY ORRIES: Clerical an''J. MCI W&I Y" lot W city jaunK+'s rlsirve5 the Nght at on'. "if it U 3 007 S to Cho: go W a Sclefule numer kv; LqoV to AaT MW or or umployes W to Qt,,wiai-a(� ',,Jine Accauu; Mrs .1� QV&P in SQUIl'o we tWoeafteT w YIN7 beyely City Cleric �07 Dejmty My Tpeaaursr, 11.75 ner hav'- ' uijund nu any Dint offio�.ir or oxv-1ayce,, rt for whom no MEW! nation ar Wudale Wonograllar Clerk numbar ir yrovided or Wore conpe==Wn Q no, We; Wo fixod in this reacluticu Vall r&veiv; ,t.: -". t``i casponzatict as We SMY WWI SAS71 Wtgxto U M ;WS:IWIWr or aycc'e- 010 UYURVION GREEN of ",.,.+F ninument for ou"S rwormMue rcmpvrary ISPNFYQSr Mlatant US il ingineer ascenon 3, samm OF onans BY ITRIF"I Nat fal.w., q "YoPt IOW FT. Schodw. awaver, are WwT r VIA= W ano IssignS W NE KUMVIly 'Ma YSSMve Wlwen, Pa.. valoqr, nr employmenve to Lho zervics of aaM OW, Aeronew.r son Enrol OPPOVIN avow remyeallya achsdalc .Unbsl,, tv wit! TA SPICY ORRIES: Clerical an''J. MCI W&I 110conmot & MIS Deputy, Accauu; Mrs .1� Acton", clarx 111 beyely City Cleric Dejmty My Tpeaaursr, 11.75 ner hav'- ' Wonograllar Clerk 010 UYURVION GREEN Kaynctov 2. Mlatant US il ingineer SaIlding Inspector 12 7,309 Builaing Official RuNding Maintenance 3uppriurn- de-at ra Carpentor-Pairter Custodian & Builvirg Kintenance Map, 10. Custodian junior Civil Ingineer Draftawan lK Garay 1upervisor it. Laborer 15. Motor Fq7Aipminit Operator Park Carstaker 1 17. Park Caretaker 11 5 Park Maintenance Lead mar, 3 ~:finitation Oervice Supervistr 12 Sanitation hystou Lead✓an 21, Thillsd laborar 22, Street Inspector Street Maintenance leawran Assistant stylet Superluts&ent L-! Water Plant Cpewto-.- Water 5ervic, $upervisor Water Serviceman I 26. Water Serviceman 11 19. Watex>s rvicersn III SAFETY anyms SUIES1 Wlice and Fire Tq)part,y,,��nt-,$) Chief of p0ice 2. Assistant Chief of Ponce Police Caytalz 12 bargeart U) & poliewaa & Police Matron per meat -r 1."'xre i'al'y"ain 9. Fire Marshall ii M 3. A31 4.35 ra, Lela, 7, irt o vrj- z 4 oj. C<Jl. az �agt o �,!7. 7's-hcdu.'Ic�. or calltsd t -ill ur "m- e acl-.L.urnl4,,,rlt in sl:.�ch ramt.1i , " ` nd a31-lI zll t roopondefi t C at leF,3 " for vi -.I'A% tall -mvI.r.g I'l-11.9f of �'rr rauo a o Z, I �. 1 1 :;Mizall bvv .t,h or actlla -A. z- "C'n ti.' n -u-vno X)4, �inf- atto- �Gr vleo ;:)Aod; not tc per, calvin.idar month. Tl�e o yy ZATIC', 0.1 o t -ug.t.f I�h J4:5° " c t �440,, 4 Q, 7?nte por in E0 1--zAr.,vo, utd Zhtr Alug,V"-Al sit, Li , vct� J, a ."Ja plp.- p".;v amploySd it h,,,.�u e zi� t f n, e,a c 'A 4:,, �ar 0 s -v -0 P, 0 2 a g-ro u.; I a d" 0 1Yd +wk.� -i 'fv o v Cum v lvv4a, ll,,nlT, 0.1- J5 C-, V G l n 'ghall rocoive_a --:4rT •or,� of riot r fJo; 4511 Bow Wr' :7'ac&Vw thv ann of 0,105 par "Iev�r J,.'e'r aaah tour of 0010100 1 andwU zo such; it! lounral 3awy0w Manblug Gradow;A3.) shaW. receW thi mum of @2""jo per Rxn'n' �'or aacn (V Wtba'i,l -j�uall receive We Uma s>f. 8,1-,"'0 per hour fur aRch haur of servine. Attwdaaug captured in Au R altivities ShUWr. recelro Cho caA A 751 5ar GO eac, for nac!'L hour W uarviwa. fb5 Draoring roe Wandants shall ?0UcLVG the Own of )IM gas AVU7 sach, fop wel of t'". Lilt Gualwa K"ll rocsivy U; Sam of §1.2' per hour each, for MW'a CA oer.'!ics. 30nivr LAS Guarda shell recelva thl aum of $1.1'' per tour each, Ar each hour of aorwica. ,shalll, roceive thu mum 0 41.50 per hour each, for each hour of aerilna� :1 nee Supervivar !Teaching CraienjYj - respow 31bility A thi plunge and programo ahall 123 w0w `aho tulf"' ut hour for sacti acur of sea-vice, fgj Plunge 'DLrecto , ,.vhall :,,­oridar aad Tacelve coap•nzallon therefor as Allows; l9th and uub- lot 1 Kos. 7th through 18th sequent An. of 3=101, Moz. of AMC, `€'T i,£.3., Rate Der Lc' 4350,00 Won, A Stull rander f Awc oarvine Vot so axneW 2 of :ho unmoor vanation mcnthr of most year :n s&i7 ev norpensation herUnKove aet foAQ , and He ahall rcndw part-Awo Aorwict diving wvV', :a✓= A each calunlao ycir and sholl W-_a W% ..Y on a pro i`:7. .. , AM at th',. rVow herainabovo tor tat. actually serves in such capawt7. 5,a; !,':�tgh TAW Wwll�w;s employ-ad i I lion shall thc auam of 750 yor hour each, !or zroh hour of wervioz, 144, Ticket seller, SAM 0000W Al stv of JIM new VES, for a ah hour of awrAck, jaAMM Warysa Ukall 00ewile t%e OMM of 12-OC canh per m.e. (d: supervisor (Tasching Arorwaial - xv- 3yonsibility of We gymnaelum aid Inagram) AEUL Tweive the Sam of 12100 per Air. CRAFT: Craft instrumo "Whex scryins on a MrMthly jank, shall raceive thwou W 121M, PC" MOUNflo'')o A, to III ot W, i7j! L t norm Cna 1 wnv, cux or It 1Y Oak 500V wz ; fey qprn 1 ux of x0m jev' 0 W, el 'J'T �:, r tv- 0, ki JI ... ..... .. AV IS .0"e it W-1­ I,. Al as t a io, r. IL Y`o -PC, ling.c�d, ar ­14 �1, IL ... i�:' UL a, - 3P.fl Oat n rn - r. IL Y`o -PC, ling.c�d, ar ­14 �1, IL ... i�:' UL r 0 • • If� -1-3 S 3. n�c ") the let to M 15 Ah af J 6G-.y ;;i:' Av.%sh V� on M7 IM or 4MVY in cz QQ 1 1 Vney rww k ., tM; All 01 ;a Go sy ajzxj% 1 xl NG my Vrcs a ry 01010 lots, Vh1o" MF czjmw 01 W00 tho City, ki sin Any aftina, dapArivit in trAW.' tN 1: " A t ai� Witt Us couts Ins, ohm R 4", too! ;41 3 5YNnbY Qr 1 bh• IrAvkh I%, to L. xVIVU", 04 eauloy SUB x lox of MY, a LQ07 Not me in NO wp�Aiqr OF xLsk TAYIX dM7 or Vyxh.�Any V14 0, 0 su jusNax." in on :0 1 -CCU, to:&, -4 1 wlw"P�- KII, 3a WA any arm 0 1 L on, .0;is, A. 1 010 .0 whiln ena 1 ro, %skl fN s .'in't :;� Irn' is Qr cc smm;. V; 04 urswurcess nr son ! _ .nrs; Svc we IQ ral, Tamar 1P ' and ell 3ush aim t v .x §Lks WC. taupe nxt,i: jk.}i ti:', 1 fov'UY144, 'AMIT it riball TO ZIMM; nowslaMr. W-V yan"PI led ;00 CC- 3. n�c ") the let to M 15 Ah af J 6G-.y ;;i:' Av.%sh WE OM V J� � �J L! -4 e UJ Ap .nw'l J, t "t"? e; JA y 5 h,. PF *z6 .:ti AV Von VIA in AS �c 1 V,ry mo Ana aw w ;Impt 11TWAMY in ; m U CIA 0 oil Of.m.&Y ky. sne—Z q Ire Un Unne 4 1 wvt IOL v n L IV � r 7 O-VaT 0, l IOW wo W anan"Onvow via 0 vxvp� on P Qe mmscs no ay Of"100 to �ry %Mplvy' 0.1010 w manw, W win KYOKAY. M." 0 1 abownew ZROV dw T for "'. 0, O"Ps "Insvt it bg O,is wSpay AG Lq.. - . t. &Ae 1 an 1=10011 Wk 19 N Wf As W 1A wall; policy -Z Von SUMIK0.01, EwOww :"�c NAMA11 Wv Ma loon Gon"8MI 1;QA tilt Ammysm Q W mirmv, Anmy AM! 'Z. w� I �"" too 30 Wvn ' m- nut 00 hyrusnaboy w Wan 0 On VA, Jam. ". t: tm LNUMV alrov, the ;aMcnoRr Any qw. PrOM Iva}"{, "irtaj-'�Lj Face =0 to renjul"4 =rviva to GO Sald Gky� VIKOW; 1191wern wd hand'i i,,,' ?St6 'qj lj;w� it tole Acio, 1� i a Orm- "w AIMQ to YwL'-t. ally per day Ir for MKMU thyn forty UO) hours par vwd"c rogersid 6D in SubdMilan was eviez and vsgulv"�'Icva In U'!�l OLZI Adstjonal O%Vvicl Is vaasnbW, cr to: Mar le Punoavlon! 41n) 11arshoulay Sam IV Mars 0.(' wrrtap, no, Ar Cho bUS, of Its OVIO Git'; at At Aay employee, WjOwl tte '�Vuld aisLi; '!Soua't: ;cr My houre per week WIM- abays vefesTod on, who I'D rwuro s zS j1* .9 6 of Si czaAry not a- aM411sau" rtslaning foe I ME - 0;' rIVA14WI lofya"U 0� o:t.'Si�v k" welve fox any auto nts ani oat-half tomou ti's PSY, s r ajonially, in any of too WWWOO, "'Nodugs, to W= 4 mary 1 haw, Anbuyvala: y 124 n; F o b v, a PAQ in Artalb•4 ", r tTANU�satsd Warikor At We late rX f. p,. Wm an the XWO of h1i i:n" b8ar 1"V31,1_1410 weg provided,, Uwavvey, �*"!l t'.hZI 1&vrn'lo �Qd 0220 an a Away, ths . ....... . . . `7817 '3,M "t. tt' �"or conpa' Z"l nt--' lf"J'v It t gio {4 uU t' ".3tW' ti ai ;rf i, Jz.,Jj is c �a tf": 4t -o r 1v 11 ;41.. 'i 'i ,I, uolr' AD plat I Lf I t A '3,M "t. tt' �"or conpa' Z"l nt--' lf"J'v 0 I • 0 auc D -vd,U t t w Iiv ,t 4md J. xj oil" 6 C V I: A:,O, fe vi cyq TLci,�h 1� ;r ""ad ;j4. "';x, AA 071 �q; 4 %A, "'0 Zwrij. lix Fin 1,4,*j V-«! t"o f, Iafa� q, C�Ihl f A,iti Vc !...'.L a 75 i.x. itcpr °cr.1 . A t € 4rk i °y r. ti&Lri _ „ .... �.. i °t, ,.., :. 'r a �.':i,F' :•S?kt i-+e ef'i a.�i .. "q" p:.. _. '` S: ,tr , i," Sm 'r. ;,.a ♦..,, t.. PiY �"il. � .3. d�a<I .t >R .. '`�"s`�'..17. tyc i a ;,f . & s ti.,..ax • F" ,'.'', rri.Il d' r. "...1�D,, of P .k. ,Cc ,,._ C`;hv qq s;.RU i`A% ,.. I ve . >:�.�r tP $r... .i'- &" T, " eq' I ? ?' L A -Al 0 tl'O 51'%r:'Oi 1 t3't. -vd Wo. ke", • I:: o aV iu ;lell'i kz c'3e kFb ^3 � a n sl 0 w 'a.) J1 6h"� • I:: o aV iu ;lell'i kz c'3e kFb ^3 � a n sl 0 w t c c v, ty 17 aar i= qt, 00 ry -'c'j f "I It �tr,f.o,t v.,t qu: YC VX w'zt 9. -cc 10 t OE" YIT c r's now, not 0 z n 9, R- "Ada nz un� � "4 : my it ow par 1 pvWTHY IV- Wayqw1jals WMpenlaWOL OLLPM191, 0 O� 11 W'. a We UK; SO, w 0009V al Mizonx 'r tr lake oj nil vwp�npu ohs PSYwoulz yvawid% Zan 1z QW Lectin, 5 vn Lit ouak vivo wA --tan ho propTrij zTeMped. 7 n yrovpAq ot she wivy cDnncjj toy sod M pkIN 11M, WK WA MY 1POSD ;. GO c! ho own"lainan W tic bit! Quw., 1werVO4 tas VIA, to cooblder, anch Probielaw aAd wynarvina o1c wynQ Ind *a ♦ awk wrilm aorta 1 to nownsarg 001 Propen In SO Prandbin" .v Q) "Paglijur CftinOX" Or "IQLJOY CUMM' WAP19yam" or InvAuler ampoyaw", a nual nq 00", ..on be camstnowc 't t. new maK umcovi Po ow ;00,40 MW Ins Tegwa&v wiplay"! 14 Una stay w Man Ma "PY39 M, 4":1 neai"� OW a, the Me rebarran On right, t, A .r% 4: c AP it: dwernmica", to at any 51we W Or= Me n onply " Win swlw= CC Sald MVP rMqKV4 any wch applaylz in tPPny ck'wly Sceused phyoickus Cc MqBCD up, 1AS as ant SUMN to 0 XMISMI gad P1141M, to US or '3or ox, disability. it emy na"?, �'alandt 1-­ limn it to any MUO ra', In too doperatiou WWI wwnos SWUM fvs 1gr r�gft3 to rswalwa WaRAMI *IionnL'�� t:� yo -, !.; 1 V% I D-1 -1 "Sq, a-, � 1,�l :', e,v - »!; :, its 01A Sha CROX" Y 4 ion TV 0 a Ants 7 row too a , .t_' It rfi*�'k� , I ...... 6, ZUi]k, Z i 11Y a.010 K vulator, a, ;nil �au : �j K Any:. 0 lljro� as rjurn we 11,1:111t; & On -.0nant z; Ownson Mlovv," w OGISS, sit S'A physmoi Wou .Ysainyuy vv0pausnog ohs cc bOW 110 x0o xy&lu? nPUM04 of Al MpAayqx WW'', 1W laa x �Opjniywn & buK City , cpOul SMIJ Op Non Z 0 void VQ , � ; wrisplut cw" �IPITFn�M , "n wry _y On : on, lWounalu, Q010 W!"Inp M.low! jo h, av part 2 %f'h-", i.hpx k an ni A * T L W. � 34220. M y AW, ­v�L .1 VIt- vn = i �o a 41, 1 a 0 of said Sty INA, v� 3 Z4 .1 06 Orl, �owvftar two WN. t, vi 'C AL Sal'" a MAWnHav of ;av UT VTOOng �Wys Al"; SY yNetv K,: I ion yaIr 10 ISOV! nz a ball vity, i to pr.v:aW&. "Oyxx, PC, � Coto SC O kav 4014 Vny On tAvmy hy vewry 01 t on WjAv , or a ;;�xottv Ath pay Ar Icon �VN r on MCV101 OhM nor �&Is on ni ) povida: M V kb� �,Ot Pot ."S Spar son- a nvnu,� ;15; Wurkin. on thu talc at too Fir, 1 �, . 1 , f . v V vw -king periods; and 42 *31 0;1, a 11MC n a o so-, playnoe A Sho GKOF a Mal WHIg atyw, Awbiv fow; W W ion Mah, ?9:'Inn cd con yTkp film, Rl"; ;J11% COIN oviv 44101 0 0 the o,Sjoer or employee; asue, =l have been regularly employc a Ali vacations sEzau be taken zt, zuu? t we : eau are agreeable ble tc t:4e head of two department, or to the MY i.+;",tvYlciE Whktii }cie•.r o4o GL&y Council deems to proper alsac': udvAable so to dog s may u',nt; pay in .t.ieu of vacation t:+€,`_- a'ay e3Ykpl6yeo entitled to a van n:$on. B rned vacations shall not be ancum0ated for as longer t eniod than for two ;_ears" so rvi:e,. �ti°ti`D,IM I x That the My Cou°.Cil od. se.id City Vall have the right and power, and does hereby re ryex7e the right and powox .t at any time and as provided by : awv to amend this resolution and to change, alter and adjust Vie salaries, ka*:4.g'F.s or coripensation«a al each an..6 all of the officers, servants, agent. agentv and employeis of the aa:id My, exca.js ":'inng only the raa- p4:rasa„?:ion of the mumbars of said C =ouniikl, and eavh ,asad all of the sold n . t: i ers shall 3ury e during the dp,t.et`.st::i`6 of said „oaaax- cil ov ac may be othsrxino provided by lav, OP ``JE -3 U P ,aNt. SuSJost, 4o W j: iZ'Y3Y.'`%5:.1i°aRa l:tii"k�oalned in this r"e's'?l°s34:.'"ono the .i:t..ve- «sq,) ,7c " »..zti.t. y :3t.:het.`ivle ass out in fii:' *.` j 005clution shall to apyJ,1,.c..Ka to CIA p4' n a. v a t.,.i: B in ohs city u..ry cs y #:°!i:K,':*pt Wove a1:t.1+io 3 (A) Advano�,tn%,znt f "roon Cane E,.t'a":'.U> stop to k3iL,Mt,b),< ah all bu annonatic u "_1S'.'.': p a .`.'.p?L":iS:if,' ??nt1 {;ry of : un�ai�afm vlYj t':vi e a l�.v an she service record fo h officer or ei M ::h; ;.er:vtice j;b€f". "iod e..;FSr1#:<(h`at a.✓ ;(.7re.ad:4i:`, Ma auniversary date. It such specMe entry of unsatisfa cry .'3iE`.2°t7.8c; d1t :.ig; maic pz.P°:3, <t(.' does oC.."<.er? ':ti'tan cnd izi ;o,',2r'2t„, nc aaai=ancume t;: In step shall be made,. and such officer or am— ?lC;} i5.;;: shall continue to )"e3i?,s,3)_Yt on the <bei': ice stop occu� ivA by <, dariibg than per =iod to Rich s1adili critry of Lane tlzfactf7`T^ by aproifi, r�s�51Lk9.7Cee 1 q'4hfF ric ":: %s i°w }'k & of G°orDa,n;,5c;•.ion :ii3+v�.,�.'pr pro" Wen en f o on s ,>a; :a� 5 WOO d';�iT,O t3i.an the w.r. e at; ep w^.."1,..1..a'a.�. y i°it� edvve: plan, (A) Advano�,tn%,znt f "roon Cane E,.t'a":'.U> stop to k3iL,Mt,b),< ah all bu annonatic u "_1S'.'.': p a .`.'.p?L":iS:if,' ??nt1 {;ry of : un�ai�afm vlYj t':vi e a l�.v an she service record fo h officer or ei M ::h; ;.er:vtice j;b€f". "iod e..;FSr1#:<(h`at a.✓ ;(.7re.ad:4i:`, Ma auniversary date. It such specMe entry of unsatisfa cry .'3iE`.2°t7.8c; d1t :.ig; maic pz.P°:3, <t(.' does oC.."<.er? ':ti'tan cnd izi ;o,',2r'2t„, nc aaai=ancume t;: In step shall be made,. and such officer or am— ?lC;} i5.;;: shall continue to )"e3i?,s,3)_Yt on the <bei': ice stop occu� ivA by <, dariibg than per =iod to Rich s1adili critry of Lane tlzfactf7`T^ by aproifi, r�s�51Lk9.7Cee 1 0 0 "025 W the event such Va"IT of ";wkninzactory war- nice appears the wfoicuv or 30PISyna aiventsd nherobyp uqwx cab tan. aplaication therefoo oo the ;',Ivzr Gruyxcils shall lu,vv Ve right to a rs7iew of said satry W to a hearing thvrvvo� by the City GouLell, Upon ivoh review and hearing the QuPwil way adiance or raihno to advance th, affected officer or em-, ployea, aW its dytQxyV*Q)n after nuch review and hearirg �Shall be tinal and conclusive, Any requeot f0v review of Lry- such ontry mnat be tiled 6V0h the City Clerk w1thin fifteen daya after the ofliver or employes alfr�atnd haa receive& knowl- edge an notice of the fact nhat zuc�i art ry has Wen madc, other- Was the City Go1xPc.',.1 may refuse to consiler the same. $ZHICH 10. RZ R-L145-'- Wolution No, 1358, entitled: REAT "A ABS01UTIAN OF THI CITY 30WIL OP TRZ CITY OP Q WWWO, CASIPOaNlho F-1117W Tffi,� C(IPIPEN- 8ATION OF °1'11E' TWOUS OFFI 'El "s A' r_ IE.RA"'Jls OF DEPARTMENTS Or, SASD WTY4 AME OP TS VARKUS =10YETS THERBOY; AND RE75ALINU ALL WOW TIM AND 0132 0? RE501PTTOYS 0 301MC7 TAWSWITH, 1MUDINA VISGIPTTON NQ 1271 OF SAT! CITZ, W AQ HEWITTOIS AMENDATORY OF CR 3UPPLEWWRY TO BAID RESCLUTICR NO. 1171011 Pi ass! 9nd adopted oa the 16th day of Wtaber, 1931, one W-. rasolurlo,E amending said Waolution No, 1358, and all insf2a- tiona and of the City Council of the Giny of El halisda, nallfirnia, haretofere passud, adcprod, givqn or We, vitl� referance te ohs, o7 any of tlhe., rreWey, subjecta or thln6q, herHiabove eat f=h or rVarrad to, era hereby repealed W- War as He imam conflict y1th tte pruyluicnv hereof. WWN 11. in all cazaa whox�c� any offloer or tal.- AW3 raudaro service ze said City in morci thun iu SiE4 daPa!1:,Paer,'tj and tas City loancil has not designated the amount or `ere ant- ags of the ccipensation of auch officer or waployee to be QarjeO njaiaas aay particular depantment or Kpart&ona, the City Clerl,: QAy, Tor a{..5 oanting purp➢sei, deterni= and ahanga accordingly the a,vr�unf, or percentsgs of the conqRneaticn or salary of &ny an,& affiv&r vc caployee WhAh"Jou be Qharged to oath of thc,; " 2 - El ruzpccti ,r- daWtz ej-,ts in which auch ser~ricea wa rendaradv So far a €. reasonably* .Craetica` . saxesh char¢ge€a whtaa Matte agilizas., t:.'rw sa -w i ce w e nde.r od such, respective de -pert me =nts a A'IF,- That this resolutioa >;ha l Wt;,ke elf -act arzt be it Pull force and ;),Ivt aa, cza A-lid .a� -• a° +;h t 16th day Off. Dote dbe >.r, 1954. aEC't!IOF 13 � That the City Uork aahz -1.1 car,4` f t to the pai�sags and ad.c.,pIt'Lo a of th s re soluf 'ioav, shall once r the aaln,u .zl the I-aOR of €rlf,`,Mai, re~eo3.aad:3.orm cif suAd CitJ and shall uaakea a, Ialinu-.e of the 9& &sage and adortioa thereof in the reesc °dz :k*' t2ig procaed *nga of ti.lan City Cotuacil o%' said City in the ,Ii €aw utF s Of the wonting at Yx"a.ich tha saran is paisod and adopted, -19! Fa iand, approree. and a4opted this 15th day of Dpcom? ter, pro t i S A.i: ,,rill m 7827 &CUNT7 BF LOS AAWES, to. C"Y 0, "L ""N" 1, lava I- SIM& lKY CleTh Of the CK7 Of EI Se- gundo; lalifor•ia, do horaby cQytify thzt the ri'�o'Le numbtx o.' members of tho City Oouncil of the aRIA City is Rve; that. tie facagsiqg being Resclusan %. 1472 We pas4ad and adopted by the aald City approved ancl, pro tem sigaed by the mayav7of seLid and atteated by Ve sit'! Clark K aviz*; C•itr, ull. at a rcgalar magoting of the nald Cov-,,- VI tell cn tka 15th day ol December 19 54 and t the se-ta wat to paaactI and adoptod b-,,r tho vote,,. E Frederick. Swanson and Mayor 211.tem Gordon: None. WaKITt Councilman Baker and Mayor Selby. 11TAIN ir hand 2aj the aflicial veal o City 040t of December '1 ,__54 I 0 T� 'YI i - PA EJ, Sagiiultto,