aI,,C dTIU �P Ii.T��1iTI�i� ,!u, 1289
n L,�)L-UTICn �F TH JT'PY J�_JItJlj, L1!' "I,J
ITS OaJ A rKz, PiJAfI(,A Ur
,�I`PnII� U. ".1J JI'PY.
fhe City vouncil of Lhe Jity of .Jl J,31-undo, .''aiifornia,
pLSrsu-,nt to tn.: provision, of the "street Gcatiun r_ct of I�41",
beir,L F.irt 3 of J,vi.35on ; of the otraeto and Iijnway„ Jode of
the )tate of Jalifornia, does hereby resolve, Jeclare, uat r-
.r.ine _ma order as follows.
1. _`'hat it is the intantion of the Jity Joun-
cil of the L;ity of .:l .ieo,u:17o, Jalifornia_, to order the
of tra following portions of Jalifornia street within the said
Jity, to sit.
(1) Th ,-t portion of Jalifornia street in the Uity of
Jl jegundo, Jounty of Los ;engala�, Late of Jali-
fornia, dedicated by fract =o. 15455 as per reap
recorded in 3ook 33c, t'agas 42 Ord 43 of apo, in
the offica of the Joanty 3ecoraer of �aiJ r,ounty,
!ascribed as follows-
3eginnino at the northerly terminus of the ,dot
boundary line of said Jalifornia street us
sho,,ni on said r>>ap of Said Tract Lo. 15455,
Baia terminuo being; also a point in one southerly
boundary of Imparial highway as shown on said map;
thence alone said vast boundary line of �aiu
California itreet .youth Go OOT 45" -lest 20.00
feec to the beginning of n non- tangent curve,
concava woutheasterly aria havin,; a radiu,3 of
GU.Ou feet, a raaiai to said curve c,t said
point bears ':orth Oo UUt 45" east; thence
.:)outhvestarly along said curve 31.42 feet;
Chance northerly along- the northerly prolonga-
tion of the Ja.;terly line of aid Jalifornia
atraet to tha bcginninS, of a tangent, curve,
concava iouthea�t--rly an,? having , radius of
40.00 feat, sail curve being also tangent to
tl:e southerly line of said Iriperial "Highway
at the point of beUinnin;, of this description;
thence Ii-ortneasterly along said curve to the
point of be.vinnirig.
(2) Tha portion of Jalifo
aeguride, Jounty of Los
dedicated by Tract E-o.
3ooh 33�, Pa es 42 and
the Jounty ctecorder of
r,nia Jtreet in the Jrty of Ll
.arv-eles, Jtate of Jalifornia,
15455 as per map recorded in
43 of t_apo, in the office of
,aiu county, describe! as Col-
- 1 -
3eg4nning at the ,"ortheriy terminus of the
Jest boundary line of said California :Street
a, shown on said map of said Tract i;o. 15455,
said terminus being -- also e point in the oouth-
erly boundary of Imperial ?- Iighway as sho m on
said m, p; thence along, said Jest boundary line
Of Baia California street jouth Oo 00t 45"
,est 10.00 feet to the beginning of a non -tan-
gent curve, concave douthwesterly and having
a radius of 40.00 feet, a raalal to said curve
� t s,3i J point 'Dears i,ort,h Oo 00' 45'r mast;
thence .iouthea6terly along said curve 31.41
feet; thence J,ortherly alonr-, the :vorth-eriy
prolong :�tlon of the '"estorly line of Nail
California atreet to the beginning of a tan-
gent curve, concave Southwesterly and having
a radius of 10.00 feet; said curve being, also
tanbant to the joutherly lire of said Iu,perial
Highvray at tha point of beginning of this
description; thence i,orthwesterly Lion- aaid
curve to the point of beginnln_,.
For further particulars as to the proposed vacation
of said portionso of said California otreet, reference is hereby
made to a reap entitled, "LAP )HC,.:IJIG P .EPIC %."o OF CALIFC,.twIA
PP ^�YT YkOY�oLll TL V�.C.vT�J UT�DLR it ovLU'PICId vF IpT.SL4TI L Nu.
1289 it on file anu open to public inspection in the office
of the City Clerk of the "ity of Ll Segundo, California, in
the City Hall of said City, located at 103 Aichmond otreet
That the hour of 7.00 otclock p.m, on
,,eanaoday, the nth uay of Marsh _ 1:53, in the
Council Chamber in the City Hall, X03 kichnIond :3treet, in said
City, be and the same is hereby fixed as the time and place
when and -.vhere any end all persons interestea in or objecting
to the proposed vacation of said portions of sand public street,
may appear before said City :ourCll and be heard and offer
testimony ana submit evidence in relation thereto.
�LCT1 3. That the Superintenrient of Street,, of the
City of s'l oegundo, California, be ar.d he is hereby directed to
cauae M',-UPICL uF J'71 ;, "T V.v;,. >T U (Pt,_1TIl,Idj UF CAi=(jhidIA 3T3'3FP)
.ihJ CF PU3LIC H�;LRI,10 THi i[r LII", to be post,eu as required by the
- 1 -
saiu ".,treet Jacation `.ct of 1;41 ", being Fart 3 of ,division
of th., 3tr -et,3 ana Highways Joia of the ,State of Califorri�;
and the Jrty Council of ssia 'ity hereby elects to proceed
under the provisions of said Ict.
o�JIIVi� i.. ihat the Jity Jlark shall certify to the
passaga and adoption of this resolution, ant shall cause the
same to be publ ishad once in the Ul :;egundo Fferald, a ;weekly
newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in
said City and hereby designa: ed for that purpose by the sail
::ity council.
P�soea, approved and adopted this 11th_ day of
February, 1;53.
Jity jl:
( j, A-u )
- 3 -
i_ayor of the City o
11 aegundo, Lali= ,Isa
,T.,T;, LF IIi'� iifI ,
CuUNTY u_F Lvo AI G�LLLiy ) Sa.
I, Neva Elsey, City Clerk of the City of �l de-
-undo, California, do hereby certify that the ,hole number of
members of the Jity Jouncil of tM said amity is five; that the
fora,oing resolution, being resolution of Intention ,�o. 1289 ,
was passed and adopted by the said Jity Jouncil, approvex and
sicned by the i,,ayor of said City, and attested by the Jity Jlerk
oC said Jity, all at a regular meeting of the Baia Jouucil
held on the 11th gay of February, 1553, aria' that the same was
so passed and adopted by the follow3 ng vote:
AII,.i: " ouncilmen Baker, Gordon, Swanson and
Mayor Selby;
Councilmen None;
n»vie'1: Councilman Peterson.
:dI9'h,:aj my hand and tha official seal of sail City
this -1�,th, day of February, 1c53.
- 4 -
City Clerke C ty of
.mil Uegundo, \;alifo ia.