CC RESOLUTION 12856 )DI.2 V AL3GLUTIO,d Nu. 1285 w RL +'C-LUTII,:I LF THi, CM CGUNCIL C,F TH,; CITY uF EL 3EGUNDO0 CALIFL.b IA, I���LiullINU RLoULUTIuN NU. 1007 (E3TABLIoHING RULES, AEGULATIGN3 .tND AATL3 FuR THz LITER DL- PARTIi,E'NT LF oAID CITY) LF 31cIJ CGUNCIL, nY Al1ENDING SECTIGId 6 LF SAID RsoOLUTIUN III. 1007, A3 ZI 11DLD. THL CITY CGUNCIL LF THm CITY OF EL SEGUSDO, 6ALIFC3NIA, DGES RESOLVE, DLCLAAE, Dt Tj fft -INE AND GRllER : S FGLLO',,'S: entitled, SECTION 1. That oection 6 of Resolution No. 1007, "A RESGLUTION OF THE CITY CGUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LL SEGUNDO, Ci,L,IFCRNIA, L:STA3LI,iH- ING CERTAIN RULE3 .,Nil REGULATIONS ;dITH REFERENCE TG THE .SERVICE OF "TER FRU, THE EUNICIPAL dATLR,ibHK3 SYSTC1,4 OF SAID CITY; FIXING A SCHEDULE OF RATES TG BE CHARGED IN CGNNLCTION ' :iITH SUCH SERVICE; AND REPEALING RE30LUTION NO. 340 AS filliENDED, AND ALL GTHER REoGLUTIUNS AND PARTS OF RESGLUTIUI\k�IN CONFLICP THERE - 'dI TH . ", passed and adopted on the 15th day of June, 1c,49, shall be and the same is 'Hereby amended so as to read as follows: "SECTION 6. The rates and charges for water ser- vice from the municipal waterworks system of the City of El Segundo shall be, and the same are hereby fixed and estab- lished, as follows: A. GENERAL RATEo: (1) For meters billed each month: (a) that the monthly minimum charges for water involving the following meter sizes are hereby fixed and established, to wit: (b) 5/8" x 3/4" Peter - First 500 cubic feet }1.50 (c) 1" 1�eter - First 500 cubic feet..... 1.75 - 1 - (2) C-T,) u3- (d) 11" meter - Firsc 500 cubic feet ...... 2.00 (e) 2" Eeter - First 500 cubic feet..... 2.25 (f) 3" keter - Fist 500 cubic feet..... 3.25 (g) 4" P=eter - First 500 cubic feet..... 4.50 (h) 6" I�.eter - First 500 cubic feat..... 6.50 (i) 8" 1ti,eter - First 500 cubic feet..... 8.75 (�) 10" i,eter - First 500 cubic feeL ..... 11.00 (k) 12" IJ,ater - First 5GO cubic feet..... 13.25 (1) 14" Meter - Fist 500 cubic feet ..... 15.50 (m) 16" i,eter - First 500 cubic feet ..... 37.75 (n) For water used in excess of first 500 cubic feet per month: First 3500 cubic feet �_ Y0.10 per 100 cubic feet or mayor fraction thereof; idaxt 16,000 cubic feet - X0.0; per 100 cubic feet or mayor fraction thereof; ;text 50,000 cubic feet X0.0825 per, 100 cubic feet or major fraction there- of; 14ext 60,000 cubic feet 0.0675 per 100 cubic feet or major fraction there- of; and All water used in excess of 130,000 cubic feet � �O.G6 per 100 cubic feet or ma,;or fraction thereof. For meters billed each r,ao months: (a) That the bi- monthly minlraurn charges for .eater involving the following meter sizes are hereby fixed and established, to wit: (b) 5/811 x 3/4" n.eter - First 1000 cubic feet....... 3.00 atar - First 1000 cubic feet.... 3.50 (d) 11" i•.eter - First 1000 cubic feet.... 4.00 (e) It Leter - First 1000 cubic feet.... 4.50 (fl) 3" b_eter - First 1000 cubic feet.... 6.50 (o) 4" Later - First 1000 cubic feet.... ;.00 (h) 6" Leter - First 1000 cubic feet.... 13.00 (i) 8" ieter - First 1000 cubic feet.... 17.50 (j) 10" Lleter - First 1000 cubic feet .... 22.00 (k) 1211 b,eter - First 1000 cubic feet .... 26.50 (1) 14" Deter - First 1000 cubic feet .... 31.00 - 2 - 69`„14 (in) 16" I,.eter - First 1000 cubic feet .... r35.50 (n) For grater ased in exceos of first 1000 cubic feet per month: First 7000 cubic feet x0.10 per 100 cubic feet or major fraction thereof. idext 32,000 cubic feet. ,j0.0cl, per 100 cubic feet or major fraction thereof; Next 100,000 cubic feet � x0.0825 per 100 cubic feet or major fraction thereof; Next 120,000 cubic feet � 0.0675 per 100 cubic feet or major fraction thereof; '111 water used in e,ccess of 260,000 cubic Zaet �_ X0.06 per 100 cubic feet or major fcaction thereof. 3. JU ?I , PHU ilUi: ,�Af�- (1) All water used on construction gobs, other than pine line trenching, will be metered and the cost will be the same as that set forth under "A. G6I'L:tAL HATr;U" above, except that a re- turnable deposit of ,x100.00 for each meter muat be made upon application for sane, which deposit shall secure the payment to said city of any damage suffered and of charges for wa- ter served ani which hao not otherwise been paid. (2) The rates for flooding pipeline trenches are hereby fixed and established as follows: (a) For first 100 lineal feet or less of pipe trench less than six feet in depth Y1.00, plus 1¢ per lineal foot over 100. (b) For first 100 lineal feet or less of pipe trench six feet or more in depth 72.00, plus 2¢ per 'lineal foot over 100. J. AUTGI,A ^lI0 FI,t bP31IV'IsLLRS, FI3L HfJ. ANPS, Al J FE I.ANHvLE FLUJH TAPIP,S rates shall be and the same are hereby established ao follows: (1) City Sewer Lanhole Flush Tanks, automatic, per tai,k - :1.00 per month; (2 ) Automatic Sprinkler Syster -, - 2 ".... ,x1.00 per month; Automatic Jprinkler System - 3 ".... 1.50 per month; Automatic Sprinkler System - 4".... 2.00 per month; Automatic iprinkler System - 6".... 4.00 per month; Automatic Sprinkler system - $".... 6.00 per month; - 3 - 69'95" .,utomatic Sprinkler system - 1011..x8.00 per month; Automatic sprinkler oystern - 12 "..11.00 per month; the monthly rates herein specified are to be applied to each such automatic sprinkler system. (3) City owned Fire Hydrants, per month." o�,s.:TIO,N 2. That said otesolutlon ,,o. 1007 is her:!)y amended as hereinabove in Sect-Lon 1 of this resolution .,et forth. mediately. 3ssTT�d1 3. That this resolution shall take effect im- 3,CTIGN 4. That the City clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall cause The original of the same to be entered in the book of resolutions of the Jity of 31 jegundo, and shall make a menu 'le of the passage and adop- tion thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City coun- cil of said sity, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. Passed, approved and adopted this 28th day of January , 10,53. 'Tli�'T: City Glerk (SE _1L - 4 - Tiayor of the , ity of7` Ll Segundo, Califortia. 6e396 JTITF LF TIFCR ?,TA ) ) JC'JNTY CF JITY c . L ,SaU�UIJO(— ) I, 1.eva 1. nlsey, City Clerk of the City of L1 3a,-.undo, California, do hereby certify that the ,i-hole number of members of the Jity Jouncil of the said City 15 five; that the forego- ing resolution, bein„ Hesolution No. 1285 , was passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the i -ayor of said ,"ity, and attested by the City :.lerk of said City, all at a reoulir meeting e the said Jouncil held on the 28th day of January _, 1;53, and that the Barrie was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYLO: Councilmen Baker, Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and Mayor Selby; Councilmen None: ,3012,1"T: Councilmen None. JIT1iSS my hand and the official seal of said Jity thi7 28th day of ___January_, 1953. ( dr,dL ) - 5 - Jity Clerk of the Jiwy of El Oegundo, Ialifor ia.