CC RESOLUTION 1284r t M t F, M RESOLUTION NO. 1284 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ATJARDING TO DROM- BEVIS- INDUSTRIAL E0IPTrr1NT CO. A CERTAIN CONTRACT OR ORDER FOR THE FUR- NISHING OF A CERTAIN TANDEM ROLLER TO SAID CITY. WHEREAS, the City Council of the Oity of E1 Segundo, California, has heretofore in the manner provided by law, duly and regularly advertised for bids under a notice to bidders en- titled, 'tNOTICE INVITING BIDS UV AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPIMENT -- PURCHASE AND SALE. ", dated December 17, 1952, which is now on file in the office of the City Clerk, open to public inspection, and hereby referred to and by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof, for furnishing said City with certain equip- ment for use of said City; and WHEREAS, at the time fixed for opening and consider- ping said bids, to wit: the hour of 7:00 o'clock p.m. on Wednes- day, the 2lst day of January, 1953, said Jouncil did publicly ,open, examine and declare all bids received; and -71HLREAS, at said hour said Council dirt take all of said bids on a certain tandem roller, in accordance with adver- tisement therefor, under consideration until the hour of 7:00 otclock p.m. on Wednesday, the 28th day of January, 1953, and referred said bids to the Director of Public Works for tabula- tion and recommendation thereon; and WHEREAS, said last mentioned hour has now arrived and said Director of Public Works has made his written report and recommendations, dated January 28, 1953, to this Council with reference to said matter; and - 1 - 6.58 "JornplyinS Frith your published notice, dated January lst, 1;53, inviting quotat ons on - one only 3 to 5 Ton and one only 5 to 8 Ton Pan.iem 3oad .rollers, quotations to be opened at 7 :00 o'clock P.i., gednesday, Janury 21st, 1553, ,Je offish to say that we propose to furnish and deliver to the Jity of El jegundo: "1 UP Lf - LTC 8 Tuf4 TIr:HAI Li, J , sIIT TP.1;Jil,• 2C LL�3 (a) r_anufactured by ualion iron Yorks I.anufacturin(1- Jo. (b) .".s per Ualion bulletin attached hereto. (c) Cotal working weight ,ilthOLA ballast, 11,50 pounds. (d) Total working weigh, .with witar ballast, 17,54( nounda. (e) Jompression on compression roll, without ballast, 130 Lbs. (f) Jompre,sion on compression roll, with water bal- last, 207 Lbs. (�) 3uide roll, 40" diameter, 50" wide, Timken bearing. (h) Drive roll, 52" diameter, 50" wide, Timken bearing. (i) ,,'heel base 124 inches. (,7) Jcrapers on all rollb (k) Hydraulic steering (1) Lngine, 6 cylinder, 3 -5/16" bore, 4 -3/8" stroke, i,odel x226 ontinenual, gasoline, 4z(, cu. in. ,displacement, 43 3H1? at 1500 UP ­ (m) Tranbrt15. ioii 2 spaeds in each direction, .pith forward and reverse clutche,l. (n) road jpeeds, Low x.23 mph, IIsgh 4.65 r, °H. (o) sprinkler system, 130 gallon water tank, cocoa rats on all rolls. (p) root brake' on operatorls platform, brake Jrurt on compression roll. (q) Final drive, heavy duty double reduction spur .e,irs throuch a counter shaft to corapres,�ion roll. (r) Uffter; -electric starter with battery and gen- erator; voltaga regulator, oil bath cleaner, oil C lter. (s) LarT,e capacity tool box. (t) ,nglne compartment provided iith hood with hasp 'or lockin (u) r'aint, two coats JuLux cnraha (,range. P�iIJ , each . . . . .5,750.00 PLU.D, 3 � Jalifornia State :.,ales Tart 172.50 rC�ThL PRIOR, incluaing Jalifornia dtate .;ales Td-, . . . d5,52�.50 r'or trade -in ofJity ownel 7 Ton 3uffalo- Springfield Roller, Jorial ,,10620 _150.00 'd,T P I03: _.fter trade -in allowance ;5,772.50 :;et cash thirty (30) days after ielivucy and acceptance F.�,.3: Jity yard _l1 d:;gun,lo, Oalifornia JsLI'J_,,-tY: Immediate from Los Angeles otock. — 3 — 6983 " ".de are enclo „ing our certified chec"�, in the amount of ;600.00, in support of our bid, and Irish to thank you for the opportunity of quoting. Very truly yours, 3,Cu Jig- �3,'VI�- I,aU�i_tl�L �a.UIPi..� =�T SL. 1. talker �. �. "Johnnie” i,lLi„ i Sales Department ft and ,rhieh said bid was submitted in rasponse to and under the terrils, conditions, provisions ana roquirement� set forth In said WA,TICL T'TVITIia SIDS U:1 AUTUi_UTIVS ANU S.L.. ", be and the same is hereby acceptad as to iJU. 2 of said no- tice inviting bids, at the net price (after trade -in allowance) of „5,772.50; and the contract or purchase order for said equip- ment is hereby awarded to said LQUIPI'S2NT CU. In the event that immediate delivery of ,same equipment can be made, a purchase order may be issued therefor, and in such case it will not be necessary to execute and deliver a formal contract. Said bed is now on file in the office of the City Clerk of said Jity, and said bid so on file is hereby expressly referred to and by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all further particulars. SnCTIC41 5. That the iiayor and /or City Clerk of the City of L1A "e�,,undo are, and each of them is, hereby authorized and instructed to execute ,any written evidence of transfer which may be required from the "ity of nl oegundo to the said succa,s- ful bidder of any used equipment, credit for which is to be ap- plied on the purchase price of said new equipment, and maka delivery thereof in due course. OC,i] 6. That all bids received on I'',;,_ NU. 2 under ,;.aid notice inviting bids, with the exception of the said bid of 3'�C J,�- ,3�VI5- INDUSi3I,A L i QUIP,, d P U. , be and the same are hereby - 4 - 6900 rejected; and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and -instructed to retUrn the checks of all unsuccessful bl,dlern. ,j -CTTL, 7. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage ana adoption, of this resolution; shall cause the origi- nal of the same to be entered in the book of resolutions of the said City of 51 oegundo, and shall make a minute of the pa3 age and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, it the minutes of the meeting at Aa ch Cho aaro Zs passel and adopted. Passed, approved and adopted this Oth 4ay of January, 1 � 53 . TTuoT: City Clerk (wAL) "ayor of the City or 1 undo, California. 6991 .iThT�, C,r �IF ufflIIA, ) ,(( -TtTY t,P Ll.d dlquLLL�o, JITY l,F �'L S�CUi�DC. ) I, Nava M. Elsey, City Clerk of the City of i.l 6egundo, California, do hereby certify that the wriole mw bc;r of members of the City Council of the said City i. five; that the forego)-r- resolution, being Resolution Jo. 1 <84, was passed and adopted by the said ;ity jourczl, approved and signad by the i,:ayor of said City, and attested by the City ilerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the L$th day of January, 1953, and that the same was so passea and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Baker, Cordon, Peterson, Swanson and I"ayor Selby; NULL: None; ABSENT: None. ZTl !t o3' ray hand and the official seal of said City this 29th day of January, 1953• Jity Clerk of the Ci y of El Segundo, Califor 'a. (S1`tiL)