CC RESOLUTION 1261RESOLUTION NU. 1261 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL C,F TIIr� CITY OF EL SEGUNDC,, CALIFURNIA, ASV.aRDING TO VERNON PAVING CC,. A CERTAIN CONTRACT FOR THE RESURFACING OF VIRGINIA STRFET AND UTHER 3TRdGTS, 'J-ITHIN SAID CITY. _ ;vTHEREAS, the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, has heretofore in the manner provided by law, duly and regularly advertised for bids under a notice to bidders entitled, "NOTICE INVITING BID` FOR THE RESURFACING OF CERTAIN STREETS IN THE CITY CF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA', dated Septem- her 10, 1952, which is now on file in the office of the City Clerk, open to public inspection, and hereby referred to and by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof, for the resurfacing of Virginia Jtreet and other streets, with- in said City; and WHEREAS, at the time for opening and considering all of said bids, to wit: the hour of 7 :00 otclock p.m., on sJednes- day, the lst day of October, 1952, said Council did publicly open, examine and declare all bids received, and did refer the same to the Director of Public Works for report and recommenda- tion at its said meeting; and aJHEREAS, said Director of Public Works did at said meeting report and recommend to said Council that the bid of VERNON PAVING CO., the low bidder, hereinafter referred to, be accepted; and ;TIIrREAS, said Council approves the report and recom- mendation of said Director of Public dorks, and has reached its decision in the said matter; N(u4, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDC), CALIFORNIA, DONS RESOLVE, DECLARE AND DETERJ�IINE AS FCLLU.JS: - 1 - JECTIGN 1. That the bid of VE3IdGiu PAVING CC., of 3200 Last Vernon avenue, Los Angeles 5S, California, d:jted (ctober 1, 1952, which said Council determines to be substan- tially as follows, to wit: "PROP C61, L FOR RESURFACING VIRGINIA STREETS IN TH, CITY LOS ANGELES COUNTY_, "Honorable City Council City of E1 Segundo 203 Rick woad Street El Segundo, California "Gentlemen: FOFd�- ST3Lr.T AND OTHER OF EL SEGU 00, CATIFORNIA. "The under5i -ned declares that he has examined the plans -Ind specifications, and read the accompanying in- structions to bidders, tNOTICE INVITING BIDS?, and hereby proposes to furnish all materials and do all the work re- quired to complete the said work in accordance with the plan entitled ?RESURFACING VIRGINIA STREET AND OTHLR STREETSt and bearing the number ?ST- 7001?, and the Speci- fications and Special Provisions entitled tSPECIFICATIE -NS FGR THE RESURFACING OF VIRGINIA STREET AND OTHER STREETS Ii'[ THE CITY OF H;T 3EGUNDO, LC.S ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA? and bearing number ?3T- 70011, for the unit price set forth herein. UNIT PRICES ITEii DESCRTPTIGN -UNIT PRICES �'JRITT -N TN V (jRDS IN FIGURES 1. Asphaltic concrete leveling and resur- fdcing course. Five dollars and fifteen cents per ton.1 2. Asphaltic paint binder (`Pack Coat) Thirty -five dollars perton 35.00 "The undersigned further agrees that in c,�se of de- fsult io executing the required contract, with necessary bonds, within fifteen (15) days, not including Sunday, after having received notice that the contract is ready for signature, the proceeds of the check or bond accom- panying his bid shall become the property of the City of El Segundo. It is understood t'iat this bid is based upon completing the work within sixty (60) consecutive days (excluding Sundays and legal ho= iidays) from the date of execution of the contract. "Enclosed is Bidder's Bond of the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company for 10' of amount bid payable to the City of E1 Segundo, State of California, which is not less than ten (10) per cent of the aggregate amount of this bid and , 4hich is given as a guarantee that the undersigned will enter into the contract if awarded to the undersigned. The - 2 - CZ'. 'I urniersi�ned further agree that in case of default Cn exe- cutir- the required contract, with necessary bonds, within le the limits above specified, said bond or check And the money payable therein shall be Corfeited to and become the prop- erty of the City of El Sel -undo, State of Californsa. "Signature of bidder VEiit X)N PAVING CC. (SEAL) /s/ Richard �d. ,ip_� inkel _lusiness AddreSy 3200 E. Vernon Ave. Los Ar. -eles 58, Calif. Telephone Niunber LU 0107 — Contractor's Liceo3e °dumber 40845 "Dated this 1st day of October, 1952. "The following quantities will be used in comparing bids received "Item 1 Asphaltic concrete leveling and resurfacing course 2,71 -8 ton; "Item 2 Asphaltic paint binder (Tack Coat) 18.1 ton-311, and which Yazd bid was submitted in response to and arder the terms, conditions, provisions and reauirenients set forth in said "NOTIC�° INVITING BIDS FOR THd RCSURFACING OF SLRPhIi� STRE3TS IN TH CITY OF liL S GiJNDG, CALIFORNIA", be and the same is hereby accepted at the prices set forth in said bid, which is now on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City, and which said bil so on file is hereby expressly re- ferred to and by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all further particulars. SECTION 2. All of the work to be done under the contract hereby awarded, and all of the materials, supplies and egt.ipment to be furnished by the contractor thereunder must in all respects be done, performed and furnished Zn ac- cordance with Plan No. ST -7001 and "SPECIFICATIONS FOR RESUR- FACING OF VIRGINIA STREET ATU OTHER STREETS IN THE CITY OF nL S.IGJNDO, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SEPTEI�,3E` 2, 1952 ", of the City of El Se undo, on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City. — 3 — SECTION 3. Said Contractor agrees that all work will be done in accordance with the provisions of the "Labor Code" of the State of California, and to pay not less than the general prevailing rates of wages in the City of El Se- gundo, California, (the locality in which the said work or improvement is to be performed) for each craft or type of work- man or mechanic needed to execute this contract for said work or improvement. Said general prevailing rates of wages, so ascertained, declared, determined and specified, are herein specifically set forth as follows, to wit: CLASSIFICATION HOURLY WAGE RATE Laborers, General or construction----- - - - - -- -41.94 Operators and Tenders of pneumatic and electric tools, vibrating machines and similar mechanical tools not separately classified herein--------- - - - - -- 2.14 Asphalt Raker and Ironer---------------- - - - - -- 2.14 Fine Grader (Highway and ;.Street paving only)- 2.04 Guard and /or Watchman ------------------------ 1.$6 Air Compressor Operator------- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- 2.24 Concrete or Asphalt Spreading, ,Mechanical Tamping or Finishing Machine Operator - - - - -- 2.52 Potor Patrol Operator - including any type of power blade----- ------------------ - - - - -- 2.66 Roller Operator------------------------ - - - - -- 2.45 Skip Loader Operator - wheel type------ - - - - -- 2.38 Screed Operator----- -------------------- - -- - -- 2.21, Tow Blade or Grader Operator----------- - - - - -- 2.38 Tractor or Hi -Lift Shovel Operator----- - - - - -- 2.74 Tractor Operator - bulldozer, tamper, scraper or drag type shovel or boom attachments - - -- 2.52 Heavy Duty Repairman------------------ - - - - -- 2.52 Heavy Duty Repairman Helper----------- - - - - -- 2.12 Driver of 'Plater Trucks under 2500 gal.- - - - - -- 2.07 Driver of dater Trucks 2500 gal. or more - - - - -- 2.15 Truck Drivers of trucks of carrying capacity of less than 6 tons------------------ - - - - -- 2.02 Trick Drivers of trucks of carrying capacity between A A 10 tors--- --------------- - - - - -- 2.04 Any classification omitted herein, not less than--------------------------------- - - - - -- 1.$6 All foremen not herein separately classified shall be paid not less than 17', cents per hour more than the highest classification over which he has juris- diction. Provided that one and one -half (11.) times the said prevailing rate of wage shall be paid, except watchmen, - 4 - r_ flagmen and other non - manual workers, for any tine more than eight (8) hours during any one (1) calendar day where such work is required in cases of extraordinary emergency caused by fire, flood or danger to life or property and for time or Sundays and seven (7) legal holidays, to wit: New Yeart-� Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Armistice Day, Thanks- giving and Christmas. The minimum rates of wages hereinabove set forth contemplate in each 2nstance a working day of eight hours, and it shall be mandatory upon the contractor and upon any subcontractor under such contractor, to pay not less than the said specified rates to all laborers, workmen and mechanics employed by them in the execution of the within contract. The Contractor agrees that its attention has been directed to Sections 1810 to 1817, both inclusive, of the California Labor Code relating to working hours, and to Sec- tions 1850 to 1854, both inclusive, of said Code relating to employment of aliens upon public works; and said Contractor does hereby agree to observe and be bound by each and all of the provisions of said Code Sections in the execution of this contract. The Contractor, insofar as said Contractor is legal- ly required so to do, must observe and abide by the provisions of all laws of the State of California and of the United States of America relating to contracts of the nature contemplated herein, whether herein specifically mentioned or not. SECTION 4. Said Contractor agrees, responsive to the preference of the City Council of said City as expressed in the notice inviting bids, pursuant to which this contract is made, that only American -made materials and California - made materials will be used in the work or improvement con- templated under this contract, all in conforrrity with the - 5 - provisions of Sections 4300 to 4305, both inclusive, and sec- tions 4330 to 1+331p, both inclusive, of the Government Code of the 0tate of California. SECTIUN 5. That all bids received for said work or improvement, with the exception of the said bid of Vi�y,('Y PAV- ING GL,., be and the same are hereby rejected; and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to return the checks of all unsuccessful bidders. SLCTIuN o. That the City Clerk shall prepare copies of this resolution after the passage and adoption thereof, and shall affix to such copies at the end thereof, after the ClerkTs certificate, forms for the approval of tha successful bidder and on the part of the said City; and such copies of this re- solution, so approved and accepted by the successful bidder and by and on behalf of said City, shall constitute the con- tract for the resurfacing of Virginia Street and other Streets, within said City, pursuant to the award hereinabove made; and the J';ayor of the City of El Segundo is hereby authorized, on behalf of said City, to affix the approval and acceptance of said City to such contract, and said City Clerk is hereby au- thorized and Instructed to attest the same on behalf of said City and to affix the official seal of said City thereto. S,ECTIGN 7. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall cause the oriEi- nal of the same to be entered in the book of resolutions of the said City of El Segundo, and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. Passe a, approved and adopted this lst day of October, 19'52- . PTTEdT: Nayor pro Lem ofr the City of Ll Segundo, California. City Clerk (S&-�L) XUIJTY L�F LC-, ANGSLLS, ) 33. ("TTY CF ;JL 3GGUNX. ) 1, Neva i,.. slsey, City Clerk of the City of --,1 Se- gundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing resolution, being desolution No. 1261, was passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the 'Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meetin- of the said Council held on the lst day of October, 19;2, and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: 9YES: Councilmen 3aker, Swanson and i�,_ayor pro tem Peterson; IIuaS: Councilmen None; A33ENT: Councilman Gordon and Rayor Selby. '4 Nr;SS my hand and the official seal of said City this 2nd day of Cctober, 1952. (3 E"-L ) - 7 - City Clerk of the Cit of r�l Segundo, Californi A. y4I