CC RESOLUTION 1169r� mOLUTION N0. 1169 A R23OLL'"T OF OF TM CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALM - RNIA, MMING TO "XTUR'Y OIL COLT JTT A CERTx.1N CONTRACT FOR Tn FURNISHING TO SAID CITY OF ITS GASOLli'IE AND XnCSMrS R30 ,UIRMT19TS R30 , FOR A pERIOD OF OIJE YEAR O{TE�rMICIYG OY THE 15TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1951. 7flMREAs, the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, has heretofore in the manner provided by law, duly and regularly advertised for bids under a notice to bidders en- titled, "NOTIC E TO BlI MS OF, GASOLIR'E, GIL, LUBRICANTS AND LIVID ASPT�.ALTS, TO HE FURNISE3E'D THE CITY OF EL SSGUNDOw CALI- FORVIA ", dated June 21, 1951, which is now on file in the of- Tice of the City Clerk, open to public inspection, and hereby referred to and by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof, for furnishing said City with the items referred to in said notice; and IMPEAS, at the time for opening and considering all of said bids, to Witt the hour of 7.00 o'clock p.m.. (California Daylight Saving Time) on "s ,Jednesday, the 25th day of July, 1951, said Council did publicly open, examine and declare all bids re- ceived; and MAS, at said hour said Council did take all of said bids under advisement until the hour of 7.00 o'clock p.m. (California Daylight Saving Time) on Wednesday, the 1st day of August, 1951, and referred said bids to the City Clerk and the Engineer for checking and report thereon; and AREAS, said last mentioned hour has now arrived and the City clerk and Engineer have verbally recommended to this Council that the bid of Century Oil Company be accepted as to - 1 - 8 647*11 111=1 2. Approx. 15,000 Gal. "Trade B Gasoline sum of `i0.184 per Gal. C= 3Y PIi 17, for the state Brand "IiyIF 13. kpprox. 300 Gals. C'_PT_TR :'erosene, for the sum of Slate r,.nd ;;0.155 per Gal. "_ '_s re;alred it =,ic 7otice to 'jidders'', there is enclosed Cashier's Checi (1f125857) in the a_^!ount of OFT? AOL- L_`_'S (' "1CO.00); and as further reiuiired i_� said T'CT'ICE TO BI -)D R2 ", bidder hereby st-ites tnat California "Sales Tax" or "LTse Tax", or any other z:tate or ederal Tax IS in- cluded in the amount bid. (Se-- rider tt c_fad) IS ­ 'T "BIDDY: Cy T ^TJR CI1 CC P iT. Y `I /s/ 1841 East 29th Street `d+ long Beach 6, California Tai? . ?._ . Lonp. leach 4 -1663 "D_=� cTuly 25 1,51 "Bidder aereby st.ttes that ;rice as -above bid, e rclude Federa= Excise taxes �n_l Galilornia t,te ales tax, but include 11ali2ornia 'Late Fuel tag c+nd znv and all other taxes le,,ally cliargeaole in connection .pith furnishlnF and delivering ti_e roducts herein pronosea. "California state ,ales tax is a,r_•licable and will be added to the prices above quoted on all of the -,roducts to be fur- nished, except gasoline. "In the event, by due oroce:,s of lava, of th-_ irc�o34tion of additional taxes or an ncrease or decrease of rresent tc, es applicable to the products curc_lased hereunJer, t.,ie prices herein quoted payabl, to the City of Se -,undo, rnclu3inc maxi,au- ;rites, :vill advance or decline i= an equal mount. "City of Fl :,eSundo to furnisL Century Lil Co­ any 11,ith necessary exer,r)tion certificatas covarin,� ,eleral 'xcise taxes. "'rice of containers is not ,ncluded in 1irices ruoted on products Lo be delivered in drueic. .11 "runs not offered for return in ,rood useable conlition *,,,,ithin ninety days from. date of delivery hill be --homed for at rate of 4.OG for each full irum, "'3.OG for each h,�If Iru_m, 2.00 for each quarter Cruri. - 3 - r, 64'74 - 4 - 64'75 be and the sa;.e is hereby accented as to Items Fos. 1, 2 and 13 under said n Lice to bi`ners dated Tune 21, 1951, at the respec- tive prices therefor set fordi in s io bid, wnica is now on file iii the o_fice of the City Clerk of said City, and 1,,hieh said bid so on file is hereby expressly referred to :ind by t.is refer- ence incorporated r.erein 4nrl Wade a cart hereof for all further oarticulcrs. 3" =" 3. The Contractor arees, resnor_sive to the preference of the City Council of said City as e,oresSed in the notice inviting bids, pursuant t_ which this contract is xiade, that only .n,erican - „ade materials and California -i.ade .�aterials %vili be used in tine worn or i,�_urove,ient conter- ,Iatcd under this contract, all in conforr,ity „vita the arovisions of -sections 4300 to 43C5, bot,i inclusive, and ,ections 4330 to 43'54, both inclu- sive, of time "overrv:ent Code of the -State of California. a�CTICT 4. The Contractor, insofar as said Contractor is legally re;3uired so to Jo, ­�ust observe i.nd abile by the pro- visions of all laws of the 3'tate of California and of the United Ct&tes of erica relata_nE to contracts of the nature conteMNla- ted lierein, whetier nerein snecifically n-,entioned or not. d?,CTIC'_` 5. ThF, c all bids received on Items iTos. 1, 2 and 13 under said notice to birders, -itn the exception of the said bid of said C- T= -T�Y CII ^.C— _''Y, be an'? the sa ^ie are .iereby rejected; and the City Clerk is hereby azt orized ant instructed to return the checks of all unsuceessfu-, bidders. S?CTICT 6. That the City Clerl, mall `)rerure copies of this resolution after the nassa -e and adoption thereof, and stall af£is to Such conies at t'ie end thereof, after the Clerk's Cer- tificate, torrs for the a') roval of tho successful bider and on the )art of the said City, and sucn conies of tl.is resolution, so approved and accepter} by such successful bidder and by snd on be- ialf of s6id City, shall constitute the contract for furnishing to said City all of the gasoline and kerosene re,uire�ents mentioned - 5 - U4"7E in sail bid, sr.1 -,,hick are to be "arniishcd b- such successful bid- der pursuant to the m ar3 hereinauov made. 6-CTIO" 7. �L'ho t the " ayor oy t,ie City of -1 oe _undo is hereby authorized an' directed to axscute the contract or aF�reement bet:aeen said City _n- said successful bidder; -n1 the City Clerk to attest the s,._,e; affix the City's seal thereto and riake ielivery thereof in aue course, as hereinabove a,i,rded. SECTIC' B. Thrtt the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall cause tae ori i- nal of the s,af.e to be entered iii the book of resolutions oC tine said City of l .- egundo; and shall .ake a minute of the passage and alortion thereof in the records of the nroceadings of the City Council of said City in the :_i:utes of the maetin- at -nick the .ame is passed ana adooteu. Fazsed, a»nroved --nd ado-,tcd this 1st day of __ugust, 1911. Zl'TE ,i: -�L, City Clerk ("—AL) Layor tem of the City of El ;;eK undo, California. - 6 - CIZ"f 07 a � -, Cr -T 7) C, . I, '---evu ' . - _lsey, City Clerk of the City of 71 punjo, California, do hereby certify that she ,mole nu7ber of na fibers of the City Council of the scid City is five; that the fore°oin� resolution, bean_ 3esolation _To. 116QD nas §asset -ten! adonted by the saiu City Coun City, Ord attested lar Poetinn of the 19511 and that une AT vote: 3 goo tRIP ail, aporove anf winned by tie 1 ayorl s_ia by tr_e City C1orr of said City, all at a regu- saii Council held on the 1st asy of _u,nast, sa `e as so nassea and adopted by the follow- 'I-,. Councilmen Gordon, -wanson, ThonTson and Payor ore tens Kerson. 704-: Councilnen Slone. ,=.TS M: Tayor 3elby. 1IT36 my hand and the official seal of said City this ISr day of _uoust, 1,51. (wE- Z) - 7 - City Clerk ov df ti Ci y of ,1 We=•undo, Califo nia. 64 ;V°