WHEREAS, after proceedings duly and regularly had,
as required by law, the City Planning Commission of the City of
E1 Segundo, California, did at a meeting of said Commission duly
and regularly held on the 13th day of November, 1950, adopt its
Resolution No. 87, of which the following is a full, true and
correct copy, to wit:
"RESOLVED, that in the matter of the application of
Edwin `N. Pauley and Harold R. Pauley for the granting of
a variance to permit the drilling of a well for recovery
of oil or other hydrocarbon substances within the incor-
porated limits of the City of E1 Segundo, California, and
described as follows:
'Generally, portions of Lot 9, Block 12,
Tract 1685 and land lying westerly of wester-
ly boundaries of Lot 9, Block 12, Tract 1685,
Lots 6 and 7, Block 11, Tract 1685, along with
land in and adjacent westerly of Blocks 4 and
7 of said tract.'
- 1 -
that the City Planning Commission finds as follows:
"1. That Ordinance No. 306 and Ordinance No. 312 in
combination specify required procedures and circumstances
to be considered in evaluating and determining projects.
"2. That the required public hearing has been held
on October 30, 1950.
113. That the property on which the proposed well is
to be drilled is classified as an R -1 zone under Ordinance
Yo. 306 and therefore would be considered an urbanized area
as defined in Ordinance No. 312.
114. That there are peculiar and unusual circumstances
connected with the request in that the applicants seek per-
mission to slant -drill a well from a surface site located in
the incorporated limits of the City of E1 Segundo, to be
bottomed under land in the City of Los Angeles and upon which
the Hyperion Treatment Plant is located. Applicants present-
ly hold leases on subsurface mineral rights under the City
of Los Angeles property. Because of the magnitude of the
Hyperion Treatment ?lant, no drill sites are available, and
therefore, the applicant requests permission to drill one
well to 'drill for and produce petroleum and gas and other
hydrocarbon substances', and does not request the establish-
ment of an oil drilling district as same is set forth in
Ordinance No. 312.
"5. That the planned location of Ocean Parkway, a
unit in the Master Plan of Streets and Highways for the City
of El Segundo is adjacent to subject property and will serve
to separate the westerly extremity of the City from the main
urbanly developed area of the City of El Segundo.
116. That the location of an existing and operating
well known as Loftus No. 1 and located as follows:
- 2 -
"Westerly of and immediately adjoining Lot 9,
Block 12, Tract 1685, as Der Map recorded in
Book 21, page 98 of Maps in the office of the
County Recorder of Los Angeles County; and
the location more particularly described as
being One Hundred (100) feet westerly and One
Hundred Thirty -five (135) feet northerly of
the southeast corner of said Lot 91
in the immediate vicinity of subject property established the
fact that oil has been proven to exist within the area and
that as a consequence, constitutional guarantees to property
established the propriety of allowing further exploratory
drilling under the controlled provisions of Ordinance No. 312
for the purpose of more definitely determining the extent and
productivity of the field.
117. That it is to the interest of the City of T1
Segundo and the property within it, to substitute certainty
for uncertainty and to enjoy the material advantages of re-
covering oil if further explorations establish that it exists
in practical quantities.
118. That the provisions of Ordinance No. 306 and
Ordinance No. 312 have been devised and adopted purposely to
reconcile and protect property under circumstances as have
been shown to exist under these proceedings.
"RESOLVED, that the City 'Planning Commission recommends
the granting of the variance, as provided by Section 13 of Or-
dinance No. 306, provided such variance be subject to the follow-
ing specified conditions:
"l. That the well be located approximately One Hun-
dred (100) feet south of the existing well which is located
as above described.
"`. 'hat the well be slant or off -set drilled, to
bottom under the Hyperion Treatment Plant located in the City
of Los Angeles.
- 3 -
"3. That in accordance w-th a statement made by the
applicants of their willingness to remove the derrick at the
existing well, known as Loftus Yo. 1 and in the vicinity of
the proposed drilling site, the Commission does herein re-
quest that said derrick be removed.
' *4. That no additional wells bottomed outside of this
City will be permitted until an oil drilling district has
been established as outlined in Ordinance No. 312 (or such
other ordinance of said City supplanting or superceding
Ordinance No. 312), and a well bottoming under said dis-
trict has been completed.
"5. For the information of all concerned, the Com-
mission presently has in mind possible future drilling dis-
tricts in said general area as follows:
' IDISTRICT NO. 1: That area bounded on the north by
Imperial TTighway, on the east by Hillcrest Street,
on the south by Sycamore Avenue, and on the west by
the westerly City Limits of the City of E1 Segundo
and comprised of 29.875 acres.
"DISTRICT NO. 2: That area bounded on the north by
Sycamore Avenue, on the east by Hillcrest Street,
on the south by Palm Avenue, and on the west by the
westerly City Limits of the City of E1 Segundo and
comprised of 20.607 acres.
"DISTRICT NO. 3: That area bounded on the north by
Palm Avenue, on the east by Hillcrest Street, on
the south by Holly Avenue, and on the west by the
westerly City Limits of the City of El Segundo, and
comprised of 27.779 acres.
116. That after the well under consideration at this
time shall have been drilled, further drilling from the Con-
trolled Drilling Site established by this Variance shall
alternately bottom a well under property located within the
limits of the suggested Districts 1, 2 or 3 defined herein,
provided this condition shall not apply if wells bottomed
within the City of E1 Segundo indicate by their logs that
boundaries of the productive oil structures have been reached.
- 4 -
It is the declared intention of this provision to assure
that the City of E1 Segundo and property lying within it
shall not be deprived of its just enjoyment of such oil as
may underlie it by reason of having it drained by wells
bottoming elsewhere.
"7. That the applicant shall post with the City of
E1 Segundo, a satisfactory corporate surety bond in the sum
of $5,000.00 in favor of the City of E1 Segundo conditioned
upon the performance by the applicant of each and all of the
conditions, provisions, restrictions and requirements stated
as a condition of this variance.
'8. That the following conditions be imposed as set
forth in Ordinance No. 312, entitled 'AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING
SECTION 3: Paragraph E. Optional Conditions:
11(1) That drilling operations shall be commenced
within ninety (90) days from the effective date of the
variance or within such additional period as the City
Planning Commission and the City Council may, for good
cause, allow and thereafter shall be prosecuted dili-
gently to completion, or else abandoned strictly as
required by law and the premises restored to their
original condition as nearly as practicable so to do.
If a producing well is not secured within twelve (12)
months said well shall be abandoned and the premises
restored to its original condition as nearly as prac-
ticable so to do. The City Planning Commission and
the City Council shall, for good cause, allow additional
time for the completion of the well.
"(2) That an internal combustion engine or steam
driven equipment may be used in the drilling of the well
and, if an internal combustion engine or steam driven
equipment is used, that mufflers be installed on the mud
pumps and engines.
11(3) That pumping and other power operations, (other
than drilling) shall at all times be carried on only by
electrical power and that such power shall not be gener-
ated on the controlled drilling site or in the district.
- 5 -
2gyp. I
11(4) That drilling operations shall be carried on or
conducted in connection with only one well at a time in
any one such district, and such well shall be brought in
or abandoned before operations for the drilling of another
well are commenced; provided, however, that the City
Planning Commission and the City Council may permit the
drilling of more than one well at a time after the discov-
ery well has been brought in.
11(5) That all oil drilling and production operations
shall be conducted in such a manner as to eliminate,
as far as practicable, dust, noise, vibration or noxious
odors and shall be in accordance with the best accepted
practices incident to drilling for and the production of
oil, gas and other hydrocarbon substances. Proven tech-
nological improvements in drilling and production methods
shall be adopted as they may become, from time to time,
available, if capable of reducing factors of nuisance
and annoyance.
11(6) That all tools, pipe and other equipment used
in connection with any production operations, when con-
ducted under the provisions of Section 3, paragraph B,
subparagraph (2) part (a) hereof, shall be screened
from view.
I'M That no materials, equipment, tools, or pipe
used for either drilling or production operations shall
be delivered to or removed from the controlled drilling
site except between the hours of 8.00 o'clock A. M. and
6;00 o'clock P. M. on any day, except in case of emer-
gency incident to unforeseen drilling or production
"(8) Fire extinguishers as approved by the Fire De-
partment, and of sufficient number as required by the
Fire Department, shall be maintained on the premises at
all times during the drilling and production operations.
"(9) That within sixty (61 days after the drilling
of each well has been completed, and said well placed
on production, the derrick, all boilers and all other
drilling equipment shall be entirely removed from the
premises unless such derrick and appurtenant equipment
is to be used within a reasonable time limit determined
by the City Planning Commission and the City Council for
the drilling of another well on the same controlled
drilling site.
"(10) Need not apply at the present time but may be
invoked at some future date at the discretion of the
City Planning Commission and the City Council.
"(11) Need not apply at the present time but may be
invoked at some future date at the discretion of the
City Planning Commission and the City Council.
11(12) That no additional tanks shall be constructed
on this area.
62 ti (r
"(16) That no sign shall be constructed, erected,
maintained or placed on the premises or any part thereof,
except those required by law or ordinance to be displayed
in connection with the drilling or maintenance of the
11(17) That suitable and adequate sanitary toilet and
washing facilities shall be installed and maintained in
a clean and sanitary condition at all times.
"(18) Need not apply at the present time but may be
invoked at some future date at the discretion of the
City -Planning Commission and the City Council.
11(19) That the holder of the variance, his successors
and assigns, must at all times be insured to the extent
of X100,000.00 against liability in tort arising from
drilling, or production, or activities or operations
incident thereto, conducted or carried on under the vari-
ance or by virtue thereof. The policy of insurance,
which may include self- insurance, issued pursuant there-
to shall be subject to the approval of the City Attorney,
and duplicates shall be furnished to him. Each such
policy shall be conditioned or endorsed to cover such
agents, lessees or representatives of the variance hold-
er as may actually conduct drilling, production or inci-
dental, operations permitted by the variance.
AND FINALLY RESCL=, that a copy of this Resolution
be forwarded to the City Council for its consideration and
action in the manner prescribed by law.
" IsZ George E. Binder
Secretary of the City Planning
Commission of the City of
E1 Segundo, California
1W William G. Thompson
Chairman, Pro Tem, of the City
Planning Commission of the City
of E1 Segundo, California
"I, George E. Binder, Secretary of the City Planning
Commission of the City of E1 Segundo, California, do hereby
certify that the foregoing Resolution is a full, true and cor-
rect copy of a Resolution of the City Planning Commission of
the City of E1 Segundo, California, adopted at a Special Meet-
ing of the said Commission duly held on the 13th day of Novem-
ber, 1950;
"That the whole number of members of said Commission
is five anc that said Resolution was adopted by the following
"Ayes: Commissioners Binder, Frederick, Hanson and
Chairman, Pro Tem, Thompson;
"Noes: None;
"Absent: Chairman Allen.
"IN WITNESS 1','HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand
this 15th day of November, 1950.
- 7 -
l� n
/s/ George E Binder
Secretary of the City Planning
Commission of the City of El
Segundo, California *}•
I%RE.' ,o, said Resolution yo. 87 was thereafter duly and
regularly certified to the City Council of said City, and was
duly presented to said Council by the City Clerk of said City at
the regular meeting of said City Council held on the 15th day of
Yovember, 1950; and
,EAS, after the said Resolution No. 87 of said Com-
mission had been so duly and regularly presented to and received
by said City Council, an appeal, in writing, by Edwin H. Gibb (who
is also known and sometimes referred to as "Edwin H. Gibbs ") and
others was duly and regularly filed with said Council
said appellants , in which
, Edwin H. Gibb and others, duly and regularly ap-
pealed from the findings, decision and recommendations of said
City lanning Commission, as set forth in its said Resolution No.
87, hereinabove quoted; and
-'HE '117,T<S, upon receipt of said written appeal of said ao-
pellants, said City Council did duly and regularly, by resolution
duly adopted and spread upon its records, set the matter of the
said appeal of said Edwin H. Gibb and others for public hearing
before said City Council in the Council Chamber Ln the City Hall
of said City located at 203 Richmond Street, El Segundo, California,
beginning at the hour of 7:00 o }clock p.m, on Wednesday, the 20th
day of December, 1950, and did authorize and instruct the City
Clerk of said City to give notice of such public hearing in time,
form ,nd manner as required by law, and to employ a court reporter
to report the said hearing; and
,LERFsS, upon the filing of said appeal and of the fixing
of the time and place of said hearing, the City Clerk did duly and
regularly notify the secretary of the Planning Commission of said
City of the filing of such appeal and the fixing of such hearing
date and place; and
- 8 -
WHEREAS, on the receipt of such notice, the Secretary
of said Planning Commission did duly, regularly and immediately
transfer to the City Council the complete file of the said case;
VEREAS, thereafter, the said City Clerk did duly
and regularly give notice of the time, place and purpose of the
said public hearing, as required by law, and did also employ
David Ettleson, an official Reporter of the Superior Court of
the State of California in and for the County of Los Angeles,
to report said hearing; and
VMREAS, on said 20th day of December, 1950, begin-
ning at the hour of 7 :00 o'clock p.m, on said day, in said
Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City, said City Coun-
cil did duly and regularly call said matter of said appeal for
public hearing; and
EEREAS, it appeared that there were more persons in
attendance at said hearing than could be reasonably accommodated
in said Council Chamber of said City Hall; and
WHEREAS, for the purposes of conducting said hearing,
said City Council did at said last mentioned time and place duly
and regularly adjourn said meeting and said hearing to the
Auditorium on the second floor in the said City Hall Building
of said City and did duly and regularly notify all persons pre-
sent to inonediately adjourn to the upstairs auditorium and did
make due and adequate provisions for the notification of all
late - comers of the fact that such hearing was being conducted
in such upstairs auditorium of said City Hall Building; and
SHEREAS, at said last mentioned place to wit: in
said upstairs auditorium of said City Hall Building, and im-
mediately following the short recess required in order to per-
mit the Council and the members of the public to reach and be
seated in said upstairs auditorium, said City Council did duly
and regularly conduct the said public hearing and did, at the conclu-
sion thereof, duly anC re,ularly take said appeal, and the subjects
and matters relating thereto, under advisement for decision by said
Council, until the regular meeting of said Council to be held on
PTednesday, the 10th day of January, 1951, beginning at the hour of
7 :00 o'clock p.m. of said day, in the Council Chamber in the City
Hall of said City; and
YHEREaS, on said 10th day of January, 1951, said City Council
did take said appeal, and the subjects and matters relating thereto,
under further advisement for decision until the regular meeting of
said Council to be held beginning at the hour of 7 :00 o'clock p.m. on
Wednesday, January 17, 1951; and
'17i71EREAS, on said 17th day of January, 1951, said City Coun-
cil did announce, by resolution, its desire to deny said application
and did instruct the City Attorney to prepare and present to said
Council for its consideration at its next regular meeting (January
24, 1951) the necessary formal proceeding or proceedings so to do; and
V)HEREAS, said City Attorney did, as instructed by said Coun-
oil, present to said Council, at its regular meeting of January 24,
1951, a form of resolution:
(a) Sustaining the said appeal of said Edwin H. Gibbs
and others from the decision of the City Planning
Commission of said City, set forth in its said
Resolution No. 87;
(b) Overruling the decision and recommendations of said
Planninu Commission set forth in its said Resolution
No. 87; and
(c) Denying the variance applied for by said applicants,
Edwin :. Pauley and Harold R. Pauley referred to in
said Manning Commission Resolution No. 87; and
d,iiERE,�S, at said meeting of January 24, 1951, said applicants,
through their attorney Delbert A. Thomas, presented a motion to said
Council to reopen for further public hearing before said Council the
said matter involving the said application, the said appeal, the said
findings and recommendations of said Planning Commission and the an-
nounced desire of said Council to deny said application; and said
Council did thereupon take said formal resolution and said motion to
reopen said matter under advisement until its regular meeting to be
held on the 7th day of February, 1951, beginning at the hour of 7 :00
o'clock p.m. of said day; and
- 10 -
WHEREAS, at its said meeting of February 7th, 1951, said
applicants, through their said attorney, did withdraw their said
motion and the City Council, upon the request of said applicants,
through their said Attorney, did permit said applicants to withdraw
their said motion; and
WHEREAS, each and all of the members of said Council has
and have now had full opportunity to consider and analyze the said
appeal and the application for variance referred to in said Resolu-
tion No. 87 of said Commission; the recommendations of said Commis-
sion; and all of the testimony and evidence, both oral and documen-
tary, submitted at said public hearing before said Council, and to
review and consider the complete files, data and instruments, in-
cluding the summaries of testimony offered at the public hearing
held before said City Planning Commission with reference to the sub-
jects and matters referred to in said Resolution No. 87 of said
Commission; and
WHEREAS, the members of said Council are also familiar with
the general comprehensive land use plan of said City and its develop-
ment; and
WHEREAS, said Council is now in a position to render its
final decision in the premises;
SECTION 1. That the said application for zone variance,
hereinabove referred to in the preamble to this resolution, was prop-
erly made to the Planning Commission of the City of E1 Segundo,under
the provisions of Part "II" of Section 13 of Ordinance No. 306 (the
Land Use Plan - Zoning Ordinance) of said City, adopted on the 22nd
day of January, 1947, as amended, and that the appeal of the said ap-
pellants to the said City Council from the decision, findings and re-
commendations of the said City Planning Commission of said City, was
properly made under the provisions of said Ordinance.
SECTION 2. That the applicants herein were, and are, Edwin
W. Pauley and Harold R. Pauley.
SECTION 3. That the variance here involved, (referred to
in Planning Commission Resolution No. 87 above) is a variance to
- 11 -
use the following described real property, located in the City of
El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, to wit;
Generally, portions of Lot 9, Block, 12, Tract 1685
and land lying westerly of westerly boundaries of
Lot 9, Block 12, Tract 1665, Lots 6 and 7, Block
11, Tract 1685, along with land in and adjacent
westerly of Blocks 4 and 7 of said tract,
for the purposes of locating and drilling a well thereon for the
recovery of oil or other hydrocarbon substances. Said above de-
scribed real property will be hereinafter referred to as the "Sub-
ject Property ".
SE'CTIGY 4. That the subject lands above referred to and
here involved, and to which the variance applied for is requested
to apply, are presently cla3sified as in district or zone R -1, as
established under the provisions of said Zoning Ordinance No. 306,
of said City, as amended.
SECTION 5. Said City Council does hereby find that there
are no exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions
applicable to the subject property or to the intended use of said
subject property that do not apply generally to the property or
class of use In the same vicinity or zone in which the subject
property is located.
SECTION 6. Said Council does hereby further find that
said variance applied for is not necessary for the preservation and
enjoyment of a substantial property right of the said applicant,
possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone.
SECTION 7. Said Council does hereby further find that the
granting of the said variance applied for would be materially
detrimental to the public welfare and injurious to the property
and improvements in the vicinity and zone in which the said subject
property is located.
SECTIOY 8. Said Council does hereby further find that the
granting of said variance applied for would adversely affect the
- 12 -
comprehensive ,-,ener�,l of s -i" City.
SECTIOY 9. In connection with the foreco,ng finrlincfs, said
City Council .makes the following further observations, determina-
tions and findings with re.arence to the said variance aprlied for
and the proposed use of said subject property for the purposes of
locating anv drilling a well thereon for the recovery of oil and
othei hydrocarbon substances, to wit:
(a) The slant drilling of the proposed well on the sub-
ject property to a bottom located outside of the
said City of El Segundo and under the City of Los
'ngeles yperion Sewer Project property would not
assure the owners of real properties located in
the City of E1 Segundo that there is oil or other
hydrocarbon substances under their respective prop-
(b) The equity of oil explorations is off -set by the
equity of depreciation of surrounding properties
owned and occupied by home owners in the City of
El Segundo;
(c) The said Council does not fe -1 that it should at
this time establish the precedent of grunting a zone
variance for the production cf oil or other hydrocar-
bon substances from an area located outside the boun-
daries of the City of =1 Segundo fror2 a derrick and
drill site located within said City;
(d) Said Council has considered and analyzed the signa-
tures appearing on applicants' "Exhibit No. 6" of
property owners owning and of persons residing on
properties within a 2,000 foot radius of the subject
property and from such consideration and analysis has
substantially determined that of the 284 signatures
appended to applicants' said "Exhibit No. 6" (being
a petition favorinr) the granting of tle requested
- 13 -
variance), b reside iavithin a 1,000 foot radius from
such subject property, 19 reside within a 2,000 foot
radius and 260 reside outside of the said 2,000 foot
radius. Three (3) letters and one (1) teleLram in
favor of the proposed variance were also received
from property owners within a radius of 1,000 feet
of the subject property. On the other hand, the
Council finds tha-c of the 196 signatories who signed
opponents' "Exhibit _Co. 1t, (opposing granting of said
variance), none of such signatories reside within a
1,000 foot radius from said subject property; 104 of
such signatories reside within a 2,000 foot radius
and 92 of said signatories reside outside of said
2,000 foot radius. One (1) letter opposing granting
of said variance was also received from a property
owner within said 2,000 foot radius. This analysis
and_ consideration clearly indicates to the Council
that the majority of persons interested as owners of,
or as residents on, the property within said 2,000
foot radius were opr,osed to the granting of the va-
riance applied for.
(e) ?'y refusing to grant the said variance applied for,
the City Council is not depriving any property owner,
owning propertiy within the City of 711 Segundo, of the
right to exploit his or her property lying within
said City of .Il aegundo, as the well proposed to be
located and drilled under the variance applied for is,
according to the application and evidence produced at
the hearings, to be bottomed outside of the City of
E1 Segundo.
(f) The City Council has taken into due and careful con-
sideration the applicants' evidence and arguments
submitted purporting to show:
- 14 -
(1) That applicants should have the right to
exploit their own property or properties
over which they have possession in this
particular area;
(2) That the drilling site will be located west
of the proposed freeway on property asserted
to be unsuitable for residential purposes;
(3) That modern methods of screening and _oroduc-
tion assertedly eliminate much of the noise
and unsightliness of equipment, appliances,
appurtenances and structures necessarily
used and employed in drilling for oil and
other hydrocarbon substances;
(4) The further assertion that the granting of
said variance might settle once and for all
whether there is or is not oil in the subject
property area; and
(5) The asserted reasonableness anj propriety of
the variance for which said applicants have
but after such jue and careful consideration, the said
Council can not agree with the assertions and conten-
tions of the applicants to the extent necessary to jus-
tify the granting of the variance applied for.
(g) The said Council has L,aken into due and careful consider-
ation all of the opponents` evidence and arguments sub-
mitted, purporting to show reasons why the variance applied
for should not be granted and after such due and careful
consideration, the City Council feels, finds and so deter -
m,nes that the evidence and reasons submitted by the oo-
ponents are sufficient to justify and require said Council
to deny said variance so applied for.
- 15 -
SECTION 10. That said City Council, in view of the fore-
going findings and determinations, does hereby sustain the said
appeal of said Edwin H. Gibbs and others and does Hereby according-
ly overrule the findings, determinations and recommendations of the
City Planning Commission of the City of E1 Segundo, California, as
set forth in said Resolution No. 87 of said City Planning Commission.
SECTION 11. That said City Council does hereby deny the
said variance applied for by said Edwin ';J. Pauley and Harold R.
Pauley and does hereby refuse to grant or issue the same.
SECTII-N 12. That this resolution shall take effect im-
SECTION 13. That the City Clerk shall certify to the pas-
sage and adoption of this resolution; shall enter the same in the
book of original resolutions of said City; shall make a minute of
the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings
of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at
which the same was passed and adopted; and shall forward a certified
copy thereof to each of the following: Said applicants, Edwin `,,I.
Pauley and Harold R. Pauley; /Appellant, -dwin II. Gibbs; and the
City Planning Commission of said City.
Passed, approved and adopted this 7th day of February,
VICTO D. McC. =14Y
City Clerk of the City
of El ` Degundo, California.
By _ ll� row CnX'a
Deputy City Clerk
( = T
��- /i
I,ayor of the City of El S do,
- 16 -
I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of E1
Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of
members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the
foregoing resolution, being Resolution No. 1124 , was passed
and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the
Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City,
all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 7th
day of February, 1951, and that the same was so passed and adopted
by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen Gordon, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson
and Favor Selby-
NOES: Councilmen None:
ABSENT: Councilmen None.
my hand and
the official seal
of said City this
7th day of
, 1951.
City Clerk of the City of
El Segundo, California.
Deputy City Clerk