CC RESOLUTION 1117C11137 RESOLGTICN N0. 1117 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIC' CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AWARDING A CLR`PAIN CONTRACT FOR THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF GARB:_G? AND NON- CONBUSTIBLE RUBBISH TO F. D. FOLEY. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, has heretofore in the manner provided by law, duly and regularly advertised for bids under notice to bidders en- titled "NOTICE TO BIDDERS ON COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF GAM AGE AND NON- COPBUSTIBLE RUBBISH. ", dated October 26, 1950, which is now on file in the office of the City Clerk, open to public in- spection, and hereby referred to and by this reference incor- porated herein and made a part hereof, for the collection and disposal of all garbage and non - combustible rubbish originating and accumulating in the City of El Segundo; and ', "MREAS, at the time for opening and considering all of said bids, to wit: the hour of 7:00 o'clock p.m., on Wednesday, the 15th day of November, 1950, said Council did publicly open, examine and declare all bids received; and GJHEREAS, at said hour said Council did take all of said bids under advisement until the hour of 4:00 o'clock p.m., on Tuesday, the 21st day of November, 1950, and referred said bids to the City Coordinator and Director of Public Works for con- sideration and recommendation; and 7MREAS, at said hour said Council did take all of said bids under further advisement until the hour of 7 :00 o'clock p.m., on 'dlednesday, the 29th of November, 1950; and '6HEREAS, said last mentioned hour has now arrived and the City Coordinator has submitted a verbal report to this Council recommending that the bid of F. D. Foley, the lowest bidder, be accepted; and - 1 - CI QE 3 'AT3F_.REAS, this Council approves the recommendation of said City Coordinator as hereinabove set forth and has reached its decision in the said matter: NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, does resolve, declare and determine as follows: SECTION 1. That the bid of F. D. FOLEY, of Torrance, California, dated November 15, 1950, which said Council deter- mines to be substantially as follows, to wit: "BIDDER'S PROPOSAL "To Collect and Dispose of all Garbage and of all Non - Combustible Rubbish in the City of E1 Segundo, California, for the period of One Year. "To the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California: "The undersigned hereby proposes to furnish to the City of E1 Segundo, California, at the price bid herein, the services mentioned in the following schedule in accordance with the attached Notice Inviting Bids, the Bidder's Pro- posal, and the attached Specifications, and agrees, on the acceptance of this Proposal, to enter into and execute the necessary contract therefor and furnish the required bonds. "ITEM NO. 1 PRICE BID BASIC OR INITIAL For the collection and disposal MONTHLY RATE OF: of all garbage and of all non- combustible rubbish originating and accumulating within the City of E1 Segundo, on the basis of a contract for: (a) One Year from date of contract 888,00 Ei ht Hundred Ei ht Eight rice n Price in Words Figures) Under this item, all collection of garbage and non - combustible rubbish must be made between the hours of 7:00 o'clock A. 14. and 6:00 o'clock P. M., and no collection may be made outside of said hours except that collections required under emergency conditions may be made outside of said hours if approved by the Director of Public Works. " /s/ F. D. Foley Bidder iSsr gnature 3401 Spencer St. Torrance Address Frontier 26055 Telephone Number - 2 - 6IS9" rr13IODZ1R'S STriTEi:ENT "Proposed methods and location of disposal of garbage and non - combustible rubbish. "GARBAGE - -- "The garbage will be fed to hogs on my ranch if awarded this contract "NON- COivBUSTIBLE RUBBISH "The non - combustible Rubbish would be hauled to one of several public dumps located East & North of Torrance " /s/ F. D. Foley BBiidderys 6ignature 3401 Spencer St. Torrance Address Frontier 26055 Telephone Number "PROPOSED E�UIP1�TdT AND I'E'RSONTM, "PERSONNEL: Number of employees and each classification 1 - Truck Driver 1 - Helper "EQUIPP„EATT TO BE USED IF CONTRACT AWARDED: Number of Trucks: 3 Type of Trucks: Garbage & Rubbish Capacity of Trucks: 12 & 24 Cubic Yards or 8 to 14 tons Year of manufacture of Trucks: 1 new Model 181 Interna- tional, 1 1940 Dodge, 1 1936 International Color of Trucks: Green "STATE 4 DTT OF E11'ERIENCE -,M QU,'=1' IC AT IODTS : "Cit Count or District Years Contract T�_?e_ of _Service E egundo 10 Hauling from City Hopper " /s/ F. D. Fole Bidder's Signay ture 3401 Spencer St_ Torrance Address Frontier 26055 Telephone Number - 3 - ERB ON COL- under said contract, or by ally ti ,e LLCTION AND DISPOSAL OF contractor under him, in violation 49 GA" 3 1 GARBAGE AND NON -COM- the Labor Code ' i BU�LE RUBBISH, Bidders m bidding must'bid y¢ 2 *UC' NOTICE Is HEREBY proposal which WllI be GI k Yb t the C`ily Council of the lshed fry; upon apPhcation,' Reek ,fCity .id EI egnrido, California, will foci at the office of the City Clerk receive sealed bids up to the hour In the City Hat' of isid City, of 7 00 o'clock p m on Wednesday, no bid will be considered the 15th day of November, 1950, for City Council unless made, on the collection and disposal of all piolwsal farm '�'i garbage and non - combustible rub - Each bid must be accompame bish originating and accumulating a certified or cashier's check, r in the City of El Segundo on the biddei's bond, or a cash deposit, following item, to ttit made payable to the City of El Se- ITEM NO I gundo, in the amount-of $5,000". Under this item the bidder shall The check, bond or deposit of the state the price the bidder will suecossful bidder will be forfeited charge the City of El Segundo for to said City in the event such bid - the collection and disposal of gar- der fails or refuses for a period of bage and non - combustible rub- tell (10) days after written notice bish only, on the basis of a cou_ of award of contract to enter Into tract for- the required contract pursuant 4d' (a) One year from date of con- the award, and furnish a faithful tract [performance bond in the sum-of' Under this item, all collection of $5.000 00, and a second bond to se- garbage and non - combustible rub - cuie laborers and material -men in' bisb must be made between the an amount not less than 50% of hours of 7 00 o'clock am and the contract price, said bonds to be 6 00 o'clock p in and no collection subject to the approval of the City ` may be made outside of said hours Altai ney as to form and of the Mayor except that collections required as to surety - ` under, emergency conditions may In comparing bids, the City Corm- be made outside of said hours if [ell will consider not only the price kit'lerials, aproved by the Director of Pub - bid, but the ability, experience and Works equipment of the bidder, the pro- ds shall be made on the basis posed disposal method and site,,and the bidder a ill furnish all labor, the probability of continuous and tools and equipment, and satisfactory service All bids should di�osal site necessary to lawfully be accompanied by references, ;¢a- pefform said work in accordance i ancial statements and statements with "SPECIFICATIONS NO 2 -1950 j of the experience and qualifications FOR THE COLLECTION OF GAR - ' of the bidder on forms which may R AND NON - COMBUSTIBLE be obtained from the City Clerk of 14SH IN THE CITY OF ELI said City F�'NDO, CALIFORNIA ", on file Avvard of contract as herein pro- i a office of the City Clerk of vided for collection of garbage and sAd City, and which are hereby ie- non - combustible rubbish for the tarred to and by this reference made City will give the suuccessful bidder P, part hereof for the contract period the exclusive ¢VOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER right to collect garbage and non- EN that all work shall be done combustible rubmsh under the con - accordance with the provisions tract awarded hereunder, and un- e Labor Code of the State of der pi ivate contract or arrangement rata, in all respects, and ref - with producer, as indicated in the e is hereby made to said "La- specifications, and no bid will be ode" ,for further particulars accepted unless the contractor agrees is regard The City Council to make such private contracts or City a; El Segundo, Calif - arrangements with producers - re- has determined that the gen -Iquiring extra service as contem- revaihng rates of per diem plated in said specdcabons in the City of El Segundo Notice on garlfage collection Gal 2 fgcahty m w}nch the work or The Council reserves the right to emrytRi iwve referred to is reject any and all bids received, and pre ) Por each craft or to take any and all bids received V9 ill or mechanic need- under consideration for a period of deiite the contract for said not to exceed fifteen days from and 1lrprovemenQ which will after the date upon which bids are od to the successful bid- opened and examined by the City der, fire as follows Council, and all bidders must bid Q7d'TION Rate per hour accordingly Thin time for consid- ' fiber' '' - 150 eration is required as the Council pen 1375 may find it ri ry, in the Event classifttf&'ndt mentioned i of an award _ ereunder, to give not -less the 1,375 per hour thirty days nobee terminating cer- ime-- ene'an'a one -half times tam existing arrangements, and in the ar rate, - - such cases the Council reserves the ys a lte will not right to reduce the contract period 1fe idere unless the by such thirty day period itr performid such days All bids must be1%4,kVr1ting, sealed eight h day or and plainly marked, on the outside ht hours ask "BID ON COLLECTION AND DIS- oregoing Is of wages POSAL OF GARBAGE AND NON - upon - rkmg day of COMBUSTIBLE RUBBISH" and rs either mailed or delivered so, as be'iin#ndatory upon the to be in the handspf the City Clerk r to piN the contract is of, said City on or` Wore the hour and upon any sub-con- above stated, at which time in the der "him, to pay not less Council Chamber of the City Hall ' said specified rates to all of said City, all bids will be opened, workmen of mechanics examined and publicly declared by W them in the execution the City Council of said City act. This notice is given pursuant to tractor shalk forfeit as a the order of the City Council of sald the CUy'o FA $esatgdR CFt� -al.. _�Ltdated the 26th day of '- .,' -'- VICTOR D McCARTHY, ,art e dtaledta employed City Clerk of the City' of calenn dar day or portion El Segundo, California Leh lgborer, workman or SSEAL) is paid less than the gen- Herald Nov 2, 9, 1950 lling rate of wages here - ted for any work done — 4a — "SPECIFICATIONS NO. 2 -1950 FOR THE COLLECTION OF GARBAGE AND NON - COKBUSTIBLE RUBBISH IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA galV- L The work to be done under these specifications shall include CV11 -P tine furnishing of all labor, material and equipment necessary for the A collection of garbage and non- acmbustible rubbish ulthin the City of :.1 Segundo, as the boundaries new exist or may hereafter alter, and the disposal of such refuse at some point outside of the City* v i Should the contractor fail to collect and dispose of garbage and non - combustible rubbish set out or placed for collection, as herein provided, at the time required, the City of -a Segundo may collect the same and dispose thereof, and the contractor shall be liable for the esperse incurred. In addition to any other lawful means of effecting reimbusement from the contractor, such expense may be deducted by the City from money due or uhieh may become due e } k the contractor. ° All truck bodies shall be covered by a clean, suitable, air- tight, waterproof - 6arpaulin, metal covers, or other satisfactory arA acceptable method, when vehicle is being used to transport _ts d contents to the place of disposal, All collections shall be made, as quietly as possible, and no unnecessarily noisy trucks or equipment shall be used. DVloyees of the contractor who are unnecessarily ,Ay�3- noisy or who viola:c the provisions of the State Motor Vehicle Code' - 4b - 91 W- in the opar.^.S.,ioc� A the vehicle -s used In the collection of said. tealal.> r- ka:.l, h-� dissd.ssed aspoei the demewd of the Director 0"aLic Works. a d in return for said exclusiveness of said contract, the con- tractor agrees to collect and dispose of an garbage and noel -comab ible 40 - r Perfonon -le of each of the provisions of the contract shall be under the direcItion and supervision of the Director o' Public I%Ork5, and all criers and directions given by said Director of Public Work wr3ih regard to the collection and disposal of the rbage and non -- combustible rubbish shall be obeyed by the contractor. The contractor shall faithfully and regularly pick up, collect Ind i ve from the City of Segundo all garbage and.non-combustible rubbish in accordance with the specifications hereinafter described. The,,work shall be done in a thorough and workmanlike mawery under Y the e'} section acid to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works of said City ii d. If "Director of Public Works" shall mean the Director of Public }� e ' Works, of thy^ City of rte. Segundo or his duly authorized representative. C%,il Iels T.c" C1F COM1t�1lCT kYdD T i � 4 The contractor shall have the exclusive duty, right and ry privilege to collect and remove aU garbage and non -- combustible rubbish within said City for a period of one year from date of can® ; tract. �. Vie contractor understands and agrees that his obligations " extend to all premises in the City of a Segundo, including commercial, industrial and residential establishments and areas. In the event 9s a d in return for said exclusiveness of said contract, the con- tractor agrees to collect and dispose of an garbage and noel -comab ible 40 - r .x-11 ga4!,sgaa mid non-combustible rubbish coliected by the contractor ohall be and become M_.. Property° from der to time of collection. The attention of all bidders under these specificatia ;a'; is directed to the fact that there are several lame industrial plants ,tor of Pub3.ic works shell have the right to direct the contractor from collection service to such particular concerns. any and all such establishments or concerns, the provisions specifications, giving the contractor the exclusive right This contract is intended to insure the removal of all the ity of A "egundo, and may be further described as all animal ssxi,�y egetable refuse from kitchens or households or restaurants, all. 'household waste which has been prepared for or been used for food, or sha31 have resulted from the preparation of food or table refuse �} ; iGki<<n a ot� of animal vegetab] a and 6193 ^ 4 iN e" Z, „ Fr F� ry' , 4- 0 Y ei .t Fly ,K y, t 9 �d s, except Sundays, a tine el first, Memorial ?lay, July fourth, Labor Day, Thanks- "of, or the satire load, shall be covered as the collection ty.��as IS „ x , i9i� ,fie ga�°��jR: �.c�6. performed y o8° fiC�glAei'i ®�.® Rik ar Bodies of trucks shall be of metal and shall be fin, 4 l -4ater -tight say that no material shall leak or be spilled „r said trucks on the streets or galleys® Trucks shall t,tirom 7' t b,� leaded in such a manner that no material shall be spilled In streets or alleys, and, should any be spilled, it shall be immediately cleaned up. A broom and a shovel shall be carried on each truck at all times for guts purpose. If IN rr, 4@ 15}h °Htr,rri , ; r tpt"d llrri t g t_ � rt r., "td ri I�a�yl� �IUih�M I �4r ®f i 4f U 6196 N °ru z neAa,n.Ra�e�a..ds.rs b9e ®c*ui-.,w _ f f' 01A rHfAY or sell to others than this contractcr. The intent of the householder shall_ be deemed to be re<ssed by his get in placing any rubbish at the curb or in the alley on the scheduled days "^ i *',collection, in which case the contractor may consider such placement at , 40 0b or in alley as privy facie evidence of the intent of the householder to k °. the rubbish rewved under this contract. E,, t 4iH ,a E, `,', The contractor shall not be obligated co move from the City non- stibte rubbish which has originated outside of the City was brought � t into said City for the purpose of sorting, manufactm ng or other businese, or to remove any garbage mixed with either codaustible or non-combustible rubbish. All non-- coabu3tible rubbish shall be deposited for collection by V" ,roperty owners and tenants in r�^asonably tight - fitting t�ooden boxes, barrels f, metal containers, each of which, together with the contents thereof, ' t w shall not exceed. forty (40) pound- in weight, provided, however, that no w N placement, on any single collection day, shall exceed forty (1.&0) re e0) pounds i�'�,' weight or twelve (12) cubic feet in volume. Notwithstanding the above described lisvitations, domestic water heaters are to be removed under the : ;ihIt provisions of these specifications. M, T The contractor shall collect non-combustible rubbish not less than' t° qZ' t "once each two calendar weeks from all districts, on the day or days fixed ',SEE, !i. "f 6r such collection by the Director of Public orks or the City Council. `eR:.dE V `JICOHtlANSMRS , S All containers shall be replaced where Po . Containers end lids .. w,�.,. not be left are the street or thrown on a neighbor's lot. ' � MEM U97 „ 6 `, a contract until any claim for damage or br�rtc a atMANWs ebb paid for or adjusted with t, eta container. All claims for damages by reason of the misuse or rough handling of garbage containers by the contractor shall tau, presented to the cont ractor and a copy thereof filed with Director of Public Works of the City Of El Segundo* Unlevs otherwise directed by the Director of Public all col�Lections of h: and rubbish shall be F1.ab street the curb along the f of each dwelling, -'�I Ing the containers. trucks and proper space for plac ATE PROPERTY 111,06k 'WINTERING FRIV TVs contractor shall in 8 event ! e under y obli I: to enter private or places, or other private ��:'propsrty, to make e ' q., stir this contract, ,. y.'. in drive-in R markets 'fw is t S§ Ilfi' L—_® ;a }x. .aI combustible rubbish must be made at a place and in a manner to be devised by the contractor,, but outside of the Gity of El Segundo, as it is now constituted or may hereafter i ,i r IM i Lo The contractor at all times shall keep fUAj ins d _w h yg i at his ovm expanse, all persons employed by him in connection V' w� 3 =n{itlt'(iil� nk pi,p with the contractp as required by the Workmens Compensation I Idw.Lrance and Safety Laws of the State of Californiap and shall hold the City Free and harmless from all liability that may ailse by reason of the injuries to any employees the contractor who are in�,ured while performing any 11gin, 'work or labor necessary to carry out the provisions of this contract contractor The of keep on file with the City Clark evidence that the contractor ,ts fully and properly insured as required by said laws, LADE SUd 3. S 6198 u' e i r ROUTES AND CHANGES The contractor shall prepare and .file with the ""0 Orkd 'thin five ( 5) days after the � } oh ginain W,041 0 Pl t4 map triplica$ e t$1a 011 "Ri" 1t 61.99 e; t throughout the dity, in residentiel c rcial areas respectitreljrA ' �f The contraet,�r, at its cwn expense, shall publish in bold and legible � i A ' i ,rt t 1 • • t0 and approved by Vie Director of Pu'olic Works of the City of ?l Segundo. Simi.l.ar notice shall be published upon the Ott of any subsequent changes in collection schedules. When any garosage or rubbish is not collected by the contractor, he shall leave a tag at least 2 -'7 /8e X 5-3/4o in size,,on which he has in- 10' dieated the reasons for his refusal to collect the garbage or rubbish, - giving reference to the City Ordinance, or to the section of specification, or contract, which has been violated, and which gives grounds for his 11 refusal. This information shall be by means of a check{ system. The tag r shall carry the contractorQs business or firm name, and his telephone number, and shall be securely fastened to the container or the article refused. A duplicee of each such card issued shall be filed with the Director of Public Works by 9:00 0 61ock i. M. of the business day succeeding that upon which such notice was left. Any notice herein required for the information of the public shall give the contractor ®s name, address and telephone number, in order that inquiries concerning times of collection, etc., may be made to the office of the contractor. 2-n E F4)R INQUIRI� ANTI CO' fPLAII I - 41 _ Me fixed place mu t.f x II` ' f k I I i i 6201 throe i. garbage and rubbish may be hauled, ;overnin$ " the pic �,' ; '�41 And,! f.spobing of garbage and rubl3sha f BUI The contractor shall execute and file with the dity of r11 Ssg'sndo a surety bond executed by the contractor as principal and by a corporate surety authorised to do business in the estate of California as surety,, y, to guarantee the j'w?;*t%a- f°ul performance or they contract for the entire period 4 ` dovered by the term ,of the contract, in the sung of '115,0 J� ! And a second bond to secure laborers and m aterialmen in ' Pnd and amount not less than 50 of the bid, said bonus to be ;' su'ject to the approval of the City At ern ®y as to form and of ;the ii%.ayor as to surety. Such bonds shall be wade payable to he City of Ll Segundo.,' DBF U f T S 0 The breach of any of the terms and conditions of cof e i�t act on the part of the contractor shall be grounds f t, the,4cancelldtion of the agreement, and the City, uponi'11,114*kOl 'termination, shall be at liberty to se -let the work other parties or to undertake directly the performance said work without contract, and in either case may hold :the contractor and his surety for any excess cast in performing ''such work over the cost to the City if the initial contractor° Jt ! ,,t;;;!'i .Sad Continued to perform in the manner anticipated at the iAd* ° °a�,EF�t�pp � me contract was lets Termination or the contract as he provided shall not terminate, suspend, or affect the r ' ,ability of the surety upon the bond. Ek Failure to comply with the teams of these specif3l- ` lions relative to the collection of garbage and rubbish {eta ',,the part of the contractor by reason of major disaster, ''epidemic or other great emergency within the City or by n fi' reason of the enforcement of Federal, State or local laws' not iA now in effect, within the City of El Segundo, shall not coal. 6I� f the *g#tractq pro YF#{ �!(} t 0 'ft 6202 i'Ii^�WX afl i e L+ v ,t � Eie'•itt�i Y, �t �4 µ i ,5a tl rt HOURS UP LABOR AND ailidT2:ERI W.LGES In the-parformance of this contract, eight Laois =s per day shall be the maximum hours of labor in any calendar day. The contractor seal furnish a schedule of classifi- ' R.P. Vef Veav vyes� va aa.�. uiv�waa.mva q ' ALIEN La BUR T'i-OMB, ITED !:' !1!!11111: ^ er r s in cases of extraordinary emergency caused by fire, flood portion thereof, during which such alien is kmowlingly employed,, its �1 P;s t� 4 � � m W 6203 \ d �\ \ � / t \ b . / 4 I ment of boundarion of the City. 2 1"4 , . #It . 4 • • P r i i4 t rfI dpi' 6204 sid t 1�" as ir other unit is served through any tsingle motor,, the number of meters for such place or establishment for the purposes of the count herein referred to shall be considered and reported as equal to the numbax, *f units served through such motors. i` charges. :such count so adjusted shall be used by the Cityt, r :!iiMMHOD OF CUI :PUTING HATE PER D! &TER The meter counts hereinabove describers shall be rem out the life of this contract® Computation herein describerl shall be carried to the fourth decival place® `> .,ETHOD OF COMPUTING RATE PER B4ONTH As affecting subsequent payments, the City Clerks sh }E, '` "WI'i tiPt 11 ' A than multiply the current adjusted count of meters, viz., t� 6,1iit as of June N4! Xd 40 (02-05 9 , We' M' � r ij 10 IM Within thirty (30) days of such notification the con- compensation X a sX hereon, forth •. 4; !: City Council shall each select an arbitrator, and the two J 11 :• • I 1 40, r • 4 they shall settlo the dispute to such count or compensation within fifteen (15) daysof the date of their appointment, and shall make written�report to the contractor and the City Council setting forth their decision as to whaty shall be deemed an equitable count or monthly compensation under the circumstances. The contractor and the City shall be bound by the decision of the said board of arbitration and shall be thereafter barred from protesting said count or any payment i1Ee pursuant 1 recommendation of 1..._i l'" arbitration. In the event the contractor protests the count or (monthly) herein described, any payments the final determination and report by said board Oil In the event no protest is filed as herein +Cry* then the count and (monthly) compensation established by and binding upon t i i, 4p - i ff , � F „s, � -,1,a` „ _, , ithnnni,y, t, yt t y „t SIC u , �i 1 t "Pt otherwise provided specifications, is,4 payments shall 'be made by the City to the contract Agw "$ far as possible 'between the first * of Rk- ��V,6ach calendar month for services rendered during the pre,. ceding calendar month. The contract shall not be assigned Or transferred without o s the had and obtained, nor shall any sube;,mtrantzy- ?to i3{JidB TO ACLU %iP� �;4R�L�F3�jj �� Each bid must be accompanied by a certified or cashies�$s'', check® or biddergs bond, or a cash deposit- madw suant to the award® ID ` dECT1UN The right is reserved to reject any bid or proposal not suitable in the judgment of the City Council to the best interest of the City, or to reject and and all bids . AF "IDAVIT OF faO- COLLUSION Each bidder shall accompany his bid with an affidavit subscribed and sworn to by hits that the said laid is not col- lusive and that said bidder has not tiled or presented such bid in collusion with any other bidders y R�,` _an k affidavit %'d YY' t W i 4, t A 1 i'a s OTl 'd rk4 '�rt'•�1h41tPt,M1, y ,, , i 5�4 tnd „tyStY , r i ` ' `Y 4 `iy,fiay`t A4�`iyi2 tyf' 4 3,ti 6w � and which said bid was submitted in response to and under the terms, conditions, provisions and requirements set forth in said ,,NOTICE TO BIDDERS ON COLLECTION _ND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE AND NON - COPrBUOTIBLE RTJBBISH'T, be, and the same is hereby accepted at the price set forth in said bid, which is now on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City, and which said bid so on file is hereby expressly referred to and by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all further particulars. SECTION 2. Said Contractor agrees that all work will be done in accordance with the provisions of the "Labor Code" of the State of California, and to pay not less than the general prevailing rates of wages in the City of E1 Segundo, California, (the locality in which the said work or improvement is to be per- formed) for each craft or type of workman or mechanic needed to execute this contract for said work or improvement. Said general prevailing rates of wages, so ascertained, declared, determined and specified, are herein specifically set forth as follows, to wit; CLASSIFICATION RATE PER HOUR Truck Driver ------------------------- $1.50 Swamper--- --------- -------- --- - - - - - -- 1.375 Any classification omitted herein, not less than ----------- ---- - - - --- 1.375 overtime - one and one -half (1Q) times the above rates. Sundays andholidays will not be considered overtime unless the work performed on any such days exceeds eight hours per day or forty -eight hours per week. The minimum rates of wages hereinabove set forth contem- plate in each instance a working day of eight hours, and it shall be mandatory upon the contractor and upon any subcontractor under such contractor, to pay not less than the said specified rates to all laborers, workmen and mechanics employed by them in the exe- cution of the within contract. - 5 - C: 2M The Contractor agrees that its attention has been di- rected to Sections 1810 to 1817, both inclusive, of the Califor- nia Labor Code relating to working hours, and to Sections 1850 to 1854, both inclusive, of said Code relating to employment of aliens upon public works; and said Contractor does hereby agree to ob- serve and be bound by each and all of the provisions of said Code Sections in the execution of this contract. The Contractor, insofar as said contractor is legally required so to do, must observe and abide by the provisions of all laws of the State of California and of the United States of America relating to contracts of the nature contemplated herein whether herein specifically mentioned or not. SECTION 3. That all bids received for said work or improvement, with the exception of the said bid of F. D. Foley, be and the same are hereby rejected; and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to return the checks of all unsuccess- ful bidders. SECTION 4. That the City Clerk shall prepare copies of this resolution after the passage and adoption thereof, and shall affix to such copies at the end thereof, after the Clerk's Certifi- cate, forms for the approval of the successful bidder and on the part of the said City; and such copies of this resolution, so ap- proved and accepted by the successful bidder and by and on behalf of said City, shall constitute the contract for the collection and disposal of all garbage and non - combustible rubbish originating and accumulating in the City of El Segundo, pursuant to the award hereinabove made; and the Mayor of the City of El Segundo is here- by authorized on behalf of said City to affix the approval and acceptance of said City to such contract, and said City Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to attest the same on behalf of said City and to affix the seal of said City thereto. C. 299 SECTION 5. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall cause the original of the same to be entered in the book of resolutions of the said City of E1 Segundo, and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. Passed, approved and adopted this 29th day of November, 1950. Attest; Victor D. McCart _ City Clerk (SEAL) `n ` Depuu ty. . - 7 - ,or of the City of E egundo, California. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, ) SS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. ) I. Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing resolution, being Resolution No. 1117 , was passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Coun- cil held on the 2gt day of November , 1950, and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and Mayor Selby- NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT: Councilmen Thompson WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this 30th day of November , 1950. (SEAL) Victor D. McCarth City Clerk o the C ty of E1 Segundo, California. By Deputy. ('12_ °)