CC RESOLUTION 10960 113=1110Ii TTO. 1C96 R" °CL(T2IOrT C_ �'?'_ CITY C0T7TCTl nF muT r l CITY Oyu' Ln S C-T PTDO, C tiT rT 0, �r ,T =IG Y rr CF SAID CIT`_r TO T17 _ ST BIOnIR. 77TEPMS, at the ti rie an,i of bids for the X50,000 "1AT7R', OTR S w, of the City of F1 Se ,-undo, Cali ly opened, exatn_ned and 7sad, orid ?lace fi`.ed for };nrTDS, 7LT;CITIC;T fornia, all bids tabulation the "lie opening 1948, =RTES xere public- --of 'aas beer. entered in the minutes; and n.±:IRMmss, the bid of the bidder hereis�ufter rained is the highest .;nd best bid made by a resy)onsible bidder for said bonds, N0;',, WETORE, the City Council of tiie City of El Segundo, California, DO'S 1,' -EBY °F90LV1, DliT7P "I_- FTvM CRIDER as follows, Section 1. That the bid of D. "Pr OF wl= =IG_ YTI T!O_n;,L TRUST _JvTC u_,VIYPS _S'SOCl2"iII07 offering par, accrued _nterest to date Of c'14ver�7 end a premium of w59.00 for said bonds to bear interest at the rate of 1122% per annum, payable semiannually, is the highest and best bid for said bonds. Said bid is herai;y accepted and the the bonds awarded tc said biller in accordance with tile terms of its proposa . Sections. That all bids, ctner than to one accepted in Sectionlaereof, are rejectea and the City Cleri_ is directed zo return the checks accc,lpanyinL, Said rejected jetted :�i da d:) the re- spective bidders. Section 3. That cne interost rate on s.id b vds be and it nereby is fixed at the rat-, stated ip Section 1 ;:ereof. 1 0 69C_ Id M Section 4. The City Treasurer is nereby directed to deliver said bonds to the successful bidder upon the payment of gar, accrued interest to date of delivery and the premium above stated. 1950. ADOPTED. SIGs "ED AND APPROVED this 23rd day of august, fay ,Of 461—C cf El Segundo, California. (SEAS,) _ 2 - M �� 1 T" 07 r, .I T "(`Z- 3 ' CC NO ' LOC _ NGEL J } SS . V , CITY C7 = L = 7CU"'DC. ) I. Victor D. Warth, , City Clerh of the City of !l Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the vvh_ole nuraber of members of the City Council of the 39id 'City is five; that the foregoing resolution, being Resolution Po. 1 oF, , was passed and adopted by the ,aid City Council, approved and sigaed by the T = °ayWV7of� said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular neet?ng of tho s«ia Council held on the 2311 day of August, 1950, and that tse sate was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Gordon anx�p,_T �m so and_____ :`TOES: C Councilmen .BS7YT: C CounciLaen . .11 11 Se_ i 24th aay 02 - ugust, 1950. MAI)