CC RESOLUTION 991A R SCLU iIOI� i10 . 991 it ;SOLU 'l-'IOiti uF 1'HE C1l,'i COU XIL 09 1'1,sO Cl i' OF ��L S�'CbI+LG, C�rLl1'�:tPiLr, �rCClii'ZI. U T'_L CaSH 3ID Or' ROB_�tR S ii „LL ES'!'t:'lE CO. _,'OR CEiu,11H Cllr_° UJL,IriD JJt,En &.S, the City o,' El Se -undo, California, has here- tofore instituted and is now rnrosecutin7 a general comprehensive pro -ram for the restoration of tax deeded properties within said City to a tax oayin^ basis; and pursuant to said procedure as so establis.,ed, said Council has caused to be -liven and published a notice of intention to sell the interest oC said City,* in certain of such tax deoded parcels, which said notice is desis*nated as "ilotice 1:o. len IS of Intention to Sell City of 1-'1 Semzndo Owned Real Property and Invitin- Bids or Offers Therefor. ", and IVhLch said notice was published in the L1 So­undo - _erald in the issues of Lece.nber 9, 16 and 23, 1948; and �v responsive to said notice the bid hereinafter specifically mentioned for the oroperty hereinafter described was filed and t as been duly ai.d rejularl,, considered b-,r this Council; and W sn .LS, this Council has reacted a decision aaith reference to t <<e sale of said ,)rop(,rt,,; NOVU, T_ BE I'. B_ _'__L+,' CI � r COID;CIL OF `1'_ L C1 2i OF .EL SsGM, 90, as follows: First: hat the particular Property which is the subject of this resolution and the sa.,,e t_ erein contemplated, is located in the City of El So-undo, Count-T or Los .1n zeles, ataLe o- California, and is described as follows: Lot 16, Block 57, hl Se -undo, as per rrap recorded in Book 20, Var°os 22 -23 of I,iaos, Records of Los Anreles County. Second: That it would be to the oest interest of said City co acce.)t the bid hereinafter specifically refesmd to in the sum of 8750.00 cash. 1. fhird: That the bid of i ?alph S. morshead, Jr, and llOHQ'i' i L. ORrii '_,D, husband and wifo, as joint tenants, hereinafter called the purchasers, to purchase by rood and sufficient deed with policy of title insurance said property fro,n said city for the sum of 4750.00 cash, with real estate cer,imission in the sure of 5,6 of the sales Price, payable to Roberts Real estate Co., a bro,.er, be and the same is hereby accepted. Fourth: That the said acceptance of said bid and the sale herein made by virtue of this acceptance thereof are so accented and rude subject to t-ie tc -rms and c%nditions of said ",notice l:o. 2on Id of Intention to Sell City of El Segundo Owned deal iroperty acid Inviti.,i(7 =aids or Cfiers Therefor. "; Fifth: That the &cayor of t�ie City o£ �1 Se -undo is hereby authorized aid instructed to execute, in the na.e of said City and on its behalf, a quitclaim deed Of said real property to said purci.asors, in form ap.rovod by ulae Cite _,Ltorney or 3 recial Cite .1 t torney, and tiic City Clorr_ is ereby allla'Liorized and instructed to attest the same and affix the corporate seal of said City thereto, and to deliver said deed, bon;etner ti�ltn ;policy of title L 'rnsurance to said puc7 asers. Sixth: That the bid of said Purchasers above referred to, be filed in t, e off ice of the Cit,- C erk of said City on file, and t"._e said bid and said "Notice w. `ren mT of Intention to bell City of l �er^undo Coned deal i�roperty and lnvitin� aids or Vffers Therefor. ", are hereby referred to and by this reference e pressl;r incorporated herein and :wade a part hereof. Seventh: That the City Clerk wall certify to rl o passa; -e a,id adoption of t.iis resolution; shall cease t..o cri^inal of tie same to be entered in tr_e book of resolutions of said City of s'1 5e,-,un(3o, and si,all ria'-e a minute of the ,Dassa( e and adoption thereof in the records of cre proceed!nE;s of the said City Council of said City, and in the ninu,�os of the meettn- at which the sage is passed and adopted. 2. Passed, approved and adopted this 9th day of February, 1949. -t�WIL - Mayo ro t m of the City of El Segundo, California. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) as. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, VICTOR D. McCARTHY, City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted by the Council of the City of E1 Segundo, signed by the Mayor pro tem and attested by the City Clerk at a regular meeting thereof held on the 9th day of February, 1949. That said resolution was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson and Mayor pro tem Thompson; NOES: Councilmen None; ABSENT: Councilmen Selby. 3. 1 f t