2 (3)!Zh�OLUTICN NO. RESOLUTION OF TH-, CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUiJDO, CALIr'ORNIri DETLRI'.INING THAT TM PUBLIC, IN- TERL3T ,M NECESSITY DEDL:ND THE ACQaUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF A CURTAIN DUNI=AL IL ROVEDIENT, AND MAKING FINDINGS RELATING THERETO. The City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AND DETERD:INli as follows• Uection 1. That the public interest and necessity demand the acquisition and construction by the City of L1 3e „undo of a certain municipal improve- ment, to wit: additions to and extensions and improve- ments of the water works system of said city, said addi- tions, extensions and improvements to consist of the acquisition and construction of water storage facilities, the acquisition and construction (including the reconstruc- tion) of wells, water mains, pipe lines, pumps and pumping equipment and appurtenances, and the construction of all buildings necessary for the storage and housinl- of water works equipment and supplies, including the acquisition of all land, rights of way, pumps, equipment, apparatus, pipe, material, works, and pro_jerty necessary for said improvement. That said municipal improvement is necessary and convenient to carry out the objects, purposes, and powers of the City of E1 Segundo.