CC RESOLUTION 963RESOLUTIGid NO._9� A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, C.iLIi ^OANIA, R1,VOKING TH.] YEIii4:IT HERETOFORE ISSUED BY SAIL) CITY COUTCIL TO JOHN J. C.:IiJ, DOING BUSIKESS AJ YELLOT CAB COP:.-',NY. [JHEREAS, the City Council of the City of J1 jel-undo, dalifornia, dial heretofore under date of July 30th, 1947, adopt its resolution Ito. 8J9, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THd CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, GRANTING A CONDITIONAL �sRP':IT TO JOHN J. CAIN, DOING BUSINEJS A.3 YELLO,T CAB COL:,ANY, TO OfliRATJ A TA.�ICi.B BUSINESJ IN THE CITY Or EL 3LGUND ,. "; AND, 'THs'RSt,. , t'_ereafter and on the 6th day of Au3ust, 1947, said Council did also ado.)t its Resolution Ito. 891, entitled: "A Ri�SOLUTION 07 TH7 CITY COUNCIL OF THi CITY OF EL 3EGUN7iG, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING A CONDITIONAL PERb1IT TU JOI -II1 J. C..II, , DOING BU3INE;iS 11a t =,ZOP D C:,B COId--HNY' OF EL SEGUIdDO, TO 0:'DRAT's A TA.,=AB BUSINE33 IN THli CITY OF EL SLGUNDO. "; AND, WHEREAS, at its regular meeting of October 13, 1948, said Council (I'd adc -t a resolution now of record in the official minutes of said meeting of said Council, ordering said John J. Cain to show cause before said Council at its re „ular meeting of October 20, 1948, beginning at the hour of 7:00 o'clock p. m., why the permits granted by said ,tesolutions Nos. 889 and 891 should not be revoked by said Council, effective i mediately; and did instruct the City Clerk to forward a cofy of said resolution of October 13, 1948 to said John J. Cain, as such order to show cause and as notice of the time of hearin1-1 thereon before said ;ouncil; ANA, Ii Ii,,:,a, the City Clerk has re,�orted to t-,-,is Council that a certified co,Ty of said resolution was forwarded by said Clerk to said John J. Cain at his address on file in the records relating to his said permits In the office of the City Clerk, by 0 registered United States mail, deposited in the Post Office at E1 jeg -undo, California, and that the return of said mailed matter had been received showing the receipt thereof by said John J. Cain; AND, WHEREAS, the time for said scheduled hearing on said order to show cause has now arrived and said John J. Cain has ap peared and testified before this Council with reference to said matters, and all evidence relating to said matters has been produced, and said Council is now prepared to make its decision in the said matter; NO, ", THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AU FOLLCJ3: First: That the permit heretofore issued to said John J. Cain to conduct and operate taxicab businesses under said Resolution No. $59 above referred to,in the City of E1 Segundo, shall be and the same is hereby revoked, cancelled and annulled by said Council, effective at midni --ht on the 20th day of October, 1948, as said Council hereby finds and determines that the taxicab service rendered by said John J. Cain under said permit, has been unsatisfactory and has not been responsive to the requirements of the public of said City for such service, and that for some days immediately past no satisfactory service has been rendered. Second: That nothing in this resolution contained shall be construed as revoking the permit heretofore issued by said Council to said John J. Cain, under the provisions of said Resolu- tion No. G91, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIAi, GRANTING A CONDITIONAL PERMIT TO JOHN J. Ch,IN, DOING BUSINESS Aj DIAMOND CAB COMPANY, TO OPi �ATE A TA:IICAB BUSAE036 IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO." as the Council hereby finds and determines that saict John J. 'Jain has shown sufficient cause before this Council why the said permit issued under said Resolution No. 891 for the Diamond Cab Company service, should not be revoked at this time. maid permit to said John J. Cain, doing business as Diamond Cab Company, issued 2- under said Resolution No. 891, is therefore by this Council approved, ratified and confirmed as being still effective accord- ing to its terms and provisions, notwithstanding any action heretofore taken by said Council with reference thereto. Third: That the City Clerk shall cause notice of said revocation of said Yellow Cab -ermit and of the confirmation of said Diamond Cab Permit, to be given to said John J. Cain by serving either personally or by mail u--on said John J. Cain, a certified cony of this resolution. Fourth: That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall cause the same to be entered in the book of resolutions of the said City, and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said U'ity in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. Fifth: That this resolution shall take effect immediately. Passed, approved and adopted this ?0th day of October, ti. ll., 1948. layor of the City of L:1 gu-n o, " ilifornia. (SEAL) 3- .;T.�TL OF CaLIr'Cf ?IdI_ >, ) COUNTY 0:7 LOS AM= --,'S) ) 3,J. CITY 0^ IT S3GUKDC. ?, Victor J. -:C "J ti:', ity Clerk of the City of �'l egundo California, do hereby certify that the whole number of member,3 of the "ity council oC the said City is five; that the fore,;oin.- resolution, bein- Tesolution No. 963, was _>assed and ado.,ted by the said ;it,. Counc 1, approved and signed by the I_ayor of said 'ity, and attested by the City Clerk of said "ity, all at a reular meetin of the said council held on the 20th day of October, i,., 1U4", and that the same was so passed and ado, -ted by the followin; vote: lYC�: Councilmen Baker, :leterson, ,3wanson and Tlayor Gelb_ ; NOL Councilmen Tdone; ABo ,id`': Councilman Thomason. (SEAL) 31 aegundo, C 4-