CC RESOLUTION 957RESOLUTIGtI_ 110. 957 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OIL' EL SEGUNDG, CALIFORNIA,A1,PROVING THE R'E- COI,u :KDATIONS OF THL CITY PLANNING COPLISSION, AS SET FGRTIi IN RE.,OLUTIG I .,0.. 42 OF SAID CODd,,L;SIGN, AND ::STABLISHING A POLICY .11TH REFEREIuCE TO 711E ISSUANCE 0Z PER..ITS AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF D- ,&L1.ING3 AND CERTAIN ACCESSORY BUILDILGS IN Tim R -1 ZONE WITIiIN SAID CITY. tr'H .3EA5 the City :Tanning Commission of the City of El Segundo, California, did heretofore on the 30th day of August, 1948, adopt its Resolution II .. 42 in words and figures as follows, to wit: "R;,''SOLUTICN NO. 42 IIHERLA.i, Ordinance No. 306 of the City of El Segundo, known as theZoning Ordinance, provides among other things in Section 4 thereof, that in the "R -111, One - Family Zone the permissible uses are limited to a one - family dwelling per lot, together ti,ith certain accessory uses, including a private garaf�e, and ,MME'AS, it is generally recognized that because of the excessive demand for housing accommodations and the large volume of building occurring along the coast, building costs are abnormally high, and :dHE.REsS, the dearth of housin;, accommodations impells people to exert every effort and devote availaule means to provide themselves with housing accommodations and in which effort the scarcity of materials and costs interpose a very practical obstacle. NOv; THM:' FORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Planning Commission recommends to the City Council the adoption of a go W policy which will serve to meet the practical emergency which exists and at the same time assure the ultimate ad- herence to the minimum standards of development contemplated by and provided for in said Ordinance Ido. 306, and that such policy involve permission to temporarily defer the require- ment that in new residential development the main residen- tial structure and the accessory garage building shall be erected concurrently; 'WHEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that as a means of accomplishing said purpose the following specific authority and requirements constitute an order of the City Council as being essential to preserving the public health safety and general welfare until such time as the emergency herein referred to shall have terminated as determined by a subse- quent finding by the :lanning CoiuA ssion and concurrence therein by the City Council through an action cancelling the provisions of this Resolution; 1. That in the case of the contemplated erection of a residence upon a lot classified for "R" purposes the requirement for concurrently erecting the required garage facilities be temporarily set aside, ?rovided, however, that the necessary slab and foundation therefor shall be placed and co_istructed in such location as is prescribed by Ordinance No. 306, 2. That if the owner or builder desires to erect a temporary housinS shelter using therefor the site and a structure to be erected for eventual use as a garage, he may do so, provided -- (a) that the foundation for the permanent dwelling on the front portion of the lot shall be installed at loca- tion and in such form as will conform to both the provisions of Ordinance P1o. 306 and the Building Code; 2- (b) That the garage structure to be temporarily employed for a housing f cility shall conform to garage type of construction and that the installations and equipment essential to residential purposes such as plumbing and kitchen facilities shall be installed to assure sanitary and acceptable living quarters, but with the condition that such facilities and installations as kitchen plumb- ing, kitchen facilities, etc., shall be completely removed and the structure converted to an accessory building within the meaning of Ordinance No. 306 immediately upon the completion of the permanent main dwellin.; (c) That no permit be authorized solely for a main building without a garage, or solely for a temporary garage dwelling without the permanent main dwelling, but that any building permit issued shall include the authority for both structures but with the provision that such permits may be employed in the manner herein set forth, (d) That if a permit is issued for such a tempo- rary garage dwelling and the main building to be later con- structed, the temporary garaZ;e dwelling is to be abandoned as a dwelling and converted to garag-e -use purposes within twelve months from the date of the issuance of the permit, and that if the above stipulation is not complied with, the temporary dwelling will assume the status of a permanent dwelling and therefore, the erection of an additional build - ing for living purposes will constitute an additional dwell- ing on a lot and thereby be in violation of the zoning ordinance, and (e) That the Buildin;; Inspector and all other offices of the City of E1 Segundo be advised of this policy and directed to conform thereto."; 3- �t AND, ,dHEREAS, the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, has duly and reCularly considered and processed the said Resolution 140. 42, and the matters and sgojects therein referred to; AND, iHER:�AS, after such processing and consideration the City Council feels that the determinations of said City Planning Commission, as set forth in said Resolution No. 42, and the policy therein defined, (tirith certain modifications, as hereinafter set forth) should be approved and established in and for said City; NOIJ, TH2REPORZ, the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, does hereby resolve, declare, determine and order as follows: SECTION 1. That said Council does hereby approve the findings as set forth in the preamble of said Resolution No. 42 of said Commission. SECTION 2. That said Council does hereby- establish the following temporary and emergency order and policy in and for said City, to 'be effective until such time as the emergency referred to in said Resolution No. 42 shall have terminated, as determined by a subsequent finding by said Planning Commission and concurrence therein by said City Council, to be evidenced through an action repealing and cancelling this Resolution No. 957 of this Council, to wit: ill. 1hat in the case of the contemplated erection of a residence upon a lot classified for 'Rt purposes the requirement for concurrently erecting the required garage facilities be temporarily set aside, provided, however, that the necessary slab and foundation therefor shall be placed and constructed in such location as is prescribed by Ordinance No. 306, and provided further that in such 4-- }n case the garage structure itself shall thereafter be erected and constructed upon such slab and foundation within twenty -four months after the issuance of the permit therefor. 112. That if the owner or builder desires to erect • temporary housing shelter using therefor the site and • structure to be erected for eventual use as a garage, he may do so, provided -- (a) That the foundation for the permanent dwelling on the front portion of the lot shall be installed at location and in such form as will conform to both the provisions of Ordinance NO. 306 and the Building Code; (b) ''hat the garage structure to be temporarily employed for a housing facility shall conform to garage type Of construction and that the installations and equipment essential to residential purposes such as plumbing and kitchen facilities shall be installed to assure sanitary and acceptable living quarters, but with the condition that such facilities and installations as kitchen plumbing, kitchen facilities, etc., shall be completely removed and the structure converted to an accessory building within the meaning of Ordinance NO. 306 immediately upon the completion of the permanent main dwelling; (c) That no permit be authorized solely for a main building without a garage, or solely for a temporary garage dwelling without the permanent main dwelling, but that any building permit issued shall include the authority for both structures but with the provision that such per- mits may be employed in the manner herein set forth; (d) That if a permit is issued for such a temporary garage dwelling and the main building to be later con- structed, the temporary garage dwelling is to be abandoned 5- as a dwellin.- and converted to garage -use purposes within twenty -four months from the date of the issuance of the Hermit, and that if the above stipulation is not complied with, the temporary dwelling will assume the status of a permanent dwelling; and therefore, the erection of an aaditional building for living purposes will constitute an additional dwelling on a lot and thereby be in violation of the zoning ordinance, and (e) That the Building Inspector and all other offices of the City of El Se,undo be advised of this policy and directed to conform thereto." SECTION 3. That this resolution shall take effect immediately and shall continue in effect until repealed as hereinabove conteml;lated. SECTION 4. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution, shall cause the same to be entered in the book of resolutions of said City and shall make a minute of the passa,e and adoption t:ereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. passed, ap,)roved and adopted this 6th day of October, A. D. , 1948. (SEAL) L e� Mayor o£ the ity o al S , ;alifornia. M :a STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, ) SS. CITY OF %L S3GU13DO. I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing resolution, being 3esolution No. 957, was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Layor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 6th day of October, A. D., 1948, and that the sane was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Kayor Selby, NOSC: Councilmen None; ABSENT: Councilmen None. (SEAL) 7- r