CC RESOLUTION 952AEdOLUTION NO. 952 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SZGUN➢C, CkLIFORNIA, AP:ROVING THE HE- COIII:IZNDATIONS OF THE CITY PLANNING CORJv1ISSION �IITH REFERENCE TO PARAMOUNT 1,11IPING RAG COPrFANY ACTIVITIES, AS SET FORTH IN RESOLUTION NO. 43 OF SAID COIvIIISSICN. .dHERSA,32 the City Planning Commission of the City of E1 Segundo, California, did heretofore adopt its Resolution No. 43, in words and figures as follows, to wit: " RESOLUTION 140. 43 "Moved by Commissioner Hanson, Seconded by Commissioner Binder, that the following Resolution be adopted: �7HEREAS, Paragraph A. Use, Section 12 of Ordinance 306 provides, among other things that, -- 'If anyt'use't is for any reason omitted from the lists of those specified as permissible in each of the various zones herein designated, or if ambiguity arises concerning the approximate classification of a particular use within the meaning and intent of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of the City Planning Commission to ascertain all perti- nent facts concerning said use and by resolution of record set forth its findings and the reasons for designating a specific classification for each use and such findings and resolutions shall be referred to the City Council and , if approved by the City Council, thereafter such designated classification shall govern.' AND WHEREAS, question has arisen concerning the ap,,ropriate classification of the business conducted by Paramount ,.'iping Hag Company, whose establishment is located at 10$ Sheldon, and 1- ,1iEHEA3 at a s- ecial meeting of the '.'lannin> Corrunission held on 3e Aember 7, 1948, inquiry was made of the principals concerning the exact nature of the business enter rise, the mechanical equipment and the processes engaged in; NO'd THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the results of said inquiries are correctly set forth in the following findings: 1. That the business of Paramount , i,)ing Ra,l,_ Company consists principally of the purchase of large quantities of used clothing and rage. These materials are acquired from the Salvation Army, -Volunteers of America, Goodwill Industries and others who make a business of collecting salva -e materials. The business consists of the segregating of these rags into two categories. A. Cottongoods, H. ',1oo1 and goods other than cotton. The cotton materials are then subjected to a laundering process and sterilization. These cleaned rags are then packaged and sold to the trades for wiping rag pur- poses. This constitutes the principal phase of the business. The woolen goods and the garments are then baled and shipped overseas where the contents of such bales are generally devoted to one of two pur oses: �. the garments which are useable are so employed; D. Other materials are broken down, counted and reclaimed in the form of so- called 'Shabby material' or other fabrics suitable for re -use. 2. Ordinance No. 306 includes as sub -item 42, paragraph A. Use, Section 11; 'atorage or baling of rags, paper, iron or junk." 3. The said storage or baling of rags, paper, iron or junk, are interpreted by the Commission as constituting what is commonly referred to as the 'junk business' in which the principal activity is the gathering from all available sources of cast -off materials in order that they may be segregated and there disposed of to the s,jecialized industries or activities 2- which utilize such materials as the basis for manufacturing enterprises in which such raw materials are converted into other forms having co.mercial value. 4. The Paramount ;iping Rag Company conducts a business consisting principally of the utilizing and the disposal of fabrics already gathered and segregated by those making a specialty of collecting cast -off materials. 5. That though the _aramount iping Rag Company does, in connection with its business, and as an incident thereto , bale rags, that such activity is, in fact, but an incident to the entire business and does not come within the meaning of the term 'baling of rags' in the ordinance as above quoted. 6. xnd that the law dering and sterilizing of cotton goods, which constitutes about 50;o of the bulk of materials handled by saidCompany is accomplished with equipment and by processes similar to those employed by any standard form of laundry; that the incidental process of baling rags does not give rise to obnoxious characteristics such as noise, odor, fumes, smoke, vibration, etc, nor are such materials stored in any quantity. They are gathered and stored only until sufficient amounts are in to constitute a shipment. WHE2EFOR BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commi- sion finds that the business conducted by Paramount . ;iping Rag Company, so long as it consists of the processes as herein enumerated, constitutes, within the meaning; and intent of Ordinance Ido. 306, a use permissible in the 'N. -1' Zone, and that in view of such circumstances, the Commission so declares and "INALLY RESOLVED That a co -y of this Resolution be forwarded to the City Council for its attention and with the recommendation that the said Council concur in the findings of the Planning Conuiission and that if and when such concurrence is recorded that 3- proprietors of Paramount piping Rags Company be so advised and that the Building Inspector and other associated with the Administration of Law in the City of E:1 Segundo be similarly advised in order that necessary permits or licenses be granted to = aramount -piping Rags Company so as to allow the establishment and conduct of the business at the location on Sheldon Street as herein set forth." AND, uHRiiA., a copy of said resolution has been presented to the City Council of said City, and said Council has carefully reviewed and processed the said resolution and the matters and subjects therein referred to; NO °l, THEREFOP.E, the City Council of the City of 1­1 jegundo, California, does hereby resolve, declare, determine and order as follows: First: The said Council does hereby approve and confirm the reasons, findings and determinations of the City Planning Commission of the City of El Segundo with reference to the classi- fication of the business conducted by : aramount 'ipinZ Rag Company, whose establishment is located at 103 Sheldon Street in the City of El Segundo, California, all as set forth in said Resolution No. 43 of said Cocmi,ssion, hereinabove quoted. Second: That said Council does hereby designate the classification for said business of said raranount 'iping .Lag Company as being its true classification, which classification shall govern, all in the manner and to the extent as contemplated in and under the provisions of Ordinance No. 306 of said City, referred to in said above quoted resolution No. 43• Third: That this resolution shall take effect immediately. Fourth That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall cause the same to be entered in the book of resolutions of said City and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings 4- of the City Council of said City in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. Passed, approved and ado ted this 8th day of Sertember, A. D., 1945. hlayor"o the City of E1 Se o, California. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF L03 ANGELL3, ) SS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. ) I, Victor D. PlcCarthy, City Clerk of the City of E1 oegundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing resolution, being Resolution No. 952, was passed and adopted by the said Cit, Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 8th day of September, : +. D., 1945, and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYi;S-. Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Swanson, Thomason and Mayor Selby. NOs3: Councilmen ABS—'-'NT: Councilmen 5- City Uierk of the Git:v, El Segundo, California.