CC RESOLUTION 945RESOLUTION NO. 945 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS NO. 480728 FOR THE FURNISHING AND INSTALLING A TWO -WAY RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR THE POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO$ CALIFORNIA,DATED JULY 28, 1948. the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, does resolve, declare and determine as follows: SECTION 1. That the following specifications, being and to be known as "SPECIFICATIONS NO. 480728 FOR THE FURNISH- ING AND INSTALLING A TWO-WAY RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR THE POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA," be and the same are hereby adopted: "SPECIFICATIONS NO. 480728 FOR THE FURNISHING AND INSTALLING A TWO -WAY RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR THE POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA. July 28, 1948 SPECIFICATIONS NO. 480728 DESCRIP'T'ION OF WORK The work to be done under these specifications shall consist of the furnishing of all necessary materials, tools, appliances, equipment, labor, and transportation for the furnishing and installing a two -way police communication system consisting of one main station transmitter and receiver with remote control console; four mobile transmitters and receivers for Police Department, three installed in automobiles and one installed on a motorcycle; and three mobile trans- mitters and receivers for the Fire Department, one installed on a fire engine pumper, and two installed in automobiles; all for the City of E1 Segundo, California. All equipment shall be fully licensed and shall be guaranteed to meet all of the requirements of the Federal Communications Commission. 1- The City of E1 Segundo, California, will furnish the necessary room and location for the equipment to be installed in the main station; will furnish all automobiles and motor- cycle to be equipped with mobile units; will furnish the pole on which the main station transmitter is to be installed; and will provide the necessary power outlet. Each bidder, in bidding, shall describe in sufficient detail to adequately identify the same, the equipment upon which bidder is bidding; shall furnish in duplicate a circuit diagram of the main station transmitter and mobile transmitters, specifying type of tubes, plate current and plate voltage, one copy of which the City of E1 Segundo, California, may submit to the Federal Communications C ommission with its application for a license to construct and operate its two -way radio communi- cation system; and may accompany his bid with any descriptive data or statements which, to the bidder may seem appropriate or pertinent. FIXED M N STATION RXO INTER The fixed transmitter shall be designed for frequency modulation on a frequency of 155.61 megacycles. It shall maintain it's frequency with a deviation of less than .005 per cent with temperature variation from zero to 125 degrees Fahrenheidt. Direct crystal control with phase shift modulation shall be employed. Pre- emphasis designed for a logarithmic increase of ten decibels between 500 and 3,000 cycles shall be employed. A deviation of five with a frequency deviation of plus or minus 20 kilocycles shall constitute 100 per cent modulation. Po,,rer output shall be between 25 and 50 watte, and power, ease of service and mounting will be considered as well as price in the selection of the equipment. It shall be designed for operation from standard 110 Volt A. C. mains. The transmitter shall be designed for mounting in a suit- able cabinet, together with fixed station receiver. It shall be supplied complete with antenna and all 4 5 necessary incidental equipment. All spurious radiations must be reduced at least 60 decibels. XED AIN STATION EIV AN�N50LE The fixed station receiver shall have the same specification as for the mobile receivers, except, as follows: It shall be designed for mounting in the point fixed station transmitter - receiver cabinet. It shall use standard 110 volts A. C. power source. It shall have volume control available on remote control console. The remote control console shall provide means for volume and muting of the fixed receiver, a preamplifier for a dynamic microphone, a carrier indicator and modulation indicator. The microphone supplied shall be a good quality, eardiod type, dynamic. The receiver, transmitter, remote control unit and microphone shall be furnished complete in the unit price bid. MOBILE SMI TRANTTERS FOR A T M E3 RE PUMPERS Transmitters shall be designed for frequency modulation on a frequency of 155.61 megacycles. Direct crystal control shall be used. The frequency tolerance shall be less than .005 per cent with a temperature variation of from zero to 125 degrees Fahrenheidt. Bids will be accepted on mobile units between 7 watts and 30 watts of power. Power, ease of service, and mounting will be considered as well as price in the selection of equip- ment. Transmitters shall be designed to operate from a standard 6 volt battery except that which is to operate on the fire engine pumper which shall be designed to operate on a 12 volt battery. Mechanical construction shall insure against 3- premature failure due to vibration, shall afford ease of service and provide protection from dirt and from articles that may be carried in trunk compartment of an automobile. Transmitters shall use phase shift modulation. A deviation of five is to be maintained. A frequency swing of plus or minus 20 kilocycles shall constitute 100 per cent modulation. Pre - emphasis giving a logarithmic increase of ten decibels from five hundred to three thousand cycles shall be used. Complete twenty kilocycle modulation shall be realized by sneaking in a normal voice one inch from the microphone. Limiter action shall prevent overswing on loud voices. Means for controlling and testing the transmitter shall be available with the normal teat equipment used at the transmitter proper, for the purpose of alignment. Transmitters shall have heavy metal dust covers, mounting plates etc., which shall provide complete protection from dirt, water or mechanical damage. The transmitters shall be constructed on a heavy guage welded steel chassis, copper or cadmium plated. The transmitter shall be easily removable, without tools, for service and adjustment. All plugs and cable connectors shall be heavy type metal enclosed with screw type retaining rings which prohibit accidentally jarring loose. Plugs shall be designed so that no 'A' battery voltage is exposed. Battery cables shall be heavy guage wire to minimize voltage drop. Battery lead must be fused near 'hot' battery connections. All tuning adjustments must be readily accessible and require only a small screwdriver or tuning wrench for adjustment. No retuning shall result when cover is placed on transmitter. Separate metering must be provided for each stage. 4- All component parts shall be mounted so as to withstand constant Jar and vibration. All heavy parts shall be firmly mounted on the chassis. In as far as possible all small condensers, resistors, etc. shall be mounted on ter- minal stripe, and not be dependent on leads for mechanical support. A control head shall be provided which shall have microphone plug, receiver volume and squelch, and indicating pilot light. Transmitters shall be sup-)lied complete with micro- phone, antenna, cables, and all necessary hardware for complete installation at the unit price bid. Antennas shall be designed for roof top mounting, with a stainless steel whip. They shall have adequate in- sulation and support and be of such design that they will not normally be damaged by striking foreign objects while the car is in motion. It shall provide water tight mounting, and it shall be possible to replace the whip when necessary. A flexible coaxial line shall be provided, together with all necessary couplings. The impedance of the line shall be such that a standing wave ratio of two to one, or less, is realized_ Insulation in the coaxial line shall be solid low loss type. All transmitters shall have all spurious radiations reduced to a minimum of 60 decibels. MOBILE RECEIVERS FOR AUTOMOBILES AND FIRE PUMPERS Receivers shall be designated to operate kilocycles. on 155.61 megacycles with a frequency modulation of plus or minus twenty 5- The receiver shall be a crystal controlled double superheterodyne using two limiter stages, and a discrimination type detector. All spurious responses must be reduced to a minimum of 85 decibels. Response to a signal 120 kilocycles off resonance shall be 85 decibels down minimum. The receiver shall incorporate a noise amplifier and rectifier circuit, so that noise peaks tighten squelch. A one microvolt signal shall provide 20 decibels quieting. Squelch shall open on one half microvolt. The crystal furnished shall be capable of maintaining it's frequency within two cycles per megacycle per degree cen- tigrade. All tuning adjustments must remain constant despite Jarring and vibration. In general, construction details shall be equivalent to those outlined for mobile transmitters. Control of audio volume, squelch, microphone plug and pilot light must be provided on control head. Receivers shall use vibrator power supply and shall operate from a standard six volt automobile battery. MOBILE UNIT FOR Pf0'i'b1�CYLLE Bidder shall furnish in detail his own specifications for this mobile unit to be operated on the same frequency as the other units herein described. PREVAILING WAGE SCALE The prevailing wage scale which has been determined by the City Council of E1 6egundo, California, and whloh shall be a part of the contract for the work herein specified Is as follows: Radio Technician . . . . . . . . 61.55 per hour Radio Technician Helper. . . . . 1.35 per hour All foremen not mentioned separately classified shall be paid not less than 17 -1/2 cents per hour more than the hourly rate of the highest classification over which he has supervision. C-M Classifications not herein mentioned not less than the minimum rate shown. Overtime shall be one and one -half times the above rates. Sundays and holidays shall be considered as overtime. The minimum of per diem wages as above set forth con- template in each instance a working day of eight (8) hours. PAYMENT Thirty days after the completion of the work by the contractor and its acceptance by the City Council, the City shall pay to said contractor the entire sum found to be due under said contract. It is mutually agreed that no payment shall be con- strued to be an acceptance of any defective work or improper materials and contractor further agrees that the payment of the final amount under the contract shall release the City of E1 Segundo, California, its officers and agents, from any and all claims or liability on account of the work performed under this contract or any alteration thereof. " SECTION 2. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall enter the same in the book of resolutions of the City of El Segundo, California, and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said city, in the minutes of the greeting at which the same is passed and adopted. Passed, approved and adopted this 28th day of July, A. D., 1948. 4 _ yor of the City Se of gundo, California. ATTEST /l/ 4 City Clerk/ (SEAL) 7.. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, ) SS. ) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. ) I. Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said city is five; that the foregoing resolution, being Resolution No. 945, was passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said city, and attested by the City Clerk of said city, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 28th day of July, A. D., 1948, and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Baker, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby; NOES: Councilmen None; ABSENT: Councilman Peterson. City Clerk of th E egundo, California. ( SEAL) 0