CC RESOLUTION 944„,O. 944 SUL jI�i, C? i�_� C lc C, u „CiL u�' 1':_; CITY C_1.11 317 OL � j. ori,LL -�Y C -''Z CJ. „_._',131 the City of Ll oer-undo, California, has 'ceretofore instituced and is now Drosecutin- a - e_-ieral comiDrehensive pro -ra.n for t-ie restoration of tax deeded tyro r roes within said City to a tar, rayinr basis; and vJ�_Lt L,S, in accordance with said )ro7ra- the bid hereinafter sue cificalln mention ^d 2or ttre -,ro )ort-v neroinaft-r described was Filed and has been :ul;T and re "ularly consile ^ed b- t -,is council; and vv this Council has reached a decision with reference to the sale of said ,ro ,erty; Oan, 'ix, b,, if by the City Council of the City of �l oo -undo, as follows: First: That the „articular property which '_s t-ie subiect of this resol-ation and tihe salo tivercln contemplated, is located in the Cit- of -'l tee mn('o, COUnt,T o° Los .env °eles, State of California, and is described as follows: Lot 3 in nlocl; 3, vI �)e -undo, as per nap recorded in Book 13 rare 60 of :,va)s, ttecords of Los ,in7eles County. Second: That it would be to the best ir_teresL of said City to accept the bid hereinafter specifically referred to in the su-m of 4;,350.00 cash. Third: That the bid of Lynn A. Uoshaw, a sin,-lo man, hereinafter called the purc.,asor, to purchase by ,good and sttFfi cient deed wit?. oolic;, of title insurance fron said City for the sum. of 4850.00 cash, wit'r real estate commission in the suin of S,� of the sales price, parable to Millard J. Shelley, a broker, be and the same is hereby accepted. fourth: That the said acceptance of said bid and the sale herein r:ade b,- virtue of this acceptance thereof is so accented 1. and made sub'ect to all the terms and conditions of each and all of the ordinances of the City of El Se -undo. Fifth: !hat the ila,or of Lhe City of 1 6c -undo is hereby authorized and instructed to execute, in Lhe name of said Cit,r apd on its bonalf, a quitclaim deed of sai^ real proi-)erty to said nurchaser, in fora an­iroved by the City Attorney or Soecial City i.ttorney, and the City Cleric is hereby autnorized and instructed to attest the sage and affix the corporate seal of said City thereto, and to deliver said deed, to- etl -er with )olic­ of title insurance to said ourchaser. Sixth: That the bid of said purchaser above referred to be placed in the office of the City Clcrk of said City on file, and the said bid is hereby referred to and by this reference expressl?r incorporated herein ai.d made a part hereof. Seventh: That the Cit.r Cler', shall certify to the oassame and adoption of this resolution; shall cause tue ori;"inal of the sane to be entered in the book of resolutions o° said City o*' 's1 Se -undo, and snail make a minute of t_ie nassa*e and adoption thereof in the records of %ile �roceedln -s of Lhe said City Council of said City, and in tihe minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. Passed, asoroved and adopted this 21st day of July, 1948. AT ST: City C c 2. _�L zxr� Mayor cf the City-of'--El Se^undo, Califordria. 3L,Z: CT C1,Ll�UEHNIA ) Cv,;_dTL o? LOS !�.;G�L�,S % Ss C12Y OF i:L ii_,�iU1,D0 S, VICtvR ,). Cit- Clor': of the Gi t-,r of El Se -undo, hereby certify that ',;is forecoin- resolution '.vas adopted by ti,e Council of the City of n.'1 oe undo, sinned by t,ze Mayor and attested by z}ie City ClerL at a re.-ular rneetin,- thereof held on she 21st dal,' of 3uly, 1948. lhat said resolution was adopted by the followin- vote: le_La: Councilmen Baker Peterson, Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby; -;Js S: Councilr>>en None; �SLiT: Councilmen None. (3u'AL) 3.