6The receiver shall be a crystal controlled double superheterodyne using two limiter stages, and a discrimination ty-)e detector_ All spurious responses must be reduced to a minimum of 85 decibels. Response to a signal 120 kilocycles off resonance shall be 85 decibels do,n minimum. The receiver shall incorporate a noise a^iplifier and rectifier circuit, so that noise peaks tighten squelch. A one microvolt ignal shall provide 20 decibels quieting. Squelch shall oven on one half microvolt. The crystal furnished shall be capable of maintain- ing it's frecuency within two cycles per megacycle per degree centigrade. All tuning adjustments must remain constant despite Jarring and vibration. In general, construction details shall be equivalent to those outlined for mobile transmitters. Control of audio volume, squelch, microphone plug and pilot light must be provided on control head. Receivers shall use vibrator power supply and shall operate from a standard six volt automobile battery. MOBILE UNIT FOR MOTORCYCLE Bidder shall furnish in detail his own specifications for this mobile unit to be ocerated on the sam- frecuency as the other units L-erein described. PREVAILING `JAGF,,CALT The prevailing wage scale which has been determined by the City Council of E1 oegundo, California, and which shall be a part of the contract for the work herein specified is as follows. Padio Technician . . . . . . . k1.55 per hour Padio Technician Holner . . . 1.75 per nour All foremen not mentioned separately classified shall be paid not less than 17 -1/2 cents per hour more than the hourly rate of the highest classification over which he has supervision. 6- I Its