4Bids will be accepted on mobile units between 7 watts and 30 watts of power. Power, ease of service, and mounting will be considered as well as price in the selection of equipment. Transmitters shF11 be designed to operate from a standard 6 volt automobile battery. Mechanicpl construction shall insure against premature failure due to vibration, shall afford ease of service and provide protection from dirt and from articles that may be carri °d in trunk compartment of an automobile. Transmitters shall use phase shift modulation. A deviation of five is to be maintained. A frequency swing of plus or minus 20 kilocycles shall constitute 100 :per -cent modulation. Pre - emphasis giving a logarithmic increrse of ten decibels from five hundred to three thousand cycles shali be uaed. Complete twenty kilocycle modulation shall be real- ized by speaking in a normal voice one inch from the microphone. Limiter notion shall prevent overswin6 on loud voices. Means for controlling and testing the transmitter shall be available with the normal test equipment used at the transmitter proper, for the puroose of alignment. Transmitters shall have heswy metal dust covers, mountings plates etc., which shall _provide complete protection from dirt, water or mechenicnl damage. The transmitters shall be constructed on a heavy guage welded steel chassis, co)per or cadmium plated. The transmitter shall be easily removable, without tools, for service and adjustment. All plugs and cable connectors shall be heavy type metal enclosed with sere- type retaining rings which prohibit accidentally jarring loose. Plugs shall be designed so that no "A" battery voltage is exposed. Battery cables shall be heavy guage wire to minimize voltage drop. Battery lead must be fused near "hot" battery conn�c tions. 4-