2?]' c.ctupment shall be fully licensed and shall be guaranteed to meet all of the requirements of the Federal Communications Commission. The City of El Segundo, California, will furnish the necessary room and location for the equipment to be in- stalled in the main station; will furnish all automobiles and motorcycle to be equipped with mobile units; will fur- nish the pole on which the main station transmitter is to be installed; and will provide the necessary power outlet. Each bidder, in bidding, shall describe in suffi- cient detail to adequately identify the same, the equipment upon which bidder is biddinei; shall furnish in duulicate a circuit diagram of the main station transmitter and mobile transmitters , specifying, type of tubes, -late current and plate voltage, one copy of which the City of El 6egundo, California, may submit to the Federal Communications Commission with its application for a license to construct and operate its two -way r ^dio communication system; and may accompany his bid with any descriptive data or statements which, to the bidder may seem appropriate or pertinent. FIXED 14AIN STATION TRAN5'4ITTER ~ The fixed transmitter shall be designed for frequency modulation on a frequency of 155.61 megacycles. It shall maintain It's frequency with a deviation of less than .005 per cent ,ith temperature variation from zero to 125 degrees Fahrenheidt. Direct crystn;l control with phase shift modulation shall be employed. Pre - emphasis designed for a logarithmic increase of ten decibels between 501 and 3,000 cycles shall be employed. A deviation of five with a frequency deviation of plus or minus 20 kilocycles shall constitute 100 per cent modulation. Power output shall be 50 watts. 2-