15- RESOLUTION PdO. 940 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS NO. 480609, FOR THE FURN- I5HING AND INSTALLING A W-WAY RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR THE POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS OF THE CI'T'Y OF EL oEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DA'Z'ED JUNT 7, 1948. The City Council of the City of 71 Segundo, California, does resolve, declare and determine as follows: oECTION 1. That the following specifications, being and to be known as "SPECIFICATIONS NO. 480609 FOR THE FURNISHING WD INSTALLING A T' ?0-WW RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR THE POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA," be and the same are hereby adopted: "SPECIFICATIONS NO. 480609 FOR THE FURNISHING AND INSTALLING A T "O -WAY RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR THE POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA" JUNE 7, 1948 SPECIFICATIONS NO. 480609 DESCRIPTION OF WORK The work to be done under these specifications shall consist of the furnishing of all necessary materials, tools, appliances, equipment, labor, and transportation for the furnishing and installing a two - way ;police communication system consisting of one main station transmitter and receiver with remote control console; four mobile transmitters and receivers for Police Department, three installed in automobiles and one installed on a motor- cycle; and three mobile transmiters and receivers for the Fire Department, one installed on a fire engine pumper, and two installed in automobiles; all for the city of E1 Segurdo, California.