CC RESOLUTION 938:�ZoGLUTIGh ITO. 938 A ME OLUTICN OF T- E. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CF EL z>2GUtiDC, CALIFORNIA, AVIFETMING R23CLU'=17 " 448 OF -AID COU!,CIL (CRIATITTC -YD cROVIDII70 FOR T- :iEC�EATTC "? ",LiI�1IX OF z)AID, CITY), �j AME:`DED TO DW IE, BY �ECTION6 2 t 4 THEREOF RELATIN3 TO 7TE NU'M - "R, METHOD OF A-POINTKZNT AND TERM,) OF CUAIITd6ICNz2, . The City Council of ti.e City of El z)ee,undo, Cali- forni =-, does resolve, decl<re and detPr;nine as follows: entitled: .SECTION 1. That erection . of :t -sol utiion .,o. 44S, °A neaOLUTION OF THE CITY CCU \CIL OF THE CITY OF EL oEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, EJTA?LIaHING A RFCR- _ATIOPT CC "- ?!ISSI' N IN AND :OR oAID CITY, PROVIDING FOR THE A'POINTNfE ^'T OF THE CONS'^I- TUENT ME"B`Po '-HFIIEOF, DEFIitIN3 THE PMIER3 AYD DUTIE6 OF :SUCH CO ;ND :Ah3NG PROVI 10IT6 FOR Ti'E FUNCTIONING T -0: ECF.", 5393 - ,nssed and adopted on the 23rd d,..y of Merch, A. D., 19•718, a_ amended to dp *e, be nna the 3,4me is hereby -- wended so as to read ^s follos-rs: "SECTION Trot eff-ctive at midnt,,ht on the 70th d ^y of June, 1949, tilt' terms of ail members of t._- °ecreetion Commission of tl^e City of El uebundo then in office, shall cease ena terminnte anu t.jereafter, co r�encin^ on ti--e first day of Jule, 19 ,iS, tre said Co -i.ission shall consist of five members, -no sha11 be d, >signated ,nd selected t s follotns, to snit: (a) Commissioner T.o. 1 shall be a mamber of the City Council of said city, and shall be appointed by said Council. (b) Commissioner ho. 2 shall be appointed by -l-e 'I ty Council from the citizens at larLe of said city. 1- r (c) Commi sioner o. j, -,I,e a member of t,�e -1 oe ,-undo City -3o,-rd of ochool Trustees, and anall be ap)ointed by said 3oard of Trustees. (d) Commissioner No. 4 shall be appointed by the rl oe,,undo City 30�rd of school Trustees from the citi2ens at lart,e of said city. (e) Commissioner ilo. 5 shall be apnointied h the City Council from the cicl7ens at large of eaid city." oEC'CICN Teat aecv_on 4 of said Resolution. No. 44� shall be and tte same is hereby ;;mended so as to rend a� ` folio *�s °SECTION 4. (k) E7cent -,,s hereinafter )rovided, the terms of the res;)ective co ­ issioners shall be for the n(,r'.od of t_-ree veers and shsll expire at - ._dni_ht on tre 1-0th_ r,f June of the tl -ird year of such re- - ,- ectiva terms: ^rovided, ",oleevPr, that V t6-m5 of Vie first commissioners selected under the Drovisions of ,;ecti ^n f hereof (ac :mended) shall ey.DirP (1) The initial term O'- the first ^o,ointee under subdivision (n) of erection 2 hereof (Fs Emended) shall expire at midnight on the 30th day of June, 1949. (2) The initial term of the first aonointee under subdivision (b) of z>ection 2 hereof (as amended) sh211 expire at midnight on the '�Otri day of June, 1950. (7) The initial term of the first anoointee under subdivision (c) of 5ec,ion hereof (as amended) shall expire at midnight on the 3Cth C2y of June, 1949. (4) The initial term of t_ °.e first rpt,oin.tee under subdivision (d) of Section 2 _".ereof (as amended) snpil Prrire at midr:i ht on tl_e cQtn day of June, 1950. (5) The initial term of the first ap ,)ointee under subdivision (e) of Section ^ hereof (s,s amende(l) shall expire �t A dni ht on the 1-10th day of June, 1951. 900 (E) :° :embf --rahi � on the Recreation Commiseion shall �.ttom2tically terminate for any member a,)jiointed under subdivisions (a) and (c) of oeetion < with the termina- tion of membershi-) of sicY m­nber on the �:ovFrnine, board re'-resented by suci^ memb, r, (C) Vacancies occur-inc, in the of'fice of Co ^imis_ loner by ex,-ir^tion of t -rm, re:iZnotion or ofErwise, shall be filled b, onnointraen- as in t!,e first instance, �ucz: r;)-ointee to - Frve f sr the fall ter-, or for t'_�e re- oinder of tee unex- iii'° -d torr, of the Commis,;ion�r to s,,, ° -ead who,,,, Svc: appointee is 2�oointed, as the coz.e may be. (D) oria Cosa :,fission shall Lave full coil -r 2nd -athority to ado -t any and ell tions for its ot,n ortanizetion efficiently coordinate ,o for of the recreationrl ;cilitieE sold u 1avful rules ^nd re6u12, and ,overnment, in order to As re2sonabl;i possible 211 rnd ;ctivitie6 i-t in SECTION 3. Trr, ,, sr_I LI Re;olutinn "o. 44 _-, as cr.,e: Ced is "ere' 2mer.ded 2s htr'ein?vo "o it aecti_.ns 1 P11,1 2 of this r °solution set forth. �ECTICyr 4. Th -t t}, E, resolution shalt tare eff�et at mi,.ni�ht on the 30t_ d2y of Janc, 1949, rrovided, ho­cver, that prior to tr 2t time t'r e City Ccunei'_ anv tle s ^id 21 SeEundo City ".o -rd of z)chool Trustees may m2r_e o:,-,ointments of tlin resrective commissioners to be P.;-)ninted by t, r re- srectively, to teka office effective on sold first day of Jul v, 1940 . ZCTICN 5. That t1 e City Clerk moll certify to the I p"-q2-Le an(: adoption of this. resolution; shall cauc,e the origin< -1 of the same to be enter;,d in tPe book of resclutions 3- r t A 5, ol) of t -e eEid 14 t of El .)ej:undo, and sl—�11 mare 9 -rinute of the rPs39,�e 2nd adontion thereof In t reccrdj of t. ')e - roceedin,s of the ltv Council c° 3P ic' cit<<, In thr r nut — of 'hr meetin,: et -hich the e2 .e is 2ssed -ra ador,tFd. ?p ssed, an roved end ado,'Fd this __28th, (I"y of ,_April __, A. D., 1946. :4ayor oP the City of EI _ o, cal rll (DEAL) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF LO,) AAT,�Ma,, CITY CF EL �EsU1TJO. ) I, ",Iictor D. cCnrthy, City Cler% of tl�e City of 11 Jegunde, Coliforn'2, do hereby eertif,-., tnn t the -hole number Jf me.7'.`,ers of t�"e C1ty Co Jncil. of t.le s ?id cit; is rive, the t the foreooin6 resolution, bean- x�esolctlzm 7o. 938, v.,as Ouse" ..;1u ado )ted by t`e s, i,', City Council, o.; ;fovea ..:G rA,nea b.� the ::2jor of sni: city, rn attested L,, rc City Geri: a, slid city, 211 Ft a reaalnr 'Ile. °tin_, of tr_e said Ccar.cil held on tine 28th y ur AEril ' 3 < :8, ; . ' 2t t: e :ame or; s so p,cs3ed end adopted by t'-E, follo.,i-1< vote: A "Lo: Councilmen NoO 6.- Councilmen AB, EFNT: Councilmen (omAL) GPI El Jegundo, Ca