CC RESOLUTION 935RE80LUTICN OF INTENTION_IZO. q,�, A RE60LUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF :L SEvUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THE IN_ TE:MON OF SAID COUNCIL TO CL03E UP, VACATE AND ABANDON FOR PUBLIC ALLEY PURPCbE3, ALL TnAT PORTION OF Tr1A'1' CER1'AI ?d PUBLIC ALLEY LYING NORTH--RLY OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF PINE AVENUE AND WHICH RUNS NORTHERLY AND SOUTHERLY IN BLOCK 118 'ITHIN SAID CITY. the City Council of the City of E1 dep-undo, Cali- fornia, does resolve, declare and determine as follows: 3ECT10N 1. That the r_ublic interest rnO convenience reeuire that there be closed up, vacated and abandoned for public purposes all that portion of that certain public clley lyin, northerly of the northerly line of Pine Avenue, and which runs northerly ern, southerly in 3locY_ 118 in the City of El Segundo, California, as shown on E1 3eeundo dheet No. 7, recorded in 3ook P ?, pages 54 -55, of Fans, records of Los Angeles County, California, and on file in the office of the County Recorder of said county. It is hereby declared to be the purpose and intention of the said City Council by these proceedings to vacate and abandon for public purposes, all of the portion of the said hereinabove described public alley Which lies northerly of the northerly line of said Pine Avenue. SECTION 2. That the e district to be affected by said be assessed to pay the dama =es, if any, are hereby described as 'il of that portion of California, included v!thin the bounaary line, to wit: 1- xterior boundary lines of the -cork or imorovement end to costs end expenses thereof, follows: the City of El Segundo, following described exterior a «� a Beginning at the southwesterly corner of Lot 1, Block 118, as shown on El oegundo oheet ho. 7, recorded in Book 22, pages 54-55, of maps, records of Los Angeles County, California, and on file in the office of the County Recorder of said county; thence northerly alone, the westarly line of said lot to its intersection with the southerly line of Lot D, recorded and on file as aforesaid thence northeasterly alonL, the southerly line of said Lot D to its intersection with the east- erly line of Lot 7, Block 118, recorded and on file as aforesaid, said southerly line being also the northerly line of Lots 1, 2, 3, and 7, Block lle; thence south- erly along the easterly line of Lots 7, 6, 5, and 4 to the southeasterly corner of Lot 4, 3lock lle, recorded and on file as aforesaid; thence westerly along the soutnerly line of Lots 4, 3, 2, and 1 and across the intervening alley to the point of beginning. There is excepted from the above district all portions of all public streets and alleys included within the above described boundaries of said district. L)ECTION 3. That the z>treet Sunerintendent of the said City of E1 3egundo, California, is hereby directed to cause notices of the passage of this resolution to be posted in the places, in t. ".e manner and �,ithin the time required by law, and also to cause a notice similar in substance to be published as required by law, in the E1 Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaner of general circulation, published and circulated within the said City* of E1 Segundo, which said "El oegundo Herald" is hereby designated as the newspaper in which said_ notice shall be published. SECTION 4. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall cause the same to be entered in the book of resolutions of said city, and shall mske a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the roceedings of the City Council of said city in the minutes of the meeting at which the same Is passed and adonted. 2- Passed, approved and adopted this _14th day of April —, A. D. 1948. Mayor of the City of �, California. TT T "T: City 1 (SEAL) STATE OF CALIFORFIA, ) COUNTY OF LOB ANGELZi, CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. ) I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said city is five; that the foregoing resolution, being Resolution No. 93��_, was passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said city, and attested by the City Clerk of said city, all at a reguLar meeting; of the said Council held on the 14th day of Aril , A. D., 1948, end that the same was so passed and Adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Ma_gor Se1bY __ NO,-S: ^ ouncilmen None ABSENT: Councilmen None (SEAL) 3- Kity uierK of the it-y, El Segundo, Calif rnia.