CC RESOLUTION 931RESOLUTION NO. 931 A RESOLUTICN OF THE CITY COUi�CIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING "SSE CIr'ICAiIONS NO. 480305 OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, r-OR THE CONS'TRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURBS AND SIDE1r1ALK6 MARCH 5, 1948" AND "dPECIAL PROVISIONS NO. 480301 OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF SYCAMORE AVENUE, BET' %tELN LOMA VISTA S TRELT AND HILLCREST STREET IN SAID CITY MARCH 1, 1948 ". The City Council of the City of El Segundo, Califor- nia, does resolve, declare and determine as follows- SECTION 1. That the following Specifications, being and to be known as "SPECIFICATIONS NO. 480305 of the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CUHttS AND SIDET ^'ALKS MIAF.CH 5, 1948" be and the same are hereby adopted: "SPECIFICATIONS NO. 480305 of the CITY OF EL SEGUADO, CALIFORNIA FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURBS AND SIDEWALKS MARCH 5, 1948. SPECIFICATIONS FOR _SIDESIALKSLUnBS AND DRIVEWAYS SCOPE OF WORK the work shall consist of furnishing all necessary materials, tools, appliances, equipment, labor and transportation for the construction of concrete curbs, ` sidewalks and driveways, all to be completed as shown on the plans, profiles and cross - sections described herein; and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to proceed with such construction without first having obtained 1- a permit to do so from the City Engineer s Office of the City of E1 Segundo, California. When the work to be constructed is according to plans not prepared by the City Engineer's Office, ar»licant shall file with such office a plan or sketch of the proposed work showing dimensions and relation of said work to street and property lines. The City Engineer's Office shall establish all grades and set all line and grade stakes for all curbs, side- walks and driveways when requested so to do, and all work shall conform to such line and grade. Whenever the sidewalk to be constructed does not cover the entire area between the curb and property line, such uncovered portion shall be brought to sidewalk grade and left in a finished condition. SECTION I MATERIALS CEMENT:: All cement used when not otherwise qualified shall be Portland Cement and shall conform to the "Standard Specifications and Tests for Portland Cement' (Serial Designation C9-40) of the American Society for Testing Materials. AGGREGATES: Aggregates shall be clean, well- graded and water washed. Pea - gravel and crushed rock shall be hard, durable and of a quality satisfactory to the City Engineer. All aggregates shall be free from clay, loam, mica, organic materials, or other impurities. Unless otherwise specified, SAND shall, when dry, pass a one - fourth (1/4) inch screen with not more than thirty per cent (30�) of the bulk passing a 30 -mesh sieve, and not more than sixty per cent (60'c') passing a 100 -mesh sieve. GRAVEL and CRUShED ROCK all shall pass a one -inch (111) ring with not more than twenty -five per cent (25p) being retained upon a three - fourth (3/4) inch sieve. 2- ry�t f SECTION II CONS TRU C'rI ON SUB - GRADE: The foundation or sub -grade shall be brought to the proper grade, and all soft or spongy material shall be removed to a depth of six (6) inches below said grade and replaced with material of a quality that will pack when moistened. This gravel shall then be moistened and the whole foundation tamped or rolled until it is solid. The material to be supplied in case of a fill shall be good earth, and the fill shall be built up in horizontal layers not ex- ceeding one (1) foot each in thickness, each layer to be well packed by rolling or tamping. Before placing any sidewalk or curb upon a fill, the fill shall be flooded with water in order to thoroughly settle it. In all cases where the soil upon which the concrete is to be laid is adobe, it shall be removed to a depth of not less than four (4) inches below the sub - grade, and the area excavated brought up to grade with materials which shall form a solid sub -grade when tamped or rolled. PROPORTIONS: The ap roved proportions for Concrete shall be 1 part of Portland 2 -1/2 parts of coarse, 3 -1/4 parts of rock The approved proportion shall be 1 part of Portland 1 -1/2 parts of coarse, Cement sharp, screened sand 3 of Cement Mortar Cement sharp, screened sand A sack of cement weighing not less than ninety- four (94) pounds net shall be deemed to have a volume of one (1) cubic foot. Not more than six and one -half (6 -1/2) gallons of water per cubic foot of cement shall be used, which shall include the water contained in the aggregate. 3- DIMENSIONS: Sidewalks: All sidewalks shall be not less than three (3) inches in thickness and shall be poured monolithically. That portion of the sidewalk used as a portion of a driveway shall be not less than four (4) inches in thickness. In all street intersections where there are concrete curb returns, the sidewalk shall be laid so as to cover the entire surface included within the prolongation of the side lines of the intersecting streets and the curb returns. CURBa: Class A Curbs shall be six (6) inches wide on top, ten (10) inches wide on the bottom, eighteen (18) inches dean, and shall have a batter of three (3) inches on the front face and a one (1) inch batter on the back face. Class B Curbs shall be five (5) inches wide on top, nine (9) inches wide on the bottom, fifteen (15) inches deep, and shall have a batter of two and one -half (2 1/2) inches on the front face and a batter of one and one -half (1 1/2) inches on the rear face. Curb Returns: The radii of curb returns shall be not less than ten (10) feet at street intersections and three (3) feet at alley intersections. Special Combination Curbs and Sidewalks: See plan D- 410605 and D- 41023, on file at the City Engineer's Office. Driveways: Driveways shall be not less than four (4) inches in thickness and shall be poured monolithi- cally. The horizontal width of the sloping edges of the driveway shall be six (6) inches for each vertical inch of curb height, where such sloping edges are not part of a sidewalk. Where such sloping edges are a cart of any sidewalk, the horizontal width of this slope shall be eight (8) inches for each vertical inch of curb height. SECTION III. MIXING AND PLACIrvG CODJCRE1'E All proportions shall be obtained by actual measurement, and no material shall be used which has not been measured. Mixing, shall be done in spnroved type of mixer or in a suitable watertight box. No concrete shall be used or retempered which shows evidence of having reached its initial set. No more concrete shall be placed than can be covered and completed in one day, in a practically continuous operation. All concrete shall be given a rotary finish with a steel trowel unless some other kind of finish is permitted or required by the City Engineer. Forms for curb shall be of a width ecual to the full depth of the face and shall be true and rigid in order that the finished curb shall be true and even. No form shall be removed from the curb within less than one -half (1 /2) hour after the concrete body is tamped into place, and the rear curb form shall be kept in place until the face of the curb has been plastered. The top and front f -ce of the curb shall be given a finishing coat of cement mortar, not less than one -half (112) inch in thickness, from tog of curb to below gutter line. This finish coat shall be well floated; troweled free from voids or loose spaces; smooth- ly polished and marked, unless otherwise called for on the plans; true and etrai_ht; and free from humps, sags or other ineoualities. Transverse expansion joints shall be constructed at the ends of all curb returns and at uniform intervalo of not more tlm'n forty (40) feet between returns. 5- t 1 J `Z c ,P, Concrete shall be protected and shall be thoroughly wetted in order to insure uniform curing. The contractor shall stamp his name on all work done by him at intervals of not more than three hundred and fifty (350) feet on continuous work, and not less than once on each job of less than three hundred and fifty (350) feet in length. The contractor shall repair at his own expense any damsEe to curbs, gutters or cross -walks caused by him in the performance of the work. No concrete shall be placed in forms until the forms have been inspected and aporoved by the Street Superin- tendent, and ALL work shall be done to his satisfaction." SECTION 2. ".hat the following Special Provisions, being end to be knoom as "SPECIAL PROVISIONS NO. 480301 OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF SYCAMORE AVENUE BETWEEie LOMA VISTA STREET' AND HILLCREST STREET IN SAID CITY MARCH 1, 1948 ", be and the same are hereby adopted: "SPECIAL PROVISIONS NO. 480301 OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALI- FORNIA FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF SYCAMORE AVENUE BET,vEEN LOMA VISTA STREET .AND HILLCRE6T STREET IN SAID CITY MARCH. 1, 1948." "SPECIAL PROVI3ION6 NO. 480301. DESCRIPTION OF WORK The work to be done under these special provisions shall consist of furnishing all necessary materials, tools, appliances, equipment, labor and transportation for the grading, Paving, and construction of concrete curbs along Sycamore Avenue between Loma Vista Street end Hillcrest Street in the City of E1 Segundo, California; as shown upon Plan 480310, and described in the Special Provisions, specifications No. A -1941 entitled' General Requirements in Connection with Public Work in and for the City of El Segundo, California', and Specifications No. 480305 of the City of E1 Segundo, California for the construction of concrete curbs anal sidewalks; all as heretofore approved by th= City Council of said city for said work. In so for as the same may ap-ly, the construction details of the work mentioned herein shall be done in accordance with the provisions of Section 10 to Section 68 inclusive, of the specifications entitled 'State of California, Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, Standard Specifications, April, 1945, which specifications are hereinafter referred to as 'Standard Specifications', and made a part hereof. In case of conflict between the Standard Specifi- cations and these Special Provisions, the ooecial Provisions shall take precedence over and be used in lieu of such con- flicting portions. DEFINITIONS Whenever in the Standard Specifications the following terms are used, they shall be understood to mean and refer to the following; DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC * IRKS, or DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS _ The City of El Ser *undo Engineering or Street Department. DIRECTOR OF PUriLIC WORKS - The City Engineer of the City of El Segundo ENGINEER - The City En -ineer of the City of E1 6e,-undo, acting either directly or through properly authorized agents, such agents acting within the scope of the oartieular duties en- trusted to them. LA ^ORATORY - The designated laborator; authorized by the City of E1 Segundo to test materials and work involved in the con- tract. STATE - City of El Segundo, California. Other terms appearing in the otandard Specifications, the general specifications, and special provisions, shall have the intent 7- and meaning specified in Section 1, Definition of Terms, of the Standard Specifications. ^Ihenever in Specifications No. A-1941, Specifications No. 480305, or these Special Provisions, the following terms are used, they shall be understood to mean and refer to the following: CITY - The City of El Segundo, California CI7C COUNCIL - The City Council of,the City of El Segundo, California CONTRACTOR - The person or persons, co- lartnership or corpo- ration, who have entered into a contract with the City of E1 Segundo, California, for the work herein to be performed. ENGINEER - The City Engineer of the City of E1 Segundo, Cali- fornia, acting either directly or through properly authorized agents when such agents are acting *within the scope of the particular duties entrusted to them. PREV4ILING WAGE The prevailing wage, scale which has been determined by the City Council of El Segundo, California, and which shall be a part of the contract for the *£7ork herein specified is as fellows: RATE PER HOUR Laborers, General or Construction . . . . . 1.35 Ooerators and Tenders of pneumatic and electric tools, vibrating machines, and similar me- chanical tools not separately classified herein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.55 Asphalt Raker and Ironer . . . . . . . . . . . 1.55 Fine Grader (Highway and Street Paving Only). . . 1.45 vuard and /or `'Watchman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.35 OPERATING ENGIN-'ERS Air Compressor Operator . . . . Concrete or Asphalt Spreadin-,,Mechanical Temping or Finishing Machine Operator. . Motor Patrol Operator, including any type of power blade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pavement Braker Operator. . . . . . . . . . . Road Oil Mixing Machine Operator . . . . . . . . Roller Operator . . . . . . . . . . okip Loader Operator - Wheel Type . Screed Operator . . . . . . . . . . . Tow Blade or Grader Operator . . . . . . . . . . M_ 1.65 1.90 2.025 1.85 1.95 1.85 1.775 1.65 1.775 Tractor or Hi -lift Shovel Operator . . . . . . Concrete Mixer Operator - Skip Type. . . . 'tractor Operator - Bulldozer, Tamper, Scraper or Drag Type Shovel or Boom attachments. . Universpl Equipment Operator (Shovel, Dragline Derrick, Derrick-Barge, Clamshell or Crane TRUCK DRIVERS Drivers of Dump Trucks of less than 4 yds. water level . . Drivers of Dump Trucks - 4 yds but less than 8 yds. water level . . . . . . . . Drivers of Dump Trucks 8 yds. but lessthan 12 yds. water level . . . . . . . . Drivers of Dump Trucks - 12 yds, but less than 16 yds. water level . . . . . . . . Drivers of Trucks - Legal payload capacity less than 6 tons . . . . . Drivers of Trucks - Legal payloadcapacity between 6 and 10 tons . . . . . . . . . . Drivers of Dumpster Trucks .. . . . . . . . . SKILLED CRAFT Cement Finisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carpenter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All foremen not herein separately classified shall be paid not less than 17 -312 cents per hour more than the hourly rate of the highest classification over which he has supervision. �2.10 1_775 1.90 2.10 1.425 1.45 1.50 1.575 1.425 1.45 1.775 1.975 1.90 The minimum wage paid to all labor for which rates are not shown shall be not less than those in accordance with the provisions of A rticle XI of the Labor Agreement between the Southern California General Contractors and the A.F. of L. Building and Construction Trades Unions dated June 3, 1946, as revised and amended. Overtime shall be one and one half times the above rates. Sundays and Holidays shall be considered as overtime. The minimum of per diem wages as above set forth contemplate in each instance a working day of eight (8) hours. PLANT -MIXED SURFACING Plant -mixed surfacing shall conform to the requirements of Section 26 of the Standard Specifications. blow curing liquid asphalt shall conform to the requirements of Section 66 of the Standard Specifications and shall be of the type speci- fied as 6C-6. 9- eair.t binder shall be of the emulsion type End shall be - rplied at a rate not to exceed 1/16 gallon per scuare yard. Material shall be placed with a Barber Green finisher, or equal. All recuirements of Section 26 of the Standard Snecificstions shall govern the work except as modified by the Engineer. In applying; the paint binder, progress in advance of the work shall only be such that the binder shall have thoroughly dried before placinL; the surfacing. QUAELirPIES i'he following preliminary estimate of the quantities of work to be done and materials to be furnished are approximate only, and are offered as a basis for the comparison of bids. The City of E1 Segundo, California, does not expressly or by implication agree that the actual amount of work or material will corres- pond therelith, but reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of any class or portion of the fork, or to omit portions of the work that may be deemed expedient by the Engineer. Excavation - Out 40 cu. yds. Fill 40 cu. yds. Paving - 2700 sq. yds. 295 tons. Binder - 170 gals. Curbs - 1640 lin. ft. SECTION 3. That said Council does hereby find and determine that the prevailing rates of wages within said city set forth in said Special Provisions No. 460301, are the prevailing rates of wages for each cf the respective professions, crafts, trades, callings and vocations therein mentioned or referred to, and that said rates are hereby fixed and established as and shall constitute the minimum rates of *gages to be paid 10_ in connection with the nroeecution of the work under said speci ^1 vrovisions. SECTION 4. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall enter the same in the book of resolutions of said city, and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said city in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. Passed, approvedand adopted this �lst_dsy of March, A. D., 1948- Mayo he City of El Segundo, California. ATT T: Y City (SEAL) 11— t STATZE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF L06 ANLELZ6, ) SS. CITY OF EL 3EGUADO. ) I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said city is five; that the foregoing resolution, being Resolution No. 931, was passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said city and attested by the City Clerk of said city, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 31st day of March, A. D., 1948, and that the same was passed and adopted by tte follojITing vote, to wit: AY,S: Councilmen Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor pro tem Baker; NOES: Councilmen None, ABBEvi', Mayor oelby. (SEAL) 12—