The City Council of the City of E1 Segundo,
California, does hereby resolve, declare and determine as
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SECTION 1. That the following specifications, being
be any the same are hereby adopted:
covering the
for the
AUSTIN; FIELD and FRY, Architects
629 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
Los Angeles, California
Consulting Electrical Engineer
1. GENERAL: These general conditions, together witn such
modifications thereof or additions thereto as may be set forth
In the 'Special Conditions' section, are hereby made a part of
each section of the specifications to the same force and effect
as if wholly embodied therein.
2. PRINCIPLES AND DEFINITIONS: Principles and definitions
upon which the contract will be based are in part as follows:
(a) The contract documents consist of the drawings; the
specifications, the bulletins covering interpretations thereof
or other instructions issued during the preparation of bids;
the agreement as executed by the Owner and the Contractor;
and all subsequent modifications of the contract as agreed
upon by the parties thereto.
(b) The Owner, the Architect, and the Contractor are
those named as such in the agreement. They are treated
throughout the contract documents as if each were of the
singular number and masculine gender.
(c) The term 'subcontractor', as employed herein, in-
cludes only those having a direct contract with the Contractor;
it includes one who furnishes material worked to a special
design in accordance with the drawings or specifications for
the work, but does not include one who merely furnishes
material not so worked.
(d) Written notice shall be deemed to have been duly
served if delivered in person to the individual or to a member
of the firm or to an officer of the corporation for whom it is
intended, or if delivered at or sent by registered mail to the
last business address known to him who gives the notice.
(e) The term work includes labor or materials or both.
(f) Time limits stated in the contract documents are of
the essence of the contract.
(g) The terms approved, as directed, rn oiler, suitable,
satisfactory, equal, and other words of similar meaning and
intent, implying exercise of judgment, discretion, or decision
to be made, shall refer to the Judgment, discretion and de-
cision of the Architect.
(h) The term similar shall apply in its general sense
only and not as meaning identical, and all details of con-
struction contingent thereon shall be worked out accordingly.
(a) The Architect shall decide all questions as to the
Intent and meaning of the drawings, specifications, and re-
lated documents, all questions as to errors and ambiguities
therein or omissions therefrom and all questions as to the
sufficiency of the performance of work under the contract;
and both the Owner and the Contractor hereby concede and agree
to such jurisdiction of the Architect. The Architect is like-
wise conceded authority to stop the work whenever such action
Is deemed by him to be necessary in securing fulfillment of
the requirements of this contract.
(b) The entire work shall be executed under the super-
vision and control of the Architect and those duly appointed
to represent him. The placing of materials on the premises,
conduct of workmen, time and order in which the several parts
of the work are installed, and all matters pertaining
generally to the operations and orderly conduct of the Con-
tractor, his subcontractors, and employees on the site of the
work, shall be subject to the direction and approval of the
(a) The Owner reserves the right to do other work in
connection with this project, either by contract or otherwise,
and the Contractor shall afford such other contractors or
workmen reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage
of their materials and exeoution of their work, and shall
properly connect and coordinate his work with theirs.
(b) Before starting work, the Contractor shall examine
such work of others as may affect the work under his oharge,
and shall report in writing to the Architect all conditions
deviating from requirements of the drawings or specifications,
faulty or improper work, and all other conditions arising from
said work of others, or the doing of it, whereby his work may
be impaired, and shall otherwise assure himself that all oon-
ditions are, or will be, such as will permit proper execution
of the work.
(a) The Contractor acknowledges that he has informed
himself fully regarding the requirements of the drawings and
specifications, these general conditions and such modifications
thereof as may appear in the 'Special Conditions' section, and
of all applicable laws, ordinances, and controlling regulations
pertaining to the operations under the contract.
(b) Similarly, the Contractor will be held to have visited
the site of the work, compared the same with the requirements
of the drawings and specifications, and to have informed him-
self fully as to all existing conditions under which the work
of the contract is to be performed, including topography of,
approaches to, and improvements on or about the site.
(c) Any failure by the Contractor to have so acquainted
himself with all available information concerning these condi-
tions, including all other factors affecting costs or liabilities,
shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for the full
and proper performance of the work in accordance with the re-
quirements of the contract documents, and for the amount of
the consideration named therein or otherwise determined as
herein provided.
(a) Subcontractors for any and all parts of the work
must be approved by the Architect in writing prior to execu-
tion of their respective contracts. The Contractor shall
submit in writing the name of each and every subcontractor
to whom he proposes to make awards, and the Architect will
pass upon same with reasonable promptness. Failure of the
Contractor to do so shall invalidate any or all subcontract
agreements executed without such written approval, and the
Contractor shall save harmless the Owner from all damages
arising therefrom.
(b) Should any action be taken by the Owner or the
Architect with respect to subcontractors proposed for the
work be such as entails a greater or lesser cost to the
Contractor, the consideration of the contract shall be ad-
justed accordingly under written order of the Owner as
herein provided. Under no circumstances shall a contractual
relationship be deemed to exist between the Owner and any
(e) The Contractor agrees to bind every subcontractor,
and every subcontractor agrees to be bound, by the terms of
the General Conditions, Special Conditions, drawings, and
specifications, insofar as applicable to their respective
parts of the work. The duties and liabilities of the Con-
tractor to each subcontractor shall be considered as corresponding
to those which the Owner assumes toward the contractor under
the provisions of the contract; of the subcontractors, the
duties and liabilities assumed toward the Owner by the
(d) The Contractor will be held responsible for all
subcontractors and trades working in harmony, and for the
work of one not interfering with that of another, and shall
so lay out the work that this end is accomplished. All
subcontractors shall install their work in such manner at
such times as will not impede or impair the work of other
(e) Subcontractors shall accurately fit their work
to all finished portions adjoining the same, and, to this
end, shall take all measurements on the job as required to
Insure that their work fits the portion finished. Each sub-
contractor shall clean up and remove from the site of the
work all rubbish or left -over materials resulting from his
particular operations.
(a) The Owner or the Architect will designate the
starting date when the Contractor shall begin and prosecute
the work diligently to completion. The Contractor obligates
himself to make the whole work complete and satisfactory on
or before such date as shall be determined by the elapsed
number of calendar days stipulated in the agreement, plus
such allowance as may be approved by the Owner and Architect.
(b) Days lost due to strikes, riots, inclement weather,
acts or neglect of the Owner or Architect, or other extra-
ordinary circumstances beyond control of the Contractor, may
be added to dates for starting and completing the work, provided
the Architect recommends such extensions and the extension is
approved by the Owner. Requests shall be made in writing, and
will only be considered at or within seven (7) days of such
delay; furthermore, the Owner shall not be liable for any
damages on account of any such delay. In the case of a con-
tinuing cause of delay, one (1) request only will be required.
S. TIME SCHEDULE: When so directed the Contractor shall
prepare and submit to the Architect for approval, a time schedule
showing the time necessary to complete the entire work of the
contract and each salient portion thereof. The schedule shall
consist of a progress chart, made in graphic form and at suit-
able scale, to appropriately indicate the percentage of work
scheduled for completion at any time.
9. ORDER OF WORK: The work shall be carried on at such places
and in such order of precedence as may be deemed necessary by
the Architect. Whenever considered advisable in the judgment of
the Architect to temporarily suspend or omit parts of the
operations, framing, construction, or other work required under
the contract, the Contractor shall make all necessary provisions
to facilitate the continuance and completion of such work in a
safe and satisfactory manner, and in the required sequence as
(a) The Contractor shall be responsible for all work done
under the contract including faulty or improper work of sub-
contractors and others under him by contract or otherwise. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the conduct of his agents
and employees on the premises, and shall maintain good order
in all parts of the building and premises where work under the
contract is being carried on.
(b) The Contractor shall diligently prosecute the work,
and shall employ competent supervisors and inspectors to give
their personal attention and supervision to same until completed.
When absent from the work, he shall leave a competent person in
charge of the work or any part thereof, or any workmen working
alone on the work shall be deemed to be a representative of the
Contractor for the purpose of receiving and carrying out the
orders of the Architect or his representatives.
(c) It shall not be incumbent upon either the Owner or
the Architect to notify the Contractor to attend to or have in
readiness such work or materials as the progress of the operar
tions may require; furthermore, the Contractor shall be
r 6�1 /e�i
responsible for all delays caused by his neglect of those
under him by contract or otherwise.
(d) Should improper work of any trade be covered by
another which results in damage or defects, the whole work
affected shall be made good by the Contractor without addi-
tional expense to the Owner. The Contractor shall anticipate
the relations of the various trades to the general progress
of the work, and shall see that all required anchorage, blocking,
and other details of construction are furnished and set at
proper times.
(e) Assistance required in obtaining measurements or
information on the work shall be furnished fully and efficiently
by the Contractor at all times; likewise, proper facilities
shall be provided at all times for access of the Owner, the
Architect, and their representatives to conveniently examine
and inspect the work.
(a) These specifications and the accompanying drawings
are the property of the Architect, and shall be returned to
him at the completion of the contract, and before the work
will be accepted. The said documents were prepared for the
particular work mentioned, and shall not be used for the
construction of any other work in whole or part. It is the
Intention of these documents to require the completion of
the work in a thorough and workmanlike manner in every respect.
(b) In general, the drawings indicate dimensions,
position, and kind of construction; the specifications,
qualities of materials and methods of workmanship. Any work
indicated on the drawings and not mentioned in the specifications
or vice versa, shall be furnished as though fully set forth in
both. Work not particularly detailed, marked, or specified shall
be the same as similar parts that are detailed, marked, or
(o) Should any error appear in the drawings or specifica-
tions, or in the work done by others affecting the work of the
contract. the Contractor shall notify the Arohitect at once, and
the Architect will issue instructions as to the procedure to be
followed. If the Contractor proceeds with any such work without
appropriate instructions from the Architect, the Contractor shall
make good all resulting damage and defects. This clause shall be
deemed to include typographical errors in the specifications, and
notational errors on the drawings where doubtful of interpretation.
(d) Figured dimensions take precedence over scale measure-
ments, detail drawings over general drawings, and drawings of
later date over those of earlier date. In like manner, addenda
to specifications take precedence over original specifications
and earlier addenda thereto.
(a) The Architect will furnish such additional large
scale or full size detail drawings as he may deem rieeeseary to
more fully explain the work; furthermore, these supplementary
details shall be considered as a part of the contract. Any
work done before receipt of such details if not in accordance
therewith, shall be removed and replaced with proper workmanship
and materials, or adjusted as directed, without additional
expense to the Owner.
(b) Should any details be, in the opinion of the Contractor,
more elaborate than scale drawings and specifications warrant,
written notice thereof shall be given to the Architect within
five (5) days of the receipt of the same. The claim will then
be considered, and, if justified, said drawings will be amended
or the extra work authorized. Non- receipt of such notice
shall be construed as relieving the Owner of any claim arising
(a) The Contractor shall prepare and submit, with such
promptness as will cause no delay in the work, two (2) copies
of all shop or setting diagrams and schedules required for the
work of the various trades, and the Architect will pass upon
the same with reasonable promptness. The Contractor shall
make all corrections required by the Architect, shall file
with him two (2) corrected copies, and furnish such additional
copies thereof as may be required to correlate the work of the
several trades.
(b) The Architect's approval of such drawings, diagrams,
or schedules shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility
for deviations from the drawings or specifications, unless he
has in writing called the Architect's attention to such devia-
tions at the time of submission, nor shall it relieve him from
responsibility for any errors appearing in such shop drawings.
shall keep one (1) copy of all drawings and specifications on
the work, in good order, and readily available to the Owner,
the Arohitect, and their representatives for reference purposes.
15. DIVISIONS OF SPECIFICATIONS: For convenience, these
specifications are arranged in several trade sections; however,
such segregation shall not be considered as limiting the work
required of any sub - contract or trade. Except as otherwise
provided herein, the terms and conditions of such limitations
shall lie solely betweem the Contractor and his subcontractors.
16. ADDENDA TO SPECIFICATIONS: Bulletins and instructions
Issued by the Architect during the period of bidding, covering
changes in or special interpretations of the drawings or specifi-
cations, will be incorporated in the contract documents by means
of addenda to the specifications. Before executing the contract,
the Contractor shall assure himself that all changes and
Interpretations covered by such bulletins and instructions,
if any, have been correctly listed and described in the
related addenda.
(a) The Owner shall have the right at all times during
the progress of the work to require changes in, additions to,
or omissions from, the work contemplated by the contract
documents; and the same shall in no way make void the contract.
Changes, additions, or omissions so required shall be made only
in pursuance of a written order from the Owner, bearing the
approval of the Architect and the acceptance endorsement of
the Contractor; and the contract shall not be deemed to have
been altered thereby, either as to time for completion, work
to be done, or contract consideration, except as expressly
stated in such written order.
(b) Additions to or deductions from the amount of the
contract consideration, as occasioned by the changes so described,
shall be determined upon the basis of estimates and acceptance
in lump sums unless otherwise stipulated in the agreement or
the change order. The Contractor shall prepare said estimates
in such itemized form as may be directed; and such estimates
shall be accompanied by signed copies of all subcontractor's
quotations involved therein.
(o) Change orders shall be issued only before or at the
time of change, and the expense or responsibility for any
change made without said order shall rest solely with the Con-
tractor. Any change in the work shall be made in full aocord_
anoe with the original drawings and specifications insofar as
such may be applied without conflict with the conditions set
forth by the change order.
.-, f,J 5I
are specified by reference to Federal Specifications, or to
specifications of the American Society for Testing Materials
(A.a.T.M.) or others, all applicable provisions of the de-
signated standard specifications shall be considered as form-
ing a part of the sections wherein such references are made.
(a) Materials, except where stated otherwise, shall be
new and the best of the several classes and kinds specified.
All materials shall be delivered in such timely manner as
will insure uninterrupted progress of the work, and shall be
so stored as to afford ample protection and insure that no
portion of the structure 1s overloaded. The Contractor shall
be responsible for all damage or loss, by weather or other
cause, to the materials stored or in place on the site of
the work.
(b) All material delivered to premises with the inten-
tion of forming a part of the work, shall be considered the
property of the Owner, and shall not be removed without his
consent; provided, however, the Contractor shall remove
surplus materials upon completion of the work, unless other -
wise specified or directed.
(o) All materials shall be subject to inspection by
the Architect and his representative, both at site and in
shops where the same may be in process of manufacture or pro -
duotion, and suitable facilities shall be furnished for the
inspection of same.
(d) Where materials are specified solely by reference
to standard specifications, the Contractor shall prepare and
submit to the Architect for approval complete lists of all
such materials proposed to be incorporated in the work of the
contract. The lists shall be in triplicate, and shall include
the names and address of the supplier of each material,
the name of its manufacturer or producer, and the brand name
thereof, if any. Only such of these materials as may be
approved in writing by the Architect shall be used in the work.
(a) Only one (1) brand, kind, and make of material or
equipment shall be used for each specific purpose throughout
the entire work of the contract, notwithstanding the fact
that similar materials or equipment of two (2) or more
manufacturers or producers may be specified for the same
(b) In all oases where the optional use of materials
or equipment Is specified, and before placing orders for the
same, the Contractor shall advise the Architect in triplicate
writings of each specific material, appliance, or piece of
equipment that will be furnished for the work, and of the
purpose for which it is to be used.
(a) The materials designated in these specifications
are given as standards; however, this implies no right on
the part of the Contractor to substitute other materials for
those specified, except in the manner stated below.
(b) If the Contractor desires to make substitutions he shall
so state in his bid, showing first his bid for the installation
of all the materials as specified, and secondly the deduction
from or addition to the contract price which he will make if
the proposed substitutions are permitted. He shall list the
materials he desires to substitute, stating the material
each is substituted for.
(c) If no substitutions are so proposed, cr if the pro-
posed substitutions fail to meet with the approval of the
Architect, then no deviation from the materials specified
� c1lz `1
will be permitted, unless in pursuance of a change order
signed by the Owner and approved by the Architect as herein
(d) Proposed substitutes shall fulfill, to the satis-
faction of the Architect, the fundamental requirements and
identical purposes of those specified. The Architect's
approval of substitutions shall not be held to have relieved
the Contractor of responsibility for the proper joining of
the various parts of the work, nor from such guarantees and
maintenance provisions as may be specified herein.
22. RE..USE OF MATERIALS: All construction materials pre-
viously used in the work and proposed to be re -used therein,
shall be sorted as to class, size, and kind, and shall be
piled and stored in orderly manner as approved, and kept
readily accessible. Such materials shall be re -used in the
work only as permitted by the Architect, and shall be thorough,
ly cleaned and made acceptable in all respects for the services
(a) All materials to be incorporated in the work of
the contract will be subject to testing for compliance with
the requirements of the specifications or plans. Tests, of
materials specifically required by these specifications, shall
be made as directed and under the supervision of the Architect.
All tests shall be made by an approved testing laboratory, and
at the expense of the Contractor except as provided otherwise
herebelow. Tests shall be limited to number and nature as
specified herein, except when the Architect considers such
action necessary to determine compliance to specifications.
Tests will be made in accordance with the applicable standard
methods of the A.S.T.M. or other procedures designated herein.
(b) Tests of materials made at the direction of the
Architect, to determine the existence of faulty material
or workmanship, which fail to prove the existence of faulty
workmanship or material shall be paid for by the Owner,
either directly or as a credit to the Contractor.
(o) Retests, which are necessary after a discovery
of faulty work shall be paid for by the Contractor even
though results show that the previous faulty condition has
been corrected.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in the -"Special
Conditions" section, all permits and inspections required
for the work shall be obtained and paid for by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall give all required notices to proper
authorities relative to work in his charge, and shall be respon-
sible for all losses and damages occasioned by failure to
give such notices. The Contractor shall procure at his own
expense all required certificates covering inspection and
acceptance of work by such authorities as being in conformity
with controlling ordinances and regulations.
(b) Should the specifications, subsequent instructions,
or any law, ordinance, or other public authority require work
to be inspected, tested and approved by the Architect, or by
any local or sta,e authority having jurisdiction, the Con-
tractor shall give timely notice of its readiness for such
inspection; and if the inspection is by another authority
than the Architect, then of the date fixed for such inspection,
Should such work be covered or concealed without approval or
consent of the A rehiteet, it shall be uncovered for examina-
tion and recovered at the expense of the Contractor.
(e) Concealed work of questionable nature may be ordered
to be opened for examination by the Architect, and, if found
not to be in accordance with contract requirements, all expense
of examination and replacement shall be borne by the
Contractor; however, if found to be satisfactory, such
cost shall be covered by written order of the Owner, adjust-
ing the consideration of the contract accordingly.
(a) Faulty or defective workmanship and materials or
work failing in any manner to conform to the requirements of
contract documents, shall upon order of the Architect, be
promptly removed from premises and replaced with satisfactory
workmanship and material as required, and at no additional
expense to the Owner. The Contractor shall bear the expense
of making good all work of other contractors destroyed or
damaged by such removal and replacement.
(b) Neither the final certificate nor payment, nor any
provision in the contract documents shall relieve the Contractor
of responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship, and
unless otherwise specified, he shall remedy all defects due
thereto, and pay for any damage to other work resulting there-
from, which shall appear within the period of the guaranty
herein provided for. The Owner will give notice of observed
defects with reasonable promptness.
26. SAMPLES: Samples of materials or artiolds, where and as
required by the specifications, shall be submitted for tests
or examinations and conslaration before incorporation in the
work. The Contractor shall be responsible for delays due to
samples not being submitted in time to permit proper testing.
Acceptance or refection will be expressed in writing. Mater-
ials furnished shall be equal to the tested and approved
samples in every respect. Samp1m which are of value after
testing will remain the property of the Contractor.
27. MODELS: Models of all oarved or precast ornamental and
decorative work, where so indicated on the drawings or
specified, shall be prepared and submitted to the Architect
for approval. These shall be made in elaytb conform to the
requirements of the drawings and supplementary details to
follow, and shall be executed by skilled modelers acceptable
to the Architect. Models shall be made subject to the
direction and criticism of the Architect, and shall be
worked and re- worked as directed until satisfactory results
are obtained. All models shall be considered as the property
of the Owner, and shall be destroyed upon completion of the
work unless otherwise directed.
(a) Workmanship shall be the best of its respective
kind for each of the several trades employed. All labor
shall be especially skilled for each kind of work, thorough
and first -class in all respects, and shall perform the work
under the direction of an experienced superintendent and
competent foremen. The workmanship of apprentices and helpers
will not be acceptable where that of journeymen and master
mechanics is necessary in the opinion of the Architect .
(b) The Contractor, and his subcontractors, representa-
tives, and workmen will be admitted to the premises only for
the proper execution of the work, they having no tenancy.
Any employee of the Contractor, or his subcontractors, whom
the Architect may deem as being incompetent, disorderly, or
improper to be employed, shall be promptly discharged upon
order of Architect, and shall not be re- employed on the work
in similar capacity.
29. CUTTING AND FITTING: The Contractor shall advise all
trades as to features of construction reasonably required
In their work to receive, engage and support the various
parts of his work, and of all easements and tolerances re-
quired to properly clear the same. The Contractor shall
ascertain all clearances, cutting, fitting and features of
construction required to clear, receive, engage, or support
other parts of the work which are in any manner related to
or contingent upon his work, and shall make all necessary
provisions in, and do all cutting and fitting of, such work
as may be required for the same.
30. REPAIR OF WORK IN PLACE: Whenever any cutting, removal,
or alteration of work in place is required to form connections
with new work or otherwise meet the requirements of the draw=
Inge or specifications, such work shall be so performed as to
damage as little as possible the work that will remain in
place; and all patching and repairs occasioned thereby shall
be made in a workmanlike manner, using materials, construction,
details, and finishes matching those of the existing work as
closely as possible.
(a) Protection of work shall be continuously maintained
by the Contractor, and shall be of such suitable forms as
will protect all parts of the work and adjacent property from
accident, injury, or damage of every nature from any cause
whatsoever. The Contractor shall properly protect the work
with lights and guard rails, provide excavations with proper
enclosures, and shall brace and secure all parts of the work
against storm and accident.
(b) Any and all portions of the work that may be broken
or damaged by accident or otherwise, at any time between the
finishing of same and the acceptance by the Owner of the work
as a whole, shall be neatly repaired or re- constructed, and
the entire work left whole and without blemish.
(c) Should the Contractor fail to start repair or re-
placement of such damaged work within three (3) days after
reoeipt of written notice from the Architect to do so, or
6 �Md
to complete the same within a reasonable time thereafter, the
Owner may cause such work to be done at expense of the Contractor..
32. RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGES: The Contractor shall be re-
sponsible for all damages that may occur to the adjoining im-
provements or streets and any accident to any person or persons
in and about the site of the work or adjacent streets, and for
all damage done to adjoining property, during the progress of
the work under the contract, and caused by any act or omission
of the Contractor or his employees. The Contractor shall defend,
at his own expense and risk, any and all actions, suits, or other
legal proceedings that may be brought or instituted against the
Owner on any such claim or demand, and shall pay or satisfy any
judgment that may be rendered against the Owner in any such
action, suit, or legal proceedings arising from damages so
shall make his own investigation of the condition of available
public thoroughfares and roads and of the clearances, restrictions,
bridge load limits, and other limitations affecting transporta-
tion to, and ingress and egress at, the site of the work. Where
materials are transported in the prosecution of the work, vehicles
shall not be loaded beyond the capacity recommended by the manu-
faoturer of the vehicle or prescribed by any state or local law
or regulation applicable thereto.
(a) All operations under the contract shall be performed
with due regard to adequate safety, and in strict compliance
with all applicable state and local safety laws and ordinances,
and with the rules and regulations of all boards, commissions,
and departments having Jurisdiction. All plant and equipment
shall be maintained in such condition as will permit the same
to be safely operated.
1 9-
(b) The Contractor shall conform to the current safety
engineering practices as set forth in the 'Manual of Accident
Prevention in Construction' published by the Associated General
Contractors of America, and in the publications of the National
Safety Council, to the extent that such practices are not in
contravention with applicable law or regulation.
(c) The safety measures taken shall be such as the nature
of the work and the conditions under which it is to be performed
may demand, and shall include the following:
1. Adequate first -aid facilities and equipment.
2. Adequate artificial illumination during all hours
that, and at all places where, natural illumination is in-
adequate for the work being performed.
3. Instructions in accident prevention tozeaeh all
employees, and the posting of bulletins relating thereto.
4. Such machinery guards, safe scaffolds, runways,
ladders, railings, and gangplanks, including such other
safety devices, equipment, and apparel as are necessary
to prevent accidents or injuries.
5. Keeping all passageways and paths normally used
by workmen free from lumber, wire, debris, and other
obstacles, and keeping the Job as a whole in an orderly
and safe condition.
(a) All operations under the contract shall be so performed
that no fire hazards will be needlessly created or permitted to
exist. To this end, all necessary precautions shall be taken
with particular reference to the following:
1. Clearance of the site in the vicinity of structures
and combustible materials, including temporary construction,
trees, shrubs, vegetable growths, and other matter that
might communicate fire to such structures or materials.
2. Storage and handling of explosives, gasoline,
oil, and other fuels, lubricants, chemicals, and all
similar materials of an inflammable nature.
3. Segregation and spacing of temporary structures
and storage piles of lumber and other combustible con-
struction materials.
4. Disposition of waste materials resulting from
the operations, the accumulation of which, by the nature
of the materials and their location and quantity, might
create or increase a fire hazard.
36. COMPLIANCE WITH BUILDING LAWS: The entire work of the
contract shall be performed in accordance with all appli-
cable local and state building laws, ordinances, and statutes,
and with the rules and regulations of all constituted
authorities having jurisdiction of the work.
properly clean the work as it progresses. The Contractor is
required, where necessary, or at the direction of the Archi-
tect, to locate and arrange for proper dump facilities,
labor, transportation, fees, and all other costa connected
with fulfilling the conditions of the specifications. He
is further required to insure proper loading of rubbish to
prevent scattering of refuse on the streets while in transit
to point of disposal. As directed during construction,
rubbish shall be removed, and, at completion, the whole
work shall be cleaned and all temporary construction, equip-
ment, and rubbish shall be removed from the site, and the
entire work left in a neat, clean, and satisfactory
condition as approved by the Architect.
fees, and licenses made necessary by use of patented methods
of construction, appliances, equipment, or devices in the
contract work shall be paid by the Contractor, who shall
defend, indemnify, and save harmless the Owner against any
and all claims of those holding or claiming to hold letters
patent covering features of construction, appliances, equip-
ment, or devices so used. Before final payment is made on
account of the contract, the Contractor shall furnish the
Owner releases and acquittances from all such known claims,
in approved written form. The Contractor shall also grant,
or cause to be granted to the Owner, the perpetual free use
of all patented features which may be used in or connected
with the work, and the right to replace or repair any and
all parts of same.
39. BILLS, STATEMENTS AND VOUCHERS: The Contractor shall
maintain a complete record file of all bills, statements,
receipts, vouchers, invoices, proposals, subcontracts, and
like data pertaining to the work and covering the kinds,
quality, quantities, costs, and nature of the materials
furnished and services performed thereunder; said record
file and all data therein or related thereto shall be kept and
made available to the Owner, the Architect, or their repre-
sentatives at any and all times for purposes of inspection
and verification in matters pertaining to the contract
payments and performance.
40. CASH ALLOWANCES: The Contractor shall include in the
contract amount all cash allowances named in the contract
documents, and shall cause the work so covered to be done
by such contractors and for such sums as the Owner and the
Architect may direct, the contract consideration being ad.
justed in conformity therewith. The Contractor declares
that the contract consideration includes such sums for
expenses and profit on account of cash allowances as he
deems proper. No demand for expenses or profit in addition
to those so included in the contract amount will be allowed.
41. SIGNS AND ADVERTISING: No signs or advertising media
of any nature, except those of the Architect and the Contractor,
and such additional signs as may be designated by the Owner,
shall be permitted to appear on the site of the work, or
enclosing structures; provided, however, manufacturers'
removable marks of identification may remain on their products
until ordered removed by the Architect.
42. OWNER'S RIGMT TO WORK: Should the Contractor neglect to
prosecute the work properly, or fail to perform any provision
of the contract, the Owner, after three (3) days' written
notice to the Contractor may, without prejudice to any other
remedy he may have, make good such deficiencies, and may
deduct the cost thereof from any payment then or thereafter
due the Contractor; provided, however, that both such action
and the amount charged to the Contractor shall not be affected
without the written recommendation of the Architect thereon.
Should the workbe stopped under an order of any court, or
other public authority, for a period of three (3) months,
through no act or fault of the Contractor or of anyone em-
ployed by him, or if the Architect should fail to issue any
certificate for payment within seven (7) days after it is due,
or if the Owner should fail to pay the Contractor within seven
(7) days of its maturity and presentation, any sum certified
by the Architect; then, the Contractor may, upon seven (7)
days' written notice to the Owner and the Architeot, stop work
or terminate this contract and recover from the Owner payment
for all work executed and any loss sustained upon any plant or
materials, together with reasonable profit and damages.
44. LItNS: Neither the final payment nor any part of the
retained percentage shall become due until the Contractor,
if required, shall deliver to the Owner a complete release
of all liens arising out of the contract, or receipts in full
in lieu thereof, and, if required in either case, an affidavit
that so far as he has knowledge or information the releases
and receipts include all the labor and material for which a
lien ooul` d be filed; however, the Contractor may, if any
subcontractor refuses to furnish a release or receipt in full,
furnish a bond satisfactory to the Owner, to indemnify him
against any lien. If any lien remains unsatisfied after all
payments are made, the Contractor shall refund to the Owner
all moneys that the latter may be compelled to pay in discharg-
ing such lien, including all costs and a reasonable fee for
attorneys services.
(a) The work will be accepted in writing only when it
shall have been completed satisfactorily to the Owner and the
Architect. Partial payments shall in no wise be construed as
an acceptance of any part of the work. In fudging the work ,
no allowance for deviations from the drawings and specifica-
tions will be made, unless already approved in writing at the
time and in the manner as called for heretofore.
(b) Should it become necessary, due to developed conditions,
for the Owner to occupy any portion of the work, or operate any
part of any equipment, before the contract is completed, such
occupancy or use shall not constitute an acceptance of any pert
of the work, unless so agreed to in writing by the Owner upon
recommendation of the Architect.
46. DELIVERY OF RECORD_ DRAWINGS: As a condition precedent to the
certifying of the final payment under the eontract,the Contractor
shall obtain and deliver to the Architect all record drawings,
E:-r M-
If any, required to be prepared and maintained by the sub-
contractors as specified in the several sections bound herewith.
47. GUARANTYS OF SUBCONTRACTORS: As a condition precedent
to the certifying of the final payment under the contract,
the Contractor shall obtain and deliver to the Architect, for
transmittal to the Owner, all written guarantys required to be
furnished by the subcontractors as specified in the several
sections bound herewith. Each of such guarantys shall be
underwritten by the Contractor for the full period prescribed
therein, and shall bear his endorsement to such effect.
48. GUARANTY OF CONTRACTCR: As a condition precedent to the
certifying of the final payment under the contract, and in
addition to such other guarantys as may be required by the
several specification sections bound herewith, the Contractor
shall furnish the Owner a written guaranty, in form approved
by Architect, covering the prompt and proper repair and /or
replacement of all workmanship and materials that may prove
defeetivewithin a period of one (1) year from date of acceptance.
49. NON_WAIVER OF DEFAULTS: Any failure by the Owner at
any time, or from time to time, to enforce or require the
strict keeping and performance of any of the terms or condi-
tions of the contract shall not constitute a waiver of such
terms or conditions, nor shall it affect or impair the same
In any way, or the right of the Owner to avail himself of
such remedies as he may have for any breach or breaches of
such terms or conditions.
r fl .l
1. GENERAL: All work included in the following specifica-
tions shall be subject to the General Conditions included
herein, and this Contractor shall read and examine them,
thoroughly familiarizing himself with the relation of his
work to that of other currently performing work on this project.
2. SCOPE OF WORK: The work under this Contract shall consist
of providing all apparatus, equipment, labor, material, tools,
permits, fixture Pees and transportation necessary to furnish
and install a complete lighting system.
3. ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS: All electrical equipment and
materials shall be designed to comply with, and shall be in-
stalled in accordance with, all requirements of all legally
constituted authorities having jurisdiction, including the
National Electrical Code, the Safety Orders of the Industrial
Accident Commission, State of California, the rules and regu-
lations of the National and Pacific Boards of Fire Underwriters
and the local ordinances as well as the serving Power Company.
4. PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS: Any permits for the installation
or construction of any of the work included under this contract
(including fixture fees), which are required by any of the
legally constituted authorities having jurisdiction, shall
be obtained and paid for, each at the proper time , by the
Contractor. He shall also arrange for, and pay all costs in
connection with, any inspections and examinations required by
these authorities. On completion of the contract, the Con-
tractor shall obtain from the proper authorities 'Certificates
of Approval' covering the Electrical Work and he shall deliver
to the Architect either these original certificates or proper
copies of same.
his bid, each bidder shall carefully examine the Electrical
drawings and specifications. He shall also visit the site
and fully inform himself as to all conditions and limitations
applying to the Electrical Work, and he shall estimate and
Include in his bid a sum sufficient to cover the cost of
all items, either labor or materials, which are required
to attain the completed conditions contemplated in the
Electrical Work. No subsequent allowances will be made to
the Contractor because of his neglect in complying with
the above requirements.
(a) All materials furnished and installed under this
contract shall be new and free from defects and shall be
guaranteed for a period of one year from date of acceptance
of the work. Should any trouble develop during this period,
due to defective material or workmanship, the Electrical
Contractor, shall, without cost to the Owner, furnish all
new material and labor necessary to correct the trouble.
Any defective material or inferior workmanship noticed at
the time of installation shall be corrected immediately to
the entire satisfaction of the Architect and Owner.
(b) This guarantee shall not apply to fluorescent
tubes and starters or to incandescent lamp bulbs.
(a) The Fixture Contractor shall be responsible for
the safety and good condition of the entire fixture in-
stallation until final acceptance by the Owner. He shall
erect and maintain suitable barriers, protective devices,
lights and warning signs where required for the protection
of the public and employees about the building; and he
shall be fully responsible for any lose or injury to persons
or property resulting from his neglect of these precautions,
his own carelessness, or the carelessness or neglect of his
(b) The Fixture Contractor shall also be responsible
for any damage to the existing building caused by his work-
men. Should same occur, he shall repair and re- finish same
to the satisfaction of the Architect.
(c) The lighting fixture contractor shall be respon-
sible for installing the fixtures in a safe manner and shall
provide additional supports to structure where required for
the safe support of the fixtures.
(a) The Electrical Work shall include the furnishing,
Installing and connecting up of an approved lighting fixture
at each lighting outlet indicated on drawings, whether
specified in the following list or not. Also all fixture fees.
(b) Fixtures shall be of the types and sizes indicated
in the following 'Fixture List', or approved equal by the
.Architect, and shall be wired with approved fixture wire.
(c) All fixtures shall be Underwriters approved.
Main Reading Room Ceiling - 5 gang fixtures, 5 fixtures per
gang, 4 tubes 48" in length, T -12, 5OW per tube, 20OW
per fixture, 1000W per gang, OW Cole Co. #448 -HL-5.
Women's Reading Room Ceiling - 2 gang fixtures, 2 fixtures
per gang, 3 tubes 60" in length, T -17, 50W per tube,
15OW per fixture, 30OW per gang, OW Cole Co. #360 -HL-5.
Mezzanine Reading Room Ceiling - 4 gang fixtures, 2 fixtures
per gang, 3 tubes 609 in length, T -17, 5OW per tube,
15OW per fixture, 30OW per gang, CW Cole Co. #360 -hL-S.
Mezzanine Reading Room Ceiling - 1 gang fixture, 1 fixture
per gang, 3 tubes 60" in length, T -17, 5OW per tube,
150W per fixture, 15OW per gang, CW Cole Co. #360 -HL-5.
Alcove Ceiling - 3 gang fixtures, 2 fixtures per gang, 3 tubes
60" in length, T -17, 5OW per tube, 15OW per fixture,
30OW per gang, CW Cole Co. #360 -HL-6.
Office Ceiling - 2 gang fixtures, 2 fixtures per gang, 3
tubes 60" in length, T -17, 50W per tube, 15OW per
fixture, 30OW per gang, CW Cole Co. #360 -HL -S.
stook Stack Ceiling - 7 gang fixtures, 2 fixtures per gang,
2 tubes 60" in length, T -17, 5OW per tube, 10OW per
fixture, 20OW per gang, CW Cole Co. #160- L(with louvers).
r Book Stack Ceiling - 2 gang fixtures, 1 fixture per gang,
2 tubes 60" in length, T -17, 50W per tube, 10OW per
fixture, 20OW per gang, CW Cole Co. #160- LK(with louvers).
Note: 1. All above fixtures shall be of the instant start
type, without starter switches, but equipped with
high power factor ballast.
2. All above fixtures except in main reading room
ceiling shall be equipped with "low brightness" tubes.
Boiler Room Ceiling - 20OW, shallow dome, G.E. ,BOXED - 200.
Storeroom Ceiling - 150W, shallow dome, G.E.#OXED - 150.
Exterior Entrance - 75W, V.P. Bracket, Crouse Hinds #VG 1759 and
First Floor
Main Reading Room East Doors - 10OW, Flush Ceiling, G E.(Curtis) -
Men's Toilet (RM #3)
- 75W,
- S.B.
Stair Hall Entrance -
01221 -
Janitor's Room ( #4) -
01220 -
Stair Hall Ceiling #7 - 5OW, Ceiling, G.E. #X1220 - S.B.
Main Entrance Hall (r5) - 15OW, Ceiling, G.E. #M1221 - S.B.
Main Entrance Lobby - 10OW, Ceiling, G.E. #X1221 - S.B.
Main Entrance Exterior - 15OW, Ornamental Brackets, As selected -
Allow $50.00 each,,
Mezzanine Floor
Toilet Room ( 04) - 75W, Ceiling, General Electric, 01221 - S.B.
Over Stairs ( 0) - 150 W, ceiling, G.E. #M1221 - S.B.
Work Room (03) - 30OW, Ceiling G.E. #MD -795 x 18 C E 788.
Work Room ( #M3) - 50W, P.W. Bracket, Alabax - #AL2381.
Note: All above fixtures shall be complete with
Incandescent lamp globes. "
SECTION 2. That the City Clerk shall certify to
the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall enter
i the same in the book of resolutions of the City of E1 Segundo,
California, and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption
thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council
of said city, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same
Is passed and adopted.
Passed, approved and adopted this 11th day of
February, A. D., 1948.
Mayor of the City o Segundo,
I. Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City
of E1 Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole
number of members of the City Council of the said city is
five; that the foregoing resolution, being Resolution No
920, was passed and adopted by the said City Council,
approved and signed by the Mayor of said city, and attested
by the City Clerk of said city, all at a regular meeting of
the said council held on the 11th day of February, 1948,
and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following
Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson
and Mayor Selby;
Noes: Councilmen None;
Absentia Councilmen None.