CC RESOLUTION 908RESOLUTION _NO. 9j8 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION �- NO. 871 OF SAID COUNCIL, PA33ED AND ADOPTED ON THE 11TH DAY OF F"BRUARY, 1947 , BY AMENDING SUBDIVISION 7, (RELATING TO THE FIRE DEPART- MENT) OF THE "SCHEDULE OF COMPENSATION FOR THE VARIOUS OFFICERS, DEPARTMENT TW3, AND EM- PLOYEES OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. C.ALIFO.RNI?", SET FORTH IN SECTION 1 OF SAIL RESOLUTION NO. 871. The City Council of the City of W 6e6undo, can- r, fornia, does hereby resolve, declere and determine as follows: SECTION 1. That Subdivision 7 of the "SCHEDULE OF COMPENSATION FOR THE VARIOUS OFFICEN3, DEPARTMENT HEAD,AND EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF EL 3EGUV DO, CALIFORNIA." set forth in section 1 of said Resol "tion No. 871, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, FINING AND ESTABLISHING THE COMPENSATION OR PAY OF VARIOUS MUNICIPAL OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF SAID CITY, AND REPEALING ALL RESOLUTIOW AND ORDERS AND PARTS OF RESCLUTIONS AND ORDERn IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. ", passed and adont -d on thr 11th dry of Fehrunry, A. D., 1947, be, and the sump is hereby, amended so ^s to read as follows: "subdivision 7. FIRE DEPARTMENT: I. VOLUNTARY OFFICZ?3 AND MEMBERS. (A) The Chief of the Fire Densrtment shall receive the sum of `45.0" per month, and in addition thereto the sum of 0.50 per drill, not to exceed two drills per month. (H) The First .'assistant Chief shall receive the sum of 20.00 per month, and in addition thereto HM the sum of 3.5n per drill, not to exceed of ;4.71 per "rill, not to exceed. ttio drills per month. (D) Csotains of the Fire Department shall receive the sum of q'4.75 per drill each, nat to exceed two drills -)er month (E) First Lieutenants shall receive the sum of 4.75 per drill each, not to exceed two drills per month. (F) Firemen shall receive the sum of =3.50 *er drill each, not to exceed two dri!ls per month. (G) Fire Engine Drivers on special dut -r shall reosive the mum of "1.nD per h,ur II. FULL TTP7r_ TR4TNrE3. (A) Cartain� shall receive th- sum of per month, each. (3) En,ireprs shall eacy receive the sum of '240.n0 per month for the first year of service; 25n.0r) per month for the second year of service; n3 < ^00.00 r °r ,..-)nth for the th1rd cnd n?1 su.oap:;uPnt yea'r3 of service. (C) 'To.,e :den shall er'ch raceivp the bt -i of per month for the first year of s- rvic -; '2 7).00 -,cr << ^nth fjr the becond ;,' -2r o° aervi ✓­; and 5* ' 4 .77 "i9T uonth .or V thir'a F r,-' all. 3::7senuent yeare of service. It is prol,ldpd that a Trninee, unriPr this p -rt I1 of this z)uUd_visi�n 7, vhiLc ocounyina tha stntz,; of such trrir. ^­, shall, notvI thstandin, his c?assificatir�n ns "k"h tr?inPP, 1�� �,1 �`I�CL t0 t1" „' jurisdiction and or,7 r� of t',rP offic °rs of t C' ^ "rt'1 °Ttt hareinFbo Ve provided for °r -,art I of `�I s 3undi vi ;inn 7." 2- two drills per month. (C) The ;,econ' Assistrnt ^,nief shall receive the sum of ;4.71 per "rill, not to exceed. ttio drills per month. (D) Csotains of the Fire Department shall receive the sum of q'4.75 per drill each, nat to exceed two drills -)er month (E) First Lieutenants shall receive the sum of 4.75 per drill each, not to exceed two drills per month. (F) Firemen shall receive the sum of =3.50 *er drill each, not to exceed two dri!ls per month. (G) Fire Engine Drivers on special dut -r shall reosive the mum of "1.nD per h,ur II. FULL TTP7r_ TR4TNrE3. (A) Cartain� shall receive th- sum of per month, each. (3) En,ireprs shall eacy receive the sum of '240.n0 per month for the first year of service; 25n.0r) per month for the second year of service; n3 < ^00.00 r °r ,..-)nth for the th1rd cnd n?1 su.oap:;uPnt yea'r3 of service. (C) 'To.,e :den shall er'ch raceivp the bt -i of per month for the first year of s- rvic -; '2 7).00 -,cr << ^nth fjr the becond ;,' -2r o° aervi ✓­; and 5* ' 4 .77 "i9T uonth .or V thir'a F r,-' all. 3::7senuent yeare of service. It is prol,ldpd that a Trninee, unriPr this p -rt I1 of this z)uUd_visi�n 7, vhiLc ocounyina tha stntz,; of such trrir. ^­, shall, notvI thstandin, his c?assificatir�n ns "k"h tr?inPP, 1�� �,1 �`I�CL t0 t1" „' jurisdiction and or,7 r� of t',rP offic °rs of t C' ^ "rt'1 °Ttt hareinFbo Ve provided for °r -,art I of `�I s 3undi vi ;inn 7." 2- 3ECP QY v. Thet WN oubdivi ;ion 7 o° sai ? schedule, not f,rth in said reso2-vion Nn. 01, Ps nwrdnd, is hereby Pmended as hereinatove in i -ation 1 of this resolution set forts. 6ECIvICN That th3 s resoluticn shall take effect immemintely. sECTIM 4. That the City Clerk shni! certify to the Ocese -F PH adoption of thto resolution; shall cruse the original of the same to be =ntcred it the book of re- solutions of Ov n0l City of El welundo, and shall make a minute of the passage nQ ado -tion thereof in the records of the n•locesdinL- of the City Council of s45 cit. , In the minutes of the meetinn at (Jilts! the orms_ lb vn.ca and Pdopted. 7asS?cl, sunrove? and cdontpd th L lest" `iay. of Five xer, t. 7., U27. nigyor of the Cit A c6und(, Ca _fornir. 4V: ___ i City Cerk (SEAL) 3_ �.tl 40 3TA"'c^ OF CALIFnRNIA. I COUNTY OF LOS ANC ELEz., ) : o CITY OF 1. SEGUNDO. ) I, Victor ::cCarthy, City Clerk of the Cite of E1 Se .jundo, Cnli -Pernia, do hereby certify thst the -holy number of members o f the City Council of the seid city is five; that the foregoinL, resolution, bein;, Resolution Plo. 9)8, was p, -seed and adopted by the said City Council, approved. and signed by the Mayor of said city, and attested by the City Clerk of said city, all at ,, regular rneetinL of t1— : ,-id Council held on the 19th day of November, A. D., 1947, and that the same was so pawed and adopted by tho follow) ng vote: AYES: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Skelley, Thomos ,-n and Mayor Selby; NOES: Councilmen Yone: ABDENi: Councilmen :Qcn -. (bE=L) WS F.1 Le-undo, Cplifernie: