CC RESOLUTION 906' n•f'.i
The City Council of the City of El Segundo,
California, does resolve, declare and determine as follows:
SECTION 1. Thac the following Special Provisions,
being and to be known as "SPECIAL PROVISIONS OF THE CITY OF
SANITARY SEWER PUMP PIT ", be and the same are hereby adopted:
"DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The work to be done under these
special provisions shall consist of
the furnishing of all necess ^ry materials, tools, appliances,
equipment, labor and transportation for the excavation and
construction of a sanitary sever pump pit and appurtenances
at Franklin Avenue and Arena Street in the City of E1 Segundo,
California, as shown upon Plan No. 471107, and described in
these special provisions and Specifications Number A.1941
entitled "General Requirements in Connection with Public Work
in and for the City of E1 Segundo, California,' heretofore
approved by the City Council of said city for said work.
CEMENT: All cement used shall be Portland
Cement and shall conform to the
'Standard Specifications and Tests for Portland Cement,' (Serial
Designation C9 -30) of the American Society for Testing Materials.
AGGREGATES: Aggregates shall be clean, well- graded
and water washed. Sand shall, when
dry, pass a one - fourth (1/4) inch screen with not more than
thirty per cent (30°lo) of the bulk passing a 30 —mesh sieve,
nor more than six per cent (67) passing a 100 mesh sieve.
Pea gravel and crushed rock shall be hard, durable, and of
• duality satisfactory to the Engineer. All rock shall pass
• two (2) inch screen snd not more than thirty —seven per cent
(87") shall exceed three - fourths (3 /4) of an inch in diameter.
All agr,regates shall be free from clay, loam, mica, organic
material, or other im)urities. In proportioning the aggre-
rate of the concrete, and in mixing the concrete, particular
care and attention must be given to the relative coarseness of
each part, and where necessary proportions shall be altered
in order that as dense, uniform and workable a mixture as
possible may be obtained. The nominal proportion of the
aggrega=te shall be as specified for each portion of the work.
'WATER: :dater will be furnished to the
Contractor by the City at the City's
expense and at a location required by the Contractor.
REINFORCEMENT: The Contractor shall furnish and set
all steel required throughout the
concrete work, all of which shall be deformed bars of such
shapee and sizes as are shown onthe detailed drawings furnish-
ed by the Engineer. The steel shall be rolled from original
billets, of medium grade, and according to the Stpndard
Specifications of Steel Manuf`,cturers for reinforcing steel.
The Contractor shall, if required by the Engineer, furnish a
test report on one tensile test and one bending test for each
size of bar, the bars to br tested shall be selected at
random from Contractor's stock pile. The tests shall be
made by a recognized laboratory subject to the approval of
the Engineer.
Before being imbedded in the concrete, the surface of the
steel shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dirt, rust, oil,
gre -se or other matter that may be detrimental to the
positive adhesion of the concrete.
All steel intersections shall be tied with 16 gauge annealed
wire. All steel splices shall be lapped 40 diameters and
tied with Tire.
EXCAVATiuw: 'the price bid for the work is to in—
elude all necessary exca,ration and bac!�—
filling and the disnosal of any excess material, broken concrete
or other refuse. The Contractor shall leave the entire area
graded to the elevations shown on the - ;lane.
Extreme care must be exercised in the necessary excavation
for all footings.
CONCRETE: Concrete shad be considered as a
homogeneous mixture •ith or without
reinforcement, as specified -nd shown on the plans, made up
of cement, aggregates and water properly mixed in an approved
type of batch mixer. The verious proportions of this mixture
are specified un"er the section whose hevding is MIX. Pre —mixed
concrete is preferred but not required. Adjustments in the
mix shall be made by the Engineer, on the job, and these will
be made to insure a more Workable mix. The proportions of
cement to agEregate will not be changed in any class of work;
only the various proportions of the various sizes of aggregate
may be changed. In no case shell there be more then six gallons
of *eater to one sack of cement, or its cubic foot equivalent
of 94 pounds.
MIX_ 1 part cement to 6Darts_aggregate
Wa11 s
Floor dabs
1 pert cement_ to 8parte__agL :mate
FOOTINGS: The footings may be ooured sgsirsi,
dirt forms subject to the approval
of the Engineer. In no case shall the soil on which the foot-
ings or tank slabs are to rest, be disturbed. All steel In
these footings is to be placed in accordance with the plans
and securely wired in place.
EXTRA_CON_CRETEE: Should extra concrete be required
by specific written instructions
from the Engineer in the enlargement or deepening of the foot-
ings or increasing the depth of the structure over that called
for on the plans, the Contractor shall furnish such extra con-
crete at a unit price as called for in the bid senedule. No
extra compensation may be claimed unless written instructions
have been received by the Contractor prior to the pour.
FORMS: The Engineer will set grade hubs
and will check the elevations of
all form work, and no concrete is to be placed until forms
have beer, checked by the Engineer.
The walls and roofs of the structure shall be completely formed,
and all forms are to be accurately centered, true, rigid and
thoroughly braced. They shall be of sufficient strength to
carry the entire dead weight of the construction as a liquid
without deflection. As the walls of the pit are not to be
plastered, special care shall be taken in laying up the form
boards so as to obtain straight and as small joints as possible.
These form boards shall be sized to hoth width and thickness.
TT,e walls are to be constructed �Ath forms on both sides.
No concrete will be allowed to be poured against earth banks
except in the footings. All forms and shoring shall be kept
In place until, in the judgment of the Engineer, the concrete
shall have attained sufficient strength to resist Accidental
thrust and other loads that may come upon it, and in no case
shall their removal be sooner than seven (7) days. All wall
a �f
forms shall have a removable section for cleaning out and
inspection. All wall steel shall be wired and secured to the
outside form. Where it is necessary to =sire the inside form,
those wires may pass to the steel only.
In no case shall the forms be tied with wires passing; through
the concrete wall.
PLACING OF_CONCxEPE_14ALL3; Before concreting, all forms
shall be carefully and thoroughly
cleaned of all sawdust, chips, and refuse. Immediately previous
to the placing of concrete, all forms shall be thoroughly soaked
,vith water.
The concrete shall thoroughly fill the forms, must be solid
throuGhout, and in close contact with the steel reinforcement,
It must be deposited continuously in uniform layers not over
12" in depth.
The concrete shall be thoroughly tamped, special care being
given to the tamping on both sides of the steel reinforcements
to insure against stone poa:ets being formed against the forms
and the displacement of the reinforcement. Power vibrators are
desirable, but not reouired. Noticeable voids or stone pockets
discovered when the forms are removed shall be immediately filled
with mortar mixed in the aame proportion as the mortar in the
The walls of the pit must be poured continuously in a single
run in order that any horizontal construction joint between the
footing and the roof will be avoided.
No concrete shall be placed in the wall until the reinforcement
has been inspected and approved by the Engineer.
BOTTOM SLAB: The bottom slab shall be poured
in a continuous pour and the
Contractor shall so olan the -)lacement of this material that
I. i
there will be no cold construction joint. The top of the
slab shall be carefully screeded to true grade and then shall
receive a steel trowel finish.
The reinforcing mesh installed in the slab shall be handl6d
in such a manner during the pouring of the slab that it is
Imbedded as nearly <3s possible half way between the bottom and
top of the slab.
SUMPS: The sump in the pit shall be
poured as an integral part of
the floor slab. No construction or expansion joint in or
around the sump will be permitted.
DAMAGE.CUREl ETC.: Work must be protected from any
damage resulting from temperature
changes, or from the action of the elements at any time, and
any damage from these or other causes must be properly and
promptly repaired by the Contractor at his own expense.
All work must be kept wet to the satisfaction of the Engineer
for at least seven (7) days after being placed.
EXPANSION JOINTS: The expansion joints in the
structure shall be between the
floor slab and the walls. Expansion joints shall be made of
materials furnished by the Inertol Co., or the Aquatite Company,
In the following manner: wood form strips of 2" materials,
surfaced four sides to a trapezoidal section of height equal
to the thickness of the floor slab and bases equal to 1..1/2"
and 3/4" respectively are to be placed with roofing paper
wrapping as shown on the plans.
As concrete is poured it shall be carefully spaded at the forms
to insure no rock pockets. Forms are to be removed as soon as
concrete h,-s initial set. raper used around forms shall be left
in joint space to aid in keeping; out dirt end foreign matter.
n w Ri
The Contractor at his option may suggest an alternate
method of forming these joints, but a width of 3/4" at the
bottom and 1 -1/2" at the top must be maintained.
When concrete has completely cured, joint space is to be
thoroughly cleaned of all foreign matter and painted thorough-
ly to at least 3" each side of the joint with primer solution
as manufactured by the company whose expansion joint material
is to be used. Oakum saturated with primer is to be then
caulked into joint until the joint is at least one -half full.
The remaining joint apace is then to be filled and rounded to
1/4" above the floor slab with the mastic compound_
before concreting, the Contractor
shall set in the walls pipes
furnished by the City all as shown on the plans. The accurate
position and location of these pipes shall be maintained
during concreting.
STRUCTURAL STEEL: All Lbeams called for in the
plans shall be placed accurately
and with positive bearing on bearing plates as specified end
shall be wrapped with 2" wire mesh before being encased in
concrete, when so Indicated on the plans.
SIDEWALK DOORS: The sidewalk entrance door to the
pit shall be an approved type of
double sidewalk door, water proofed with drain, of a type to
finish flush with the surface, and as manufactured by the Apex
Steel Corporation or equal.
MANHOLE FRAMES AND COVERS: Manhole frames and covers shall
be round, medium weight castiron
with an inside diameter opening of two feet (21) as manufac-
tured by the Apex Steel Corporation or equal.
MANHOLE STEeS: Standard 3/4" diameter steel man-
hole steps coated with red -lead,
asphaltum or coal tar - >aint, shall be imbedded in the con-
crete from the manhole openings to the bottom of the pit as
shown on the plans.
PUMP FFOUNDATiONS: Foundations for the pumps as shown
on the plans are a part of this
contract, and will be poured at the same time as the floor slab.
MISCELLANEOUS: The Contractor shall furnish and
install certain bolts, connectors
and fittings as shown on plans.
TIME: me Contractor shall commence work
within fifteen (15) days after the
execution of the contract and shall agree to complete the work
within sixty (60) days thereafter.
CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE NUMBt;R: When submitting a bid, the Con-
tractor shall state the number
of his State of California license.
PREVAILING WAGE_ The prevailing wage scale which
has been determined by said City
Council arid which shall be a part of the contract for the work
herein specified is as follows:
Ulassif ice tion
Rai,e Per Hour
Laborers, General or Construction . X1.35
Operators and Tenders of pneumatic and electric
tools, vibrating machines, and similar
mechanical tools not separately classified
herein . . 1.55
Cement Dumper (on 1 yd.. or larger mixers and'
handling bulk cement) . . . . . . . . . . . 1.55
Cribbers or Snorers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.70
Guard and /or Watchman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.35
carman and Mortarman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.40
Cement Finisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.975
Reinforcing Iron Worker . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.975
A- Frame -Boom Truck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Air Compressor Operator . . . . . . . . . . . .
Boxman or Mixer Box Operator (concrete or
asphalt plant) . . . . . . .
Concrete Mixer Operator-paving type and mobile mixer
Concrete Mixer Operator -skip type. . . . . • . • . .
Concrete Pump or Pumperete Gun Operator . . . . . .
Elevating Grader Operator . . . . . . . . . . .
Material Loader or Conveyor Operator . . . . . . . .
Pump Operator . . . . . . . . . . .
Skip Loader Operator- 'ATheel Type . . .
Tractor Operator - Bulldozer, Tamper, •Seraper or
Dray Type Shovel or Boom attachments
Trenching Machine Operator . . . . . . . . . .
Universal Equi ment Operator (Shovel, Dragline,
Derrick, Derrick- Barge, Clamshall or Crane) .
Drivers of Dump Trucks of less than 4 yda.
water level
Drivers of Dump Trucks -4 yds. but less than 8 yds.
water level . . . . .
Drivers of Dump Trucks-8 yds. but less than 12 yda.
water level . . . . . . • .
Drivers of Dump Trucks -12 yds. but less than 16 yds.
water level
Drivers of Dump Trucks- 16 yds. or more water level
Drivers of Dumpater Trucks . . . . .
Drivers of Transit -Mix Trucks -under 3 yds. . . . .
Drivers of Transit -Mix Trucks -3 yds. or more . . .
Winch Truck Drivers -12j¢ per hour additional when
operating power winch, A- Frames, or similar
snecial attachments. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Carpenters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.90
Table Power Saw Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.9755
All foremen not herein separately classified shall be
paid not less than 17j¢ per hour more than the hourly
rate of the highest classification over uhich he has
The minimum wage paid to all labor for which rates are not
shown shall be not less than those in accordance with the
provisions of Article X1 of the Labor Agreement between the
Southern California General Contractors and the A-F. of L.
Building and Construction Trades Unions dated June 3, 1946,
as revised and amended.
Over -timp shall be one and one -half times the above rates.
Sundays and holidays shall be considered as over -time.
The minimum of per diem wages as above set forth contemplate
In each instance a working day of eight (8) hours. "
SECTION 2. That said Council does hereby find and
determine that the prevailing rates of wages within said city
set forth in said Special Provisions Number 471101, are the
prevailing rates of wages for each of the respective
professions, crafts, trades, callings and vocations therein
mentioned or referred to, and that said rates are hereby
fixed and established as and shall constitute the minimum
rates of wages to be paid in connection with the prosecution
of the work under said special provisions.
SECTION 3. That the City Clerk shall certify to
the passage and Pdoption of this resolution; shall enter the
same in the book of resolutions of said city, and shall make
a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records
of the proceedings of the City Council of said city in the
minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted.
Passed, approved and adopted this 12th day of
November, A. D., 1947.
ity Clerk of th
E1 Segundo, Ca fornia.
I. Victor D. McCarthy, Ctty Clerk of the City of
El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole
number of members of the City Council of the said city is
five; that the foregoing resolution, being Resolution No.
906 , was passed and adopted by the raid City Council, approved
and signed by the Mayor of said city and attested by the City
Clerk of said city, all at a regular meeting of the said
Council held on the 12th day of November, A. D., 1947, and
that the same was passed -nd adopted by the following vote,
to wit:
AYES: Councilmen _ Baker, _Petgp,_gron,_5kellev. Thompp— and
Mayor Selby.
Noes: Councilmen None
ABSENT: Councilmen None
ity ClerkhP C
E1 Segundo, California.