CC RESOLUTION 905RESOLUTION-NO-o-905 A RE60LUTICN OF THE CITY COUNCIL CF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDC, CALIFORNIA, A'JARDING TO IVAN ?:. 'AE'TRCVTCH THE CCPITRACT FOR FURNI3HIidG ALL NECE53fARY MIATERIAL9, TOOLS, .4PPLIANCES, E ^UIPt �N'1, LA -3OR AND TRANS - PORTION FOR INSTALLING, VIsRIFIED CLAY 6AN2'1'ARY 3E1+1ER MAINS IF PORTIONS Off' EL oEGUNDO BOUL)?,,VARD ANll WHITING STREET, IN oAID "ITY. WHEPEA3, the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, has heretofore in the manner provided by law, duly and renularl advertised for bids for furnishing all necessary materials, tools, aprliances, equipment, labor and trens-)ort- ation for installing; Vitrified Clay 3anitPry 3eT,,er Mains in portions of E1 oegundo Boulevard and Whitin.- otrr-et, in said city; AND, VeTHTREAS, at the time for opening Pnd consider - `u ing all of said bids, to -it: the hour cf 7 :11 o'clock p m. on ?vednesdny, the 5th day of November, A. D., 1947, said Council did publicly o;aPn, examine ,nd declare all bids received: A.ND, %;'HEREA3, at said time said Council did tak- all of said bids unrler advisement p -ndin? a report from th- City En4ineer as to th- relative merits of said kids; AND, W14TREAS, said Council has now duly considered all of said bids and has carefully compared thA some and the various fed -ures thereof, as related to the recuirements Pnd interests of said city; AND, [IRERE. ?a, said Council has st thi s time, to git: r the 12th day of November, 1947, reached its dPCtaicn in the said matter- 1- NO11, THEREFOPE, the City Council of th- City of El �eEundo, California, does resolve, declare and determine as follows: SECTION 1. That said Council does hereby find and determine that all matters considered, th= bid of IVAN 14. METKOVICH, of Los Angeles, California, best meets the require- ments of said city, rand that it i_ for the best interests of ,aid city, ell fgctoro, considered, to accept the btd of said Ivpn _ ".. Metkovich. SECTION 2. That the bid of said Ivan J. Metk >ovich, dated November 5, 1947, which said Council determines to be substantially as follole-, to ait: "PROrOSAL FOR THE CONSTRUC,rION OF bANIT.ARY 39JER LINES IN THE CITY OF EL 6EGUND ^, CALIFORNIA. "City Council of the Citv of 71 )eeun6o, California Gentlemen: The undersi6ned hereby proposes to furnish to the City of E1 Segundo, California, in said city, all mater- ials, tools, pnnllpnoes, equipment, labor Pnd transoortation for the necessary excavation, construction, and completion of the following work or improvement, to gait! The construction of eight (8) And ten (10) inch stand_ and and extra strength vitrified sanitary sei-er lines, drop Pnd flush manholes, house eonneetiond, and appurte- nances, all as shown on Plans Duo. 471002, 471007, nD 410422, dD 410508, rnd in accordance olth �pecificatior.s of the City of El 6eglirlo, Calif- rnt_a, Number 0-1041 and 3P 471007, all of which are hereby referred to for a full Pnd detailed description of the cork to be done and are by thie re- ference expressly incorporated herein and mp.de a part hereof for nil further particulars r,ith reference to said work or improvement; and all in - ocordsnce with the "NOTICE TO BIDDEHS" Fttpched hereto; Pl.l at the prices bid for the follo,.,ing 1rrork, to wit: Item 1. 678 lin. feet 10" Extra otrenEth Vitrified Clay Pine de *,per with wye- .branches for the sum of Ten Dollars (,10.00) per !in. ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .=*6,780.01 2- RA ( iii b Item P. 514 lin. feet W 3&Werd - *rength Nitrified Clay Pine se"Fr "I th t;ye- branches for the sum of: Five Dc Hers (35.00) per lin.ft. ..0,570.00 Ttem g. 44 tin. feet 6" atnndard .- treneth Vitrified Cloy Pine ;e,-r for the cum of: Ova Tollrre f7non) per tin. ft. .....,.. ? ?J.On Item 4. 5 otandar6 'Frnholes complete for the sum of: Three Hurdree DoUars Item 5. 1 Iran ! nhole complete, for the aum o °, Four Hundred Dollars (4400.00) each - $ nln.00 Total Amount of aid . . . . . . . ;11,470.0^ and os rec+uired in the 'Notice to 310ders', encloses nerevitn a Bidler's Bond in the amount of MY Thnusand Dollars . . . . . . . 6W7.00 which said amount is not less tarn ten per cent, (101) of the total amount of hid. License ro. 7 ?841 Me Nov_. 5. 1947. Bidder Ivan A vetko«ioh 145 Test 21st. St., Los AnEel -s ?, Calif. Telenrone T%-5414 " PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE INVITING RIDS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF VITRIFIED CLAY SANITARY SEWER MAINS AND APPURTENANCES PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, will receive sealed bids up to the hour of 7 15 o'clock p in on Wednesday, the 5th day of November, 1947, for the furnishing of all necessary ma- terlals, tools, appliances, equip- ment labor and transportation for the installation of vitrified clay sanitary sewer mains in El Segun- do between Sheldon Street and Whiting Strect and in Whiting Street between El Segundo Boule- vard and the first alley northerly The woik to be done under this Contract is all within the City of E1 Segundo, California, and consists of the following items of work ITEM 1 678 tin it 10- Extra, Strength Vitrified Clay Sewer i Pipe _ ITEM 2 514 lm It Strength Vitrified Pipe ITEM 3 44 lm it Strength Vitrified Pipe 8" Standard Clay Sewer I 6" Standard Clay Sewel ITEM 4 4 Standaid Manholes, complete I ITEM 5 1 Drop Manhole, com- plete All as shown on Plans No 471002, 071003, SD 410422 and SO 410506, and in accordance with Specifics - Lions No C -1941 and No SP 471007 which are hereby referred to for a (tell and complete description of the work to be done I fill of said plans and specifica- tions above referred to have been Ipetofore approved by the City er uncil of said city and are now on file =n the offices of the City Clerk and City Engineer of said City and open to public inspection The price bid for said work shall Include all necessary excavation and 1leekfllhng and the disposal of any seteess material Water for flooding and settling ,etches will be furnished to the Con - Agre,ctor at fire hydrants at the city's # "rise Proposal forms will be furmshed i on apphCanon therefor at the E of the City Engineer or the Clerk of said city eh bidder must state in his bid me wrthm which he agrees to and complete the work ch proposal or bid must be ac- A00hpamed by a certified or cash- *'* check, or bidder's bond, in an einonnt not less than ten per cent) 4111%) of the amount bid, as a guar- CiAlse that the bidder will, it suc- eadslul, enter into a contract within j fAtS days from the date of the ,a(1CatH, and furnish the necessary ds, one bond for faithful per - ce of the contract m an t equal to 25% of the con - 1seat price, and a second bond to aaaare laborers and materialmen, OuAn amount equal to 50% of the Ct price _ contractor, insofar as he is required so to do, must ob -� and abide by the provisions i 14 laws of the State of Calif for- sod of the United States of Ca, relating to contracts of nature contemplated hereby, statement to that effect will o sled in any contract awarded At 6 locality in which the work or improvement above re- ferred to is to be performed) for each craft or type of workman or mechanic needed to execute they contract for said work or improve- ment, which will be awarded to the successful bidder hereunder, are as follows. to -wit LABORERS CEMENT FINISHERS Cement Finisher Rate Classification per Hour Laborers, General or Con- Reinforcing Iron Worker struction $135 Operators and Tenders of 190 Pneumatic and electric 165 tools, vibrating machines from a contractor and similar mechanical d shall be paid tools not separately clas- 165 sified herein 155 Cement Dumper (on 1 yd rly rate of the or larger mixers and 200 handling bulk cement) 155 Cribbers or Sharers 1,70 Guard and /or Watchman 135 Sewer Pipe Layer (exclud- 1775 ing Caulker) 165 Sewer Pipe Caulker (us- 2025 ing caulking tools) 1525 Sewer Pipe Caulker -Ce- 165 ment joints 140 Tarman and Mortarman 140 CEMENT FINISHERS Cement Finisher 1975 IRON WORKERS der in bidding shall state Reinforcing Iron Worker 1975 OPERATING ENGINEERS A- Frame -Boom Truck 190 Air Compressor Operator 165 Boxman or Mixer Box op- from a contractor erator (concrete or as- d shall be paid phalt plant) 165 Concrete Mixer Operator - the provisions of the paving type and mobile rly rate of the mixer 200 Concrete Mixer Operator- ensing of contractors skip type 1 775 Concrete Pump or Pump- crete Gun Operator 1775 Elevating Grader Operat- or which rates are not or 2025 Material Loader or Con- e" of the State of Call- veyor Operator 165 Pump Operator 165 Skip Loader Operator — ade to said "Labor Code" Wheel Type 1775 Tractor Operator —Bull- dozer, Tamper, Scraper City Council of the City or Dray Type Shovel or of L Building and Con - Boom attachments 190 Trenching Machine Operat- hat the general prevail- or 1975 Universal Equipment Op- erator (Shovel, Dragline, Derrick, Dernek- Barge, Clamshell or Crane) 210 TRUCK DRIVERS Drivers of Dump Trucks of less than 4 yds water level Drivers of Dump Trucks- , 4 yds but less than 8 yds water level Drivers of Dump Trucks- $ yds but less than 12 yds water level Drivers of Dump Trucks - 12 yds but less than 16 yds water level ,10rivers of Dump Trucks - 16 yds or more water level Drivers of Dumpster Trucks Vr i v e r s of Transit -Mix Trucks --3 yds or more Drivers of Transit -Mix Trucks —under 3 yds -Which Truck Drivers — 12%c per hour additional When operating power winch, A- Frames, or similar special attach- ments 1425 145 150 1 575 1 775 1775 1775 165 mr,rcuiaer I CARPENTERS der in bidding shall state t enter 1 ms Contractor's license e Power Saw Operator 1,975 such bidder, as no bid men not herein seepted from a contractor d shall be paid ot been licensed in ac- % cents per hour mith the provisions of the rly rate of the State of California, re- ation over which he has , ensing of contractors lon hereby further given nimum wage paid to ail rk shall be done in ac- It or which rates are not ith the provisions of the hall be not less than those id e" of the State of Call- dance with the provisions ll respects, and reference de XI of the Labor Agree - ade to said "Labor Code" tween the Southern Call - particulars in this re- General Contractors and City Council of the City of L Building and Con - mid, California, has de- Trades Unions dated hat the general prevail- 1946, as revised and wages in the City of , Overtime shall be e half times the above ratJ days and holidays shall sidered as overtime The minimum of per dlas above set forth c each instance a working eight (8) hours It shall be mandatory, scontractor to whom the qc;awarded, and upon any tractor under him, to pay'not i than the said specified rates to at laborers, workmen and employed by him in the eltbentteh dt the contract iI The contractor shall forfeit as A penalty to the City of EI Segun" Ten (10) Dollars for each laber'et workman or mechanic smpleyet for each calendar day or portico thereof such laborer, workmen Or mechanic is paid less than the gen- eral prevailing rate of wages here- in stipulated for any work done un- der this contract, or by any sub- contractor under him, in vfolatio* of the Labor Code Pursuant to the provisions of Ar- ticle 1 of Chapter 4 of Division 5 of` Title 1 of the Government Cede I k'the State of California, as amended to date, notice is hereby fiiltber given that any contract, 90feement, purchase or order to be awarded hereunder shall be let only to per• sons who agree to use or Supply only such unmanufactured Meisel -' ads as have been produced in the nited States, and onlisuch manu- factured materials as have beta manufactured in the United States+ 'Oubstantially all from midwridla l produced in-the United States', tbat i any such contract, agreement, put' - dham or order shall contain a prro¢- uision that only unmanufaet,wi mutaaterials produced in the United Mates and only manufactured ma. i dials manufactured in the United j dates, substantially all from Me- j It��rrials produced in the United tes, shall be used in the perform-, e of such contract, agreement, chase or order, and that any c '. son n who falls to comply with JaYeh provision shall be subject to thepenalties and procedures set" indicated and referred to 1p ; Article 1 Pursuant to the provisions of Ar- 2 of said Chapter 4 Of said iston 5 of said Title 1 of Said ernment Code, as amended to notice is hereby further given price, fitness and quality be- equal, the body, officer, or per- charged with the making of award of any contract, iniant, purchase or order hereurt0t, mikil always in the making of Such d, prefer supplies gro*i, ufactured, or produced In the of California, and shall Melt r supplies partially inAfW grown, or produced SA and all bidders are hereby in d that such preferences for orma -made supplies will 4W Council reserves the right to any and all bids received end upare the relative meritY Of !spective bids and to ehodbe vhich, in the opinion of the 'ouncil, will best serve the in- or needs of said city i bidder in bidding shall state bid whether California State i Tax" or "Use Tax ", or asy state or federal tax is or 19 eluded in the amount bid. $ r fails to make any statement bid of such bidder relatmif to uch tax or taxes, the pried all be deemed and held to In- any such tax or taxes 89f3t- bids must be in writing, ifitisi fled and marked on the out- "Bid for Installation of Vitri- 2ay Sanitary Sewer Maine and ttenances', and be eiAM A or delivered so as to ba,la aids of the City Clerk of said in or before the hour on the above mentioned, at Which end in the Council Chamber City Hall of said City Vw ouncil will publicly open, e and declare all hide t+e- notice is hereby given � d by order of the of the City of El Segundo, is, and is dated this 302; October, A D, 1947. VICTOR D MCCARTIM City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California. be, and the s7me ie 'nereby Pccected et the :)rice set forth 1n s -id bid, lahicr i.; noo, on file in the office of the City ClerK of :.aid city, and ,ihioh said hid so on file is hereby lxoressly referred to and by this rEfprence inc_orr,ornteu harein rna. madr a Hart hereof for all farther particulars 3ECTIC ➢3 3, That, ell bido recei•ied for said work or im_;rovement, iith the exception of the said rid of said Iven M. Metkovich, are hereb;- rel —ted, rnd tha City Clerk Is hereby authorized and instructed to rAturn the checks of all unsuccessful bidders. SECTION 4. That the City Attorncy is instructed to pre-ere, and the f °layor and Cit }r Clerk are authorized to sip and deliver in due course, the contract hereby awarded. SECTION 5. That the City Cleric shall certify to the oessa�e end adoption of this resolution; shell cause the original of the same to be ontered in the book of resolutions of the said City of E1 Deglzndo, and shall make P minute of the passage nn,? adoption thereof in the reccrds of th.= proceedings of the City Council of sa!O oity, in the minutes of the meeting of iM ch the same is pa wed an(? sdo­)te , Pa wed, ap:roved end adon*.ed this lath day of :November. A. �., 147. (SEAL) 5- of the City o �eLundo, Californi . oTATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) } COUNTY OF LOd ANOEL;�S, } CS. 1 CIT" OF YL SEOUNnO. ) I, 'lictor D. McCerthy, Cite Clerk of the C+ t; of E1. oe- un('. ^, California, dO hereby certify that the whole number of ::embers of the City Council of the said clt» is five- thet the foregoing; resolution, being Resolutirr No. 905, was passed and a.onted by the said City Council, approved en-i aimed by the Mayor of spid city and nttested by the City Clerk of sz ild city, ell at e ree;uler meetinU of the a -id Council held on the 12th day of November, 1947, anJ that the ramp was passed and sdopt� -d by the follr),Iwyr vote. to r, =it: AYEo: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, oxelley, Thom-n--)n and I.ayor Selby; NOES- Councilmen None; ABSENT: Councilmen Pone. (6E 1L) 6- G 7 - - .ity Clerk of the Cit E7 California.