CC RESOLUTION 877RESOLUTION NC.-817. A RE,OLUTICr OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL vEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING sPECIFICATTC`> FO. 470325 FOR THE PAIYTIN3 OF TWO oTEEL SEDIMENTATION TANKS AFD FLUME AT THE WATER TREATMENT PLANT IN rD FOR SAID CITY. The City Council of the City of Ei Sebundo, CalifcrVc , does resolve, declare and determine as follows: oECTICN 1. That the following specifications, beirE and to be :mown as "opecificntions No. 470325 for the Fainting of Two ateal wedimentntion Tanks and FlumF• at the Ater Treatment Plant E1 degurdo, California ", be, and the same are hereby adolted: "3PECIFICATION6 NO. 4703P5 FOR THE PAINTING OF TWO STEEL > EDIMENTATION TANKd AND FLUME AT THE 'MATER TREATMENT PLANT EL EGUNDO, CALIFORNIA WORK TO BE_DONE The work to be done under these specifi- cations shall consist of furnishing all labor, tools, equipment, tram. rtation, and meterielb to Land -blast P& saint the interior surfaces of onn threw_gection Steel flume apgrcximetel- 391 -1" x 9' -0 x V -3 ", enC, two steel sedimentA }ion tenh. approximatel; 411 -0 diameter x lO' -� ", including, launder, interior ana exterior sur °aces of steel downtnke, exterior burr -ce of 50" intake pipe and 12" distribution headers, and nil under walk angle -iron supports up to but not in- cludinE the two 12" channels. Area to be painted is epnroximately 11,870.10 sq. feet. All wairr neceesnry will be furnished withnut chnroe by the City to the contractor at tae job site. 1- a eag MATERIAL Painting material shall be AMERCCAT #33 Plastic costing as manufactured by the Americ -n Pipe and Construction Company of Los An €reles, California, or equal, and shall be insoluble in and completely re- sistent to petroleum products, acids, alkeliea, sulfates, sea water, salt solutions, fresh water, distilled .- ,ater, rn,1 /or de- ionized wet-r. PREPARATICN OF_5URFACE.i All met,-1 sarfeces to be painted shall be sandblasted or shot- blasted to nele metal. All surfaces shall be absolutely dry and, after blasting, all dust shall be removed from the surface before the ap,licat,on of my painting material. Blasting shall be discontinued early enough in the day so that the first coat of paint can be applied the same day. APPLICATION OF PAINT MATERIAL Amercoat ;i'i� Plastic Coating, or equal., ehall be applied in five separate coats, and shall be enplied by spray gun, except as otherwise specified herein, and excepting that retouchin_ rnc9 repairing small areas of damaged coating may be applied by brush. Damaged areas shall be repaired by recoating with the full number of coats specified herein. The application of the first coat shall be by brush %,ith a maximum coveraL5e of 300 square feet per gallon.. Material is to be thorcughly stirred prior to its use with care being taken that all pigments are in suspen- sion. This coat shall be applied evenly, making certain that the entire -nrface is fully covered -nil shall be allowed to dry at least four hours ',efore the next coat is applied. This fist tort shall be applied the same day after the metal has been 3--nO- blasted so that there will be no oxideti ^n of t!^e metrl after 'jlesting. r- 4 , i A The succeeding four coats shell be applied with at least four passes with a spray gin with a maximum coverage of 30n square feet per gallon per coat. The first pass shall be made in either horizontal or vertical strokes with a fan of six inches to eight Inches wide and in such a manner that the surface is completely covered - ithout lea -ing pin -holes or holidays. Any over -spray developed on the surface shall be brushed away before applying the second pass. The second pass shall not be male until the first pass has dried at least four hours anS shall be applied crosswise to the first pass and in the same manner vith full coverage of the surface for each pass. The third and fourth shall be applied in the cross spray method as done in the first Wind second pass; allowinE four hours drying time between all passes. If an cdditioral pass is necessary to obtain the proper coverage of 300 square feet per gallon, it shall be done in the cross spray method also. A final drying time of at least 48 hours shall elapse before tanks or flume are put In service. ThF ;pressure in the pot shall be maintained at betwear. twenty and thirty pounds per square inch. APPLICATION_E_QUIPNENT 7rushes, if used for retouching, shell be good quality paint brushes. apray painting equipment shall be standard industrial equipment as follows: (a) COMPRE33OR OR PLANT AIR LINE capable of sugolying a continuous volume of air at a minimum of eighty pounds pressure to the nozzle of the tun; a c a da'Y' (b) PRES3UpE MATERIAL PCT shall `�,e ten gallons minimum; (c) SPRAY GUT? shall be DeVilbiss HBC with No. 04 or No. 76 head, or equal; (d) AIR HOSE to spray gun shall be not less than one - quarter inch inside diameter. In. the event that the eoui -ment has previously been used for other products the material pot, nose, and brushed shall be thoroughly cleaned with Amercoat No. 12 Cleaner, or equal. PERSPNNEEL_EgUIPfENT In the event Amercoat #33 Plastic Coating Is used all persons entering tanks or flume shall weer non - sparking shoes or rubber overshoes. shoes shall have sewed -on rubber soles am' heels, or heels attached with n-n- sparking nails. If separate ventilation is needed far spray gun operators th -y shall wear air -masks equal to the DeVilbiss PXPH 501; air -masks shall be connected to the air sun -ly with 1/4" I.D. air hose. Any materials containing solvents which are infla-r-able shall be stored away from any danger from fire. During the application of this material no vork will be permitted near an open flame end all matches, torches, end smoking on the job shall be prohibited. RESPONSIBILITY When a contract for the work herein anecified is executed, the Contractor shall assume the entire re- sponsibility of the job and shall hold the City of E1 Segundo, California, its officers, agents and /or employees free from any liability for damage of any nature whatsoever which may artse or occur in connection ;,cith the doing of said -ork. z)UB_CONTRSCTOR None of tho -ork specified here in shall be sublet nithout the -ritten ccnsent of said City Council, and if any part should be sublet ,,tith such consent, the sub - contractor will be considered only as an emplo -ee of the Contractor. 4- REVISIONS Any revision it or departure from these specifications materially effecting~ construction must be approved by said City Council. There any such revisions increase the cost of materials and /or labor, a proper edjustmPnt and sEreement shall be reached by a consultation between said City Council and a representative of the Contractor. TIME The Contr -ctor shall commence work n1thin thirty (30) days after the execution of the contract and shall agree to complete the work within thirty (SO) days thereafter. GENERAL Before submitting a bid, bidder shall rave vieved the site. There will be included in the contract the customary clauses which said City includes in contracts for city work such as those reletinE to hours of labor, prevailing wages, insurance, norkments compenaation and liability. PREVAILING_WAGE The prevailing wage scale :rnich has been determined by said City Council and which shall be a part of the contract for the pork specified herein is es follows: CLA3oIFICATION Foreman Sand- Blaster apr?y Painter Compressor Operator All crafts not mentioned RATE P TR HCUR 1.7^ -1 /`3 1.6o 1.50 1.60 1.60 Overtime shall be One end One -3alf times the above rates. sundaya anu Holidays shall be considered Qs overtime. The Minimum of per diem we.es as above set forth, con- template in each instance a working day of eight (8) hours. aaturday is treated not as a leEel holiday and work thereon sha1L not be treated as overtime work, except 5- in those onsPs where a osturaaa falls upon a orlendar dpy t';e whole of *,.rile` is daclared a legal '-�oliday by lad,. CONTRACTOR' LICENSE NU11BE13 WS When Ysubml+tin. a bid, tl.e Contrp,�tor shall stare the number of his -)tate of California licence. PAYMENT -idder3 shall state the total price for work to be performed under this contract upon a blank proposal furnished free at the Office of the City Clark or City Engineer of said City. laid bid must be accom- panled by a certified or cashier's check, or bidder's bond in ar. amount not less t__an ten per c °nt (3r);) of toe amount 'Ad. The ci_eolt or bidder's .fond of tht successful bidder will be forfeited to said Cit,r in the event such successful bidler, after being awarded the contrect, fails to enter into same within ten (10) (IPya after notice of award. The City of El Degund -), California, will pay to the Contrpctor a sum equal to seventy -five per cent (rya) of the total amount earned under tt.e contract within fifteen (15) days after the completion vnd acceptance of tLe .cork by said City Council_, the balance or re- maining t,,venty -five per cent (25r) sha11 be p,-id thirty -five (35) days after the first payment. " SECTION 2. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resoluti ,)n; shall enter the some in the book of resolutions of said city, and shall make a minute of the passa-e and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said C^,ty in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. 6- Pissed, approved and adopted this 2nd__ day of April, 1. C., 1947. 2ayo of the City of El �e�undo, Ca19fornia. ATT T. Cit y J (SLAL) STATE CF CILIFORNIA, ) ) COUNTY OF L03 AN3ELE6, ) 33. CITY CF EL DEOUND(. ) I) Victor D. `�cOFrthy, City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, Californln, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of t7e City Council of the paid cit,, is five; that the foregoing resolution, being Resolution No. 877, web pA Seed -n,..l adore to l b-r -.i.e said City '�Ouncll' pro tem epproved snd signed by the .1ay�r /of said city and attested by the City Clerk of said city all Gt a re;;ular me -ling of tie said 'ouncil held on the 2nd day of April, A. D. 1947, and that the same was passed an,' ado ^,trd by the following vote, to-wit. AY ES: Councilmen Peterson, Thompson and Mayor pro tem Baker NOUz' ; Counoilnen None ABSENT: Council-nen Skelley and Mayor Selby. _ - ?r ity Clerk of tr e � of (arAL) Z1 Degundo, Cal forma. 7-