CC RESOLUTION 858RESOLUTION NO. 858 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AWARDING TO FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. THE CONTRACT FOR FURNISHING SAID CITY WITH THREE CERTAIN CENTRIFUGAL WATER PUMPS, EQUIPPED WITH MOTORS. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, has heretofore in the manner provided by law, duly and regularly advertised for bids for furnishing three certain Centrifugal Pumps complete with electric motors, to said city; AND, WHEREAS, at the time for opening and consider- ing all of said bids, to -wit: the hour of 7:15 o'clock p. m. on Wednesday, the 23rd day of October, A. D., 1946, said Council did publicly open, examine and declare all bids received therefor; AND, WHEREAS, at said hour said Council did take all of said bids under advisement until the hour of 7:00 o'clock p. m. on Wednesday, the 30th day of October, 1946; AND, WHEREAS, said last mentioned time has now arrived and said Council has reached its decision in the said matter; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, does resolve, declare and determine as follows: SECTION 1. That the bid of FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., of Los Angeles, California, dated the 23rd day of October, 1946 , which said Council determines to be substantially as follows, to -wit: I. "P R 0 P 0 S A L FOR THREE CENTRIFUGAL WATER PUMPS TO THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA "To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of El Segundo, California Gentlemen: The undersigned hereby proposes to furnish and deliver to the City of E1 Segundo, California, on foundations at the Water Treatment Plant, 325 Maryland Street, E1 Segundo, California, for the price stated below, all materials, labor, tools, equipment, and transportation necessary to complete and deliver three centrifugal water pumps and motors, all as contemplated and set forth in Specifications WW 461001 of the City of El Segundo, California, which are hereby referred to for a full and detailed description of the equipment to be furnished, and are by this reference expressly incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all further particulars with reference to said equipment; all at the bid price as follows: ITEM 1. Total price for one (1) pumping unit of a capacity of 1000 GPM Eight hundred and Sixty -six and 10 /100 Dollars 6866.10 ITEM 2. Total price for two (2) pumping units of a capacity of 1700 GPM. each Twenty Three hundred and twenty-five and 50/100 Dollars 12325.50 Time in days, including Sundays and holidays, from date of award which will be required to make delivery of pumping units . . . . . . 180 Days. Subject to escalator clause as specified in our attached letter dated October 23, 1946. AND AS FURTHER REQUIRED in said "NOTICE TO BIDDERS' inclosed herewith is Bidder's Bond in the amount of Five Hundred dollars which said amount is not less than ten per cent (10 %) of the total amount bid; AND AS also further re- quired in said 'NOTICE TO BIDDERS' (1) (We) hereby state that California 'SALES TAX' or 'USE TAX', or any other State or Federal Tax IS included in the amount bid. Date: October 23rd 1946 Bidder FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. 2401 Santa Fe Ave Los Angeles, Calif. H. W. Brown Agt. See our letter attached for further details of our bid. " 2- "FAIRBANKS, MORSE A CO. 2401 Santa Fe Ave. Los Angeles 11, Calif. October 23, 1946. "TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA. Gentlemen: We were pleased to receive your notice inviting bids for three centrifugal water pumps with electric motors, and also copy of your Specification No. M461001. We have reviewed this notice and specification and we are pleased to submit our quotation on the following pumping units which will meet the specifications. Item No. 1 - Conditions lOnO GPMI Ion' TDu at 1490 PPM. 1 - 6 x 8 Figure 5812 Fairbanks -Morse horizontal split case double suction, bronze fitted, single stage, ball hearing, centrifugal pump, including feet steel type flexible coupling, mounted on extended cast iron eub -base, and directly connected to. 1 - 40 HP, 1500 RPM, 440 volt, "- phase, 50 cycle, Fairbanks - Morse ball bearing protected frame motor. Total price delivered to your pump house in rl Segundo and Including the California State gales Tex for the sum of 4868.10 Item No. 2 - Two units each 17n0 GPM, 100' TOH, at 1450 RPM. 2 - 6 x 8 figure 5813, Fairbanks -Morse horizontal split case, double suction, bronze fitted, single stage, ball bearing, centrifugal pumps, including fast steel tyre flexible couplings mounted on extended cast iron sub -bases and directly connected to. 2 - 60 HP, 1500 RPM, 440 volt, 3- xrhase, 50 cycle, Fairbanks -Morse ball bearing protected frame motors. Total price delivered to your pump house in T-1 Segundo, and including the California State Sales Tax for the sum of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1779ri.50 The above pumping units can be delivered in approxi- mately 180 days after receipt of your formal order. This is our beat estimate at this time. All prices quoted or accepted shall be suhjdct to adjustment to the company's selling price at time of shipment, except that such increase shall not exceed 1541 on the total price of the said equipment. Your attention is called to the notice invitinq bids stating that the bond will be forfeited to said city in the event such successful bidder fails to furnish said equipment In the time specified. Due to present labor and material conditions, co+zid we be bound by the stipulations set forth therein. The, delivPry of 180 days, as specifier}, is our best estimate of what can be expected under present conditions, and we have Pvery reason to believe that we can deliver the material in that ne,riod no time. ;i- cif i�e �S,j' In accordance with your request, we are including herewith the following: A. Bidders bond in the amount of t5n% on, re- presenting ten per cent of our total bid nrlce. B. Performance curve or chart covering the pump under Item No. 1. C. Performance chart covering the numn under Item No. P. D. Dimension Print No. 44DSq?O, showing apnroxi.- mate dimensions of the numnina units sneclfieA under Item No. 1, mounted on structural steel sub -baee. E. Dimension Prins No. 44naA70 showinp an- roxl__ mate dimensions of the pumoins units snecifieA under Item No. ?, but mounted on strucTural steel sub -base. w. Bulletin No. 581 ^ -A itlustrptinp nnA ahoT ^inp general sneeifications snA other detptls on the horizontal numns we have recommenAeA for your conditions. G. Bulletin No. lien, ahovinp the dPtplls of our horizontal motors as sneclfieA. We are nleasec' to noint out that we are o °ferinsr complete pumping units msnufpatured by t'l e eomnpnv thereby centraltzina resnonsthllity for Aeaipn pnA workmanship in this concern. vie equipment is guaranteed for one veer after Ante of shipment against defective material sr.A workmansmin. Thanking you for the onnortunity of Quhmi *tin¢ this bid and hope that same vile hasp yniir favorphle conaiAerp- tion. GFF :3 co-Mr Kettler, i teld Engineer. Yours truly, FATPPAWro, 'Pni: 1R ' k r!n. Geo. F. Fleweiiing Maneger, Pumn nenartment. 4. 493 be, and the same is hereby accented at the nrices set forth in said bid, which is now on file to the office of the 11ty Clerk of said city, and which said btd so on file 14 herebv expressly referred to and by t '-is reference incornorateel herein and made a part hereof for all further narttculars. SECTION 2. The Contractor sprees that, nursuant to the provisions of Article 1 of ^hanter 4 of Dtvtston 5 of Title 1 of the Government Code of the Gtete of Celtfornls, as amended to date, only unmanufactured materials nroducPA In the United States, and onlv manufactureel msterislo manufactured in the United States substsnttslly all from materials produced in the United 4tates, shall be used in the performance of this contract. Anv person who faits to comply with such nrovtsion shall be subject to the nenaltie4 and nroeedures set forth, indicated and rQferrPA to In saki Article 1. SECTION 3. That the City Clerk shall nrenare copies of this resolution after the passage and adoption thereof, and shall affix to such conies at the end thereof after the Clerk's Certificate, forms for tbP annrovnl of the successful bidder snd on the nart of tha said pity, anA such copies of this resolution, so annroved and aenentPd by the successful bidder and by and on behalf of eats city, 81101 constitute the contract for furntshtnm said numno, nursuant to the award hereinabove made, snd the "favor of the City of El Segundo is hereby authorized on behalf of FtO A city to affix the anproval and aecentsnee of said ctty to such contract, and said City Clerk is herebv authorized and instructed to attest the same on behalf of said etty, anA to affix the seal of said elty thereto. SECTION 4. That the Citv dark shall certifv to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shell cause the original of the same to be entered in the book of rPsoluttons 5.. of the said City of El Segundo, and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the Droceedings of the City Council- of said oity, in the mlmates of the meeting at which the same is passed and adoDLPd. Passed, approved and adonted this 7n th day of October, 9. D., 1946. Mayor of Vie City of �'1 mundn, Californis. ATT ST: n City C er (SEAL) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANOELr'9, CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. ) SS. ) I. Victor D. McCarthy, r'ity CiPrk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify That the whnle number of members of the City Col:ncil of tt+P aPid c? tv is five; that the foregoing resolution, being Resolution Vo. 858, was passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the �°ayor of *aid city and Pttosted by the City Clerk of said city, all nt P regulsr meetinp of the said Council held on the 70th May of October, 1440, snd that the some was so passed and sdonted by the follovtna- vo *e' AvE9 : NOES: ABSENT (SEAL) Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Skelley and Mayor Selby• Councilmen None; Councilman Thompson 6-