CC RESOLUTION 829`fir qo
`tiHEREAS, opplioai;ion has been made to the City
of E1 Se6undc, Californin, by STANDARD OIL COM -PANY OF
CALIFORNIA, for a permit for that certain oil well within
said city, hereinafter referred to;
AND, after consideration of the said
Foolication, the City Council of said city is dispoccd
to Grant same, subject, to the terms Hrd conditions,
regulations and requirements hereinafter set forth;
NOUf THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of
E1 Segundo, CaliforniF, noes resolve, declare and determine
as follows:
SECTION 1. That the standard 011 Company of
California, is hereby licensed and permitted to erect one
derrick for the purpose of drilling for oil, gas and /or
ether hydrocarbon substances, an& alsc to in stall rr.d
opPratP the necessary drilling; equipment *_herein for the
purpose of drillinV a well for oil, bas or other hydrocarbon
substances, and al-c to install and operate the nece-enry
machinery and Pnuipment for cperntinL the said wall.
SECTION 2. That -aid license or permit shall be
subject to all of the terms and ccrditions, regairpm -n V
nrd regulations set forth in the fo'lowlne form of permit
Issued to the said licensee. The said Perm of permit is
as follows:
"P E R M T T
OF CALIFORNIA, under date of May 1F, 194C, by the Legisls_
tive body of the City of Ei Segur_do, County of Los Angeles,
Ftate of California, was granted permission to erect one
derrick for the purpose of drilling for oil, zas and /or
other hydrocarbon substances, and also to install And
Operate the necessary drilling equipment *herein for the
nurnose of drilling; e well for oil, gas cr other hydrocarbon
substances, ,sr.d r.lso to install rnd operate the necessary
machinery and equipment for operatin€ the said i•ell upon
the following express terms and conditions, each and every
one of • ghich must be observed and performed Promptly by the
licensee (whenever the same hecome applicable) in order to
keep this Permit in full end ccntinutng force and effect.
said terms and conditions are as folloirs:
First: Said derrick an& its appurtenant structure,
shall be erected on tr.e foi Lou =ing described real ;)roperty
located in the City of 71 Segundo, County of Los Angeles,
°tate of California, to—wit:
From the S. W. Corner of Section 7, T. 3
S., R. 14 :i., 1270' Easterly along Section
line;thence 2550' Northerly at right an &,
in the City of E1 Segundo,
and the said well shall be known and is hereby designsred
Second: Said licensee shall pay to the City of
El Segundo, California, the full amount of any license fee
wnich may now or hereafter be reasonably required under the
ordinances or laws of said city, nt reguiatious of the
legisla,,ive body thereof, and which applies to or has
reference to any such derrick or well, and which said
license fPP, if Pnd when provided for, must continue to be
Paid as lon' as drilil„g opera�,.ous, drilling, mining,
pumnin.- or other orerations :r rnd about c +aid derrick: or
well continue, including the production therefrom of oil,
F,Ps or other hydrocarbon substances from a flo,,inE -yell,
and as long as such derrick rem ^ins standing_, erns, the same
shall �P pr�mntly paid Ps the same becomes due and payable
to said city. No fee or license foP naid, or any rart
thereof, .hall '7P refunded.
Third: SPid derrick end/or any anrurtenert
structure shall not be ere ^ted nearer than ten fP -t to the
n Paregt property line of any public street, ev=nue, or hiErh-
may, or nearer than t,,renty -five, feet to any existing dwellin €r,
exce)t upon the - ritten oermigsion of the owner �f gush
dwPllin�, duly ginned end filed ,ith the 9uildini� Inspector
of said city.
Fourth: Licensee ejrrPg to furnish as drillinL
orok-resses, a full, true sad correct espy of tre toE,cf said
-e'1 for tFP use of :Pid cite in ascertaining the nossibilitieq
for a municipal water unnly lvitiin tl'P district, to a depth
of not to exceed cnF thousand f,et, and ther -after said
Licensee =hall, if requested notify s<id city- of rry *after
strata encountered and recorded by it, and the deptn *hereof.
Fifth: The said licensee sha11, -,n reouPSt of the
le €tislauive `,ody of said city, route all heavy �PtPrial° an,'
heavy loads of ^isterialp brought to or from said T,rell, over
such streets ag the naid legislative body may !irPcc, nro-
aided, howFv °r, teat such atreets shall bp anoronrittely
-cost -d, at *,hP expense of said city.
Sixth: That no abandoned oil derrick or derricks
use(l in cennPction witn sucn well will be allowed to remain
upon the ;premises where ssmP is lncsted for a longer period
than ninety days after such abandonment.
Seventh: That upon abandonment of ar,y -ell drilled
under this nermit the same shall be filled or mugged accorlinn
)7L $"C "_
to good mininE Practice, the derrick remo7ed and We
nremises cleaned up and restored &o nearly is poonib1c to
th:>ir condition as th.; existed at t'c time of tho 6rantin.,
of this permit.
cghth: That V3 sari license shall not 'ill-
fully permit Pry tinter, oil or other rydroon ^bon sabsOncon to
escape from said well or pr -niseG vni floe in or upon any of
tie public titre, t£, lane ", Way°_, 6vnrvi, or Aohv£y , of the
said City of Q SeLundo, California, unless by furtNr ppr It
,r nritln6 from A,- leCislative hod, of said city first had
rnd obtained; ;rsvided, hocrrver, thrt the li,anGep will
rpy to sPil city, immn is- is 'aeon dwmanl therefor, Vo full
Pnount of any and all daT<o ,° which may h£ oc3psioned to Pn�
of su& streets, lane-, eats, avenuca Jr n°_21iways, bj ru7Pon
of a violation of V provisions C° this sect'_ ^r, i. „tycr
�veh violation as willful, ne,liEent or otherwise.
Ninth: The licence- dogs hereby further a reo V7.
erect at its oqa cost on1 ewnP' Poch embsnRments, sump
hol -s and protection works, v a mpy be rern!rpl in order to
safe6uard as: f °r as re&vonably I, -Ablr, the 1ivps Pod
-ro art,, of Narsonz in the vicinity.
yp the Srid liceneeP further c ,reas to observe
and abide by all the l y, of the State of Californir, relating
to the subject of minin6 for oil, bas or otherrydracerbon
substarc$e %Rhin said Stag, and also al_ valid ordinances
of toe City of El Setundo, California, relatinz thoneto.
Eleventh: That the ;aid license shall 11n,dietply
Pt its oyn cost and exnensr, cause to be compl-tely repaired
to the satisfaction of the Street 9uperinvon.dent of the City
of 21 heGuncdo, California, cni end all Anme;e tc Pnj public
street, avenum, lane, way, alley or pla;p within the said
city Which may be occavioned b, it or by env _° its Ptentc
or employees, in or h: rsaaon of tie tranFportation of
mPteriFie or suo- )Iies, or e moment, ur prJ�LL,Ction, either
to or fro._, tl^e said derrick -�r :sell, or by reason of any
overflow therefrom. ::Fil shall aleo coonernte
with the authorities of .,Id City ul Cl Se•,unrl ]r tno
iDorehension of anI r other persons da:raLing _—blic --roocrty,
mtaterisls, equipment, or pro,iuc *,ion.
- ither to or fro.. th :�Fid
Twelfth: 1}-,&t t?,- sail licensee shall 2t 2i1
times Burin, the construction and operntion of the said
rc "_l p errri t the CM ,f of Police of sqi1 city and his officer'_,
the City zn,,ineer of said city- end/or his FuthorJzcd depute,
and t ?.c Chief of t %.e Fire Department of said cit., and his
July authorized assistant,, co enter u- -or_ the said rer.iFcs
and into the said d -rrick at t: -Fir o,m risk, so for as
licensee is concerned, end the said Chief of Police 2nd hie
officers, the City Engin <e" and his depute anC the Chief of
the Fire Department and his assic,tnnts, shall. rave free sn3
unmolested risht to so enter upon the saiu premises and into
the saiu derrick anti structures aprurtenent tharetc, -or the
purroee of ascertaining whether or not 911 of th- terms and
conditions of this permit are being onserved and ke=pt by
Paid license-.
P irteenth: All of the terms and conditions
herein stated, in the opinion of the legislative body of said
city, are renuirad for the nur -osP of proteczin,, the public
peace, health, safety and welfare of the said City of E1
5egu„do, and nnrticularly that portion of the public residint
in th- vicinity of the proposed well herein referred to, and
the 'Licensee above named by accepting this permit )nc'. electin,-
to cnernte under the same, hereby acquiesces in the findinFs
of the said legislative body in such regard, and further agreee
t- each, all and every one of the terms and conditions set
forth in this permit and promises end agrees to perform each
ar-d oll of them on its pFrt to be kept 2nd performed.
F= urteenth: T =J s permit is not assi;:nable exee-)t
by written consent of the legislative body of the said City
of E1 Segundo, California, first har3 and obtainEd; or except
tc, a subsidiery or onrent curr;oiftion o^ t'^e 11eenseP, but
no such assignment Snell operate to relieve the licensee
herein from any obli;atiop, !-,nposed or created herein with^ut
the consent of such legislative body first %:ad and obtained,
nor shall any such assignment be operative for any purpose
unless and until such assi.,nee shell have filed its written
ccceptance of t`P terms and conditions hereof.
Fifteenth: This permit lapses and becomes Euto_
matically void unless the derrick to be erected h =reunder
is so erected )nd completed t,,ithin sixty days from date hereof,
unless= a further eYtension of time within which to 2omplete
the same is granted in writing by the legislative body of
saic: city.
Sixteenth: �othinL; in this permit contained shall
be cnnstruad as limiting or abridging the r,o,er or ri-ht,a of
the legislative rode of said city to prescribe more or lcss
^tringent ;,rovisiorS in any future permit which, may be L�rantP-?
by sair', legislative body within said city.
SeventePnth: Any notice to be „ivPn under t:e pro_
visi,ns of this permit will be deemed sufficient if deposited
in t'r_e United States post office at either Le H ?bra, C lifr,rr,ia,
of %l SPgunCr), California, po:tP prepair?, a,l4reQGed -o the
license or the City of El Se undo, California, as the case
may be, ns follows:
The City of E1 Segundo,
Care of City Clerx,
Post Offico Box 67
El Segundo, California;
and eq to the licenser:
'tndard Oil Co-aoany of California,
Box :97,
Ln Habrcj, California.
ThP da;,' of -ctue l service as contPmnlatPd , ercin shPll be
construed to r- th- drY foilcwln,r that t.,-!on which such noticP
Is actually deposited in the post office.
Eighteenth: The Ci *v Council reserves the right
u-»n ten day^ notice to licen�PP of the bre�.ch of Iny of the
terms and /or conditions h,reir set forth, rnd th- fnilur- of
licensee to remedy any such brPnch iithin said period, to
cancel -n", revo:t�- this permit forthwith an' ulthout ,. ny liability
therefor On t!P dart of seld amity, or any of its off_cors or c,C�-nts.
Nineteenth: It is further a6reed and made P �Prticular
condition hereof that the said derrick will be actually loceted
and constructed, fully ri6CPd and rith necessary,nces,
boilers, ,r.�in ;, pipe-,, etc., required to ;;fficlpntlj or)erata
same, within sixty un,a from date herec", rzid that seid Vaell
will oe actually pudded in +,;ithin rinoty uayv fro,n :st° '-ereof,
nnrl that 3amn ,.`11 bp dill,ently ;.10 continuously o —ratPd th rP-
after, kith full --re—, until sPme is ccnpl?ted or finally
P hand -in -d.
Twentieth: The derrick of the said ;ell shall hPve
Pt rl1 timPe conspicuously displayed V-erecn in letters not less
than two inches in heignt, visibl- from two different sides of
G.Tcl: derrick, Pnnro-riatie signs stating- thn name of such v,.11
-nd the name of thn parpitreP of su&) ; X11.
IN "r_EREG?', tri^ Ncrmi t !,,Ps to
srid li� above nrm -d, thj-, 16 day of May,A. D., 1946,
v-,)n ovders of tYn leoislativ- body of said city, c- :pressed by
rosclution of said Lody, I:eretofnrP adonted.
-- -__--
tsuild+nF, Inspector of the City
of E.1 Begunc'o, Cc:ltfornia.
){ r 6
El Segundo, Californ'a
c'rA.N 'AHD 0 ?L COMPANY ur Cm IFORNIA, L+ censPe ^bcve
named, does hereby oar °e:t to E11 cf the condltton� agreements,
terms and reoutremFntr get fr)rr,n in th forA_-cir_E- permit, doer.
Ihereb- -oree tc came 2nd does hereb, firtrer �romIrp -rd a"ree CD
to )':eervp and Phide by the gRm= Pnd eRcF anC, all of them on
Its JPrt t3 bi-, _cnt nd 1— rforme0t, anc does hereby rocitivel°
,state and declare that thtS Consent Pw` REreeln'n.t '�,
n,y rn zdeeuate Frd vr1uab1e conriderD` on passim to it,
r- ceir,t of "hieh is hereby cyr)regcly acrnowl, -deed.
r'nP forer,oin, peri,it is a:_,,-,roved by m, ,^ to
iCPyor cf the Cit o" cc�cndc,
C ^Iif.rnia.
T }' O fore, cin, ,01'mi t i£ 7�.} ire ••� �� %, .tic : `U fox-,".
r, tyAt'orn ;fl the "r,, of
LI Ue;�una� Ce'_ifo ^n7,.. '
SECTT0N Z. That t',,c, Bull-".P,,, Inc:,-ector cf tY(-
City of El St-,undG, Califoz'nie, iS '1Pie C'ttlnrincd Pn
ln,tructoO t0 i°Pi)e tZ.0 ssA,C' n rmit �= (-re`_nabovc refcrrFr9
tq tG E�i�� liOPn�E"", inC: fte City C1Pr',C of 3aiC citj J's
rPn by - urtYrrike,5 r;.0 '- nstracted to ntteet the gamF end to
rffix tYiF OffiCi al SPsl of sP- City thpr °tn, upon rep -1.)t
of a duplicate c�",r of Eeid form of rErml t dilly execi.ted on
tY -.r part r sai: cite and ec ^ppted ir. ,ritin-^ by StanBfrd
Cif CcT- F,n; of Cal_i°, in the four, of aspect nce here -
inarove set fol tr rrA wnich cnn�titute= e ;;urt of the
^nsiderFtl,,n for t:,e i-zu^r,ce of se'.d permit.
'CTT ;i1 4. That the C+ t Cle •L e:.a11 cert4l%, to
tn_� nas -ege ant'. ectnrti ^n of t_' , rec-1,2t nr; shall cau
tje oriEinP' of t "e same to be n'prct 4n t:- b ^ ^k of re °nlu-
tiong Of 8aici cit ", :'i ShLI'_1 make t n1n'atP
an9 sdortton ti:Pr -of in the reccrds of the nroceedin�s of the
City Council o: ,.aicl . clt in th(> minutes of t}_- ^Pe tin_ apt
hic'r_ the, samze -- ,-assed ,nn. — looted.
Pn Q, -d ,
,,,, ,rcv-0 cnC _�dcpt ^d t'—AF :Cth (,,ay of
aY, 7%, 1946.
Ci ty l c
17A L)
;� nr of t P City of 5i e� ando,
T, Victor D. TbcCnrthy, Cit;- Clerk of the Ci
of � ] Segundo, C:^lifcrniv, do Y erpby certify that r: e
nurrbpr of - ,,rnb -rs tY)e C'_ty Council of the said city to
five; thst the rp,oin_r rcC :,I otion, b,�in� Ft- rolutton No.
329, wRq duly - )as- -O and adoptad by th�-, cat' City Connci] ,
nnnro-acO ,r.1' siEned by the 6°ayu- of sa;,1 city and ? *tested
by the City Clerk of said ci t, , al'_ t r special m , -tin;-
�f the :aid Counc41 held n, the 16th dny of NTry, A. D., 1046,
and the t tY.3 -amp was so pt)r -sed -'nd ado —ed by *..t fol] owl nL
*rc to
AYE'S: Councilmen 3aker, Peterson and Mayor Splblr-
NCT'S: Councilmen Drone;
ABCEM Council,en Skelley and Th,nr: n.
( a EAL )
,(',f ty Clerk cf tr /e +
E1 Ses:undo, California.