WHEREAS, under the provisions of the laws relating
to cities of the sixth class in the State of California,
a regular general municipal election shall be held on the
9th day of April, 1946, for the election of two members of
the City Council of said city for the full term of four
years; and one member of the City Council of said city
for the whort term of two years;
AND, WHEREAS, the City Council of said city has
been requested to submit to the electors of said city at
said election the proposition hereinafter set forth with
reference to increasing the compensation of the members of
the City Council of said city for their services as such;
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of
E1 Segundo, California, does hereby resolve, declare,
determine and order as follows:
SECTION 1. That pursuant to the requirements of
the laws of the State of California relating to municipal
corporations of the sixth class within said State, there
shall be, and there is hereby ordered, held in the City
of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California,
on Tuesday, the 9th day of April, 1946, a regular general
municipal election of the qualified electors of said city
for the purpose of electing two members of the City Council
of said city for the full term of four years; and one member
of the City Council of said city for the short term of two
SECTION 2. That there shall be and there is hereby
ordered submitted to the qualified electors of said city at
said election, the following question, proposition or
measure, to -wit:
Shall each member of the City Council
of the City of E1 Segundo, California, YES
hereafter receive the sum of $50.00
per month, as Compensation for his
services as such member? NO
SECTION 3. That a vote (X) on the proposition here-
inabove in Section 2 of this resolution referred to, placed
In the voting square after the word "Yes" on the ballots to
be used at said election, shall be counted as a vote in
favor of said proposition. A vote (X) on said proposition
placed in the voting square after the word "No" on the
ballots to be used at said election, shall be counted as a
vote not in favor of said proposition or question, and as
not consenting to or authorizing the sum of $50.00 per
month to be paid as compensation for each member of the
City Council of said City of E1 Segundo.
That in the event a majority of the electors
voting at such election vote in favor of said proposition
or question, then and in that event the compensation of the
members of the City Council of said city shall be as follows:
(a) The members of the City Council of said city
who take office subsequent to the canvass of the returns of
said election shall each receive the sum of #50.uO per
month, payable as other salaries are paid by said city.
(b) The members of the said City Council whose
terms do not expire in April of 1946, shall nevertheless
also receive as compensation for their services as such
members, the sum of $50.00 per month each for and during
the period that the provisions of Section 10 of that certain
act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled;
"An Act to Provide for the Organization, Incorporation and
Government of Municipal Corporations. ", approved March 13,
1983, as amended, continue to remain in effect; that is,
until six months after hostilities terminate in each of
the ware in which the United States was engaged on the 17th
day of January, 1945, "whichever last terminate, as pro.
claimed by the President of the United States "; whereupon,
the compensation of such members of said Council herein
referred to in this subdivision "(b)" shall be reduced to
the sum of $25.00 per month, as at present, in the event
such provisions of said section do not remain in effect
for the entire remainder of the current term for which
such particular members were elected.
(c) On, and from and after, the date upon which
the terms of members of the City Council of said city
become effective in April of 1948, each and every member
of the City Council of said city shall receive, as com-
pensation for his services as such member, the sum of $50.00
per month until such compensation is thereafter changed as
provided by law.
In the event a majority of the electors of said
city voting at such election shall vote against, or not in
favor of said question or proposition, then and in that
event each member of the City Council of said city, as com.
pensation for his services as such member, shall continue
to receive the sum of $25.00 per month as at present.
Polling Place: Residence 837 Virginia Street;
Inspector: Mrs. Esther Grow; Judge: Mrs. Nettie
J. Weller; Clerks: Mrs. Naomi Love and Mrs. Ethyl Ford.
Voting Precinct No. 3 consists of E1 Segundo City
Precinct No. 3.
Polling Place: Residence, 1227 East Mariposa Avenue;
Inspector: Mrs. Alma C. Foster; Judge: Mrs-Lelia
W. @ghaefer ; Clerks: E. M. McGinley and Mrs. Audrey Martin.
Voting Precinct No. 4 consists of E1 Segundo City
Precinct No. 4.
Polling Place: Council Chamber of City Hall, 203
Richmond Street;
Inspector: Mrs. Eva Boyer; Judge: Mrs. Pearl Snow;
Clerks: Mrs. Marie McAllister and Mrs. Beulah A. Samsel.
Voting Precinct No. 5 consists of E1 Segundo City
Precinct No. 5.
Polling Place: Residence 407 Concord Street;
Inspector: Mrs. Nellie Fitzgerald; Judge: Mrs. Ora
M. Palmer; Clerks: Mrs. Nita Hooper and Claude A. Manson.
Voting Precinct No. 6 consists of E1 Segundo City
Precinct No. 6.
Polling Place: Residenos 508 Loma Vista Street;
Inspector: Mrs. Pa&j& Hilligas; Judge: Mrs. Lucy
Kesselg; Clerks: Mrs. Gertrude C. Heaston and Robert C.
Voting Precinct No. 7 consists of E1 Segundo City
Precinct No. 7.
Polling Place' Games Room at Recreation Hall,
220 West Palm Avenue;
Inspector: Mrs. Adeline M. Lawler; Judge: Mrs.
Ruth E. Mercer; Clerks: Mrs. Bessie A. Harris and Mrs. Ruth
P. Randall.
Voting Precinct No. 8 consists of E1 Segundo City
Precinct No. S.
Polling Place: Womans' Club House Building,
Southwest corner Standard Street and Mariposa Avenue;
Inspector: Mrs. Juanita L. Crumley; Judge: Mrs.
Georgia Lee; Clerks: Mrs. Rita P. Burgess and Mrs. Grace R.
Voting Precinct No. 9 consists of E1 Segundo City
Precinct No. 9,
Polling Place: Residence, 511 E. Maple Avenue;
Inspector: Mrs. Dora Dinwiddle; Judge: Mrs.
Anna Kenney; Clerks: Mrs. Gladys Swain and Mrs. Gertrude
E. Cullen.
SECTION 7. That the polls for said election shall
be open at seven o'clock a. m. of the day of said election,
and shall remain open continuously from said time until seven
o'clock po m. of the same day, when said polls shall be closed
except as provided in Sections 5734 and 5735 of the Elections
Code of the State of California.
That on the ballots to be used at said election, in
addition to any other matters required by law, there shall be
printed substantially the following:
To vote for a candidate of your selection, stamp a cross
( +) in the voting square next to the right of the name of the
candidate. Where two or more candidates for the same office
are to be elected, stamp a (t) after the names of all the can.
didates for that office for whom you desire to vote, not to
exceed, however, the number of candidates who are to be elected.
If the ballot does not contain the names of candidates for all
offices for which you may desire to vote, you may vote for can»
didates for ouch offices so omitted by writing the name of the
candidate for whom you wish to vote in the blank space left
for that purpose. To vote for a person not on the ballot,
write the name of such person under the title of the office
in the blank space left for that purpose.
To vote on any measure stamp a cross (+) in the voting
square after the word "YesA or after the word "No." All
marks, except the cross (+) are forbidden. All distinguishing
marks or erasures are forbidden and make the ballot void.
If you wrongly stamp, tear or deface this ballot,
return it to the inspector of election and obtain another.
SECTION 8. That all of the persons hereinabove
named as election officers are hereby appointed as such
election officers respectively, and their compensation is
hereby fixed at the sum of $8.00 each for said election.
The rental for each of such polling places, where a charge
is made, shall be the sum of $10.00 for said election.
SECTION 9. That in all particulars not recited in
this resolution, said election shall be held and conducted as
provided by law for holding municipal elections in said city.
SECTION 10. That notice of the time and place of
holding said election is hereby given and the City Clerk
Is hereby authorized, instructed and directed to give such
further or additional notice of said election in time, form
and manner as required by law.
SECTION 11. That the City Clerk shall certify to
the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall enter
the same in the book of original resolutions of said city;
and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof
in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of
said city, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same
was passed and adopted, and shall cause the same to be
published once before the day of said election in the
El Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation
printed, published and circulated within said oity, and
which is hereby designated for that purpose.
Passed, approved and adopted this 20th day of
February, A. A., 1946.
V7 EST. A /GL. /---) ` `� Mayor of tCalifornia Segundo,
witty uiers or snerur�
E1 Segundo, California.
I. Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City
of E1 Segundo, California, do hereby oertify that the
whole number of members of the City Council of the said
city is five; that the foregoing resolution, being
Resolution No. 809 , was passed and adopted by the said
uity Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said city,
and attested by the City Clerk of said city, all at a
regular meeting of the Baia City Council held on the 20th
day of February, A. D•, 1946, and that the same was so
passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and
Mayor Selby
NOES: Councilmen None ;
ABSENT: Councilmen None
Affidavit of Publication
.L' iiak% t..SnQW being first duly sworn, deposes and says That he
is, and at all of the rimes heieinaftei mentioned was, a citizen of the United States of America, over
the age of eighteen years, and a resident of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, that he
was, at, and during all of the time of the publication of the instrument hereunto attached the
- ----- .... . - ... Zd.itor - . -
311j111Cr and publisher of EL SEGUNDO Ix'ERALD, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, pub-
lished and circulated WEEKLY in the City of El Segundo, in said County and State; that said news-
paper has been so printed, published and circulated at regular intervals of one week for more than one
year immediately preceding the publication of the instrument hereunto annexed; that said newspaper
is, and was, at all of the times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation within the meaning
of Section 4460 of the Political Code of `he State of California, that as provided by said section, said
newspaper Is published for the dissemination of local or telegraphic news and intelligence of a gen-
eral character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers, that said newspaper is not
and was not at any of the times herein ieferred to, devoted to the interests, or published for the enters
tainment or instruction of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or for
any number of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races of denominations, and that said news-
paper is not devoted to or published for, nor was it at any of the times heiem mentioned devoted to
or published fox the puipose, whether avowed or otherwise, of entertaining of instructing such classes,
professions, trades, callings, races or denominations, or any of such classes, professions, trades, call-
rags, iaces or denominations
That the notice, order, ordinance, iesolution or instrument hereunto attached on page numbered
hereof in all respects, including subject mattei, and size and arrangement of type, is a full, true and
correct copy of the said notice, ordinance, resolution or instrument, in words and figures exactly as
published, that the same was set and printed in type not smaller than nonpareil and that the body of
the same was preceded with words printed in black -face type not smaller than nonpareil, describing
and expressing in general terms the purpose and character of the notice, order, ordinance, resolution
or instrument intended to be published, as will al* pear from an inspection of the said annexed instru-
ment, that the "RgBOlutlon 1jo. BQ9"
of which the annexed is a pirated copy as heremabove stated, was published and printed in said
newspaper at least AYI.Qe- week by consecutive publication , commencing on the
28th day of Vjebrwary . A D 194 6 , and ending on the day of
A D 194 and as often during said time as said newspaper was regu-
larly issued to-wit -
Thursday, 2ebruary 8, -1946_
-- - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ------ -- -- ---- - - - -- -- -- -
Subyciibed,odnd/FWorn to befoi/me this ! y
City Clerk of the City /of El Seg
of Los Angeles, State of
Deputy City Clerk of Said City
°Rout .k
dr. � �
C imatbbe}' of h,
6�X' E� ea c Me do no I Mrs lost. �; Mrs. Eva Boyar. Jul
C �%FPE7� as r never- AMarje McAllista a Clerks. ►
T Dinky the of I Samse! Mrs. Beu.
' bF' q R1tdtT. gaz. d sw t. o eft,, Voting Precinct No 5
BA>� C 9D BEMUNtCMAL , PtoVlaron6 off g'gecthtla 0d fthe))1' l -%L do City Precinct No,
9Tg DAW SDAAr, Blat $� of the IRldolis o car. �, cord Streep�C° Residence 407 Co FOS BR C T N R p• CBRTAgSi Incorporation tnO the nt n t'An Judge Airs, e��MQ s Nellie F1tzgeral� — Act
RRQUIg 1, SA� CITY A , Municipal n and Go iTa�tiom,� Mrs Nita M Paltrier,
BtONS OF TRE,�ARE PROM_ i March 13 C. rand �0ant Of Manson Hooper and Claude clerk
LAAT7TNE0 OF CALIFORN RAE_ until e x remain an effect; de approved El Voting pr Cjt et NO 8 consists o
SI$TD CLASS- OF to months after that is, Polling Place Precinct No, 8
B�MISSION STp FOR wtum'Chh the Um c of theme $ tle L�a e jets Street, Residence 56
OFIFEDAEL CE SRS OF 8 CA1 y � „°n a 17th do States
of January, as an- Judge cIW, LMrs Paula Hilljgas;
I ROPOS no pR QUESTION, Proalalmed haver last Y Of ate Mrs Gertrude C °Y Kassala Clerks•
United state," a President OFthe OPVOfi 'Peabody Hesston and Ro'b-
WHEREAS, under the O sea°111PensatiOn of ruche n1ePOn, the EI rig Preentet
of the law provisions thin u�leil herein referred of I Polling Place Precinct osta of led sixth s relating to cILtes of t 7.
ma, aclarses iii thgenerai rim nac P 1 month as the Present Of 2 dbe Per Avenue. nn Hall, 20 es Room at
election gular at $ 500 Palm
day Of April 194 held on the 9th not rPrOvislona of said the event Ier, dudor. Mrs Adaline &I
of two me 948, for the election remainder 1n effect Section do Clerks $e Mrs Ruth Law_
alI of tubers f the City Conn_ Which of the cu for the entire Mrs Ruth p Bessie A HarMercer;
four Years city for the full oh such rrent term for voting Randall l and
the City Cou, 11 one members of were elected parWcular members El IS g Pr Cti ct No 8 consists On fund°
the shDort term of two Yeasts, Clty for date upon wh and from rom and after, the No slei 8uildtee °manse Club'
salaHEREAS, the City Court hers of the City the terms of isle Standard g. Southwest
submit to t has ° r quest become effective lunch Of said city nue, Street and Man corner
city the electors 0 ed each April of 1ci Inspector POM Ara
ty at said election' °f said and every memo Mrs
hereinafter s the Council of er of the ' IeY, Judge Juanita
et forth with reperence compensatlonidfCi y shall receive, as Clerks dMrs, Mrs Georgia Cruni_
fheimembers ofa compensation og such member, the his services as Mrs Grace Rita P Burgeas Lee, and
or such id city for thelrCsery cos as hereafter until che sue sempe $at io Pis El Segundo Precinct No 9 consists of
law aged as pr
council Now, r o ded Beside,,,,
ofthe BEFORE, the City i In the event vi hAg
by Maple acey t
California, does Cier Of EI Segundo, I electors of said c t majority of the Jud Inspector Airs 5I E
Clare, determine hereby resolve, elects °n shall v y voting at s Judge Mrs Dora Dinwi g
SECTION I and order as ol- ihogrthensaI qu s °nn °r AL°posl- de E Gladys mKad Mrs Clerks,
the That pursuant of the city hat event each SECTION T10N sh Ord
require to city, mbar Tbet th
the State °minis of the laws Y, as coin y CouncII of said � election e
It California of ices as such ipne satlon for his
o'clock a a71 open polls f
municipal corporations Of to to a the tabor shall continue election and shalt the day Of Said class receive
held in thereias hercbytti oe shall mSECTIOat Present Of $25 00 per d cksp from said s mac until seven
County of Los Y Of EI Segundo be used at gidThat the ballots to polls shall the me daY, when
California, l°4n8Tnesdaele8, State da f tame as to form andtioriniatterll c be, of the Elections Onnsl 57 4 except
and 5735
Of April, Y, the 9t d therein such as of
j minors O election Of the r9ualified qSE TON 5 to be useflaY be to said elect That the ballots to f the State ornla
1 h City Cone fi o (members oy struted stands erebya uthorjz there matters iregddetion to any City
(member of of four city t r the lots, not ce any and all oto Pr cure the follow ng0 Printed ub bnt, awl
city tar the short tit Cou two f said 1 suppli hataqu Pinion matter and all To votee for, a 8 TO VOTERS
SECTION 2 m of years naha t may be and Parapber selection ands e Of Your
m'id edh to the ha by there sube duct to eject c and Ialawfully con - Lheina square n xtc osahe�n to the
Bald g at sa elec qualified electors of or fact that the questmn view °f the two or more If ethe candidate
right re
owing question, election, the fol- Secztn'oasure heremabove Proposition office are to be eaedates for the Where
measure, to proposition Or sub tt d Of this lesolvtioet fsortto in after the names °fed' stamp a (a' -(nj all th e submitted n i dates for
�I Shall e I nldr Mail also
ss instruct d to pre City ever,e to ote, not to er Who you
JIf the t3, member of I 1 cinct and niple ballots a Pare who the number xceed, how
/ 1 doe City of El So ! q SECTION cg a ofa said c sy o the dilates does a it be
thend of It the candidate,
I California, here - I YES I Pose of holden That for for all names og cn-
'I ester receive the sum I municipal g said the Pur- o °u shay dewet,,Inces gar which
I"-- -h II nine election tee general Can idate ote, YOU o na
$60 Op per month, I said voting precnet ra shall Omitted Y Writing a for such ic�ys vote
I as Compeasatio oft , wthi 1 candi the
I his services n for NO of t Y consisting In n the date far name of
i member'+ as such r ha regular vOti all instances vote in the b whom You t is to
f('t rAhrvissaors ofeLosyAn arB and of on the he0 ba lot O aspoc alPerson that
SECTION a 17jat� —�Jf tY electiangsgeneral, stateland on ty such person Write a name not
Alo Proposition haremabov0 (XSec- IC1net Polling lace red s Java cpre. that pia tha 61ank sAacele of for
Rn 2 °f this resaIVtio e m five mcts,P s ° res To v Pose left
od n the voting sq na referred to, Jhoards of elechond the reaPecwe (`t-) itt then any measure, stamp
es" on the after the tire Preci n for said
ballots to be desjgnated,ncts are by rpi peo- rd "Ykes" except square aftetthe
2s et said election, shall be count- lfshed as folloWSOinted end estab- All lade s' a ePtt the ce WO(+) d ' o"
altion ote in favor of said pro
sition A in (X) Aa Voting Precin
I consists of theeh sir A rbladsh rig arks
to the used word otmg a9ruare EPOli rig PIacetY Precinct NO 1 allot vo da° en and mak
used at on the ba11 Loma Vis Res n g e not in counted as a void election, or Inspector to Street, ' d a ° e• 841 face you wrongly
said proposition or question shall of Jude Mrs Mrs -Rosalie M Fae SPectori of election It to oar the an
as not consent and Clerks Edith B h; other and
the an ins to or authorizm Mrs Fern rs MYrtle Kreifynrphy, SE an-
berd a the city satlon for each mime El Segttndo ac'net No Ziiconsi nd� °((lairs ei abov named of the Per
of EI 3eguiid Council of said City Polling Placety Precinct No s2 °f such ele are hereby a as election
the That in the event a malon ginal Street, it &?7 Vir- and the,, officers esAectiettye as
elector, at,, vote og said at such election Judge aatoAirs Mrs at Rather Grow saiddelect,oe sum oft$80013 hereby
then° f men tht eent tyre Mrs kEth t 2rs Naotmi J Weller,' Of uch Polling a rental each each
e°°nPa4sation in Y Fo Love charge 1 places
are tWlownncil of said emY ershal! theme El Voting NO 3 consl and
-o SEC 00 for yae' sh be where th snma
(a) Tbe- Po City Pr sts of TION g d election ]ere �' f s vd citmembers hottakea City
Zest Polling lea qv Reside Pce izz7 sa d elect 0a lead s this resolution P rticu_ t In all the � �" _ l a Cie ,1 y,; air, � Loll 1}may "� foster; saga municipal Provided Y law fordhold
Rd c?tvother salaries aretpaid ElVSegund�nct NNo 8 coiiaeflst I�Clennrk'Ind
bepaby Sivh¢i°ilnduig said ele n
Of CtR ('lace Council NO 4 IstTUcted hereby aua d the City,
t3'�D'8i1, 203 Richman Chamber further °rand directed t °rgi ed,s such
tree, aleotion in tints, t notice of ucli
as required bYtlamorm and nisnsar
RESOLUTION NO 809 (b) The - mjijWrs -o' 'ivI said Polling am: Council
City pire in April of 1946,, shall never- oflnapectort SD's, Ri 73Oy
COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELF thelegs also receive as compensation Mrs Pear2�Sno8w,
SELLING , CALIFORNIA, for their services as such members, Manic McAllister
OFLTHE HOLDING OF AN$E4UE for and du $5000 per month each A Samse and Mrs,
ELECTION ETOL BE HELD IN g Period that the voting Precinct City Pre net No y
am act Of fthecLegislat hop tt e E Polhn
SAID CITY ON TUESDAY, THE State of California, entitled "An cord Im* Place Residence 467
9TH DAY OF APRIL, 1940, FOR Act to Provide for the Or
THE ELECTION OF CERTAIN Organization, Inspector Mrs Nellie Ftzg
OFFICERS OF SAID CITY AS Incorporation and Government Of
Municipal Corporations ", approved MrsgeNita Hooper rid Claude
REQUIRED BY THE PROVI- r March 13, 1!)83, as amended, con- Manson Is
SIONS OF THE LAWS OF TAE tmue to remain in effect, that is, Voting Precinct No 0 consists N
STATE OF CALIFORNIA RE- until'six months after hostilities EI Segundo City precinct consists t
LATING TO CITIES OF THE terminate in each of the wars in
SIXTH CLASS, AND FOR THE which the United tales was en- polling Place Residence
SUBMISSION TO THE QUALI- gaged on the United S Loma Vista Street,
FLED ELECTORS OF SAID CITY 1945, "whichever last term tea as Inspector Mrs Paula H
OF A CERTAIN QUESTION, proclomed by the President of the Judge Mrs Lucy Kessels Clil erg
PROPOSITION OR MEASURE United States ", whereupon, the MtrsCGeert Gertrude C Hesston and RotQ
THEREIN REFERRED TO compensation of such members of Peabody
WHEREAS, under the said Council herein referred to in Voting Precinct No 7 consists of
provisions Ithis subdivision "(b)" shall be re- El Segundo City Precinct No 7,,
sixth the laws relating at dies al the duced to the sum of 2 I Polling Place Games Room
sixth class m the State of Califon- $ 500
nia, a regular month, as at present, ni the event Recreation Hall, 220 West pa$q
gu general municipal such provisions of said section do Avenue,
election shall be held on the 9th Inspector
day of April, 1946, for the election not remain in effect for the entire Mrs Adalme M. Iap-
of two members of the City Coun- remainder of the current term for ler, Judge Mrs Ruth E Mercarq
ell of said city for the full term which such particular members Clerks Mrs Bessie A Harris slid
of four years, and one member of Mrs Ruth P Randall
the City Council of said city for Were elected Voting precinct No 8 consists of
the short term of two years, y (c) On, and from and after, the E Polling Segundo City Precinct No B
AND, WHEREAS, the City Coun- i date upon whicyh the terms of mein- Wagons, Club
cil of said city has been requested hers of the City Council of said city Standard Street and uMaresotmcorne-
to submit to the electois of said! become effective in April Of 1948, nue, p
city at said election the proposition each and every member of the City Inspector
hereinafter set forth with reference Council of said city shall receive, as 'ley, p Mrs Juanita L Cr..e;
h increasing s the compensation reference compensation for his services as Clerks Judge Mrs Georgia Lae;
�the members of the City Council such member, the sum of $5000 per Mrs GracerR SiulhvanBurgess spits
of said city for their services as month unlit such compensation is Voting Precinct No 9 consists Of
I such, thereafter changed as provided by El Segundo City Precinct No 9
NOW, THEREFORE, the City law Polling Place
Council of the City of El Segundo, In the event a majority of the Maple Avenue, Residence, 511 E.
California, does hereby resolve, de- electors h said city voting at such Inspector Mrs Dora Dinwiddie-
clare, determine and order as fol- election shall vote against, or not in Judge Mrs Anna Kenney, Clerks'
lows favor of said question or proposi -'Mrs Gladys Swain and Mrs Gelb
SECTION 1 That pursuant to Membereof the City Coune lnOf said trade SECTION117n each the requirements of the laws of city, as compensation for his sere- That the polls for
the State of California relating to ices as such member, shall continue said election mshofl he open 'of said
municipal corporations of the sixth m receive the sum of $2500 ielecti n and shall remain open cos-'
class within said State, there shall month as at present
be, and there is hereby ordered, per d tenuously from said time until seven
held m the City of El Segundo, be used 4 That the ballots to o'clock p m of the same day, whenlI�
County of Los Angeles, State of d at said election shall be, said polls shall be closed except asd
California, on Tuesday, the 9th da both as to form and matter con- Provided m Sections 5734 and 57351
of April, 1946, a re ular y tamed therein, such as may be re- of the Elections Code of the State'
municipal election ofg he qua] if ed ginned by law to be used thereat of California
electors of said city for the pun- SECTION 5 That the City Clerk That on the ballots to be used at'
pose of electing two members of of said city is hereby authorized, said election, in addition to any
the City Council of said city for the instructed and directed to procure other matters required by law,
full term of four years, and one and furnish any and all official bal- there shall be printed substantially
member of the Crty Council of said lots, notices, printed matter and all the following
city for the short term of two years supplies, equipment and parapher- INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS
SECTION 2 That there shall be nalia that may be necessary in or- To vote for a candidate of your
and there is hereby ordered sub- der to properly and lawfully con- selection, stamp a cross ( }) in the
mitted to the qualified electors of duct said election In view of the Voting square next to the right of
said city at said election, the fol- fact that the question, proposition he name of the candidate Where
lowing question, or measure heremabove set forth in two or more candidates for the same
(measure, to-wit proportion or Section 2 of this resolution is to be office are to m elected, stamp a (-I-)
submitted at said election, the City after the names elected, all the can at
Clerk is also instructed to prepare dates for that office for whom you
and all sample ballots and pre_ desire to vote, not to exceed, ho au
Shall each member of I I I clnct and Polling ever, the number of candidates
the City Council of g Alace cards to the who are to be elected If the ballot
the City of El Segall
qualified of said city
That for the pur- does not contain the names of can -
do, California, here - pose of holding said regular general didates for all offices for which
after receive the sum --_ municipal election there shall be You may desire to vote, you may vote
of $5000 per month, rime voting for candidates for such offices
g precme a within the se
as Compensation for NO said city, consisting in all instances omitted by writing the name of the
In services as such of the regular voting candidate for whom
member'+ g precincts as vote in the blank space left for at
now established by the Board of that
Supervisors of Los Angeles Count' purpose To vote for a person not
. for holding general, state and coon- on the ballot, write the name of
SECTION 3 That a vote (X) on ty elections The respectivE" pre_ such person under the title of the
the proposition haremabove in Sec- cmcts, polling places of said r sPre- office in the blank space left for
tion 2 of this resolution referred to, tive precincts, and the respective that purpose
placed in the voting square after the boards of election for said res To vote on any measure, slam a
word "Yes" on the ballots to be Itive precincts are hereby fixed, ( +) in the voting square after Vie
�used at said election, shall be count - designated, appointed and estab.
ed as a vote in favor of said propo- fished as follows word "Yes" or after the word 'I
sition A vote (X) on said propo- I Voting Precinct No I consists of All marks, except the cross are
sition placed in the voting square, El Segundo City Precinct No 1 forbidden All distinguishing marks
after the word "No" on the ballots I Polling Place R e s i d e n c e, 841 or erasures are forbidden and snake
to be used at said election, shall be Loma Vista Street, the ballot void
counted as a vote not in favor of Inspector Mrs Rosalie M Faeh; If you wrongly stamp, tear or de-
said proposition or question, and Judge Mrs Edith B Murphy, face this ballot, return it to the in-
as not consenting to or authonzmg Clerks Mrs Myrtle Kreitz and, spector of election and obtain an.
the sum of $5000 per month to be Mrs Fern O Steffenson other
Paid as compensation for each mem- Voting Precinct No 2 consists of { SECTION 8 That all of the per -
ber of the City Council of said City El Segundo City Precinct No 2 sons heremabove named as election
of EI Segundo Polling Place Residence 837 Vir- officers are hereb That in the event a majority of ginia Street, Y appointed as
the electors voting at such election Inspector Mrs Esther Grow, and theirticompensaton a ise hereby
vote in favor of said proposition or Judge Mrs Nettie J Weller, fixed at the um of 800
question, then and in that event the Clerks Mrs Naomi Love and said election. sum $ each Pon
compensation of the members of the Mrs Ethyl Ford of such rental for each
Cit y Council of said city shall be Voting Precinct No 3 consists of Polling places, where a
aQ,Miilows El Segundo City Precinct No 3 10 ppsfo Heald election
the sum
L ;fri' The members of the City Polling Place Residence, =1 v"
il of said city who take office East Mariposa Avenue, i:4 ACTION 9 That in all partiqu.
ant to the canvass of the Inspector Mrs Alma C Foster ;i - not reefed m this resolution,
of said electron shall each Judge Mrs Lelia W Schaaf as
election shall bG held and oon-
the sum of $50 00 per month, Clerks E M McGinley and M y ducked as provided by 7aµ• fqr hold-
Us other salaries are paid Audrey ltSartin, mg municipal electiotia in said city
city {I Voting Precinct No 4 consists if
' E1 Segundo City Precinct No 4
745� voting„ No 3 al monde Prsetn A ,y�y!'N OV "Of- -�L�aP,.folling encCOW NVF AurwcV ' Y9 cor. '(.v' ies are Judge•. Etapi �� OF T1 F 6 4W A � of the geld ACudrey MaC�bi.
LAS 44E 10AL City Council whose terms do not Voting Precinct No 4 c
RMICTWX ` TO UK E1SLH ' expire m.Apnl ox 194@, shall never- El Segundo City Precinct Oct No $i
k HASP CYP'k F T M IW, TEE theless also receive as gompensation Polling Place Cour
914E DAY TI AP, Of, 1#46' JZ1 for their services as such members, of City Hall, 203 Richtnond St '
THE ELECTION OF CERT the sum of $50,00 per month each Inspector Mrs Eva Boyer, Judge:'
REQUIRES B SAID C1TY AS for and during the period that the Mrs. Pearl Snow, Clerks Mrs
SIONS RED BY THE PROVE- Provisions of Section 16 of that car- Marie McAllister and Mrs Beulah'
STATE OF THE LAWS IA THE item act of the Legislature of the A Samsel
HTATE OF CCITIES OF = State of California, entitled "An Voting Precinct No 5 consists of
LATIN G TO CITIES OF TREE Act to Provide for the Organization, M Segundo City Precinct No $i'
SIXTH CLASS; AND FOR THE Incorlioratron and Government of Polling Place Residence 407 Can=
SURMIBSION TO THE QUALI- ,Municipal Corporations ", approved cord Street,
FLED ELECTORS OF SAID CITY March 13, 1883, as amended, con- Inspector Mrs Nellie Fitzgerald;
OF A CERTAIN QUESTION, tmue to remain in effect, that is, Judge Mrs Ora M Palmer; Clerks
PROPOSITION OR MEASURE (until six months after hostilities Mrs Nita Hooper and Claude A.,
THEREIN REFERRED TO. terminate in each of the wars in Manson
WHEREAS, under the provisions which the United States was an- Voting Precinct No 6 consists of
of the laws relating to cities of the gaged on the 17th day of January, El Segundo City Precinct No &
sixth class in the State of Califor_ 1945, "whichever last terminate, as Polling Place Residence 50s
nia, a regular general municipal proclaimed by the President of the Loma Vista Street,
election shall be held on the 9th United States ", whereupon, the Inspector Mrs. Paula Billions,
day of April, 1946, for the, election compensation of such members of Judge Mrs Lucy Kassala Clerks,
of two members of the City Coun said Council herein referred to in Mrs Gertrude C Hesston and Rob -
cil of said city for the full term l � this subdivision "(b)" shall be in ert C Peabody
of four years, and one member of duced to the sum of $25 00 per I Votmg Precinct No 7 consists
the City Council of said city for month, as at present, m the event IEI Segundo City Precinct No. 1
the short term of two years, such provisions of said section do Polling Place Games Room ate
AND, WHEREAS, the City Coun- not remain in effect for the entire Recreation Hall, 220 West Palm
remainder of the cu
cif of said city has been requested rrent term for Avenue;
to submit ci the electors of said which such particular members Inspector Mrs, Adaliue M Law -
city at said election the proposition let, Judge Mrs Ruth 1; Marc-
hereinafter set forth with reference were elected Clerks Mrs Bessie A Harris aril,
to increasing the compensation of (c) On, and from and after, the Mrs Ruth P Randall
the members of the City Council date upon which the terms of mein- Voting Precinct No 8 consists of
�of said city for their services as bets of the City Council of said city El Segundo City Precinct No, H
such, become effective in April of 1948, Polling Place Woman' Ck*
THEREFORE, the City each and every member of the City House Building, Southwest corneif
Council of said city shall receive, as Standard Street and Mariposa Ave.
C NOW, ouncil of the City of El Segundo, compensation for his services as nue,
California, does hereby resolve, de- Ifis ector Mrs Juanita L Crum,
clare, determine and order as fol- such member, the sum of 00 per P
month until such compensation is ley, Judge Mrs Georgia Last
lows Clerks Mrs Rita P Burgess
{ thereafter changed as provided by g
SECTION 1 That pursuant to,I)aw. RVoting Grace R Sullivan
the requirements of the laws of 'I In the event a majority of the Precinct No 9 consists of
the State of California relating to Segundo City Precinct No 9
electors h said city voting at such municipal crorporahon of the sixth election shall vote against, or not m � i ollmg Place Residence, 511
class within said State, there shall J Maple Avenue, `
favor he said question a propose -i�
be, and there is hereby ordered, Inspector Mrs Dora Dmwiddieg
held in the City of El Segundo, lion, then and in that event each j Judge Mrs Anna Kenney, Cl
County of Los Angeles, Stale of member of the City Council o£ said i Mrs Gladys Swain and Mrs
California, on Tuesday, the 9th day city, as compensation for his tine i ttude E Cullen
of April, 1946, a regular general ices as sucler¢nember, shall continues, SECTION 7 That the pdus f
municipal election of the qualified to receive the sum -Of $2500 per said election shall be open at s
electors of said city for the put- month as at present - 1 o'clock a m of the day of
SECTION 4 That the ballots to
pose of Council two members of election and shall remain open con -
be used at said election shall be,
the City Council oY said city for the tenuously f ` said ti me until seven
both as to form and matter con -
full term of fouk years, and one o'clock p of the same day, wlie�,
member of the City Council of said tamed therein, such as may be re- said polls s ll be closed except
city for the short term of two years quired by law to be used thereat I provided in Sections 5734 and aw
SECTION 2 That there shall be f SECTION 5 That the City Clerk of the Elections Code of the State
and there is hereby ordered sub- of said city is hereby authorized, of California
nutted to the qualified electors of instructed and directed to procure That on the ballots to be used at
said city at said election, the fol- and furnish any and all official bal- said election, in addition to any
lowing question, proposition or lots, notices, printed matter and all other matters required by law,
measure, to -wit. supplies, equipment and parapher- there shall be printed substantially
„ nalia that may be necessary in or- the following
'der to properly and lawfully con- "INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS
duct said election In view of the To vote for a candidate of your
I Shall each member of fact that the question, proposition selection, stamp a cross ( }) in this
I the City Council of or measure heremabove set forth in I voting square next to the right of
11 the City of El Segun- YES Section 2 of this resolution is to be the name of the candidate Where
do, California, here- submitted at said election, the City two or more candidates for the game
after receive the sum -- Clerk is also instructed to prepare office are to be elected, stamp a (+)
of $50 00 per month, and mail sample ballots and pre - after the names of all the candi-
I as Compensation for I NO cinct and polling place cards to the dates for that office for whom ynu
I his services as such qualified electors of said city desire to vote, not to exceed, how-
1 member'+ SECTION 6 That for the pur- ever, the number of candio$"s
pose of holding said regular general who are to be elected If the bafiot
" municipal election there shall be does not contain the namek of cxn�
SECTION 3 That a vote (X) on nine voting precincts within the dedates for all offices for which
the proposition harefnabove in Sec. said city, consisting in all instances you may desire to vote, you may vote
tion 2 of this resolution referred to, of the regular voting pre4acts as for candidates for such offices so
placed in the voting square after the now established by the Board of omitted by writing the name of the
word "Yes" on the ballots to be Supervisors of Los Angeles County candidate for whom you wish to
,used at said election, shall be count- for holding general, state and coun- vote in the blank space left for that
ad as a vote in favor of said propo- ty elections The respective pre- purpose To vote for a person nn,
sitlon A vote (X) on said propo- cmcts, polling places of said respec- on the ballot, write the name off,
sition placed in the voting square tive precincts, and the respective I such person under the title of the
after the word "No" on the ballots boards of election for said respee- ioffice in the blank space left for
to be used at said election, shall be live precincts are hereby fixed, that purpose
,counted as a vote not in favor of designated, appointed and estab. To vote on any measure, stamp
said proposition or question, and fished as follows- ( }) in the voting square after thg
as not consenting to or authonzing Voting Precinct No 1 consists of
the sum of $5000 per month 4o be El- Segundo City Precinct No 1 word "Yes" or after the word "No."
paid as compensation for each mein• - Polling Place Residence, 841 All marks, except the cross, (-t-) are
her of the City Council of said City Loma Vista Street, forbidden All distinguishing`
of El Segundo Inspector Mrs Rosalie M. Faeh, or erasures are forbidden snd�
That in the event a malority. Abe Judge Mrs Edith B Murphy; the ballot void -i^;
,the electors voting at such electClerks Mrs Myrtle Kreitz and If you wrongly stamp, fast
vote in favor of said proposition Mrs Fern O Steffenson face this ballots return ft°4D
�rluastion, then slid in tbat event. Voting Precinct No 2 consists of apecWr of election and obtain.'
tton of the memberg,of. EI Segundo City Precinct No 2. other
L'ounofk of siM city shall Polling Place Residence ON Mr-
UP-1611ows. SAtL Street;
Mrs. Esther Grow,
Nettie J weir:
Naomi Love and