CC RESOLUTION 807Rr,SOLUTION NO. 807 RESOLL`TTOA, OF TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF T'E CITY OF EL bEGuNDO, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTISC3 T1iE TI;.E rAYLENT LID OF AD-LIB-1E 4. CATALAh0 FOF CERTAIN: CfTY W" ED REAL PROPZRTY. 1,11"1B cEAS, the City of hl SeCundo, California, has neretofore instituted and is now prosecuting a zeneral comprehensive pro,,-ram for the restoration of tax deeded properties within said City to a tax oeyinc oasis; and 7VT�'thAS, pursuant to said procedure as so establisned said Council has carsed to be Civen and published a notice of intention to sell the interest of said City in certain of such tax deeded parcels, whicn said notice is desi €nated as "wotice D,o. Seven of Intention to Sell City of zl Se &undo Owned heal Property and Inviting, bids or Offers Therefor. ", and which said notice was duly publis�ied in the E1 SeCundo Frerslcl in the issues of October 25th, T;ovember let and 8th, 1045; and 1'VILREAS, responsive to said notice t e Y,id Liereinafter specifically mentioned for tie property hereinafter described was filed and has been duly considered by t,iis council; and TL!,REAS, this Council has reaclied a dec]sion with reference to t''.e sale of said propert-; E0,41 T ,E3 1'CR , DE 1T R.SOLVED, "-,y t'le City Council of the Cittl of Ll °c,_undo, California, as follows; First: That the oart!culnr property wnich is t,-i(3 subJ ect of this resolution snu t..e sale t erein contemplated, is located in the City of �l Se,-unuo, County of Los An,eles, State of California, and is cescribed as follows, to -wit: Lot 10, Llock 58, E1 Segundo Tract, as per man recorded in rook 20 PaCes 22 -23 of !ti,aps, Records of Los An`eles County. Second: That the bid of Adeline W. Catalano, hereina.ter called tie purc'-,aser, to purciase said property by quitclaim deed frorD t:_e City of L1 Se`^rndo for the sum of X415.00, payaole in installments wltain t.is time and upon tie terms and conditions hereinafter stated, be and tAie same is aereby accepted. Third: That t'r?e said acceptance of said bid and the sale 1. herein made by virtue of this acceptance thereof are so accepted and made sub,iect to t-ie following conditions; 1. I.ce terms and conditions of said "i`otice No. 0even of intentio to Sell City of Fl �)e undo Owned Real Property and Invit,n, .aids or OJ'ters 'Therefor. "; 2. That t)e said purc�iase price for said real property to be so conveyed as above stated :s payable ana shall be paid as follows; �11b.00 upon e.cecrntion and delivery of the contract of sale hereinafter referred to and the balance of said purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid principal amount at the rate of 7jo per annum from date of salo. contract of sale, principal and interest paysole in installments as follows; X27.30 or more and interest on the unpaid principal balance on the 20th day of :,arch, 1946, and q�27.27 or more, and interest on the unpaid principal balance on the 20th day of April, 1946, ana on the 20th day of eacn and every mont tnereaf'ter until the 20th day of -anuary, 1547, when the entire balance due on the principal nd interest becomes due and payable. Fourth; Tnat the purc laser, within ten days from and after written notice of the acceptance of his bid nereby made, to-,et'ler with notice that the said contract of sale nas been prepared and is ready to be executed, shall execute and deliver t'e required contract of sale conta_nlnt, tue provisions in respect to payment as above set out, and containing the furtner usual provisions included in tie usual l'OrIl of a�,recment of sale and hurt. ase as printed by t e title companies in Los An`eles County, and approved by tie Uiti;= Attorney or Special City Attorney, ana t,iat if such purcnaser fails to do so, t.en and in tnat event the said City, at the option of the City council thereof, s,all be relieved of its obll�ation to enter into said c �ntract of sale and to convey :ereundar, and the amounts t_eretof,�re paid or deooslted on said property or with sa d bid, stall cc for£eiteo to said -'ity as full and liquidated aa:-a,es and said City snail tnereupon be free, without liability to said successful bidder, to sell said propert, to any other purchaser. 2. Fifth: ghat the '.121Tor of tno City of Fl SeCundo is .ereby authorized and instructed to execute in the name of said City and on its behalf t.le said contract of sale in form aoproved as aforesaid, and tae City Clor'« is hereby authorized and instructed to attest tie same and affix t -ie corporate seal of said City r, ereto ara to deliver saja contract of sale to said purchaser upon receipt by said Clcrl, for said City of said ;ni tial payment of 4115.00, and the delivery to sa -d city Clerk for said City of a like dupl cafe of said Contract of Sale executed by said purchaser; and teat the said i,.ayor and City Clerk_ are .ereby further authorized and instructeu, upon the payment to sa',d City of the i'ull sum of all amounts payable to said City unaer said contract of sale to execute, attest, Seel and aeliver to said purchaser a quitclaim deed of said parcel of real property, so paid '_n lull, to said purchaser. Sixth: That the bid of sa,_d purchaser, n(ireinabove referred to, be placed ,)n file in t -c oZ_ ice of t�,e u1'U, Clcr! o] sa iu C-14 aria t - o sa!u ',jc, end s Ell d (Ir,oL7ca i o. never of lnterition to Berl City of kl ;,e unuo tined .•ea1 Property, and =n,1ti r, ius or foe °s T ,iereior.", sr °o iar�by roferrad to anct by t is reference ea)ressly incorpor-ated sere in a made a part ncreof. Seventh: 'i,cat t,ie City ier=: s>>all certify to tie passal-e and adoption of th s resolction; soall cai as t ie ori,_inal of the same to be entered in the b -ok of resolctions of sa*,d City of nl Ua_undo, and s .alp male a minute of t..e z:assa ,e and adoption triereof in the records of t-ra r,roceedin,s of tLe City Council of said City, in the minutes of t -e nneetin` at which the same is passed and adopted. Passed, approved and adopted tiiss 20th aay of beoruory, 1:^46. -��— II for of the City of mil, e undo, California. ii'` .,qty le 3, STI OF CAL1','URN1A ) COi.'T° 0j LO, A�,' -,LES } ss, CIZY 6F LL I :DC) ) I, `Jj_C12013 D. LcCART;]Y, City of t.ie City of hl Degundo, herebt certify t.1at t .e foremoinL resolution was adopted by the Council of tI e City of hl Segundo, at �ned by the Ii.ayor and attested by t-ie City Clerk of a re -ular meeting thereof, held on the 20th da: of Yebrlar r, 1946. T.iet said resolution was adopted by t'ie follow;ng vote; AYhS: C or, nc lmen Hesser, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby. NOES: Councilmen None. Af SEI T: Counci lman None. (bEAL) a,