CC RESOLUTION 806Iit'.30LT i10h j.0, 806 RL60�t'. C.'t '-1, L Ci i C01"XIL 01 `1' E CITY Ol PL Sari ,.DO, CAL11,'Oi,!A, A::C_Y`l11; `L' � `11 � .AYI,� '1' -T) GP BLRTOT! Al. C�_A. L=RS r OR CLRTA II C _T ' 04':ED REAL PROFR RTY. W oR A6, tno City of zl be[undo, California, has neretoforo instituted ana is now prosecutin_ a P.Gneral conprehensive pro ram for t,.e restoration of tax deeded properties witnin said City to a tax payin, oasis; and d AREAS, pursuant to sold procedure as so established said Council has caused to be riven ano pr,blisned a notice of intention to sell the interest of said Caty in certain of such tax deeded parcels, whicn said notice is aesl;_nated as "Plotice No. Six M of Intention to ,�eTi City of El aeCundo Owned Real Property and Inv9t�m Lids or Offers Tnerefor.11, and which said notice was publisned in tie hl �e; undo ferald in the issues of Piay 10th, 17th and 24th, 145; and fJITERE'AS, responsive to sa-.d notice the bid hereinafter specifically :,;er_tioned for t-ie property nereinafter described was filed, and has been dulj considered by this Council; and Jt'[ERI�A61 this Council has reached a decision wit., reference to the sale of said property; N0.1, T'LR- i3OAtL, tsd I'_ R,SOL'TED b-, the City Council of the City of yl be,undo, as follows: First: That the particular property which s the subsect of this resolution and t,ie sale therein contemplated is located in the City of Ll bef undo, County of Los An elos, State of California, and is described as follows, to -wit: Lot 62, `tract 2540, as per Loos 25, Pa e ',b of flays, Records of Los Anieles County. Second: Tnet `t would be for the best interest of said City to accept the old ere�nafter specifically referred to in the snzn Of 0476.00 for the acove described parcel of property. Third: Tnat the bid of Burton ➢1. Chambers and Janice Y. Chambers, husband and wife, as point tenants, hereinafter callea tie purczasers, to nurcnase by �,00d anu sollicien4 deed wit', rolicy 1. b� N of title insurance from said City for tie sum of X476.00, pa-Taole in installments w•thin tom. time and t,pon the terms ar_d conditions here°nafter stated_, ce and t e �aae is ii�reby accepted, 1,'ourth: 1,,st ti,e saic @Coca Ponca oS su d u.rd a,,d t.c, „ale bare _n :.jade b-, v_rtue or t_. - s acceptance t ere of are so acce sod a- C . ads sc b jecz to t'_c foll wa - conit ions ; 1. _ae tar;. _r�u c )r_u „_ons oi s e j u notice :do. Slx , of Intention to ,ball City of �l Se, undo k_vmed 3e a1 Property and =r.v.t n, aids or oilers i ier, far.°; 2, `1 "tat tie sa'd oure2ase price for sa:a real propert to be a cone -;,ed as above stated is payable and snaLl oe paid as follows; ,119.00 upon exec, tion and delivery of t.ze contract of sale nerernaftor referred to and L -e balance oI a 1d pi, rcnas6 price, to .-et ier a it _ interest on tie unpalu principal amount at tr,e rate of 7o per annum frog data of sa a contract of sale, principal and nterest na-able in installments as follows: ,p32.50 or more, ana interest on the unpaid principal balance on tue 20tn day of Yarch, 1946, and X32.45 or more, and interest on t e unpaid ^ilicipai 2alacce on t c 20th das, of April, 1,46, and on the 20th aa`r of eac anu cvcr month t lereafter until t e 2�t_ ca" o," Jaruary, 1 ✓�L7, Wnen the entire balance due on t e principal and interest becomes due and payable. Fifth: That the ourcnasars, within tan days from and after written notice ef' tre acceptance of saict bid hereby made, to,et -ter witn notice that tt,e said contract of sale -as been prepared and is ready to be execs ted, s,iall execute and deliver t.ie required contract of sale and pnrcnase aL,reer.en_t conta �=,, the furtner usual provisions ir_cluded in t_1e usual fora of sale and ;jurchase a,ree -cnts as pr_nted by :.c iltule Con .anies of Los An etos Coi nty, ;na approved by tl�e City Attorney or Spccisl City Attorney, and that if such purcnnsers fail to do so, tnen and in tr,at event t.ie sa La City, at t.ze option of the City Conc7l tir�ereo,, s,alp be relieved oL izs: ohli anon to orter into sa'd conLrr.ct of sale and to conve- ,creundGr, and t 1 ar'ounts treretofore paid or aenosited on said property or with saia cic, s_�all be forfeited to said City as full and liquidated da a, es, and sa'd Cite s1,all t'.ereupon be free and oVithort liauility to saio Success,,ul 2. y ; No 17 bidders, to sell said property to any A per purcnaser. Koh: That We ayor of the City of hl &&undo is hereby autiorized and nstructed to execite in t name of said City and on its oehalf z e said contract of sale i- forn approved as aforesaid, an', tie city Clcrh is nereby a'ithorized and instructeu to attest tre saje ana affix t�e corporate seal of said City thereto art to deliver said contract of sale to said pure users upon receipt b;- said Clerk for sajd City of sa°a initial pa ment of 4110.00 and tqe deliver-,* to said City Clcrh top said City of a li-e dvollcste of sold contract of sale executed by said uurchasers; and teat the said Iaiayor and City Clerh are hereby further althorfzed and instructed, upon the peynent to said City of the full arm of all amounts psoobla to said City under saia contract of sale to execwA, attest, seal and deliver to ss7a ourc_asers a ouitcla'n coed of said real property, tonct,er w zr c colicy of tizie insurance s_owi nj sa -d property vested in t_ie City of ni as undo. Seventh; 129t t _e b:, of sa'd purensers, above refer_ed to, be placea on file in t _e ot; ice of t _e City Clerh of said City, ana tqe sa'a Lid ara se,d 5 of ce o. nix ,, of irtantion to ell Cite Of ",l Se Undo WV-Ga :seal iroocrty 'god y_vlt -n iios or uffers lnor ".for. ", arc tereby PefGrreC 'Lo and b; „'.is reArerce e npressly ircornorctea herein and rade a uarz _"creof. ihot tIe Cite Cicry c 011 certifl t tie ra5sa e and adcation of tits resolution; s all cayse t "e on oral of z is sgAe to be entered -f L e 0002 of resortions ny „ s� d City of o1 Ue un:o, and s' arl .'a' e a vir_ute of t e passa_e and acoptior_ t e=cof -n the records or tK Proceed-n s of tnG said City Council of said City, in the minutes of t -e rest n� at ;- AL t-e sake is massed and adopted. Passed, a�provcd and adopteu, 6his 20tH day of hebruary, 1L46. C! ZY1Tayor of� t, ATIE 2's aer undo, California C i ��,` Se k -' -- - -,, G r 31 STASiJ G; CAL_F'J ',,IA COTTTT' " LIOS L"ELLS ) ss. CTTY Oi iL bzG'TED0 ) I, '1 --UTCR D. LcCART fY, City Clem of the City of �i oe -undo, nerab, certify teat tiro i'oreroin_ re�ohutlon was adopted by the Council of the City )f Ll Lei undo, sif ned by the .ayor and attested by tie City Cleri at a r�,_u"lar meetinL tnereof 'geld on tno �Oth day of b'ebr:ary , 1046. That sale reso�utlon was adopted by the followlnf vote: AI'hS: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby. EOES: Councilmen None. A-' SE, Councilmen None. (6EAL) 4, ty Cle rk of the 't of rl Segundo, Cali 4rnia.