CC RESOLUTION 8059LSOLi TION 110. P05 TSO_ "TIO', OF `! L C1 111-Y CDLLCiL C1'' 'l' E C�TY UI +' EL _L�Z!TTDO, CALIF C,' -�sA, ACCn;F� `l 'l l ,, FA rh� l `1� T SD Cl 11C'IOLAS DAVIS FOR CrRTAl'- IT =TY 0„TsL , ?�Al_ 'rROPERIY. W EItEAS, the City of rl Se`undo, California, has heretofore instituted and is now orosecutin, a eneral comprehensive pro,ram for tl,e restoration of tax deeded properties witnin said City to a tax payinf basis; and YV EREAS, ;)rrsuant to said procedure as so establislled said Council has caused to be even and published a notice of intention to sell t e )ntexest o! said City in certain of such tax deeded parcels, w'nich said notice is des3t-nated as JJ1�otice N,o. Six H of intention to Sell City of rl Se_undo Owned Real Property and Ir_vitin£, Bids or Osiers Therefor.°, ana which said notice was published 9n the EJ Se,'undo erald in t,ie issues of i�jay 10, 17th and 24th, 1945; and if "EREAS, responsive to said notice t­�e bld nerelnafter specifically mentioned for the propert-;• ierei-after aescribed wes filed, ana has boon auly cons_(fiared by t ,:.s Council; and 1 this Council nos reae eu a docision wlt,. reference t) t'ta sale of : , a property; ',E _T 3t_SOL't'ED by t -.o City Council o� the Gity of 1�1 ue unco, as lollo,vs; First; 'P',it t e particvigir property ✓'rich is t (3 s),t,iect of this reso_i�'ion ana t.e ::ale t,crein cMtemplated is located in the City of E1 Se undo, County of Los AnLeles, Stete of California, and is described as follows, to -wit: Lots 35 and 36, Block 10, El Se,-undo, as per map recorded in Book 18, Pare 69 of Maps, Records of L�ls Anfele s County. Second; That it would be for tsie best interest of said City to accept the bid hereinafter specificall; referred to in the sum of y360.00 for each of t,le ab ;ve parcels of property. Third: That the bid of Nicholas liavis and 1;ora Davis, nusband and wife, as joint tenants, here_nafter called the purchasers, to purchase by Mood ana sufficient deed with policy of title insurance 1. from said City for the sum of 14,360.00 each parcel, or a total sum of 4p720.00, oo�,able in _nstallments within the time and upon the terns ana cun6i-,:Lons _ere tn,,ftor stated, be and t _e same s iiereby acceotec. Fourth: Tzat t.7e said acceptance of said bia and the sale hero in made by virtue of t ^i s acceptance t-iereof ire so accapted and made s,,b iect to t le follo,.vin c ono. itIons: 1. Tae terms and conditions of said "Notice 110. S x of intention to Sell City of El 6e-undo Owned Heal Property and invitin[, Bids or Offers T ierefor.l�; 2. That t,2e s,iid urc,1asG price for sa!a real property to be so conveyed as apove stated is payable ana shall be paid as follows: 4180.00 upon execution and delivery of t-ie contract of sale hereinafter referred to and t,ie balance of said rurchase price, torgetlier with interest on t'le unpaid principal amount at t e rate of 7j. per annum from date of said contract of sale, principal and interest payable in installments as !ollows: x;49.10 or more, and interest on the unpaid principal balance on the 20th day of March, 1946, and $49.09 or more, and interest on t'qe unpaid principal balance on tae 20tn day of April, 1946, and on the 20th day of eacn and every month tnereafter until the 20th day of January, 1947, when the entire balance due on the principal and Interest becomes due and payable. Fifth: That the purchasers, within ten days from and after written notice of t;e acceptance of said b d iereby made, toUetner wit.z notice t.,)et tL:e said contract of sale has been prepared and is ready to be executed, sra'11 execute and deliver t =e req uired contract of sale and ^urc'.aco a,reemert containing, furt,!er usual prov sions included in t:e usual form of sale and ourcnase eEree.ments as printed by the Title Companies of Los Anzeles County, and approved by the City Attorney or apeclsl r1ity Attorney, and that ii suc-� p1.)rc,iasers fail to do so, teen and in t rt event tie said City, at tae option of the City Council t.,ereof, s°iall be relieved of its obli,�ation to enter into said contract of sale and to convey nereonder, and tie amounts t ^.erctofore paid or deoosited on said property or witn sala bia, shall be forfeited to said City as full and liquivated dare es, Eno said City shall t >Aare)ipon be free and without liaoility to saLo successful 2. bidders, to sell said property to amf ot�,cr )arci aser. Sixth: Tiat tre Layor of the City of hl De,,undo is _�ereby authorized ana Instr -,cted to execute iii the name sl' said City and on its benalf the said contract of sale in fora approved as aforesaid, anu tie City Clerk is hereby a,. °t..orized ono, instructed to attest the aalfe a -d affix tie coy °pornte seal of So Lo City zheroto ana to deliver sa.d contract of sale to said purchasers upon receipt by said Clerl. for said City* of said initial pnynient of glCO.00 and the deliver-r to said City Clerk for said City of a like duplicate of said Contract of Sale executed oy said purchasers; and that the said ilayor and City C1erL are iereby furtr_er authorized and instructed, upon t'ne r -a ment to said City of t e full sum of all amounts payab!_e to said City under said contract of sale to execute, attest, seal and deliver to said purchasers a quitclaim deed of sa -d real property, to,,et��,er with a policy of title insurance srowini said property vested in tae City of El U(31--undo. Seventh; That the bid of said purc�iasers, above referred to, be placed on file in tno of rice of tna City Clerk of said City, and t=ie sata bid and said 11I',otice Tio. Six Y of Intention to Sell City of P'1 Se,-undo Owned deal Property and Inviting, Lids or Offers Therefor. ", are riereb- referred to and by tuis rLiarence expressly incorporated neroin and made a part hereof. Ei;-hth: 111at tae City Cleri: shall certify to the possa,,e and adoption of this resoli,tion; snail cause the ori,.inal of t.le same to be entered in the book of resolutions of said City of yl �erundo, and s all make 2 minute of the pssss e and saoption tnereof in the records of the procaedinEs of the sold City Council of said City, in the minutes of t_ie meetin, at which the sans is passed and adopted. Passed, approved and adopted, this 20th day of February, l: %46. ,ay"', of ai iEA) ae ^undo, California. 3. STATE 01' CALl7,'0ttIdIA ) C( "'7, TY OT I LJS Al'' Le,S ) as. CITY OF nL �h --11)0 ) 1, ` lC2'vR i,. -,_cCART Y, City Clor.� of t--,e City of El oe, undo, hereby certif,, t',t t �e fore`oin, resolution was adootea by the Council of toe of �l z:,e; unao, si ° *:ed by tt,e .tayor and attested by the City Clem at a r�;ular ,dentin, t_creoz aela on t )e 20t_1 day of isbr� ar, , 1L46. Tiaz said resolution was adopted b, -L-,e ollovr"n- �joto: A'r'id: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and N,ayor Selby. I;ULS: Cour.cZlmen None. A, a 1': Cov cilmen None. (,,D :AL) n 1, y e r,- o_ t_ e i y o £ 'El ae unco, Cal if or�ia.