RLS OL,_ TI O1, YO. £304
C1 `S'Y C DI PiC3 S,, 01' C 7 Y OF EL SEGLP:DO,
'1'F 'Er1S, the City of El ae undo, California, -gas _le retofore
instituted and is now prosecutinz a -er_aral comprehensive pro,ram for
the restoration of tax deeded -'roparties witnin said City to a
tax pa, in�_ be s is; and
CVTtEftE�3, nursuant to said procecre as so established said
Council has caised to be Liven and cublisned a notice of intention
to sell the interest of said City in certain of such tax deeded
parcels, which said notice is designated as "ldotice 1,o. Six M
of Intention to Sell City of El Sef,undo Owned Real Property and
Inviting Lids or Offers Therefor, ", and which said notice was
publisned in the hl Segundo herald in tfie issues of May 10th,
17th and 24VA, 1;45; and
WTEREAS, resporrslve to said notice the bid hereinafter
specifically mentioned for the property hereinafter described was
filed, and nas been duly considered by tnis Council; and
WTiEREAS, this Council has reached a decision with reference
to the sale of said property;
NOW, TI_ERnF'ORv,, BE IT RESOiVED by the City Council of the
Citv of E1 Segundo, as follows;
First; That the particular property which is the subject
of this resolution ana the sale therein contemplated is located
in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Anl,eles, State of California,
and is aescribed as follows, to -wit;
Lot 50, 11ract 2540, as per Book 25, Fa3e 30 of
luaos, tiecords of Los Angeles County.
Second; That it would be for the best interest of said City
to accept ttie bid ereinafter specifically referred to in the sum
of w425.00 for the above described parcel of property.
Third: That trie bid of Floyd Carr on oehalf of Richard Carr and
Elsie Carr, husband and wife, as ,joint tenants, hereinafter called the
purchasers, to purchase by good and sufficient deed with policy
Of title insurance frOK said City for the sum of Y425.00, payable
in installments within the time and upon the terms ana conditions
hereinafter stated, be and the same is hereby accepted, and all other
bids for Sala parcel of property are nereby rejected.
Fourth; chat the said acceptance of said bid and the sale
rerein made by virtue of this acceptance thereof are so accepted
and made subject to the iollowinC conditions;
1. Pie Verms and corditions of said "hotice Io. Sly of
Intention to Sell b't JI Ll Se.undo armed steal Property and lnv tin`
Dids or oilers 1_00010r." ;
2. "! Vile Sala ourci ese wrDca for sated real property to
be so convcNed as a:ove stateu is payable and shall be paid as follows;
1110.00 upon execution and delivery of the contract of sale - ereinafter
referred to and do balance of said part ase price, tohet,er with
interest on the unpaid principal amount at t,ie rate of 7 � per annum
from 0-06 of said contract of sale, principal end interest payable
in installments as follows; X28.70 or more, and interest on the
unpaid principal balance on the 20th day of March, 1946, and 426.63
or more, and interest on the unpaid principal oalence on the 20th
day of April, 1046, and on the 20th day of each and every month
t:ereafter until tie 20th day of January, 1947, when the entire
balance due on tie principal and interest becames due and payable.
Fifth; That the purclasers, within ten days from and after
written notice of the acceptance of said bia nereoy made, together
with notice that tree said contract of sale has been prepared and is
ready to be executed, shall execute and deliver the required contract
Of sale and purchase agreement convainin,E tie further usual provisions
included in the usual form of sale and purcnase aCreements as printed
by t4e Title Companies of Los AnCeles County, and approved by the City
Attorney or Special City Attorney, and that if such purcnasers fail
to do so, t_ien and in that event the said City, at the option of
toe City Council thereof, shall be relieved of its Obligation to enter
into said contract of sale and to conve, nereunader, and toe amounts
theretofore paid or davOsited on said property or with said bid, stall
he forfeited to said City as full and liquidated damages, and said City
Shall tnereupon be free and without liability to said successful
bidders, to sell said property to any of er pureneser.
Sixth; rnat the Layor of the City of sl Segundo is nereby
authorized and rztructaa to execute in toe name of said City and
on its benalf toe said contract of sale in form approved as
aforesaid, and the City Clerk is nereby authorized and 'instructed to
attest the same and affix t.a corporate seal of said City tcereto
and to deliver Sala contrcct of sale to said nurcoaserjQon receipt
by said Clerk for said City of said initial payment of 4110.00
and tie delivery to said City Clerk for said City of a like c plicate
of said Contract of 6vle executed by saiu � YrchLsers; and Gaut tae
said mayor ana 7ity Clorr are nereby fortLer authorized and instructed,
upon the payment to sa V City of tie full Sam of all emountz parable to
said City rnwer sa'd contract of solo to e._ecate, attest, °asp and
deliver to sa a nirc isers a quitclaim need of said real property,
togat__er wits e policy of title insurance showing said property vested
in the City of nl de`undo.
Seventh; That the id of said purchasers, above referred to,
be placed on rile in tie ofTice of the City Clerk of said City,
era the se'd bid and said "hotice Do. Six L of Intention to bell
City of tl Sep undo Owned heal Property and Invitl% bias or Offers
`tnerefor. ", are nereby referred to anu by to s reference expressly;
incorporated herein and made a part hereof.
Ei,hth; That the City Clerh shall certify to toe nassa e and
adoption of this resoi -tion; s call cause the or i inal of t _e sere
to be ertered in toe took of resolutions of said CiL7 of Ll ou_undo,
and s -all nave a minute of tie rassa_e and adoption thereof in the
records of the proceedin,_s of tie Baia City Council of said City,
in the minutes of toe neetin" at which the same is passed and adopted.
Passed, approved and adopted, this 20th day of February, 1046.
Mayor of the cuts o Se`undo,
COLl,gY 01, L,,, -S AUCELES
I, VICTOR J. l cCART Y, City Clari: of t Le City ox E1 ae� Undo,
hereby cert_;y teat tie fore,,oln- rasol�ition was adopted by tr_e
Council of t,e ;Jty of rI ae.-urdo, sl_red by the ,,_ayor and
attested by tiie City Cleric at a regular mcetin,_ t,lereof held on
tf.e 20tn day of b'ebrusry, 1946.
That saic/resoli tion was adopted by t,ie follotiv:n vote;
AYES; CoLncilmer Hesser, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby.
I,CLS; Counc -l1�en None,
ALSE_I; Cocrcil,jen None.
A i Clar= of n7 --