CC RESOLUTION 800RESOLITTICK NO. 800 RESOLLTION OF TliE CITY COUILCIL OF T'FIE CITY OF EL UEGUNDO, CALiYORNIA, ACCEPTIlIG TIE CASH GID OF ROY T. ATCHISON FOR CERTAID CITY 011 r REAL PROPERTY, Ai�D RtJECKIC' ALL OT ER BIDS FGR SE,1D PROPERTY. W EREAS, the City of El Segundo, California, has _eratofore instituted and is now prosecrtin� a Eaneral compre__enside prol•ram for the restoration of tax deeded properties within said City to a tax payin,' oasis; and N rY.E i, pursuant to said procedure as so established, said Council has caused to be -Ivan and publisried a notice of intention to sell the interest of said City in certain of such tax deeded parcels, which said notice is aesit_nated as "Notice No. Six b" of Intention to Sell City of E1 Segundo Cmined Real Property and InvitinL Bids or Offers Therefor. ", and which said notice was oublisned in the El Segundo Herald in the issues of May 10th, 17th and 24th, 1:145; and r9 EREAS, responsive to said notice the bid nereinafter specifically mentioned for tale property iareinafter described was fileo, and uas beau duly considered by This Council; and WHEREAS, this Council has reached a decision with reference to the sale of said property; NON, `i' cii�L'OZL, t,E I9' '+'SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF T,iE CITY OF LL SEGV11,,DO, as follows: First: That the particular property which is the subject of this resolution and zne sale tnerein contemplated, is located in the City of El Se ,-undo, County of Los A_ bales, State of C�I*f ornia, and is described as folloti,s, to -wit: Lot 51, 'Tract 2540, as perrmp recorded in Book 25, Pa e 30 of 1V'laps, Records of Los An,�eles County. Second: That it would be for the best interest of said City to accept the bid hereinafter specifically referred to in the stun of x,432.00 cash. Third: shat the bid of Roy T. Atchison and Edna A. Atchison, husband and wife, as joint tenants, hereinafter called the purchasers, to purchase by food and sufficienntt�ueed with policy of title insurance from said City for the sum of z�432.00 cash, to be paid 1. �L at the time of delivery of such deed, be and the same is hereby accepted, and ail other bids on said real property or any part thereof are hereby rejected. Fourth: That the said acceptance of said bid and the sale herein made by virtue of this acceptance thereof are so accepted and made siAJect to t,e terms and condit ons of said "votice No. Six M of Intention to Sell City of E1 Segundo (honed Heal Property and Invitint; ;ids or Offers T! erefor. °; Fifth: l'.iat tae Mayor of the City of El SeLundo is neroby authorized aryl instructed to execute, in the name of said City and on its behal3, a quitclaim died of said real property to said purchasers, in form a_proved by tie Ciuy Attorney or Special City Attorney, ana the C_ty Clerk is :.ereby authorized and instructed to attest t._e same and affix the corporate seal of said City thereto, and to deliver said deed, to"ether with policy of title insurance to said T,urcrasers upon receipt by said City Clerk for said City of said full purchase price. SSxth: That the bid of said purcr-osers, aaove referreu to, be placed on file n t__e oi'rice o:' she City Clem of Baia City, and brie saga old and said "iotice ho. Six ., of Intention to Sell City of E1 be unao Owned Real Nroperty and Invitting L7ias or Offers Therefor." are -ereoy reforred to and by this reference expressly incorporated neroin and made a part hereof. Seventh: i,iat t,ie City Clerk shall certify to the passa,_e and adoption of t is resolutiion; shall cause ttie orit.inal of the same to be ei,;tere.d in the rook of resolutions of said City of El Segunuo, and shall rake a minute of the passa`e and adoption t;,ereof in the records o; tie proceedin.,s of the said City Council of said City, and in the minutes of tae neetin_ at which tae sa.ae is passed and adopted. Passed, auproved aiAd adopted this 6th day of February, 1946. .olayor of tie City of � Se�,undo, California. A `IJ:-: T ; G City 1 rk 2. STA` h OP CALIFORNIA COUNTY Oi LOS A:GELES CI`T'Y OF EL 3EGi 11)0 ) I, VICTOR ll. lacCAR`y'Y, City Clerk of the City of El Se,-undo, hereby certify that t,Le fore ,oin, resolution was adopted by the Council of the City of El Se„undo, si-,ned by the I,iayor and attested by the City Clerk at a re_ular meeti.n.; tnereof held on the 6th day of Februarv, 1346. That sai, resolution was adopted by the followin[: vote- AYES: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mavor Selby. LACES: Councilmen None. ABSEDT; Councilmen None. ty er of th C El Se-,undo, California. (SEAL) 3. '_ - 55