CC RESOLUTION 799RESOLII�IOI; N0. 799 RESOLT TIOId OF T'a CITY COli?,.CIL OL TIE CITY 01� EL SECUNDO, CALTI,'ORI, 1A, ACCEPT11 C T ,E CASH BID OF A11NA C. WOOD FOR CER'T'AIN CITY QvfED REAL PROPERTY, AAD REJECTIb:G ALL OT,INR BIDS 1'01< SAM PROPERTY. N ERE..S, the City of El Seiundo, California, has heretofore instituted ana is now prosecuting a general comprehensive prof -,ram for tcie restoration of tax deeded T)roperties within said City to a tax paying, basis; and ,V_EREA6, pursuant to said procedrre as so ostablisned, said Council has caused tr be -iven and published a notice of intention to sell the interest of said City in certain of such tax deeded parcels, which said _notice is designated as °Notice No. Six NI of Intention to cell City of El Se €,undo Owned Real Property and Inviting Bids or Offers Therefor.°, and which said notice was publishers in the E1 SeI_undo herald in tine issues of May 10th, 17th and 24th, 194b; and WIEREAS, responsive to said notice the bid hereinafter specifically mentioned for the property hereinafter described was filed, and ias been duly considered by this Council; and WV E -EAS, this Council has reached a decision witn reference to the sale of said property; NON, T,'ERLFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T !E Cj'iY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' EL SEGUNDO, as follows: First. That the particular property which is the subject of this resolution and trio sale ttiere]r_ contemplated, is located in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, and is described as follows, towit: Lot 2, Block 68, El Segundo Tract, as per Book 82, Pages 54 -55 of kaps, Records of Los Angeles County. Second: That it would be for the best interest of said City to accept tie bid .iereinafter specifically referred to in t.ie sum of 4310.00 cash. Third: That t..a bid of Anna C. Wr)od, a widow, hereinafter called the pure :aser, to purc,iese by ,_,00d and sufficient deed with policy of title insurance from said City for tre sum of y310.00 cash, to be paid at the time of delivery of such deed, be ana the same is >ereby accepted, and all ot_er bids on said real property or any part t1aereof are hereby rejected. Fourth: That the said acceptance of said bid and the sale herein made by virtue of this acceptance thereof are so accepted and made subject to the terms and conditions of said "Potice No. Six N1 of intention to Sell City of El Segundo Owned Real Property and Inviting bids or Offers Therefor. "; Fifth: That tie t, ayor of the City of r�l Se;,undo is hereby authorized and instructed to execute, in tree name of sriid City and on its be.alf, a quitclaim deed of said real property to said purchaser, in for-, ainroved by the City Attorney or Special City Attorney, and the City Clem, is hereby authorized and instructed to attest the same 9-d affix t,-,e corporate seal of said City thereto, and to deliver said deed, together with policy of tittle insurance to said prrc .aser upon receipt by said City Clerk for said City of said full purchase price. Sixth: That the bid of said purcnaser, above referred to, be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City, and the said bid and said "Notice No. Six tv_ of Intention to Sell City* of E1 Se, -undo Owned Real Property and lnvitin,- rids or Offers Therefor," are hereby referred to and by this reference expressly incorporated nerein and made a part nereof. Seventh: That the City Clerk shall certify to tr_e passage and adoption of this resolution; shall cause the uri;inal of the same to be entered in the cook of resolutions of said City of El Segundo, and s_ -all male a minute of the passage aria adoption t_Iereof in the records of the proceedings of the said City Council of said Citv, and in tree minutes of the meeting at wnicn the same is passed and adopted. Passed, approved and adopted this 6th day of February, 1J46. 2. Mayor o ty 01 h -L bagun o, California. STAN' OF CAL,I'ORNIA ) COUNTY 0;' LOS AlGELES CITY OP EL SE;'TIEDO ) I, VICTOR D. P {1cCART'lY, City Clerk of tae City of El be,unao, hereby certify that the fore;-_osn, resolution was adopted by the Council of tne City of nl Segundo, siWvad by the hoyor and attested by the laity Clerk at a re„ular meeting, tnereof hela on the 6th day of February, 1 946. Ths- saia resolution was adopted by too followin` vote: W ES : COunc ilnen j Resser, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby. "":OES: Councilman: None. ALSEP T: Councilman: None. (SEAL) 3. 52