CC RESOLUTION 795RESOLLTIO'_\, 1;0. 795 R±SOLTLIIOI, OF 7 a CITE" COQ NCIL OF TilL C1T" OP EL UEGUNDO, CALlb'ORI IA, ACCEI-gll,G Thl; CAST 1.,ID OF JObBP:I L. C��Rlz ThE -SEN 1,'OR CERT'AI� Cl Y REAL PROPERTY. 4 EREAS, the City of E1 Segundo, California, has .iaretofore instituted and is now prosecutinL a eneral comprehensive profram for t1ie restoration of tax deeded properties witnin said City to a tax paying basis; and W EREAS, pursuant to said proeeaure as so established, said Council has cause;, to be 1,iven and published a rotice of intention to sell tae interest of said City in certain of such tax deeded parcels, which said notice is designated as "Notice No. Six N of Intention to Sell City of E1 SeE -undo Owned Real Property and Invitinr, -dos or Cffers Therefor. ", and which said notice was published in the E'1 Secundo -erald in the issues of May 10th, 17th and 24t., 1945; and W .EHLAS, responsive to said notice the bid hereinafter specifically mentioned for tre property hereinafter described was filed, and has been duly cons dared by this Council; and Vii-EREAS, this Council has reached a decision with reference to tre sale of said property; NM, 'D'EREFORE, LE I`_ RES CLVE7j LY 7 1E C15Y COCP.CIL 01 'li_E CITY Ol EL SEGUP;DO, as follows: First: That the particular property w}lich is the subject of this resolrtion and the sale therein contemplated, is located in t - -e City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, .tate of California, and is described as follows, to wit: 1: 46 ft of S 138 ft of Lot 6, Block 96, E1 Se,-ndo Tract, as per Book 20, Pages 22 -23 of PlaT)s, Records of Los Angeles County. Second: That it world be for the best interest of said City to accept the bid 'hereinafter specifically referred to in the sum of 4350.00 cas'i. Third; That the bid of Joseph L. Christensen and Reita Christensen, husband and wife, as joint tenants, hereinafter called the purcl.asers, to purchase by good and sufficient deed wit,i policy of title insurance from said City for the sum of 4350.00 cash, to be 1. 4]T - paid at the time of delivery of such deed, be and the same is iereby accepted. Fourth: That the said acceptance of said bid and the sale herein made by virtue of this acceptance thereof are so accepted and made subject to the terms and conditions of said f1hotice ho. Six M of Intention to Sell City of El Segundo Owned Real Property and Invit r., ids or Offers Therefor. "; Fifth: That the Mayor of the City of El Segundo is ereby authorized and instructed to execute, in the name of said City and on its behalf, a quitclaim deed of said real property to said purchasers, in form approved by the City Attorney or Special City Attorney, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to attest t_ie same and affix tae corporate seal of said City thereto, and to deliver said deed, together with policy of title insurance to said purchasers upon receipt by said City Clerk for said City of said full purchase price. Sixth: That the bid of said purchasers, above referred to, be placed on file iu the ofzice of the City Clerk of said City, and the said bid and said "Notice No. Six h of Intention to Sell City of r,l Segundo Owned Real Property and Inviting Bids or Offers Therefor," are hereb,- referred to and by this reference expressly incorporated nerain and made e part hereof. Seventh: That the City Clerk shall certify to the passa;,e and adoption of this resolution; shall cause the original of the sane to be entered in the book of resolutions of said City of El Sef,undo, and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedin�,s of the said City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meetin`_ at which the saire is passed and adopted. Passed, approved and adopted this A` -j TE- =ST: y er . 2. 16th dal of January, 1946. Pviayor o£ the City of bef,undo, California. STA`1L W CALInORI1IA ) COL ^.SPY 0 LOS AI'�1ELES ) ss. CITY 01� EL aEG,I DO ) I, 'VISTOR L. I+.CCAR`IHY, City Clerl, of the City of El aegundo, hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted by the Council of the City of hl Segundo, s_t,ned by the Tdayor and attested by the City Clerk at a regular meetini; thereof held on t.e 16th day of January, 1946. That said resolution was adopted by the following vote; AYES: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Skelley, Thonnson and Vayor Selby. NOES: Councilmen None. AP,SLhT: Councilmen None. (SEAL) 3. CJV ` y Giery. o e El Segundo, California. 41""�1