CC RESOLUTION 794•L yt� , RESOLUTION NO. 794 RESOLUTIOY OF T It CITY COT)i�1CIL OF TIE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIF R,,IA, ACCEPT FITC TILE CAS'i LID OF GEORGE R. KULL and GRACE C. KULL FOR CERTAIN' CITY OvV.ED REAL PROPERTY, A!vD REJE'CTj_i.G ALL OT 1ER LIDS. N.LREAS, the City of E1 Segundo, California, has neretofore instituted and is now prosecuting a general comprenensive pro,.ram for the restoration of tax deeded properties within said City to a tax payin,; basis; and W EREAS, pursuant to said procedure as so establisied, said Council has caused to be given and published a notice of intention to sell the interest of said City in certain of such tax deeded parcels, whicn said notice is designated as "Notice No. Six id of Intention to Sell City of El Segundo Owned Real Property and Inviting Bids or Offers T,erefor. ", and which said notice was oublisned in the El Segundo herald in the issues of May 10th, 17th and 24th, 1945; and N ER-'1:AS, responsive to said notice the bid nereina£ter specifically mentioned for the property hereinafter described was filed, and has been duly considered by this Covneil; and ,: E.REAS, this Council has reached a decision with reference to the sale of said property; F&ip T� -ERLL ORE, BE iT RESOLVED BY T--E CITY COUSvCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SECUNDO, As follows: First: That the particular property which is the subject of this resolution and t,ze sale therein contemplated, is located in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, and is described as follows, to wit: N 46 ft of S 92 ft of Lot 6, Block 96, E1 Segundo Tract, as per Book 20, Pages 22 -23 of Inaps, Records of Los Angeles County. Second: That it would be for the best interest of said City to accept the bid hereinafter specifically referred to in the sum of 4p365.00 cash. Third: Tas t tree bid of George R. Kull and Grace G. Bull husband anc. w - -le, as ,joint tenants, hereinafter called the purchasers, to purchase by ;ood and sufficient deed with policy of title insurance from said City for tae sum of $385.00 cash, to be paid at the time 1. of delivery of such deed, be and the same is nereby accepted, and all otrer bids on said property, or any part tkierojf, are hereby rejected. Fourth: That the said acceptance of sa a bid and the sale herein made by virtue of this acceptance thereof are so accepted and trade subject to the terms and conditions of said "Votiee 1,10. Six 14. of Lntention to Sell City of El Se .-undo Owned Real Property and invit n- lids or Offers 11,ierefor.11; Fifth: T-iat the T..ayor of the City of El Segundo is hereby authorized and instructed to execute, in tree name of said City and on -ts be;alf, a cuitclaim deed of said real property to said purchasers, in for, a proved by the City Attorney or Special City Attorney, and t_:a City Clerk is _ereby authorized and instructed to attest the same and affix the corporate seal of said City t,ereto, and to deliver said deed, together wit, policy of title insurance to said purcnasers upon receipt by said City Clerk for said City of said full purchase price. Sixth: That the bid of said purchasers, above referred to be placed on file 9n t e office of t.ie City Clkrr of said City, and tae said bid and said "K otice No. Six M, of Intention to Sell City of rl Segundo Owned Heal Property, and Inviting, Bids or Offers Therefor,' are Hereby referred to and by this reference expressly incorporated iiereir and made a part hereof. Seventh: Inat the City Clerk shall certify to the passate and adoption of this resolution; shall cause the original of the same to be entered in the book of resolutions of saia City of E1 Segundo, and s.-all make a minute of the passage and adoption t, ereof in the records of tie proceedinT,s of tie said City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the some is passed and adopted. Passed, approved and adapted this 16th day of January, 1946. Mayor of the i�ty�o Segundo, A- California. C tyZ{TO r� 2. S TA °ih 01 CAL I , ORT IA ) COLT v 01, LOS A rELES ) ss. CITY Of EL 'i�,GTADO ) I, TICTOR D. MCCART,Y, City Clerk of the City of hl Segundo, hereby certify that tie foregoin�7 resolution was adopted by the Council of tie City of �l Se,_unao, si,ned by the Layor and attested by the City Clerk at a regular meeting thereof' neld on tree 16th day of January, 1946. That said resolution was adopted by the follosing vote; AYES; Councilmen; Hess Pr, PetArson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Selby. i OES; Councilmen; None. ARSE] T; Councilmen; None. (SEAL) 3. iC ty Clerk of h R El Segundo, Cal f. -I_ k, I