CC RESOLUTION 764` ,1, I , RESOLUTIOI; T10. 764 RESOLLTICId OF T'rds CITY COUNCIL OF T_i CITY Ole EL aEGUNDO, CALiPOR' iA, ACCEYT1i,'G TriE T1,1, i'AY'.E!,T ,jID OF 1lILLiAL 1'1. _IAhCOC'K Alm FRET E. KE T,,EY r'CR CERTALI C1'lY 01,7_4ED REAL P iOPI;RTY. V1 EI -EAS, the City of Ll Segundo, California, has ,cretofcre 'nstitUted and is now prosecuting a general con�pre.,ensive pro- gram for t,o restoration. of tax deeded properties within said City to a tax paying basis; AhD, W:,EREAS, pursuant to said procedure as so establisried, said Council °gas caused to be liven and ,oublisl;ed a notice of intention to sell t,.e interest or said City in certain of such tax deeded parcels, wh1c,1 said notice is designated as «T;otice Ilo. Six M of Intention to Sell City of El Oegundo Owned Real Property and Invitin.- bids or Oifcrs Therefor. ", and woich said notice w s publis,ed in the El z�el;undo Herald in the issues of Lay 10th, 17th and 24th, 1945; AS�D, `i LREAS, responsive to said notice the bid hereinafter specifically mentioned for the property _oreinafter described was filed, and nns been duly considered b,, this Council; A,i , W ._z;AS, t its Council has reached a decision with reference to the sale of said property; Fa:, T'�.4l,FORL, BE IT R-33_vEr, L' T'r cl�r coz�.clL of TILE CIT Or EL SEGU?�DO, as follows: first: That the particular property w.?ich is the subject of this resolution and tie sale t'erein contemplated, is located in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los An,eles, State of California, and is described as follows, to wit: N 145 ft and VI 20 ft of S 1-0 ft of Lot 2, Block 106, Ll Segundo Tract, as per nook 20, Pales 22 -23 of i,,aps, Records of Los An�.eles County. Second: That it would be for the best interest of said City to accept t e b-Ld Hereinafter specifically referred to in the aura o1' ,,' E800.00, Third: That the bid of William IN. Hancoc'_: and i^md E. Kenney to purchUse by good afld sufficient deed with policy of title 1. insurance from said City for the su.'i of 0800.00, payable in installments witi.in ti--e, time and upon the terms and conditions hereinafter stated, be and the sarue is hereby accepted, and all ot'ror bids on said property, or any tart t.iereof, are itereby rejected. Fourth: That the said acceptance of said bid and the sale herein made by virtue of this acceptance thereof are so accepted and :Wade subject to the followInI-, conditions: 1. The terms and conditions of said "Notice No. Six M of Intention to Sell City of E1 SeUundo Owned Real Property and InvitirC Bids or Offers Therefor."; 2. That tie said purchase price for said real property to be so conveyed as above stated is pa,table and shall be paid as follows: 4?'200.00 upon exec,.tion and delivery of the contract of sale hereinafter referred to ano the balance of said purchase price, to.etrer wIti interest on ti,e unpaid principol amount at tie r2te of 7o per annum from date of said contract of sale, principal and interest payable in _installments as follows: yY50.00, or more, and interest on the unpaid principal balance on the 5th day of Aucust, 1945, and each and every month thereafter until the 5th day of July, 1946, when t'_2e entire balance due on the principal and interest becomes due and payable. Fifth: That the purchasers, within ten days from and after written notice of the acceptance of said bid hereby made, togetner wit: notice treat the s,jid contract of sale has been prepared and is ready to be executed, s'rrall execute and deliver the required contract of sale and nurchase a;,reefaent containing the further usual provisions included in t -.e usual fora, of sale aid curc iese agreements as printed by tee title companies of Los An"eles County, and approved by the City Attorney or Special City Attorney, and that if such purchasers fail to do so, then and in that event the said City, at tae option of the City Council thereof, shall be relieved of its obligation to enter into said contract of sale and to convey -W reunder, and Lae amounts theretofore paid or 2. ds,�,osited on said property or vi-tu said bid, shall be forfeited to said City as full and liquidated da=nayes, and said City shall tiereupon be free and without liability to said successful bidders, to sell said property to any otter purchaser. Sixth: Tnat the Mayor of t-ie City of El Se3undo is hereby authorized and instructed to execute in the name of said City and on its be alf the said contract of sale in form a iroved as aforesaid, and tie City Clerk is ] hereby authorized and instructed to attest tae same and affix t'm corporate seal of said City tr_ereto and to deliver se d contract of sale to sa d pure.iesers upon receipt by said Clerlr for said ',ity oi, said 1ritial payment of ti2 �00.00, and the delivery to said City Clcr'_ for said City of a like duplicate of said Contract of Sale executed by sad parciiasers; and t.at the said Mayor and City Cleri, are aereb furt,ler authorized and instructed, upon the payment to saia City of the full sum of all amounts payable to said City unCer said contract of sale to execute, attest, seal and deliver to said purcrasers a quitclaim deed of scid real property, toq,ether with a policy of title insurance showin[f, said property vested in the City of El Sebundo. Seventh: T'nat tae bid of said purcliasers, above referred to, be olaced on file in the office of the City Cler'c of said City, and the said bid and said "i,otice 11o. Six 11 of lnte:tion to Sell City of '�,1 Segundo Oamed Real Property and Ir,vitinL, lds or Offers T-ierefor. ", are hereby re_'crred to and by this reference exr;ressly incorporated herein and made a part ..ereof. Eim,ht:l: That toe City Cler_f shall certify to the uassa`e and adoption of this resolutiion; s'nall cause tie orl,,inal of tae sane to be o'ntered L, the book of resolutions of said City of El Se undo, and shall mate a minute of the passeEc and adoption thereof in tae records of ti o nroeecdini -s of t .e said City Council of said City, in t,ie minutes of tae rceti% at vm3 ch 3, 45� the sgnc is passed aid adopted. Passed, a,,proved and adopted, this 5t'i day of Jnly, 1i ±45. ldayor of tha ity be�undo, California. STATE OF CALTFOE -IIA ) C OL`ITT'I OF L ,)S Ai,C1SLES ) s s CITY O£ EL SFOUND0. ) I, VICTOR D, KcCART'Tjr, City Cler1_ of tue City of El aegundo, 'aereby certify that t "e for(,-oln� resolution was adopted by the Council of the City of El SGEundo, signed by the 2layor and attested by the City Clerl. at a ro.,ulsr mcetin,; thereof held on the 5th day of Jul;, 1945. That said resolution was adopted b; the followin, vote: AYES: Councilmen: DOES: Councilmen: ABSEP:T: Councilmen: (SEAL) 4.