,I'_ r'
JC , ✓lip _P., LC',
—J' .JJ, _ 1'„wl mob, . J�
l 1 t e 'T, t--, of ',l (_,e ���ro, Ca1i1'oi °nla, _,as , e,-cto'ore
3i St t iced asid is a eneral co.,,_, re-er_s -ve
-ro r - 1 _ c •e sr,or ^t'_or_ 32 tas deed co, _r,�, er6_es w_ t- in
sa'c, .,_e, to a �-a- zn, oas: s;
r rspant to ccfc r-)ccft,re as so estQ,)l'sred,
Sal -c c) c_'1 tis cG',sec, to 1)e _TTerl 0 'm '"' lis .ed, a i] =6 1C J['
,III ,., aG_L t_e _nj,el'(,st of SaIG Cit- __n cc Lf,Tn L1' a(,ch
„a oc,c ea . arceis, sa�C, r_otice is nes_ nac °c, U„ ° ot-ce
I). _-je -1 !,cegt on -n ',eli CJt "l ��.r:E1 '_teal
ci'r - , a;_d 11ivII;I � �icis Jt f-era ��' evefor. °, ,..1'C -C1" -.1/�
�,tice ti,as c_l; , In t.c �'l tie once cralc, in t e ��.ca
o_ . al,c_ `NJ U, _ ,i C__ 3Ut_', fl,lca d�j r! l )Z,-, l: [!l ;
L, J, _'A,, res,,00s.lz �e to said notice t, 6 j!u _erc1n&-teI'
C(J:,C:_ge6 '�1c0, `-ci � as ')eon c 11" Co ^S_L_Ci CL U,1 V_', S riG' C:l;
t is Cor :cil ,as rcc c_-cc, a c,cciL,_ -n ,,1 ti,
i e_ c, _r c to t _e Sc le of o i T C erU
as _'01101,-,
rs6: o-e •a t1c_ia1, r ert —v-`c'
c z _s r e s ,l, t ..n a,pc, t e „,,le t ozc_n e_n,.r _late(., IF loCbGG6
..z t e City -f _c -clo, _ _ _os A�. c1cs, � -ace of
,al_ i,,rn_ a, and -s cescrlbod as fo11ci,s, to I,IL:
Lou ems, loc�, _�, _i ,Ic_ _'race, as cr oo1:
°0, _ ca -JJ Jf , S, .IOC., 1'(_S of Los li , e1rS
t O ')_rI 0 cnr-, 'lar_ti _ a ra
ere'rrafter called t' c me ascr, to _ :rc ase by-
(_'�J tc_a.7r, cJe6( _Lror° v �e �:1t, of L_L "or b e si�y of 400.0"
cas , rece'i;t of vr',lc)' is ereb-- ac:nor-led ec, rye a (, t_ c sore 1s
&c,,c te(l, and all ot1 er )ic,s on s: i_C rD el'c; ", Or & t-- "art
t ercof, are ' ercb- rc cc, ed.
i'__rro: iac t e saki accer,ta > >ce of sa`u ')id avid -e sale
e_,irr ace it vzrt,ae or t,�;s acoe,tance t e�eo1' aie se
acce,tcu aau acae s o P-ct to t „e ter -S a-c cond!„ -ns f said
”- 'tcc _ -v rite t. on 'ell r,it o.' 1 a nc, -ned
eal tro, cry; -, U "d - .v.u'n- :dS or (C_ c,S _I ercfor."
o?rti -: at -e , a or OL e C -t;, of it f�c;_ -n,do vs
_eie,j, a t'. r_zeu a-c, ,nsar cter to eYScni,e, in i, e ,ais of
sa'c ,_t- ana on _ is lie alf. a c -1telsi2, aeed saJc, real
ro - ert' t,; sa'u ,_vrc aser, a'lu t e Cit- C1orL's l'erC'0
a,•cr,r'zed u,_d ins,rl,cted to ac.CSt ti o Sara arc, of.i° t e
cor- ora.,e seal st se'u Clt t e cto, nu to Oe!'_v -r Sal(, c,eed to
Sa'_c ire aser -)n recd t 'o sa'n ;l:.r' for said J1 of
sate x -11 —re, ase -rlce.
ft, _,.ac u e of d si ea _c, ,,rc_ aaer, e�"cf na',ovc
i C"er1Cl' to, uc 1 -cec -r. i le _n z e : - =iCe Jl t �O �]t J -Ler
Ol Sa'-1 ��t-, auQ Sa'd ')'d a-Lt Sa'a "�':G 0c- 7. .'. Ve O1 I 't On
Lp ael._ "I',- Of _1 -,c nY,Go 'J`,,neci heal rA ert;
ifus _r L'_C�'S fr,err;��'X' are ore b refer_'ed to ana by
ci : s re etence ca-,ressl -Incoi', orauco le, c1 ri and --au e a art
e c,eol .
Z_at t e Cjt- "lerl, all cert f,r co t.le I aos , -e
anu aclo_t'cn Of t _S esol,t on; s all erase t o �li= Lnal cf
e Sal e tS -�C C /1tCi'06 J;1 t- C ✓OO>> 0. reo"Ol Ili 1 Or'S ! sa'c (,_-tom, sJ all .ialce a i'. c1rJe Oi v! E _ a:;oC C a_'G
G±O On t OPeOf in L e recJ,'r�S Of e -,ro i 5 O_ -e
sa_ c, Cit -, c c nv;,cS __ t' e uotin, at
_�c, 6 c sago I S asseu ana aao;r,en.
r�ssecz, ar,, roved and adortod t� l s 21St
LPL/• `-/ - -- - - -
a or nro t -m
of the C't - - Of 'El .:e, ,ndc, -al' J'orn a.
A _ Cam! : _ IA )
< I C', jj. _ C CA_ `_ , lt V1er' of c _t„ of
_1 -or cc, ' ereoy co t`Q z a t_ c _ jrc - xc2o1ct -„ii
Wa3 aucrted b- tne CD -rc_ 1 of t-e ,it, of 21 Je amo, A aed
b the -a- or c _u attested by 0 e 3it,7 AciL ac a xe 11ar
_cet'n, t e:eof _eld cn LQe 21st do- of __a.c ", 1543.
_Kai snfd 2esol4u _n vas au3,tea Jy t�e lollou;n vote:
A_.'iJ: C,XI Ci L-1' ,j-: les6P°• Selo -, SAC -llpv end !a.-cr no tern
1 'CIL' 1- ; one
=� °= - • ... C 7 ._. _ :'one - --
; Clcr0 _c� •�ico, Cal9forn5s