CC RESOLUTION 747lip Ku "1 0. 747
IYJ5 L:'1'_ "F T'-,- C1TV C CAL 1'' 1 C?'° Cl-' EL
:;AL_L J_j !A, AC 1n _ o i- 1 .A__ 1'
JD Cv' A_;. E. .,I,C,_ '2v LOT 41, LCC" 45, SL
the City of El se, _ndo, Cal'tornA, has hereto ore
institascd ana is tow ,rosecatfn, a -eneral co��nre_ e�s've
nro re_ iar t c resvoruoi,n A taz ceetct ,ropent_es lu, ic so:(-
Cit to a ta° na-:n oas's;
A 0, " _. A& Prrs,art to said Ircccerre as s) esta Jl*s'-ed
said Co4nc:l _ as cacscd to Je iven and .njilsged a -Wce of
intent "on to sell t -c lnvescst of sa'd Cite in coma :n of seen
can decrcd narcels, vWch sa'_d notice is nesi-nssed as ° Alec
o. 1ve of Tntc -t`nn to Jell City oC El be - -do Owned _,Cal
xrojert,, spa ov' n, )ids or Cj.ers - lercfor.", a,a Wn JcP 0,16
njA ec was Oily moiLsheQ in Ve 31 Nei• inc c _crald in z �e ls2les
Jf -arc- Wra, . ayc! 00ky am A -�r� 1 Cit- , 1 44;
A J:, - .1 -la,>, res o n s * v e u a a : d nct1ae t e T,_a , e_'c'n-
aAcr s cc_ Cica!l7 em: cned for r V m ert;,- ' e_c:na_ ccr
ueser!ccc ,as _ilea, and as -ecn d'l- cons'�coed C;, Iris CJ_Ic' -;
11 -,, -1 Aa, t4is CD cc' 1 has tcoc W a nec_u_ an -„it "-
tef e- e ice to t c sale of sa d ro vort, ;
D, b,, t -0 !I L Co _c:_1 aS
6 e Se -no, Cal*foln*a, YL _ Jllows:
.u. �-at 6 e -ari, _c lar ,rJ'CYt'% wn_c� s t o s'h,,cct
o_ tl: s resol M an anu o �e sale C e, e � n co?tse_ ' leted, is lacaccd
in t e Olt DA l ve_ ?ro, ^,on „- „_ Le;, an cl_.;, S.u;c of
Cal 2mia, anti is uescr_jcO as fc0 nv,8, to Wit.
Lot 11, o,locL 0, -1 cc into _'tact, as
-per .,-L `,u, is es W -W of _ers, ecords
of Los nn elcs Coonty.
Secone: �Lat toe bid of Ann E. Tenet_, a witow, ne.ein-
after callea Ve �,nrc °_osor, to Gr c.ace said orci erty by
avitcla: , deea _roe, the Cite oC Ll So indo for toe san of
,350.00, oayaole in insuallments wAhln t' e Line and ";on
u,o terms and cond'tions 4erelnafi,er stated, be arG t:e same
41 F_f e T ,
is sorcb7 ac ^e,tea and all Aier bids on saW ;roort , or
anT art t eLeo1, are cereb- WcctM.
21,'r�', 'I-at t no sale accenta ^ce of talc tic a A toe sale
c;eln aCe J- viit-e A tl is aacc -to ce G c col are so
aceeftV aic ace S,3,cct to t e foll=> cano_t,ols:
1. 1-e to s a -e Cana ans of sole, " otice o.
r__ve 02 to Soli ,_t- ,f Ll ' -_do - nc Cal .roleAc
ado _nv:G =n ids or Df c -s Tierefor. ";
2. 1Pat t e sa'_a w rcwase rice for said real
urorerty to 1c se conveyed as s )ovc saaten is �a:a io and all
6 _ id as fol owo: ,96.0v v on once"O on aril uelyder,- of
t e corul_cL c1 sale ' ere_na_ucr referred to ana tre balance
of said ancrase _Yce, to7euoer with inccrest on the mraid
principal a"onnt at t,c rate of 7 � nor aan,m_ iron date of sold
conAact A sale, ppinc7cal and interest na7able in '- suallnents
as follows: 23. 75,or more, per �ontn lac -iroln- on tpe 21st day
of Ai rll, IM5, ro,et er vith interest on c__e ,n>,W ;valance
of s>>cn Dr.incival som iron the last lnstalli,ent date, until
-a_d in fill.
Oovrt_�: _ "at L -e archaser, r'-toin Len ca7s _'roar and
of Ger wr Lt ,cn notice of tie acco. ;ance of Is ' ?W were-n_r -ode,
to et or , - G notice L_ at G e we:" contract i sale i as been
- re cared am is ready to be erccrLed, mall eaecate aid deliver
G_e rcgojreu ca LpacG of sale cogts7rjn L o _royis,ons in
KGs -cct to ;aluent as above set act, and Coltaininn u_'c _nrwor
ns ial pra i s cr_s In elmed in We -s lal Cara o, a rce,lent of
sale and nre ase as _Wntcd bl V o Hold co. ,anies in acs An cics
Co,_iL;-, and a--raved by the City aLtorne- or Socclal Cit;
Wornej, area Coat '_i' snon onrc_,aser 2af1s Go an so, wen aru Dn
w at ov6Pt L e SaM WOO, at tr6 option Jl L",'e jib CJl'_ Cil
G eneaf, snall be relieved 31 its All oulan to eitcr into
Said CC.IGrCCL JL sale are to cw�vex% "epannCer, and uho a Dents
tj eretC_ are :d or de, os: ued an said ^.ra"emy or w:G sa'd
nip,, s _all ae !�r2eited to said Citj as full anc 13y aJ.Qnuod
oa_a cs arc, oaf Wito stall t__even on be lreo, lit, cot LabrItt",
to sL_d smcessfal Diducr, to sell said - rohert, to all A,er
irc- aser.
vift:: _ a4 we a or of z_ e ditr of yl , C' ruo is
ereon an , ar_zed ara irsur-cucd t) enicioc :n ice jai e of
safe City am on ids henalf t e sa'_a contract �f scle in
tors a7 roved as aPDvesalu, and une Cit„ Jler� is : creb,
aiuojr:zcd a_in _ n„wicced to accost t:6 sQ e and of -_n ;no
car orate seal of sa o C_z;,- t ereta aW so del:ven sa:C c„ncract
a= sale to said ,„vre aser npon rote_ __t by sala Glor' Zoo owA
At, of said initial na -rent of 95.00, and c e deliver, to
said Cit ClevP for said lit; of a 1:ke du,_ltcate of Baia Ccntract
of hole user :teo by said ; urc aser; am t. at nho sa: d a- or and
CiV C;ert_ are _ erob iurti er anol or:zed and 'nsui4cteo, 7[ or the
,a-nent to said City of tAe foil sih of all avownzs oaVable
to said Cit,,- iwer said contract of sale to enecnm, atkesu,
seal anu deliver to said :vrc_.ase-r a c ,itc tin deed _£ saN
rarcet of real orrorty, so pa;u in "ill, to said _urwaser.
aixt_ : _'rat z o ,yid if said urc_aser, _ weinaoove
referred to, m -imed on rile in woe afAce A t]-e Ate 61e01-
oi said JIty, aM a -e said bid a_°a saga " otice ,o. 47ve of
nteIl:, on to All City of 'a be -undo c-,r led _ieal z r,7 erty, and
a1 1
t eret;_'ove a :c or de, os: ued an sa'd nro -ert7 or rri t , said
o1 j, ..,_al]_ oe carfelted to saga City as _'nll non 13galiutcd
aa. a os aru Jain CIL; small t-reve» on ,oe free, !!trout li a�e l its
no „u in „icaessfal �ldocr, to sell said - roperty to any other
irc_ aser.
;' v . _�aL uze a0or Qi b ,e C_tt of ..l ,Je^ nao is
erew an L arfzed a,d insuv-ctsu no enocrac in u, e oai e of
saic, Cit- any on luc he calf t e sari conu.act n w is in
iorc_ a; _ avcu as a-'oresa_u, anu we Olt; JlerL is : cveb
a1Lc r_zco ano _ nsurieced to attest tie so e s, ai__7 s -_e
car orate seal of sa :c CA-- c �-ercto and to del :vev sair c_nuosct
ai sale to saiu Pirc aser ,on reedit b; „aic Vier" _',r .,oia
-it, of said initial na- -enc of r9�.0U, and t e deliver- to
said Cit_ Jlerk for said ')it, of a like an- llcate of said Contract
V sale exec :ten by said vrc aser; and t at We safu a-or a -d
At, =er'_ are :_ereb- curt er w a'-or:zed a -d :ns ,noteu, ,, „on uhe
na-re"t to sale. Cit; of L e .Gill s"L of all arro7nts „aVable
to said City under sa'u conomct A sale to e7cchue, attest,
seal am deliver to sa "d nurc user a c 10creis deed -f salci
rarce L of real cro, erty, so oa lu in "all, to said - rrc, aser.
aiyt: . _faL t e slid of said -ma_ aser, _elelna,iove
refolred to, m "lcced on File in one of_ice of t] e ?it- w1er-
or saic di ty, and t -o sali ,old and said " of ice _o. olve of
Tntcros "on to Sol City of sl be -undo �imca - eul w ra crcy, and
nvi_t n, ACs or 'f_'ers Vcrcfor. ", are •oreb•- refor_ed to and
by this reference =ressl: :ncornoraceu ,sere =n a-nu aue a
part : ercoi .
uev6A 1: 2ha t Lie city olcrk s' all certl.f l to u -e
_assn -c and n4ont -on
ari _na1 of tf_e sa-e
said Cit,, of El ic,a
a -u acoption tr"w eoi
G_ uy Co jr-cil of said
at w1 jcr tPe sane is
of t_is res.lot:on; s-ail co se u^e
to e ei tevea in the book of resol n- a,s of
iuo, anu s "all Yale a minute of t o vassa e
in c e records of the nraoeeain s of the
City, in t „e vinvces of t._e ueetinz
passed and auof,ted.
rased, annroveu anu aGonted t -s 21st da; of
a• or PRA TEM
of t e C_t1 of L1 SE, lido, Cal fornia.
_ty Cler'� �•
,-,A - _2 CA_! '� -, TA
CL ,r, Z" A -�i, S )
C 1
?, ':L r, J : D. : C ;A , C1 t' Cler1, of ti,e Cit of El
Se undo, hereby certif�> t, at t_ o lore oin' resol��t.� on eras
adoftcd a, ti_e Cou_ ci 1 ai z;'-,e t-- of L1 Le ��ndo, s_,- aea b--
t,-o a,-or a_nd acbested b, t_e C1 to Clerl, at a ,e, iiu, >eetin,-
uiier_DZ -eW on une 21st day of 'are' -, 1Dz15.
tat a resolution eras acloutcd by z,e follow -n';
A`, a: Co, 1rcih- -on: �:-9sPr, SPlty, SkFl,Av �nl Lavor fro tem
P-tp ^son.
S: Conuicili-en: Nore.
Cj,nc_71, en: None.
-GTP --
ity C1er:r oCt of
rl Se do, Cal`form a.