'� q46
„ ,,•- Cat �_i' -- ,,.�,
.L 'f1L�4i, a yi. J
x:3 -1 r�l• larnla> ro rare
of �� a ce�tieral co,�p� sale r,_�t` to
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t`zt'ed of Ua� a sa estaalicneap
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Sa= 6 sell rctice �r necL
to aid - ao id
SOW cn K;' - cl s �l S6 Na
oareels, Cit�J o- Syid
deed�zl to Sell , ,erEfOr' ' ss�les
ca %u T -e t- en Lars _Y al sn it e
n� f er d
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720erl,�� tiara �s locate
�, j, • c lar 18�,vC1,
CO- ' ,e Matt- .n Como;; ;,f
,t ; at 1 s S a e
1` ana the sa e t e�'e -tos etc,'
resol „t; on
O ag fQ� -�-�' Se yy1�1CS0
.,E "J ig oT.-1 d �
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Cal fo' Feet o f ,UPS$
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roo' 2d' P� ,rene',na-ter
aS ,per - th, ei
2 snit
eies Cc, ^,t5• d of L.atl� ran �_,ae' 01 gc.�toaly de
Az�� ti.e 1 ;d wntS case recelF
�eGOrd, ll a� n.,rc sse sa_ 7� J•Ca�
.rc..aser, to e Svx� of
U' fOx �.
ed tt e $c ,a, o0
of �'” ^'
of wl, *,c>, is hereb acl-nowlea ed, be and t �e sa.-,e is ,,ereb, accepted.
'jL,ird: Z at t .e said acceptance of sa: d 'c.Lu and t e sale
e,c'n _aae b,r vi a le of u, is acceptance tI e�,cof are so accepted
and rune s- -j ect to e,-ie ter,rs anu condit ,ls of said "� uLce -o.
'rive of incca _o to bell Citl of E1 �vned = eal rro_ ert„
and _Lr- vi,,in,, -:i(is or Offers f'nerefor."
Wonrtii: 'That 'u-'-e T a:Tor of t..e Cit? of Ll oe -undo is i,ereby
a>>trori_zed and Jnsbr-cted to exec,ite, in t ,e iaa,ie of saia City and
on jts bcnalf, a q )itclaira geed -,f saia real rro_ erty to said
rc_iaser, and t're City Cler;; is : erer a orized and insaracted
to attest tt,e same a -id affix t1 e corr,orace seal of said Cit,, trereto,
and to aeliver said deed to sa LC arc ,aser rron receirt by said
Clerk for said City of said Lull oarc� lase price.
fifth; hat the bid of Baia _urc':ascr, 'rereinaoove referred
to be placed on f-Ile in tee of'ice of ti-E3 Cit-., Clerl- of said Cit„
ai!a sa'd b16. aru sale, "1 -otice _ -o. Five of Intent] on to Sell City
of L1 Se- 1n6o Olaned heal Lvoperuy, and lnvicin• ZTc,s or P12-e -s
_'herefor. ", are hereby referred to ana by this e_- erence expressly
inccr, orated 1--erein and made a Dart nereef.
Sistl-: What t',e Cit-v Clerl, 31,ail certify to u1_e assa e
anu adcmt_on of t'-is resol,tion; stialL ca-Ise t e or], final of the
sac.e to be e.itered in tl,,e book of resol -t ons of salu City of El
de°unda, and shall r,.a'. e a n_,_n»te of e passa e and aaopt' on t e, eof
in t, e records of t, e .�roceeain -s of t ^e ',It,- Con cil of sala City,
In t e �inuucs cf the c,eetLn, at v�'c9ch H sa.�ie is nassea and
iassed, anoroved anu ano�,ted t-is 7111 day of ; arcr, 1v45.
ny'�le City of El Se-ando, -
9 2 CA,_ _ A )
D �i )
7_C"'_I� G. 1C CA -E- CitJ Cler'- of -pie Cit of
1 ae, and., `_erea� cerc t, at t e _ore-oln- resol it � o-i ia. s
aco -,ced b L e Coll lc!i of tre Cit; of 21 Se- u.�.do, sl•ncd by
pro tPm
t,,6 _ a- ,-or/anu at vested by t ',_e Clor' at a vc- jLar �ees_n
c oi,c,,f = eld on i,L e 7cn ,,f arc i, 1.Z15.
l',-,at saic. resort --on as auouted
by t.e :ol]o *yin, vo6e:
A -a: Co,�,cililen: Hesser, Selby, Skelley and Mayor pro tem
_._S: Co ^ncIlmen: none.
tl Si., is CO. °nciln-en: Pi -,ayor L ve (deceased).
®rl-0" t� a�-�tc o
El Se"indo, California.