CC RESOLUTION 722r 22 /cu i i'_s'JL 121 V iL , i� 1I __1, V Psi U", ,mot. 1 - _ iv Coo _1D 02 _...,.i.r'..'1 h. A_ L V. ., -1S e3 E, As N!, C rLid it _ N!1 W a.ij, r,3 G: _ 1L 'L.AL z: '2 i.A= t1,e City of El Seaando, California, has hereto- fore institawed and is now orosecutfn a general co_preye._sive pro�rc� for t,e restoration of tax deeded tropertles within said Cit; to a tax payin, basis; A_D ­__CAS, p"rsuant to sal? nrocec -re as so estaollshed, said Council has caked to be ;,given and i>»Mo—ed a notice of intention to sell the intevost of saia City in certain of such tax aecLK farcels, vvl ch said notice is des! "nate6 as "'Vice :o. live of Intent`on to Neil City of hl Segun ?o vwnea Keal rroherty, and Invitin7 aids or Offers lhcrefor. ", and which said notice was auly published in the El ae„undo r_erald in the issues of iarc', 23rd, iarch 3Oth ana April Gth, 1044; Ai L v'_ nPEAS, responsive to said notice the bid hereinafter descrioed was filer, and has been dull- consiaereu bD this Council; A.�J, .�_:e= �LlaS, this Council 1-as reached a decision with reference to zne sale of saia property; "1WI 1_ :'Ll�'' , E 11 1AULJill SY 11 CITY CG' CiL C „ Cl'_',- '7 _ EL SLY , il_, as follows: Vrst: '_ ".gat cl.e zart_calar _-roferty which is toe s"bject of this hesolou:on anc, the sale Ll ^,rein conterplated, is locate? In tree C14 of Si no- Un_ao, County of Los An,eles, State of ;alifornia, and is aescribed as follows, to -wit: Lot 20, :'lock 7, in El Se;undo Tract, as per r-ap recorGed in Rook 1 6, a e 0 of . ans, records of Los Ar_,eles County. Second: Nat the bid of E nett 1. stano and _'Dances tiT. Stump, ifs wife, as joint tenants, nereina2ter calico the ppochasers, to jurcrase said property by quitclaim deed from the City of 1. El neLanao for t_ e snm of pl2b.00 cash. 10 rd: W the said acceptance of saja bit and we sale _ereln .,ate o;; virtue of twis accentanec trereof are so accepted aw nwe swo,lect to the terms ane condit' ors of said "i otice -o. Ave of intent: or to Ali City, of B1 _,eAundo unned Keel rro_erty, ano �Vltln_ ,ios or tflerz Aefefor." Fonrtl.: ghat the ayor of tie City Of El be „ttndo is _ ereby antl orf zet and instr-ctec to exec te, In tqe nape of said GO; anc, on its icenalf, a czitc�afn reed of said real :roterty to saia gust asers, ant. the Citj Ule& ]s ereUy aotyprized and instr�cteu to attest txe sere and afC x t"e cor^oratc seal of said City t ereto, aw to deliver sal G. deed to said I)rc asers v;w receipt o- said Clerk for laic City of said full rrrV ase trice. MAP: 'That the bN of said tgrc, asers, ercinabove referre_ to oe placeu on file in t _e office of tPe My Clerk of sa_ta City, end said blo an6 saA "I ot_ce .n. Five of late_ &on to cell Gity of Ll be, mnvo Used ..eal Yro_ ergs, ena nvltin` ios or Mers lgerefore. ", aie hereby Peferiee to ana ny this rVerence exuresol- 1nowg3ratce : aroiIl ano -aoe a gait "ereol. 3inth: !hat the City Clerk snail certify to the passa_-e ant adoption of this resolrtion; Oaf] cause tre ord,'nal of t, c sane to be cnte_eu in the book of resol-tions of said City of hl Sejundo, and shall make a minute of the hassa,e ann atopt on trereof in the recoms of the proceeo'njs of toe Cit„ Coanc:l of said City, In tie ,.mutes of t_Ie I eetfr_, at ti hicn t "e sane is passea and adopted. Massed, approved and ado= ted this 17th day- of _,_ay, 1 jq . 2. 1 - �D ayor of` he Li « of hi Sejundo, California. i' o A 1, S S i D. i eCA tl� i Git'r Gam; ri•' c! Lire Uit-T of nl Sep 1nUO, I:ereoy certify ti_Aat tie forer;oinF, resolotuon vras a6o -,ted by t:Le Council of Lile Cit},/ of El = %e- unc.o, si_-neu p., vt c za;or and attested o; t_,.e Cii,y Clerl- at a re,Tul.qr : eetii,- ca ereof .teld on the 17th uay of _ ay, 1944. ghat said resolat'_on was 'C'do ^tcd b" ct E follow vote; CoQnc-- *1'_EI! ; He5ser, icterson, Leib`/, Sk clle -,, and Love. One A one i£ ler;c of the ity of J l h1 S ©,�,undJ,'ali�ornua. J•