CC RESOLUTION 721H SULi'1l_Ol� ,,0. 721
p l' /` I 1 C T 1 /
hLUQLC'11.� =� Jl+ 'i �_� CIlY �„L'.�iC_L Cr' i'_�
GA3i_ i;l Ur' Lo ti. 1'T— , bar CLkVUIP CITY
the City of LI oe,,tando, California, r_as
heretofore instituted a_ad is now orosec ztln�, a `;eneval comprehensive
pro�,ram for tine restoration of tax deeded pronerties wfttriiri said
City to a tax paying basis;
A_iD 'e "a1� IL'A�, pursuant to said proeed�lre as so
established, said Council has caused to be liven and published a
notice of intention to sell the interest of said City in certain
of such tax deeded parcels, whlcn said notice is designated as
"-otice .o. ?ive of Intention to Sell City of El oe;;undo Owned
eal rronerty, and Invitin'- _lids or Offers llerefor. ", and which
aici notice ,ias duly nliblished in the El 6e,,undo Ierald in the
iss,,e(z of .,.arcx-, 23rd, : arch CUth an(. Argil 6th, 1,,)4,1;
A�.L' responsive to said notice the bid nerein-
after described was filed, anc nas been duly considerea by this
AJD, E'rbAa, this Council has reac'_ed a declsion witl.
reference to the sale of sa a property;
i 'l'4, C,_EI E O,th, Ir' -- CTPY C,v- I'C1L CF
ZT 1, CI'T'Y G & EL 6hG �.�il0, as follows;
First; That the particular property which is the subject
of this Hesol�tion and the sale therein contemplated, is located
in 'U're Cit, of v1 6e undo, County -,f Los Angeles, Ctate of
California, ann is described as follows, to -wit;
Lot 6, Dlocl, 44, in i%1 Segtmdo Tract, as
per man recorded in ,Took 20, pa,'es 22 -23
of "acs, records of Los Anr*cics County.
Second; That t'r.e bid of L'en tj. Tubbs, hereinafter
called t,ie purciia6er, to purchase said property by quitclaim deed
from the City of 1,1 Segundo for the sun: of .,,165.00 cash, receipt
of which is hereby acKnowledded, and all other bids for said
property, or any part ti,ereof, are hereoy rejected,
rd; Tha., toe said acceptance o, said old ano t,:e
sale nereln made by virtue of this acceptance tcercof are so
accepted and fade s»bject to the tears ana conditlons of said
". otice ..o. i*ive Df Intention to )ell City of Fl Sc,,undo Owned Real
iropert, -, and lnvitin_; maids or �- ,,ers '231erefor."
Fourth; That ti,e . a-;or of ti_�e City cf El Se,,undo is
hereby authorized and instr -cted to execute, _n the name Of said
City and on its behalf, a quitclair,_ deed of said real property
to said purchaser, and the City* Clerk is hereby authorized and
instructed to attest the satie and affix the corporate seal of said
Cit} thereto, and to dei5ver saia deed to said = ,nrclaser upon
receipt by saia Clerk for said City of said full ,purchase price.
Fifth; That the bid of said purchaser, hereinabove
referrea to be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk
of saia City, and saic bid and said ",,otice io. Five of Intention
to Sell City of E1 Seltizndo Owned Real rroperty, am Invitin5
ids or Offers 'therefore. ", are hereby referrea to and by this
reference expressly incorporatea herein and mace a ,art hereof.
Sixth; That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage
and adoption of this resoli,tlon; shall ca,lse the orj „final of the
same to be entered in the book of resoi- bons of said Cit- of
El Se`undo, and shall male a riinute of ti -e r,assaLe ar_d adoption
tlereof in t_,e records of t -le proceedin��s of the City Council
of Sala Cit„ in tr_e minutes of t,--e zieetini at w',ich the same
is Massed and adopt&].
Passed, approved and adopted this 17th day of L,ay, 1944.
ago e ty� t E be�unao;
LA )
01F2i �,L 6_,G7
1, ZTC' 0_1; D. i_C City Clerlc of the City of
bl Sesundo, ..ereby certify- t--at t -e fore-;oin, resoi-t:or_ was
adonted by t " ^e Council of tLe City of L1 oe i-indo, siL ned by
tt?e _.a;;or and attested by the dity Clork at a re.,ular meetinC
tnercof zeld on tl�e 17tn oa -r of ,ay, 1� .
"'hat said resol*ntlon was adopter by the following; vote:
Councilmen: Hesser, reterson, Selby,Sk,;liey, and Love.
A ;0.,'1 : one
(Se,AL) • _ _
City C7undo of tl^ C' _
F.1 Sep undo, California.