CC RESOLUTION 717RESOLITTIO;; NO. 717 1EISOL:;TION OF THE CITTi COUNCIL OF TFE CITY OF EL S''G�J:J�O, CALIFOZNIA, ACCr�LITTIdG TLE CASH 31D OF ED4rA�tD ELSvd, FCR CERTAI ; C 1TY O'W1 -;':D RLAL f:;0: ERTY. INIBRLAS, the City of El Segundo, California, has hereto- fore instituted and is now prosecutin a general comprehensive pro - f,ra7;, for the restoration of tax deeded properties within said City to a tax payin_- basis; A':D ':1' EHLAS, pvrsi,ant to said proced, ire as so established, said Council has caused to be riven and - Tiblished a notice of inten- tion to sell the interest of said City= in certain of such tax deeded parcels, which said notice is desi,nated as "Notice r;o. Five of Intention to well City of B1 5e,-,undo Owned Real Froperty, and lnvit- inL _i6s or Offers Therefor. ", and which said notice was dilly pub- lished in Lhe El Segundo herald in the issues of ::arch 23rd, :,_arch 30th and April 6th, 1944; AI,D 'I:EHEA, responsive to said notice Lhe bid 'hereinafter describea was filed, and has been duly considered by this Council; A_. L', C,I'�tc�AS, this Council has reached a decision with reference to the sale of said property; NCVd, TIEPiRLFORE, 3L IT FESCLVED hz i':_E: CITY COUNCIL OF `iT,E CITY OF L SEGUIMO, as follows; First; That the particular property which is the subject of this Resolutjon and the sale therein contemplated, is located in the City of �l 6e.-undo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, and is described as follows, to -wit; The :orth 40 feet of the South 80 feet of Lot 6, :lock 106, in E1 Se�­nndo Tract, in the City of E1 Se,-undo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as per map recorded in :cook 20, pages 22 -23 of Plaps, records of Los An;;eles County. Second; That the bia of Edward klsen and Sina J. Llsen, his wife, as joint tenants, hereinafter called the purchasers, to purchase said property by ouitclaim deed from the City of E1 Segundo -1- for the stun of s130,Xcash, be and the same is hereby accepted and all other bids for said property, or any part thereof, are hereby rejected. Third: That the said acceptance of said bid and the sale herein made by virtue of this acceptance thereof are so accepted and made subject to the terms and conditions of said °.notice wo. Five of Intention to Sell City of L1 Se ;,_undo Owned Real Property, and lnvicinl-, „ids or Offers Therefor." Fourth: Ti at the ,•_ayor of the City of Ll Se.-undo is hereby autnorized and instructed to execute, in the naive of said City and on its behalf, a quitclaim deed of said real property to said pur- chaser, ana tlrle City Clork is hereby authorized and instr > >cted to attest the same and affix the corporate seal of said City thereto, and to deliver said deed to said purchaser upon receipt by said Clerk for said City of said full purchase price. Fifth: That the bid of said purchaser, hereinabove referred to be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City, and said bid and said "Votice No. Five of Intention to Sell City of El Se,-,undo Owned Heal Property, and Snvitinj, aids or Offers Therefore." are hereby referred to and by this reference expressly incorporated herein and made a part hereof. Sixth: That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution; shall cause the ori6inal of the same to be entered in the book of resolutions of said City of E1 SeE,,nndo, and shall make a minute of the passa,-e and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the mi_nates of the meetin;, at which the same is passed and adopted. Passed, approved and adopted this 19th day* of April, 19_4. Mayor of t1i e t of E1 Ss ru ,'Calif. ATT ST: City Clerk. -2- STATE OF CALINORDIA } COU�= OF LOS ALGELYS ) SS i CITY OF EL SECMDO ) I, VICTOR D. leGARTEY, City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, hereby certify that the foreZoing resolution was adopted by the Council of the City of E1 aeLundo, signed by the Liayor and attested by the City Clerk at a regular meeting; thereof held on the 19th day of April, 1944. That said resolution was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Hessen Peterson, Selby,Skelley, and Love. ROES: Done AMM: tone (SEAL) o,