CC RESOLUTION 703H-E60Lr- 111IC_ _ C'. 703
3._S�L! J?C_ T� E CI�V Ceti'_ ^1L, CIY EL S�� T�7�G, CALL�GI 'A,
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�.'A.. �_,:,i)„ i� i -i. C;,�i. i' '1 f�X C.'�.j ".C'f; , "�; - = -" _ iCC, A' Cy_� S,
AST- _C�,I_ i.'E !3,J A C- ,i A'„..1._A'T 3 -I T: !' iAllL_T T. ;_�`�C1^
The City Counc'1 of c, ^_e C't�- of El Se ,1ndo, California,
does - ereb- resolve, ceclare and determine, as folloo.,s:
SECTICLI l: TEAT the Cit-- of l Se °undo, Cali1'ornla, noes
'rereb-,- eyercise option a- rcenont to nurcnase tax deeas frorr the oount�,
Tax Collector, County of Los Anreles, on the - ,erein"iter �,escr) bed
parcels of pro,,crty, and for the >urcfase Trice inc, i cnted of ucr the
descritpcion of sale, rarcels. Tie rrorertieo are all incli,aed an
oution a -rce. ent 1,0. 160):
Lot L-lock Tract Arlotmt
2 4 E1 oe -,undo Tract 21.54
17 7 u it 11 29.7E
7 16 f1 " " 51.77
5 1S if " " 56.59
9 22 it It 11 130.09
16 al if 11 It 26.E2
17 41 If 11 " 26.E2
25 07 11 11 11 35.31
35 61 it if " 20.00
6 (S 461 of i 141') 96 It if u 32.P,2
6 (I, 401 of S 1201) 97 If it If 33.76
1 - 2111 15.36
2 - 2111 15.36
3 - 2111 15.60
-'EC,iI01i 2: T-1 A'2 a warrant is hereby author °zcc anc
d._rected to be dramn on the _eneral P,na of said city for L)7e purpose
of n�i-Tic',asin,_ the tax deea to the above descrioeo orcels of r_voncrty,
in u.-.e ar�ollnt of ,511.62, payable to 1�. L. i:7ram, County lax Collector
of Los An-cles Covnty, Californ'a, said warrant to De cclivcred to
John r'. - en „er, S eciai City AtLorne� -.
SECIIC,d 3: Y - -Iat John ender, Gity !attorney, is
hereu-r sachorizec and c;_reetod to deliver sai(, ut,,rrant to L. L. l'- ,,rac,
said Co,'U-y 'cax - ollector, County of Los An,�el�s, and ,o 3otain iiCr_
oaic ro,nt, 22. Collector, o-ly e3_ecuted cecd tc) saic above described
parcels of prorert;.
a =CiIOi 4: 1'1_at a dnlv cert9f3ed coNy of this resol,luion
is to be delivereu TO t "�_e C.t, _rreca .s�rer of %he City,- of =1 �e undo.
.'his 16th dad- of b'ebri-ary, 1944.
syor o e CrEy of e ;I "ndo,
SYaTE C2 CA I & C1ialA )
CCJi:'1Y C1' LOS A. Gr.LLS ) SS
Cl'1R_ OF ':.L S I-T'NDO
CC AF", T-/ Cit;r Clerl of the City of it "ernndo,
Cal`_sovnia, do hereby cert -*fy that the whole nur ber of ,ie -iocrs oi' the
Cit-,° Council of the City is five; that the fore ; oin - resoh'tion, bean-
Resol -tion iro. 703, vras passed and adopted by the said Ciz Cou�icil,
ar,-roved and s:_ned by the _ayor of said City and attested by the
Cit;r Cler:_ of said City, all at a r= ,ular rreetin- of said Co+)ncil and
adopted by the follov✓9r- vote, to -vait:
A ES: Councilmen Hesser, Peterson, Selb-, Skelley and
il,ayor Love.
Councilmen None
A-- U�_ 1 . m
°' Coicilrien None.