CC RESOLUTION 634RESOLU2101; 1,0. 634
MESOLL"1'IOie CD' '21-111 CIiY C.Ji,CIL OF TH:] CIYY
OF EL SEGLC:DJ, C Llr'Oh,. 1'�, ACC:E,'1'I. G TI_r
CErt'r'f'.Lt Cl'i7Y O''d-.ia l:i:)I:_'itTY.
the City of El Segundo, California, has heretofore
instituted and is now prosecuting a general comprehensive pro -
.rar: for the restoration of tax deeded properties within said
City to a tax iayin.,; basis;
A1.D, -E-E;.EAS, pursuant to said procedure as so established
said Cou cil has caused to be j;iven and published a notice of
intention to sell the interest of said City in certain of such
tax deeded parcels, whic'_i said notice is designated as "Lotice
ro. One of Intention to Sell City of El Segundo Dined Real
rroperty, and Inviting Yids or Offers Therefor. ", and which
said notice vias duly published in the El Segundo Herald in the
issues of Au,,ust 27th, September 3rd and September 10th, 1942;
A_., :.L� Z',S, responsive to said notice the bid herein-
after specifically mentioned for the property hereinafter des-
cribed vms filed, and has been duly considered by this Council;
A-�,-D, `:t E'_ ?I jS, this Council has reached a decision with
reference to the sale of said property;
iIE I'i _:LS�LtihD, by the City Council of
the City of El Segundo, California, as follows:
r'irst: That the particular property whicl, is the subject
of this resolution and the sale therein contemplated, is located
in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of
California, and is described as follows, to -wit:
Lot 8, 31ock 43, in El Se .-undo, as per Look 200
°ages 22 -23 Of raps Records of Los Angeles
Second: That the bid of Christ i�lbert, a married man,
hereinafter called the purchaser, dated the 21st day of
September, 1942, to purchase said property by ouitclaim deed
from the City of E1 Segundo for the sum of ;,140.00, payable
in installments within the time and u,Don the terms and con -
c.itions hereinafter stated, be and the same is hereby' accented
and all other bids on said property, or any part thereof, are
hereby rejected.
Third; That the said acceptance of said bid and the
sale herein made by virtue of this acceptance thereof are so
accented and made subject to the follo:vinS coni:itions;
1. The terms and conditions of said "11otice Ko.
One of Intention to Sell City of E1 Segundo Owned Leal 1rop-
erty, and lnvitin,7 Dids or Offers Zherefor. ";
N. That the said purchase rrice for said real prop-
erty to be so conveyed as above stated is payable and shall be
paid as follows: ,35.00 upon execution and delivers= of the
contract of sale hereinafter referred to and the balance of
said purchase >rice, to-ether with interest on the unpaid
principal amount at the rate of r/;, per annurz from date of said
contract of sale, principal and interest payable in install-
ments as follows; $10.00 per month beginninU on the 23rd day
of October, 1942, to- ether with interest on the unpaid balance
of such principal stu^ from the last installment date, until
paid in full.
,Fourth; That the purchaser, vrithin ten days from and
after written notice of the acceptance of his said bid hereby
made, to;etner with notice that the said contract of sale
has been nrepored and is ready to be executed, small execute
and deliver the recuired contract of sale containin,7 the pro-
visions in respect to payrient as above set out, and containing;
the further usual provisions included in the usual form
of a�ree.,:ent of sale and purchase as printed by the title
companies in Los l,nteles County, and approved by the City
Ittorney or Special City ttorney, and that if such pur-
chaser fails so to do, then and in that event the said City,
at the option of the City Cow -icil thereof,sh{all be relieved
of its obligation to enter into said contract of sale an(a
to convey hereunder, and the amounts theretofore naid or
cepooited on said property or with said bid, shall be for-
feited to said City as full and licuidated damages and said
City shall thereupon be free, without liability to said
s>>ccessful bidder, to sell said property to any other pur-
Fifth; That the ,ayor of the City of El Segundo is
hereby authorized and instructed to execute in the name of
said City and on its behalf the said contract of sale in form
approved as aforesaid, and t're City Clerk is hereby authorized
and -instructed to attest the same and affix the corporate seal
of said City thereto and to deliver GaM contract of sale to
said purchaser upon receipt by said Clerk for said City of said
initial payment of % %35.00, and the delivery to said City Clerk
for said City of a like duplicate of said Contract of Sale
executed by said purchaser; and that the said :.ayor and City
Clerk are hereby further authorized and instructed, anon the
ppy�-,lent to said City of the full sum of all amounts payable
to said City under said contract of sale to execute, attest,
seal acid deliver to Gain purchaser a quitclaim deed of said parcel
of real pr -)perty, so paid in full, to said purchaser.
Sixth: That the bid of said purchaser, Y_ereinabove referred
to, be placed or. file in the office of the City Clerk of said
City, and the laic bid and said "l�-otice lio. one of Intention to
Sell City of El SeGundo Owned Real roperty, and _nvitint;
--,ids or offers Therefor.", are hereby referred to and by
this reference expressly incorporated herein and made a
part hereof.
Seventh; That the City Clerk shall certify to the
passaEle and adoption of this resolution; shall cause ti:e
on .-final of the same to be entered in the book of resolutions
of said City of yl Se.-undo, and shall make a minute of the
passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedinEs
of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meet -
in,, at which the same is passed and adopted.
!eased, aplroved and adopted this 33rd day of September,
_.ayor of t°ne City of hl Se3undo,
I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo,
California, do hereby certify trat the whole number of members of
the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing resolution,
being Resolution No. 634, was passed and adopted oy the said City
Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City and atterted
by the City Clerk of said City, all at a re,;ular meatinC, of the said
Council held on he 23rd day of 5er;uember, A. D., 1942, and teat
the surge was passed .nd adopted by ,ue fellovring vote, „o —wit:
�Y 5: Councilmen Gerow, Messer, Peterson, Selby and Mayor Love;
NOES: Councilmen None;
ABSENT: Councilmen None.
City Clergy, of the Cr of /"
E1 Segundo, California.